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Monday, February 20, 2017

3rd-class Jai slogan + Revolution against Dada R - 6: Land sale & various issues


3rd-class Jai slogan 

আমাদের ৰাৰা কী জয় -- তৃতীয় শ্রেণীর স্লোগ্যান

A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! ( Victory to Our collective Baba.) A'ma'der means ‘Our'; Baba ki means ‘of Baba'; jai means ‘victory'.

Suppose, a child has many siblings. Then that child will not say, “This is our mother.” The child will use the phrase “my mother”. A child will always say, “This is my mother.” Because a child has personal relation with mother. That child feels, “My mother belongs to me. She belongs to me only.” That is why the child says "my mother"; the child never says “our mother.” Similarly A-grade bhaktas cannot share Parama Purusa. They will never say “our” Baba. They will say, “My Baba.”

Bhakti: my Baba vs our Baba

The overall meaning of “A'ma'der Baba Ki – Jai!” is: Victory to our (collective) Baba.

The sense of the Bangla slogan is that Parama Purusa belongs to all. Those raising the slogan think, “He is the collective property of everyone and He is not mine alone.” This mentality is the outlook of a 3rd grade bhakta. The overall meaning is: Victory to Our (collective) Baba. In terms of spiritual life, this type of feeling is of 3rd-grade bhaktas, not A-grade.

Now it is very clear that this slogan - A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! ( Victory to Our collective Baba.) - is for 3rd-grade bhaktas.

in Him,
Madhumita Bose

~ In-depth study ~

আমাদের ৰাৰা কী জয় -- তৃতীয় শ্রেণীর স্লোগ্যান, দোসরা ভাগ শেষ হলো

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Suppose there is a flower and there are two hundred mirrors. The reflection of the flower is in all two hundred mirrors. Will it be incorrect if each particular mirror says, “The flower is mine only”? So it is not selfishness, it is a fact, it is a crude reality, that for each and every entity, Parama Puruśa is a personal entity, Parama Puruśa is non-transferable. It is a fact, that is, Parama Puruśa is personal property. What is spiritual practice? It is the movement of the mirror towards the Nucleus, towards that flower.” (1)

3rd grade slogan for 3rd class...

One might wonder why Baba allowed sadhakas to raise this 3rd-grade slogan: A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! (Victory to Our collective Baba).

The reason is that in the grand kingdom of Parama Purusa there are various grades of bhaktas. There are 1st-grade bhaktas, 2nd-grade bhaktas, and some 3rd-grade bhaktas. Third grade bhaktas think that since Baba belongs to everyone then He also belongs to me. That is why they prefer to use the term A'ma'der - I.e. our collective Baba. Thus 3rd grade bhaktas are also His bhaktas so He allows 3rd grade bhaktas to raise the 3rd grade slogan: A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! ( Victory to Our collective Baba.)

A-grade bhaktas cannot share Parama Purusa. They will never say A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! ( Victory to Our collective Baba.)


Here it should be made clear that there are great bhaktas in Bengal, so if they took a moment to reflect on the matter, they would be horrified to see they are raising a 3rd-grade slogan, i.e. A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! ( Victory to Our collective Baba). And there is no harm in raising this slogan if one is a third-grade bhakta. But if one is a first-grade bhakta and raising this slogan, it is inappropriate.

The A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! ( Victory to Our collective Baba.) slogan is only appropriate for 3rd grade bhaktas. If a 3rd class bhakta intentionally raises this slogan then it is quite appropriate. They are naturally expressing their lower level of bhakti. In contrast, if a top grade bhakta blindly raises this slogan – A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! (Victory to Our collective Baba) – then it is a dogma.

So if someone is enmeshed in 3rd grade bhakti, and could not develop a closer relation with Parama Purusa, then this A'ma'der slogan is fine. They do not feel in their heart that, “Baba is only mine.” So they are not A-grade bhaktas.

Third grade bhaktas with their current stature, i.e. 3rd grade bhakti, like using the slogan A'ma'der Baba ki – jai!(collective Baba) ki – jai.  That said, the slogan, A'ma'der Baba Ki - jai!, is primarily used in Bengal. And again, this slogan is only appropriate for 3rd-grade sadhakas. By personally selecting this slogan, it is clear they are 3rd-grade bhaktas.

The conclusive idea is that this slogan – A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! ( Victory to Our collective Baba.) – cannot be used at any collective gathering where there is a mix of bhaktas, i.e 1st, 2nd, and 3rd tier bhaktas. Then it becomes a dogma.

1. 2 Two Hundred Mirrors, 17 May 1979 evening, Berlin

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2 ==

Revolution against Dada R- 6: Land sale & various issues

Courtesy of What'sApp - Save the Org Forum (STO)
This STO forum was created by Dada MC. It is obvious that this below news is not the original content by Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

- Original content from What's APP was in Hindi; Translated by Dr. T.R.S.


I want to share some important things with our grihi margis and whole time workers . Our revered Baba has given us a responsibility to form ideal grihi margis who take responsibility to form ideal society and take care of the wts.

