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Thursday, March 17, 2022

Story: Baba’s mock order

Story: Baba’s mock order


Just as Lord Shiva has 5 faces, Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji also has 5 faces. To understand the story narrated below, we must first read and assimilate this teaching of Ananda Marga philosophy—otherwise one may not properly understand the story.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "The face on the extreme left is called Vámadeva. It speaks with a thunderous voice. “You worthless chap, why did you do such a thing? I will punish you severely.” Thereafter it punishes the wrongdoer with a stick. “Don’t take me lightly, your bones will learn what is proper and what is improper!” This Vámadeva is the exact opposite of Dakśińeshvara. The face next to Dakśińeshvara is called Iishána. It says, “Look, my child, follow this path. If you follow any other path, it will bring you only sorrow. Don’t make such a mistake. Prakrti will never pardon you. The result will be disastrous.” Iishána clearly states the consequences of misdeeds and gives a few pieces of advice. You may experience Parama Puruśa either in the form of Dakśińeshvara or in that of Iishána. And on the left, the face next to Vámadeva is called Kálágni. Kálágni says, “Severe punishment is awaiting you. Your bones will be broken. Stupid! What nonsense are you doing?” In this way Kálágni scolds and threatens to punish, although it does not actually carry it out. Kálágni tries to rectify wrongdoers by creating fear in them, not by actual punishment. When someone becomes extremely angry we call him agnisharmá [red as fire]. The face in the middle is called Kalyáńasundaram. This face says, “Come, dear child, and sit beside me. I hope you are quite well.” This is the role of Kalyáńasundaram. Thus human beings want only Kalyáńasundaram." (1)

Mock expulsion

One margii Vinod wrote:

”One purodha narrated the following incident to me which happened in front of him. In 1986, Baba officially instructed VSS SG to disrobe Maheshananda and send him to his worldly home (Chhatisgarh). Because Maheshananda, as DS Muzaffarpur, closed three Ananda Marga schools. Baba feigned His anger. This is what that purodha witnessed in this reporting in the presence of Baba. Baba also instructed that Maheshananda as a margii may attend DMC, DC, seminar, etc but he will not be given any post like bhukti pradhan, etc. After reporting, he was disrobed and sent to his worldly family home. Baba rejected all mercy appeals. This incident can be confirmed by Maheshananda himself as he still attends DMS as a family margii. Now, Kolkata and Ranchi AMPS justify that since Baba expelled Maheshananda in HIS physical presence, so the expulsion of Wts is legal after HIS physical departure as well.”

Here ends margii Vinod's comment about mock expulsion. Following is the reply which debunks this myth of expulsion.

Baba always encourages others to progress. These days some uninformed people think that Baba used to expel Wts for failing to reach work targets or for failing to keep schools running properly. A few group leaders have used this point to justify expulsions they have ordered. But this is just their misunderstanding. Sadguru Baba is love-personified and He always encourages others to progress and rectify themselves. He never permanently banished or expelled anyone—nor did He push people away due to their poor work output.

Baba's way of making liila: mock expulsions

Those days in reporting etc, Baba was doing mock expulsions; this was the regular scene. We all witnessed this countless times. So no true Ananda Margii can truly think that Baba has really expelled anyone.

If one were to take those mock expulsions seriously, then we can say that Baba expelled 90% of all Wts—as well as each and every central worker at least twice. He was doing hundreds of mock expulsions where He would command Wts to remove their saffron garb and sit there in civil dress. This was all part of His liila, and those with bhakti understood that in a few hours or by the next day their sannyasi dress would be restored. Those without bhakti would use this as an opportunity to escape and run away.

All along, Guru is Guru and He was just doing His drama—just like how in reporting He would command others to do 50,000 tik-tiks, or sarvaungasana for 5 hours or for the duration of the reporting, or so many other dramatic dramas and mock scenarios He would play. But who can really think that Baba ever truly enforced such punishments. It is impossible to consider this. Baba was making His drama just like He was doing with His mock expulsions.

The book—"The Mystic Master"—has nicely narrated many such reporting sessions with Baba.

If closing schools was the criteria of expulsion...

