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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Wts or street vendors + 4 more


Wts or street vendors


These days many Wts posted are heavily involved in doing business. They earn money for their survival and for their different projects; plus, they have to pay a mafia tax to their supervisors etc to keep in "good standing" with their bosses.

So they have various financial demands. And these demands, which include maintaining AMPS social service projects, are met increasingly through their various businesses.

As an organisation and Ananda Marga family, we have to carefully evaluate how sustainable this approach is, and how far it supports the well-being of our Wts.

As one indulges so one becomes

Here are some of the tragic and harmful consequences:
A) When those Wts are transferred, then their projects - which they were feeding by their own business ventures - collapse.
B) Even worse is that many of the acaryas engrossed in business ventures lose their inspiration and spiritual vitality. These acaryas spend a lot of time in mundane affairs to earn money. While they struggle in following 16 points etc because they are constantly thinking about business and money; so their mind gets degenerated.

There are so many examples of Wts who fell in this way. But I think that those who are senior margiis are well aware about this. The overall effect is that our respected acaryas become overpowered by negative microvita. A particular microvita takes influence on the human mind when the mind begins to degenerate. This causes the mind to satisfy itself by compromising with ideology and adopt a more selfish approach.

Ananda Marga teachings guide us, "Microvita exerts greater influence on the mind than on the body...They (yaksa microvita) advise human beings, "Practice dharma sa'dhana' as and where you are. Continue it in perfect adjustment with everything."  That is, they advise a kind of selfish adjustment." (1)

In result, so many WTs who were involved in serious business affairs have left their acaryaship, and nowadays they are living a degenerated life.

Some engaged in tamasik business

Unfortunately, when our acaryas were earning money by different businesses and feeding their own projects, they never thought that their fate would be like this. But slowly over time our workers became more and more degenerated and ultimately lost all interest in spiritual life.

For example, initially those well-intentioned Wts thought they should involve in selling jewelry, various goods and clothes, garments for the opposite sex, soda, water and other foods and company products. In an attempt to build their business, they promoted their merchandise on beaches, or at nude, pseudo-culture gatherings. Such Wts end up justifying and convincing themselves that, "This way we have to adjust, earn money, and do Baba's work." In the face of all this, their mind became degenerated.

This is the sad state of affairs: When the human mind is exposed to degrading activities then the outcome is not good. Yet that is what has happened with numerous Wts. That is the trend. In this way those Wts get trapped and their mental flow is adversely affected. These acaryas forget the Goal - and became engrossed in avidya maya. Yet as they get more drowned in this they convince themselves (i.e. self-cheating) that they are just doing objective adjustment - i.e. compromising with ideological standards for earning money. But this is a fake and bogus way of objective adjustment.

As every margii knows, the real definition of objective adjustment is to adjust your material surroundings to the spiritual goal. So the spiritual goal remains fixed. That is the proper way. But some Wts, in their confused state, compromise with the ideological standard of Ananda Marga teachings for mundane gain. In this backwards approach, they stay in five-star hotels, take baths in swimming pools with other nude or semi-nude people of the opposite sex, and go to nude beaches and nightclubs to sell vegetarian food. Such degrading tactics these acaryas do in the name of  "objective adjustment".

When mind gets degenerated then what

Side by side, various Wt Didis keep long hair, go to different beauty parlors, and use all sorts of cosmetic makeup on their faces etc. It is sad to see the situation and current state of affairs. In the name of objective adjustment, our various acaryas are cheating themselves and getting involved in lowly business activities, 24 hours. Unfortunately, they pass their time thinking about selling their merchandise etc, and their sadhana and asanas become zero.

In such a condition, earning money becomes the primary goal, and Parama Purusa becomes secondary. In that degenerate state, they lose the path and become microvita yaksa. It is a tragic and horrible outcome. Any Wt who begins to compromise in this way suffers and faces degeneration. Inevitably, in due course they succumb to dirty sexual relations etc.

This situation is alarming. So everyone should be careful and strictly adhere to the path of dharma and achieve the Goal - Parama Purusa. Human life is very rare. The aim of life is to attain Parama Purusa. And eternal peace will be achieved at His feet. There is no other way. Only Parama Purusa is the supreme and eternal shelter. One should only take refuge in Him, not anything mundane.