BUT, when any wt's character goes against the organization should we margis be remain silent ? Second thing, if any one is going on selling the organizational property should we still remain silent? Baba always favoured that even a single brick of the organization should not be disturbed. Example is , when Baba was put in jail He never allowed us  to sell organizational property in order to fight in court. Not only this for saving  Gurudev some of our wts  immolated themselves. This shows that in our organization devotees have become less in number. They are fighting against each other and wasting organizational money in court cases where as maximum cases do not  relate to establishing the ideal of the organization.
Margis are directly concerned with the Bhukti but such type of people interfere in the bhukti pradhana's election and do not follow the system formed by Baba. Should margis  not take any step in this matter? Important thing is , would you like that the people who are culprits of many charges may become Purodha? Purodhas should be only those who have stainless integrity of character. Purodha should not be used as vote bank of present day politicians. During Baba's tenure,officially  there was no purodha but what happened after 1990 that so many are claiming to be purodha? If the wrong persons are declared to be purodha than purodha pramukh will also be elected out of these incompetent purodhas and so definitely the organization will vanish than and there. I therefore , request to every margi to remain alert to take their responsibility to save the organization and propagate the ideal of the Marg at his own level in the society without considering this groupism.
You are known as Anand Margii in the society with your character and you also play a role of revolutionary in the family as well as in the society. Therefore we will have to come forward to save the organization. Baba has given important role of grihi margis in every board but the wasted interests have abolished it. How far margis will remain silent? If  I have said wrong or by this, any body's feelings are  hurt then please excuse me .

When Guru was instituted the legal cases​

how much propery did the organization sold that time? Tell me ? not a single one. And, now some wasted interests have created quarrel among their own brothers to fulfill their greed and are selling the property here and there. They say that the money from selling property is being utilised in court cases. Can any one show the details of expenses done in courts and the amount of property sold and how many cases are yet to be filed? O ! spoons of Rudrananda! if someone has taken you to the court for your own sins, you are propagating them of the organization? Do you treat organization is made of only those two or four persons? For example, Dada Mantrachetnananda ji charged 4 or 5 persons in his letter then it is stated that Mantrachetanananda is defaming the organization?
O ! sycophants of Rudranand​ ! from what time you 2 or 4 persons have become organization? Explain me, why you are taking organization in your sins? Why you talk hiding your self, come before every one and put your evidences openly?​ ​


​in Him
Jitendra Kumar

Courtesy of What'sApp - Save the Org Forum (STO)
This STO forum was created by Dada MC. It is obvious that this above news is not the original content by Ananda Marga News Bulletin.

- Original content from What's APP was in Hindi; Translated by Dr. T.R.S.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How to remove greediness

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “People who have fascination or temptation for any material object, can gradually remove that mental pollution arising out of selfish [motives] by adopting just the reverse course. Those who are very greedy for money should form the habit of charity, and they can serve humanity through such a practice. Those who are angry or egoistic should cultivate the habit of being polite, and they should serve humanity through that practice. Therefore, only selfless service to humanity and the efforts to look upon the world with a Cosmic outlook alone can lead to establishment in mental shaoca.” (1)

Note: There are various types of pollution in the mind. Those stains could be removed using the opposite tool. When fighting with darkness you have to use a torchlight. You cannot fight darkness with more darkness. To fight against greed, anger, ego etc, one should overcome these by adopting the opposite approach of generosity, kindness, and selflessness. The central idea is that if any vrtti is encouraged it grows. The only way to neutralise it and keep it in check is by encouraging the opposite idea.

1. A Guide to Human Conduct, Shaoca

== Further Reading ==

बाबा नाम केवलम्‌
निम्नगामी  पुरोधा
पुरोधा के नाम पर कलङ्क
आदरणीय मार्गी बहनों व भाइयों,
नमस्कार |
नोट : यह पत्र वैसे लोग जो आनन्दमार्ग आदर्श व आचरण विधि के प्रति गम्भीर नहीं है–उनके लिए नहीं है | क्योंकि अगर आदर्श व आचरण विधि के प्रति कठोर निष्ठा व श्रद्धा नहीं हो, तो इस पत्र में वर्णित मुद्दों की गम्भीरता को समझना नामुमकिन होगा |
लिङ्ग-पृथक्करण की नीति
बाबा प्रदत्त आनन्दमार्ग आचरण विधि में लिङ्ग-पृथक्करण की नीति है | अर्थात्‌ औरत-मर्द का बिना रोक-टोक मिलने-जुलने की अनुमति नहीं है |
जिनका श्रद्धा आनन्दमार्ग आचरण विधि के उपरोक्त नीति के प्रति है, उन्हीं के लिए यह पत्र है | गन्दे अप्-संस्कृति को माननेवाले के लिए यह पत्र नहीं है | इस पत्र को पढ़ने के पूर्व उपरोक्त बातों पर विचार कर लें और फिर आगे पढ़ें –

पुरोधा लड़की की गोद में
इस पत्र के साथ एक फोटो दिया गया है | इसमें हम लोगों की संस्था का एक वरिष्ठ पुरोधा एक औरत के साथ है | फोटो में पुरोधा दादा निर्जन स्थान में एक लड़की की गोद में बैठकर आमोद-प्रमोद रहे हैं |
होलटाइमर आचरण विधि के विरुद्ध
यह बाबा प्रदत्त होलटाइमर आचरण विधि के विरुद्ध है | बाबा प्रदत्त होलटाइमर आचरण विधि के मुताबिक हमारे होलटाइमर दादा-दीदी दो कार्यों में लगे रहते हैं–(१) अपने मुक्ति-मोक्ष के लिए साधना और (२) जगत्‌ की सेवा | हमारे दादा-दीदी को तुच्छ मनोरञ्जन के लिए समय नहीं है | याद रखना है कि मनुष्य जीवन छोटा है |