So many Wts committed crimes and sins, yet they are still in our Wt cadre. Having three Ananda Marga schools close is nothing—Baba would never expel anyone on such grounds. So many Wts did crimes and sins 1000 times worse than that, yet all along they have remained as wholetime workers. Having three AM schools close is nothing. Dadas have committed murder, sexual crimes, smuggled drugs, sold AM properties and kept the money etc, and even abused children etc. 

Plus so many individual dadas ruined and closed schools wherever they went—countless schools were shut down and destroyed in this way. Yet they all remained in the organisation, under Baba’s watchful eye. Because Baba is ever-merciful, and He pardons the sins of those who feel repentant and rectified their behaviour. That is what Lord Shiva did as well. For wrongdoers and criminals, He was very strict to punish them, but when they repented and rectified themselves He graciously forgave them.

Dadas have committed countless wrongs of a serious nature, and innumerable schools were shut down and destroyed. Yet all those Dadas remained in the organisation, under Baba's watchful, all-knowing eye. Not only that, Dada Sarvatmananda ji and Dada Tapeshvarananda ji violated the Guru-disciple relation as they defected against Baba. That is the most heinous sin—even then they were allowed to remain. They were not expelled. And if really closing schools was the criteria of expulsion then every central worker should be expelled because they were the cause of so many school closings and school properties being sold. This applies not just to workers of old, but today also. Now—this very instant—every central Wt from all the groups should be expelled if ruining the schools is really the basis for expulsion. So this is just their bogus logic for expulsion.

The case of Dada Omnkareshvarananda

Who can forget the case of Omnkareshvaranandji who was holding a very difficult posting in Rajkot, Gujurat. Dadaji was extremely frustrated there. One day, he was sitting on the side of the road thinking, "My life here is completely wasted; I should leave worker life and do something else." Such were the thoughts Dadaji was harbouring that day—he did not tell anyone else what he was thinking.

The next time Dadaji arrived for reporting, omnipresent Baba immediately raised the point in front of everyone.

Baba stated, "Was that not you who was thinking like that when sitting by the roadside."

Then Baba ordered for Dadaji to be punished to atone for his wrongful thinking. In the end, Dadaji promised to never think like that again. Hearing thus, Baba was satisfied. Here the point is that Baba lovingly wants all to remain and serve humanity, not leave.

All that really can be said is that the all-benevolent Parama Purusa played His loving liila and would offer expulsion orders. Everyone understood that just they had to follow the drama and wear civilian clothes for a few hours or a day, and then invariably all-gracious Baba would bring them back. But for those who really wanted to leave, then this was their ultimate excuse to run away—escape Wt life—and that is exactly what Maheshananda ji did.

How Dadas justify expulsion orders

Again, Guru is Guru—He can do per His wish, and always He is acting for the welfare of the individual. In contrast, these present dadas want to use expulsion as a political weapon for their own selfish purposes. For this reason they are trying to dig out this "Baba did expulsion" campaign. This is how falsified tales and bogus myths get started. Do not give an ounce of credence to such things.

Remember religion is the incubation grounds for all kinds of tall tales, myths, dogmas and falsehoods, and our AMPS is not immune to such things. Thus, using our viveka, we should be cent-per-cent careful and evaluate every circumstance and story with a clear and balanced mind.

Then everyone will come to the same clear conclusion that Baba never expelled anyone—not for any reason. Mock expulsions were done to bring people onto the right code of conduct and rectify their wrongs and teach others.

Baba's entire intention is to bring all unto the path of bliss. Only a few opportunists want to justify their own use of expulsion as a weapon by laying claim that Baba also did expulsions. But that is just not true. Baba's strict guideline is that there is no place for expulsion in Ananda Marga.