Bad company: Even a saintly person will degrade

Ananda Marga philosophy states, ”Those who are born with fairly healthy bodies and minds, who do not lack knowledge of morality or live an undisciplined social life, or who have not become dishonest as a result of circumstantial pressure, often unwittingly take to the path of dishonesty because they keep bad company. Perhaps as many as ninety-nine per cent of people talk about themselves in the following way: “I do not need to bother about the company I keep, as long as I am good myself. I can remain good in all types of company. I am old enough to understand the difference between good and bad.” In other words, such people do not like to think, or rather feel piqued at the thought, that somebody should try to dissuade them from keeping bad company. Especially if a less-educated person advises a more highly-educated person to avoid bad company, that person will do it all the more. In society people who regard themselves as superior in status, wealth or education generally believe that it is entirely unwarranted for others to give them advice. That is why an educated but wayward son often disregards the good advice of his parents.” (2)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The natural characteristics of the human mind, however, tell a different story than what that ninety-nine percent think. A person of any age between seven and seventy is invariably influenced by the company he or she keeps. In other words, where goodness is predominant, bad people will slowly but surely become good, and where the opposite is the case, good people will become bad. Even a saintly person will go astray after a few days of close association with bad people.” (3)

Some may turn into yaks'a microvita

Some Wts who meet their fate due to over-involvement in business affairs.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Those who were decent human beings and deeply spiritual, and used to collect money for a noble cause, but in the process of fund raising forgot Parama Purus'a and attached greater importance to their fund raising at the cost of Parama Purus'a -- that is, they remembered Parama Purus'a as part of dharma sa'dhana' and collected money for a great cause, and although Parama Purus'a was the goal collecting money became the dominant desire -- they attain the state of yaks'a devayonii after their demise." (4)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those who constantly think about rupees or dollars attain a kind of sama'dhi, too, for they become completely identified with their crude object of attraction. If such people incur heavy losses due to the collapse of their business or bank, they will die an instant death, for the pillars on which their life was built crumbled beneath them. So, once they lost their wealth, they lost their lives too." (5)

Donations will come pouring in

To run successful Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) service projects in any area:
(a) Both local margiis and Lfts should support and be actively engaged in that project. Our Wts are to supervise but not become overly engrossed in the daily operation of those projects.
(b) The accounting should be verified by a CPA (certified public accountant), and the annual report should be put on-line. With this transparency, the donations will come pouring in. There will not be any dearth of funds. Remember, there are so many who are searching for good service organisations to support.

If the above two points are strictly followed, then our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha service projects will be long lasting and truly help those in need.

in Him,
(Leanne Burgess)

Note 1: Why not whole life in one place

Some advise that Wts should stay in the same posting and location for ages and ages. They wrongly think that by this way those workers will be able to accomplish a lot. And, after all, this is what some religions do etc. But such an approach runs wholly counter to our AM conduct rules and the spirit of Wt life. We have seen again and again that when any worker stays in the same place they get degenerated. They become involved in all kinds of vices, stagnancy sets in, and all dynamicity is lost.

Note 2: Who is Wt

All know that a Wt means wholetimer dedicated worker - male and female, i.e. Dadas and Didis. Furthermore in this letter the term acarya is used to represent both male and female Wts.

1. Microvita in a Nutshell, Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B
2. Human Society - 1, Justice
3. Human Society - 1, Justice
4. Microvita in a Nutshell, Disembodied Souls and Microvita – Excerpt B
5. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 6, Ekendriya – 7

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

See what You have done to me

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.

"Jaŕiye áchi dekho prabhu, mahámáyár jále, tumi, e kii karile..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0855)


My Parama Purusa, I am bound by the serpentine noose of Your mahamaya. See what You have done to me. Please look at me. What type of liila are You playing? I am shackled by greed, vanity, and ego etc. Now tell me, in what way should I fight back against this cosmic maya. How will one ordinary human being encounter the tidal waves of Your avidya maya, which is insurmountable by any ordinary person. Please tell me.

Baba, I am a small particle of Yours; my existence is very little and meagre. And You are vast, infinite, and ever-new. Behind the curtain, invisible to anybody, You go on playing Your ever-unfolding liila. Now look what You have done to me: I am bound by the noose of Your mahamaya. Baba, when a wee-bit of Your grace shall shower on me, then only my ocean of bad or good samskara can be crossed. Then, my entire being will shine in Your divine refulgence with the exuberance of victory. Without Your grace, I will not be able to cross this sea of my reactive momenta. So, please shower Your causeless krpa.

Baba, my Parama Purusa, I want neither money, nor wealth, nor power and position, nor mundane pleasure, nor any worldly things from You. Those things are transitory and fleeting. Today they are, and tomorrow they will no longer remain. Only I want to see Your blissful face, with that sweet and attractive charm. Baba, after ignoring all my demerits, blunders, and mistakes, please come close to me with a sweet smile and make my life successful.