पुरोधा की शर्मनाक हरकत
लेकिन फोटो में देखिए, यहाँ क्या हो रहा है | यह तस्वीर ही सारी कहानी कह रहा है | और यह कहानी निश्चित ही बहुत शर्मनाक है | वरिष्ठ पुरोधा दादा महेश्वरानन्द  निर्जन स्थान में एक लड़की की गोद में बैठकर खेल रहे हैं | दादाजी ने हम लोगों के आदर्श, आचरण विधि व संस्था को कलङ्कित कर दिया है | एक वरिष्ठ पुरोधा का यह एक अत्यन्त शर्मनाक उदाहरण है |

पूरा प्रकरण दुर्भाग्य-पूर्ण
पुरोधा हमारे सङ्गठन के सर्वोच्च व्यष्टि व नेतृत्व कर्त्ता माने जाते हैं | लेकिन हमारे इन तथाकथित पुरोधाओं का स्तर कितना गिर गया है ! जिन पुरोधाओं की जिम्मेदारी सम्पूर्ण समाज को परमपुरुष की गोद में ले जाने की है, वे ख़ुद लड़की की गोद में बैठ गए | जिन्हें समाज को आदर्श के उच्च शिखर पर ले जाना था, वे ख़ुद ही लड़की के साथ बर्फ़ पर फिसल गए | हद हो गई | यह पूरा प्रकरण अत्यन्त दुःखद, शर्मनाक, कलङ्क-पूर्ण व दुर्भाग्य-पूर्ण है |

कुछ वरिष्ठ लोग गलत राह पर
संस्था के सभी वरिष्ठ पुरोधा व होलटाइमर लोगों ने बाबा के सामने कलेजा पर हाथ रखकर आदर्श के लिए जीने मरने का शपथ लिया | लेकिन देखिए, इनमें से कुछ लोग सब कुछ भूल गए | गुटबाजी,गन्दे अप्-संस्कृति-आमोद-प्रमोद ही इनके जीवन का उद्देश्य हो गया है |

मार्गियों का आह्वान
इसलिए हम सभी विवेकवान मार्गियों का आह्वान करते हैं कि वे आगे आएँ | आदर्श व आचरण विधि के मूल रूप को संस्था में स्थापित करने हेतु प्रयास करें | और किसी भी तरह के गलत कार्यों को बर्दाश्त न करें बल्कि उसका विरोध करें |

आध्यात्मिक संस्कृति की स्थापना है जिम्मेदारी
दुनिया से अप्-संस्कृति को दूर करके आध्यात्मिक संस्कृति की स्थापना करना–हम लोगों की संस्था का एक महत्त्वपूर्ण जिम्मेदारी है | होलटाइमर दादा-दीदी लोग हम लोगों के सङ्गठन के संरचना के एक महत्त्वपूर्ण अङ्ग हैं | अगर वे ही गलत कार्यों में लग जाएँगे, तो संस्था का क्या हश्र होगा ? अगर होलटाइमर व पुरोधा ही अप्-संस्कृति में फँस जाएँगे, तो आध्यात्मिक संस्कृति की स्थापना का क्या होगा ? यह दुर्भाग्य-पूर्ण है कि समाज से जिन बुराईयों को दूर करना हमारी जिम्मेदारी है, उसी में हमारे कई लोग फँसे हुए हैं |

संस्था का सुनहला भविष्य
कुछ पुरोधा, अवधूत, आचार्य, होलटाइमर निश्चित ही गुटबाज़, संस्था तोड़क, भौतिकवादी हैं | लेकिन इन कुछ सड़े हुए मुट्ठी भर लोगों के बावजूद भी हमें यह विश्वास रखना चाहिए कि हमारे आनन्दमार्ग का सुनहला भविष्य है | हाँ, हमें इन आदर्श विरोधी लोगों का विरोध अवश्य ही करना होगा |
गलतियों का विरोध करें
यहाँ बाबा हमें निर्देश दे रहे हैं कि गलतियों का विरोध करना सभी आनन्दमार्गियों का अधिकार व कर्त्तव्य है | अगर कोई आनन्दमार्गी (पुरोधा, अवधूत, आचार्य, होलटाइमर आदि) बाबा प्रदत्त आचरण विधि का पालन न करे तो उसके सुधार हेतु विरोध करना हर आनन्दमार्गी का अधिकार भी है व कर्त्तव्य भी |