In Ananda Marga all are welcome

Sadguru guides us, "Ananda Marga keeps its gates open so that each and every man and woman may enter. Anybody may join, anybody may sing in chorus with the rest. The united march of the people is a march of victory. Ananda Marga states this in unequivocal language." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Suppose somebody is suspended from his job. In his mind the seeds of revolt germinate. He files a court case, contacts so many people, organizes a demonstration, etc. That is the natural reaction to suspension." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If punishment kills or prevents one from progressing along life's path, it may be treated as vice...Instead of hating anyone, the sadvipras will encourage everyone to build good careers. This will be the sadvipra's principle duty. None should feel that they have been doomed forever." (4)

At His lotus feet,

~ In-depth study ~

We embrace all - No one can be outcasted

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Ananda Marga has formed a society which frames its laws on the basis of common ideals in order to develop the idea of one-ness of all humanity. This society is radically different from any existing society, for it provides a society with a common bond where there is no distinction between class or sex, where no one is declared an outcast..." (5)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Harsh social punishment such as creating not find any place in our society." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Our social life includes all; we do not exclude anything or anyone, nor will we do so in future, because we want to utilise the services of all. Thus we have been able to unite the entire humanity under one banner, and in the future we will perhaps be able to do this in a still better way." (7)

Related teachings

These two following teachings bring further clarity to the above letter.

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "Shiva symbolizes the beginning of a new era in humanity’s evolutionary march. In order to mould the character of a person, it is also necessary to discipline that person. So for those five manifestations, it is as if Shiva had five faces. The face just to the right of the central face is called Iishána—one who asks human beings to follow the path of righteousness and tells them to refrain from following the path of unrighteousness. The extreme face on the right side is called Dakśińeshvara—one who always remains with those persons who are inspired by righteous thoughts. The first face on the left side is called Kálágni—one who rules people for their welfare. The extreme face on the left side is called Vámadeva—one who rules very strictly with the scepter of thunder. This Vámadeva is a terror for sinners due to its severity. The central face of Shiva, with its expression of profound mercy, is called Kalyáńasundaram. However, the word kála is also used for the first face on the left side, which is generally known as Kálágni." (8)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Shiva has two faces on the left: Vámadeva on the extreme left, and Kálágni next to the left. Vámadeva is terrible—rudra, rudrátirudra, rudro’pirudrah—“one who teaches others by making them shed tears”. But the underlying purpose is to teach people, not to harm them. The other face, Kálágni, also subjects people to excruciating torture, but there also, the main purpose is to teach them, to promote their welfare. Now here also, the two roles of Vámadeva and Kálágni are controlled by the central face, Kalyáńasundaram. He is sundaram, beautiful, because He promotes kalyáńa [welfare]: hence, “Kalyáńasundaram”. He is terrible, but at the same time superbly calm and tranquil. Yet behind His apparent dreadfulness and tranquillity lies the kalyáńasundaram bháva [mental flow]. He is both severe and tender. He is tender, so naturally people love Him. Although He is severe, people still adore Him, because underlying His apparent severity, there is tenderness. Thus the role of Shiva is predominantly the role of a promoter of welfare. So the first meaning of the term shiva is “welfare”." (9)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 10, Sambhúti and Mahásambhúti
2. A Few Problems Solved - 6, 'Spirit of Society'
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 3, Superstitions about Death
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 7, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles
5. Prout in a Nutshell - 11, Ananda Marga – A Revolution
6. Prout in a Nutshell - 11, Ananda Marga – A Revolution
7. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Genius and Technician
8. Shabda Cayanika - 4, Disc: 23
9. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 1

== Section: Comment ==

Re: Two filthy sisters attack one margii

As you know, homosexuality is the biggest agenda in USA now.
In fact, Hillary Clinton uses images of lesbian lovers for her Presidential campaign.
The vaeshyans have created tons of propaganda in order to brainwash people.
This is the "science" which Jyoshna is referring to.
They are going to say that "homosexuality is natural, and something that a person is born with"
As you as I both know, this is a complete lie.
No child was ever born gay.
In Yoga Psychology book Baba very clearly states that, before a certain age, the sexual glands have not developed yet, and therefore it is impossible for sexual feelings to arise in a small child.
The truth of the matter is, when a small child is exposed to TV and internet, and they start seeing other people who say they are gay, then they start to think in their minds, "maybe I am gay too".
This is exactly the way Baba described how the Vaeshyans use propaganda and sexual imagery in order to spread their pseudoculture agenda.

For many years, Jyoshna kept her sexual desires secret from the public.
But now she is very open about her sexuality.
She is travelling around the world with her lesbian lover telling people that, "it is ok to be gay"

in Him,

- Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic - Two filthy sisters attack one margii

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