Baba, I am bound by the noose of mahamaya. Without Your mercy, I cannot be emancipated...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #0855:

[1] What is Máhámáyá: 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Máhámáyá. The Máyá, with the help of which the Lord has expressed Himself in the form of this world, the Lord has created this world of diversities, is called Máhámáyá. Externally Máhámáyá, and internally you also can create the reflections of this external world. Externally you have seen something relishing, internally in your mind you will create it. Externally you came in contact with Rasagolla and internally you will also create the Rasagolla and where is that Rasagolla internally? Externally you have seen a Rájá, internally you yourself become a Ŕajá and enjoy that position. Internally you do like this. Certainly, so this internal reflection of the Máhámáyámic externality is done by you. Do you follow? This internal creation of yours is a reflection of the external world, as an external projection of this external physicality is done by your Máyá and that individual Máyá of yours is called Ańumáyá. So you see that Máyá in a particular phase is Viśńumáyá. In another phase Yogamáyá, in another phase Máhámáyá.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha -18, The Stance of Salvation and How to Attain It

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Operating factors behind dreams

Ananda Marga ideology states, “In sleep if the flatulent gas moves upwards on account of stomach trouble or if there is some nervous disturbance, the brain and the sub-conscious mind will become agitated. Our previously imagined or felt objects reappear in our subconscious mind in a disjointed form. This we call a dream. Obviously such a dream is of no consequence. Not only that, the story formed therein will not be well-knit as it consists of merely the re-appearance of the objects, stored in the different parts of the brain. There is yet another type of dream. The Atimánas kośa (supramental mind) is the store-house of all knowledge. At times a premonition of a coming be great happiness or sorrow, which only the omniscient causal frame can visualize, is created during deep slumber in the subconscious mind of an individual, who is deeply concerned with that particular happiness or sorrow. Such dreams do not take place very often. Nevertheless such a dream does carry the prognosis of a true event.” (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 2, The Intuitional Science of the Vedas – 4

== Section: Comment ==
Re: Snoring sadhana


I have hardly seen them sitting in erect position.

in Him,
Subodha Sinha

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: Snoring sadhana

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे परमपुरुष! तुमने मुझसे प्रेम कर

प्रभात संगीत 3898 भालोबेसेछिले मन भरिले व्यथा बुझिले...

परिचय- इस गीत में यह बताया गया है कि किस प्रकार सृष्टि के निर्माण से पहले परमपुरुष अकेले थे फिर उन्होंने अपने मन में ही इस समग्र ब्रह्माॅंड का सृजन किया। उनके मन में जो हो रहा है हमारे लिये वह वास्तविकता है। निर्माण के अंतिम चरण में उन्होंने मानवों को बनाया और उनके हृदय में भक्ति भाव भरे आदि आदि।
 हे परमपुरुष! तुमने मुझसे प्रेम कर मेरे मन को तृप्त कर दिया है । मेरे अस्तित्व के कण-कण ने तुम्हारे दिव्य स्पर्श  का अनुभव किया है । प्रभु प्रेम में मुझे होने वाला कष्ट, तुमने अनुभव किया है । प्रत्येक क्षण में मेरे लिए , तुमने नये नये प्रकार के  नवपुष्पों को पुष्पित कर आशीष दिया है ।

हे परम सत्ता! जनसामान्य को जो अकल्पनीय था,  असंभव  था, वह तुमने अपनी कल्पना से ही संभव कर दिया। इस त्रिलोक में पहले कोई नहीं आया जो अपनी कल्पना से सृष्टि चक्र को प्रारंभ कर दे । इसके पहले कोई  भी कभी भी आकाश , वायु, पंच महाभूत आदि को निर्मित नहीं कर पाया और न ही स्वरलोक को। हे तारक ब्रह्म! तुमने इन सब को निर्मित किया, यह स्रष्टिचक्र तुम्हारे चिन्तन का परिणाम है।

हे परमपुरुष! तुमने सभी के हृदयों में प्रेम की कोमल भावनाओं को जगाया है । तुमने कृपा कर सभी को मानसिक संवेग दिया, और मन भक्ति भाव से भर दिया है । तुमने परमाणुओं को गतिशीलता दी है । तुमने सभी के हृदय में प्रेम,भक्ति और आकर्षण दिया है । फिर भी तुम अपने आप को इसी स्रष्टि में छिपाये, अपनी दिव्य लीला खेलते जाते हो तुम्हें कोई देख ही नहीं सकता है ।

हे परमपुरुष बाबा! मेरी आखों में दिव्य अंजन लगा दो जिससे मैं तुम्हें सभी जगह देख सकूं। 

== Section 4: Links ==

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