तारकब्रह्म बाबा का आदेश
(१) बाबा कृपा करके निम्नलिखित आदेश दे रहे हैं, जो जीवन वेद पुस्तक में, पेज 24-25, सप्तम संस्करण सितम्बर 1992 में छपा है—”आदर्श समाज की व्यवस्था सदस्यों के पारस्परिक सहयोग तथा सामवायिक आचरण के ऊपर निर्भर है और यह सामवायिक आचरण यम-नियम की साधना पर निर्भर करता है | इसलिए साधना ही आदर्श समाज की शुभ-भित्ति है–विशेष कर यम-नियम की साधना | ……प्रत्येक आनन्दमार्गी को अन्य आनन्दमार्गी के यम-नियम विरोधी आचरण देखने से अवस्थानुसार मधुर वचन या कठोर वचन या कठोरतम व्यवहार के द्वारा उसे इस प्रकार के आचरण से निवृत्त करने तथा इस प्रकार से समाज को मज़बूत करना होगा | आज से मैं प्रत्येक आनन्दमार्गी को निर्देश देता हूँ कि वह अन्य आनन्दमार्गी के ऊपर यम-नियम प्रतिपालन कराने के लिए कठोर दृष्टि रखे तथा ख़ुद भी दूसरे मार्गी का निर्देश ठण्ढे दिल से माने | –(जीवन वेद, पेज 24-25, सप्तम संस्करण सितम्बर 1992)
(२) बाबा 15 अक्टूबर 1978 को पटना में आदेश दिए हैं कि–”सोलह विधि के सम्बन्ध में कहा गया था कि ये आचार्य लोग, बड़े बुज़ुर्ग लोग जैसे देखेंगे तुम लोगों का सोलह विधि ठीक हो रहा है कि नहीं, ठीक वैसा ही हम सबों के लिए यह आदेश दे दिए थे, निर्देश दे दिए थे कि—सब कोई, सब का सोलह विधि पर नज़र रख सकते हो, ध्यान दे सकते हो | कोई किसी को नहीं छोड़ोगे | (15 अक्टूबर 1978, पटना) |
(३) बाबा का निम्नलिखित आदेश मानव समाज पुस्तक के जुलाई 1990 संस्करण के पेज 50 पर छपा है — “सामाजिक अथवा मानवीय दृष्टिकोण से देखने पर मालूम होगा कि किसी के भी विरुद्ध संशोधन मूलक व्यवस्था लेने का अधिकार किसी भी दूसरे व्यष्टि को है– अर्थात्‌ सबको है | यह तो मनुष्य मात्र के जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार की बात है | जिसे किसी न किसी कारण मनुष्य के सम्पर्क में आने का मौका मिलता है, उसकी त्रुटि सुधारने का अधिकार समाज के अन्य लोगों का है | यह बात कोई तार्किक भी अस्वीकार नहीं कर सकता | समाज को स्वस्थ बनाए रखने के लिए इस अधिकार की स्वीकृति अपरिहार्य है | (मानव समाज, जुलाई 1990 संस्करण, पेज 50) |
तारकब्रह्म बाबा के उपरोक्त आदेशों से स्पष्ट है कि अगर कोई पुरोधा, अवधूत, आचार्य, होलटाइमर आदि कोई वैसा गलत काम करते है–जैसा कि दादा महेश्वरानन्द फोटो में कर रहे हैं, तो यह प्रत्येक आनन्दमार्गी का कर्त्तव्य है कि वह उसका विरोध करें |

घर के भीतर साँप
यहाँ इस सम्बन्ध में बाबा का एक बहुत ही महत्त्वपूर्ण आदेश है | बाबा 25 नवम्बर 1978 को मुम्बई में हम लोगों को सावधान करते हुए आदेश दिए हैं कि–
“अपना आदमी हो, घर का आदमी हो ; कोई सत्य से इधर-उधर हट गया, sincerity की कमी जिनमें है—उसका विरोध करो, बर्दाश्त मत करो | अपना आदमी है तो क्या है | अपना आदमी अगर असाधु है, insincere है, तो, और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | क्यों ? बाहर में अगर साँप रहा, वह जितना ख़तरनाक है, घर में अगर साँप घुस गया तो और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | इसलिए, और भी, उसका अधिक विरोध होना चाहिए |” (1)
बाबा के श्री चरणों में,
कमल देव
नीचे बाबा प्रदत्त होलटाइमर आचरण विधि के कुछ महत्त्वपूर्ण बिन्दुओं को दिया जा रहा है | इनका पालन करना प्रत्येक होलटाईमर दादा-दीदी के लिए अनिवार्य है |
” अवधूत को एकान्त में किसी महिला के साथ नहीं रहना चाहिए। ” (आचरण नियम ३२, अवधूतों के नियम का तेरहवां बिंदु )
“किसी भी परिस्थिति में मन और शरीर की शुद्धता को  प्रदूषित नहीं होना चाहिए।” (आचरण नियम ३२, अवधूतों के नियम का तीसवां बिंदु  )
” अवधूत अपनी पूर्व पत्नी सहित सभी महिलाओं को माता के समान व्यवहार करेंगे। ” (आचरण नियम ३२, अवधूतों के नियम का ग्यारहवां बिन्दु )
” अवधूत  अश्लील भाषा या गानों को सुनने के लिए, अपने कानों को प्रयुक्त नहीं करेंगे, किसी तामसिक वस्तुओं को नहीं छुएंगे ,  पतनोन्मुखी वस्तुओं या चित्रों को नहीं देखेंगे। कोई ऐसी कहानी , उपन्यास ,या काल्पनिक साहित्य को नहीं पढ़ेंगे जिसमें कामुकता का थोडा सा अंश भी  हो। राजसिक , तामसिक, वस्तुओं का खाना / पीना नहीं करेंगे और न ही धूम्रपान करेंगे, अथवा किसी ऎसे पदार्थ का उपयोग नहीं करेंगे जिसमे कृत्रिम सुगंध मिलायी गई हो।” (आचरण नियम ३२, अवधूतों के नियम का बत्तीसवाँ बिंदु  )
”  बीमार अवस्था में usake सेवा करने के समय के अलावा , किसी को भी विपरीत लिंग के व्यक्ति के चेहरे को, नहीं देखना चाहिए।” (आचरण नियम ३७ , कार्यकर्ताओं(  होलटाइमर्स् )के नियम का पन्द्रहवां बिंदु  )
“प्रत्येक को अनुशासन का वहुत कड़ाई से पालन करना चाहिए “(आचरण नियम ३७ , कार्यकर्ताओं ( होलटाइमर्स्) के नियम का २४ वां  बिंदु  )
“तुम्हें अपने आप को विलासता और कामुकता की कमजोरी से बचाये रखना होगा  “ (WT Conduct: Fourteen Points, pt #12)
(The above conduct rules translated into Hindi by Shrii T.R. Sukulji)
Here below are some of the very important conduct rules which Baba has clearly outlined and delineated. All avadhutas, avadhutikas, and wts are to be held to living up to this standard. None may contravene these rules and codes of conduct given by Guru.
“Avadhu’ta must not remain in a lonely place with any female.” (WT Conduct Rule, See Ref 2 below)
“Under no circumstances should the purity of the body and mind be polluted.” (WT Conduct Rule, See Ref 3 below)
“Avadhuta shall treat every woman of the world, including his ex-wife, as mother.” (WT Conduct Rule, See Ref 4 below)
“…Avadhu’ta shall not engage his ears in any obscene language or songs, touch any tamasik articles, see any depraving entity or pictures, go through any story, novel, or fiction having even the slightest bit of sexual importance, eat, drink, or smoke any rajasik or tamasik things or use any article which is artificially scented.” (WT Conduct Rule, See Ref 5 below)
“One should not look at the face of the opposite sex except at the time of nursing.” (WT Conduct Rule, See Ref 6 below)
“One should follow discipline very strictly.” (WT Conduct Rule, See Ref 7 below)
“You will have to protect yourself from sexual weakness and luxury.” (WT Conduct Rule, See Ref 8 below)

1. Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD 25 November 1978 Mumbai
2. 32 Rules for Avadhu’tas, pt #13
3. 32 Rules for Avadhu’tas, pt #30
4. 32 Rules for Avadhu’tas, pt #11
5. 32 Rules for Avadhu’tas, pt #32
6. 37 Worker’s Rules, pt #15
7. 37 Worker’s Rules, pt #24
8. WT Conduct: Fourteen Points, pt #12

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

The Four Root Languages Follow Identical Process
Here Baba is explaining that these 4 languages (Vedic, Latin, Hebrew and old Chinese) are root languages. The words and vocabulary of these languages are based on the natural sounds those inhabitants heard, such as when a horse runs. In that way those early people created root verbs.

Time passed; daughter and granddaughter languages were formed. And those languages were built upon the root verbs of those four original root languages.

For example, Sanskrit / Samskrta came from the Vedic language and from Sanskrit / Samskrta so many Indian languges were created: Hindi, Bengali, Gujurati, Malayalam and all the Indo-Aryan languages. They are all based on Sanskrit / Samskrta and follow the same root verb from the original Vedic. This is also happened with Latin, Hebrew and Old Chinese. So many languages were formed upon the root verbs of these 3 other root languages, just as happened with Vedic.

"When a swift horse runs its hooves make a turtur sound. That which makes a turtur sound as it moves is called turaga or turaunga or turaungama (that is, "horse"). That animal which makes a kurkur sound as it runs is called kuraga or kuraunga or kuraungama (that is, "deer"). In this way human beings have created many word forms and verb forms to express their mental ideas. This process of word formation is called "acoustic derivation" and the original verbal roots in all the world's languages were created in this way."

"The first word forms in all the world's languages were the original verbal roots. By adding prefixes and suffixes many different words were derived. Among the established languages of the world, mainly four can be considered as the root languages. They are Vedic, Latin, Hebrew and old Chinese. If one examines the derivation of the vocabulary of these languages one will find that their method or process is identical. (Varn'a Vijina'na, Disc 19, p.270)

== Section 4: Links ==
More important letters

Reply to:

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© 2017 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  


This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: 3rd-class Jai slogan
2. Revolution against Dada R - 6: Land sale & various issues
3. IT: How to remove greediness
4. Links

Friday, February 17, 2017

Shameful display


Shameful display

Our Ananda Marga is 100% dharma and opposes all forms of religious dogma. Naturally, our Ananda Marga Magazines should reflect this.

Look what has happened here. The editors of Prajina Bharatii have glorified Mother Teresa by placing a sketch of her image on the cover of our magazine.

But Mother Teresa does not represent our Ananda Marga ideals. She was a tool and icon of the Catholic church. In the name of serving the poor and the infirmed, she was converting them to Catholicism.

Here in the below sketch there is one old lady dressed in white and she is holding an emaciated child in her lap. This type of fake image was staged by Catholics to show that Mother Teresa was great, but her only goal was to create more and more Catholics. She was not service-minded. Her aims and Ananda Marga ideals are worlds apart. It is disgraceful to see how in our Ananda Marga magazine our worthless purodhas placed her image on the cover. It is similar to someone unloading an animal carcass on your doorstep. Those sitting on the post of purodhas in H group are worthless idiots. Why did they do this type of joke on the cover of Prajina Bharatii (Volume-40, No. 2, Consecutive No. #254). It is preposterous to put the image of one religious chameleon like Mother Teresa.

For details, on the point of Mother Teresa’s devious nature, Solon magazine has done an investigative report on Mother Teresa. A link to that article has been given below.

Once again, in case you did not read earlier, in the above sketch there is one old lady dressed in white and she is holding an emaciated child in her lap. This type of fake image was staged by Catholics to show that Mother Teresa was great, but her only goal was to create more and more Catholics. She was not service-minded. Her aims and Ananda Marga ideals are worlds apart. It is disgraceful to see how in our Ananda Marga magazine our worthless purodhas placed her image on the cover. It is similar to someone unloading an animal carcass on your doorstep. Those sitting on the post of purodhas in H group are worthless idiots. Why did they do this type of joke. It is preposterous to put the image of one religious chameleon like Mother Teresa.

In the name of serving the poor and the infirmed, she was converting them to Catholicism before they died. One of Mother Teresa's ongoing programs was to convert the poor and hungry people into becoming confirmed catholics. Rather than set-up infirmaries for bringing the sick into proper health and restoring their quality of life, she set-up 'Homes for the Dying' where she aimed to convert those suffering people into Catholics before they died.


All Ananda Marga magazines are made to propagate Ananda Marga ideology. But these editors are propagating a Catholic chameleon whose goal was to create more and more Catholics. And Mother Tereas was presented as an angel but that was all deceitful. Ananda Marga magazines should printed only those things which highlight Ananda Marga ideals.

In Him,

To read more about the hypocritical and deceptive ways of Mother Teresa - click on the below link.

List of culprits
Editor, A’ca’rya Ra’kesha’nanda Avt - Secretary of Purodha Board
Sub-Editor, A’ca’rya Amalesha’nanda Avt - Secretary of Avadhuta Board
Subscription, A’ca’rya Pus’pendra’nanda Avt - Secretary of Acarya Board

Publisher / Circulation, A’ca’rya Pran’avesha’nanda Avt - Secretary of Tattvika Board

Monday, February 13, 2017

New Land Sale: retreat center land & MU lost


New Land Sale: retreat center land & MU lost

By now all are aware how numerous Ananda Marga properties were wrongfully sold in Mexico. This is both criminal and sinful as it goes again our standard Ananda Marga by-laws (criminal) and against the wishes of Guru (sinful). Sadly, we now have another shocking chapter to this ongoing saga. And that is what I wish to share with you here.

The main person behind nearly all of the Ananda Marga properties in Mexico was brother Gagan. With his generous heart and commitment to Guru’s mission, Gaganji donated numerous land parcels and properties to Ananda Marga. And after his very suspicious and suspect death in 2007, so many more properties came into the hands of the organisation and were secretly sold, allegedly. Much of this has been told in the past. And now we come to this latest tragedy.

Photo: Before

This is what our land parcel originally looked like when brother Gagan ji first donated the property and established the retreat center (shown below with the reddish-brown roof). This was an ideal site: quiet, lush, green, fertile, private, secluded, and completely natural and beautiful. It was perfect for a master unit / retreat center. Any unit would very much enjoy having such a retreat center and surrounding property. This was wholly embraced by all margiis of Mexico as one special place.

Now here is the full story.....and be sure to see the 2nd photo down below which shows how the land was allegedly divided and sold.

Gagan ji donates a retreat center

One of Gagan’s dreams was to have a wonderful place in Mexico to host retreats, similar to how Ananda Kanan was the retreat center those days in the USA. So in the mid-1990’s brother Gaganji donated 6 - 8 acres on the outskirts of Allende for a Didi’s Master Unit and retreat center. That land was called Ananda Maya Duhita. And verily, while he was alive Gagan had one major building constructed on the property to serve as a retreat site - similar to how Sudhiira had done at Ananda Kanan. And for many years, this site named Ananda Maya Duhita, on the outskirts of the small town of Allende, was where all the retreats were held.

There was one main building, some surrounding property near the road, and multiple acres both in front of and behind the retreat building. There was a grove of 30 orange trees and a forested area behind the building, as well as lots of space for the children to play during the retreats. It was quite an idyllic site and everyone very much enjoyed the satsaunga and spiritual flow at these retreats.

After Gagan’s highly suspect and mysterious death in Feb 2007, numerous properties, houses, antiques, and vehicles which Gagan had owned came into the ownership of AMPS as per Gagan’s will. And many of these were allegedly secretly and wrongfully sold. And much has been written about this in the past. Yet all along, everyone thought that the retreat center Ananda Maya Duhita had survived the alleged land sale scandal and remained in tact.

Shocking to see land was sold

Then just recently, in September 2016, a small group of margiis and Wts traveled to Allende to inspect the Didi’s master unit and retreat center. And what they saw absolutely shocked them. Some of the margii sisters were completely distraught and burst into tears. Upon their arrival at Ananda Maya Duhita, they saw that just behind the building, construction was underway and the foundation had been laid for public buildings. Unbeknownst to them, someone (allegedly Yogendra under direction of Dada Vimalananda with the approval of Dada Rudrananda) had secretly sold more than half the Didi’s master unit! It was such a sorrowful scene. All the land behind the building that was the orange grove, forest, and children’s playing area and that entire open space of more than three acres had been sold to a developer. The idyllic master unit was no more. Now there was just a little bit of land left surrounding the retreat building, and all the rest had been sold for private and commercial development. This was the horrific scene which those margiis and Wts stumbled upon. It is yet another alleged land sale debacle in Mexico, thereby shattering Gaganji’s dream and the dream of so many margiis. And top of all, it is sinful to sell Ananda Marga property as it is a direct contravention of Guru’s order.


Now, Ananda Maya Duhita does not even qualify as a master unit. Because as we know, Sadguru Baba gave the rule that the minimum size of any master unit is 5 acres. And Ananda Maya Duhita is half the size it once was, falling far short of the 5-acre requirement. This illegal and sinful land sale stands as yet another black stain in the ongoing land sale saga that has besieged AMPS in Mexico. Many are aware that all this transpired and occurred with the implicit support of the then SS Dada Vimalananda ji. Directly and indirectly, Dada Vimalananda is the responsible party in this debacle, and he kept his “hands clean” by passing bundles of money to Centre. Along the way, he and his local stooge also profited greatly.

Any further news about the downfall of Ananda Maya Duhita (Didi’s MU in Allende) will be shared in upcoming letters. Those interested in knowing more about the Ananda Marga Mexico land sale scandal from 2007 - 2015 may write us or click on the appended links down below in section 2.

In Him,
(M. Guerrero)

Photo: After

Now see the tragedy that happened. The roadside land which is worth a lot of money was secretly sold sometime back. That was the first parcel to be sold from this plot. This is completely sinful and it was done behind the back of margiis and local acaryas. Then on the other side of the retreat center (i.e. behind the building out of view) a large 3-acre plot of land was allegedly sold sometime prior to Sep 2016. When margiis and acaryas visited there in Sep 2016 they were shocked to see that the orange grove (30 trees), forested section of other trees, and open natural area where the margii children used to play was gone; and, instead a commercial developer had set the foundation for buildings and construction. Seeing this disaster those margiis felt completely betrayed. This is all quite abhorrent how those in-charges / top Dadas completely chopped up and destroyed this lush master unit and retreat center for their own greed. What they have done is abominable and sinful.

== Section 2: Links ==
More important letters

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© 2017 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Dos & don'ts: Mourning + 2 more


Dos & don'ts: Mourning


As we all know, the various ceremonies given by Sadguru Baba in Caryacarya are to be performed in a certain way to preserve the sanctity of the function and prevent dogma from entering. One key point about the shraddha ceremony is that a photo of the deceased should not be on display during this shraddha function. And here is why.

As we know, Sadguru Baba’s teachings of Ananda Marga ideology offer perfect guidance in every sphere of life - in every circumstance. The tenets of Ananda Marga ideology are for the welfare of all. To ease the suffering of the grieving family, the Ananda Marga shraddha (death) ceremony does not support the idea of having the deceased’s photo on display.

True neo-humanists always try to remove people’s suffering

The grieving family is already suffering the pain of their loss. And this is really the key point. Ideal Ananda Margiis are sadhus and aim to reduce the pain and suffering of others. True neo-humanists always try to remove people’s suffering. Yet, seeing the photo of their departed loved one, those in mourning will more acutely feel the pain of their loss. In that case, displaying the photo of the deceased runs counter to the aims and goal of the Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony. Because that ceremony is only for bringing a sense of closure to those in mourning.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya guides us, “The departed soul does not get any advantage from the shráddha ceremony [memorial ceremony]. It is only meant for the psychic satisfaction of the person performing it.” (1)

Neo-humanists will always work to uphold the ideals and tenets of tantra shastra. They will not do anything which rekindles the memory of the deceased by displaying the photo, telling a story, or delivering a eulogy etc. Because no sadhu-minded person wishes to cause pain to others. So they will not introduce elements - such as a photo of the deceased - into our Ananda Marga shraddha ceremony as that will make matters worse for the grief-stricken family. When people come and see the photo and talk about the deceased then the grieving family will again fall into despair.

We should not exacerbate the the suffering of those in mourning

So the deceased’s photo should not be on display nor should anyone deliver a eulogy of the deceased on the occasion of their shraddha ceremony. Otherwise one is exacerbating the situation and multiplying the suffering of those in mourning. The grief-stricken family can only overcome their misery when the mind is diverted to Parama Purusa. And having the photo present undermines this endeavour. So devotees will never remind the suffering family of that raw wound by displaying the photo of the deceased during the shraddha ceremony - as that would undermine the welfare of the grieving family.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Important to discuss ahead of time with loved ones

The following points are all related with why the deceased's photo should not be put on display and how to raise awareness with others on this matter.

1. First and foremost, it is very important to educate everyone beforehand about Baba's guideline. The concerned family and their relatives people should know ahead of time. Raising the matter the day of the shraddha ceremony or at the ceremony itself is bound to create a lot of emotional angst and turmoil. So the earlier this conversation can happen the better. The main thing is that awareness and pracara must be raised ahead of time.

2. Bear in mind that Baba made the rule for all-round welfare of those in mourning so no one should feel shy in educating others about this policy.

3. Remember, this is no different from other dogmas faced and overcome in the past liken caste marriage, dowry, and multi-deity puja worship etc. Similarly, as people are made aware of the drawbacks and defects of having a photo of the deceased on display at the shraddha ceremony, this dogma will also fade.

4. Overall, there are various levels of margiis, and those who are pashvacariis are not going to be able to follow everything perfectly. Whereas, those who are divyacariis will follow. Ultimately, true margiis will adhere to this guideline.

Dadaji is garlanding the deceased’s photo

In the above image, one avadhuta is offering a garland to the deceased’s photo at the shraddha ceremony. This act goes directly contrary to Ananda Marga teachings. 

Tadekaḿ japámas tadekaḿ smarámas
Tadekaḿ jagatsákśiirúpaḿ namámah;
Tadekaḿ nidhánaḿ nirálambamiishaḿ
Bhavámbodhipotaḿ sharańaḿ vrajámah.

[I will remember You only. I will contemplate on You only. I will salute You only, the Witnessing Entity of this expressed universe. You are the supreme shelter, but you require no shelter, and no authority lords over you. We take shelter in You in the form of a ship sailing on this vast universe.]

“If anyone's name is to be chanted in japa, it is the name of Parama Puruśa.” What is japa? A word has a particular meaning; repeating the word inwardly again and again, after having understood its meaning, is what is termed japa. As a result of the prolonged repetition of a word, whose inner meaning is clearly understood, its ideation becomes permanently imprinted on one's mind, and consequently there occurs a radical change in one's mental arena. The extroversial tendencies of the mind gradually become introverted. This is the benefit of japa. And if anyone's name is to be repeated, it is the name of the Lord.” (2)

1. Caryacarya - 1, Shraddha Ceremony
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Intuitional Science of Tantra

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Links ==
Unholy alliance: capitalism & the priesthood

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In ancient times powerful rájas and mahárájas used to perform yajiṋas or sacrifices to declare that they were heroes, but this was also a form of exploitation. They erected many temples to hide their ill-deeds, not out of devotional spirit. There was an unholy alliance between physical exploiters and intellectual exploiters. Intellectuals have praised these rájas and mahárájas in all ages. Another form of exploitation is the priesthood. Capitalism will never go against the priesthood nor will priests go against capitalism. In order to create inferiority complexes in the minds of the people, intellectuals have composed many stories and myths. These stories are illogical and concocted to exploit the sentiments of the common mass. One glaring instance is the following verse composed by satanic opportunists.”

    Bráhmańásya mukhamásiit váhurájano’bhavat
    Madhya tadasya yad vaeshyahpadbhyaḿ shudrojáyata.

    “Brahmins came out of the mouth, Kśatriyas were born out of the arms,
    Vaeshyas came out of the trunk of the body, and Shúdras were born out of the legs.”

“In the capitalist structure, industry or production is governed by the profit motive, but in the Proutistic structure production will be governed by the motive of consumption.” (1)

1. Talks on Prout

== Section 3: Links ==

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Dos & don'ts: Mourning
2. Important Teaching: Unholy alliance: capitalism & the priesthood
3. Links

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Degraded henchmen of R did this + 3 more


Degraded henchmen of R did this

Scene: One Wt was on his deathbed in the ICU (intensive care unit) in Delhi. Some central purodhas, who were inimical to that dying patient, were standing by his hospital bed. And those purodhas were hurling curses upon that patient. The description of that scene was recently published on the What’sApp ’STO’ forum. Here below in yellow is senior Margii Shrii Ram Ratan ji’s first-hand account how certain purodhas were hurling curses on that dying wt.

[8:07AM, 1/31/2017] “Ram Ratan wrote : I shall narrate horrible matters what I witnessed and realised in Max hospital where Dada Nigamananda ji was admitted. How the Wts were behaving there on one's misery….
Ram Ratan: I was with my wife and daughter there.
Ram Ratan: My daughter and son reminded me [and] told to write here, everyone should know it......I and my family of 4 persons flew from Nagpur to Delhi to see Nigamananda dadaji who was under treatment in Max hospital. We entered with a dada who was posted in Europe that time helped me to access Nigamanandaji's room and [we] waited to be allowed to enter.

There were Madhuvratananda, Abhiramananda, Nabhatiitananda and a few [other] dadas. All of them not aware about my whereabouts [and they] were ranting very bad words about Nigamanandji.

Madhuvratananda told MAR KYON NAHI RAHA HAI [Why hasn’t this wretched fellow died yet],

 Nabhatiitananda told ITNA KHARCHA KYON KAR RAHE HO INPAR [Why are you wasting money on this worthless fellow], and

Abhiramananda told ...... I don’t know who anonymously deposited two lahk rupees in medical account of this Max?


My daughter was fuming hearing all these words. After two weeks I heard Nigamanandji's sad demise. I heard these dadas did not go to the nursing home hospital where he breathed his last, but distributed sweets in AM office.”

Note: The words in the square bracket [ ] in the above yellow section were added to reflect the spirit and tone of the Hindi phrases so international readers can best understand the scene. - Eds

What a pity he is in great trouble

Comment: These worthless, so-called purodhas were enjoying seeing someone else’s suffering and death. According to Baba’s teachings they are human-shaped, wild animals or worse than that. For a greater understanding of this issue, here below are Sadguru Baba’s teachings.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Suppose someone is very sad; seeing his miserable fate people will say, “Well done! He deserved it!” But this is not the proper approach. The proper approach should be to show compassion, thinking “What a pity he is in great trouble. Had I also been in such a difficult position, how badly I would feel.” In this way the feeling of compassion (karuńa) should be aroused in one’s mind." (1)

And here again Baba guides us about what our approach should be upon seeing someone sick or in problem.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "“Again on seeing a person in distress one should have the feeling – “Alas, how miserable is the condition of this person! Let his miseries be over expeditiously...I shall also try to remove his misery as early as possible.”” (2)

In yet another discourse, Baba pointedly describes how we are to feel towards those undergoing difficulties.

Ananda Marga ideology says, ""And for those people who live in misery one should develop an attitude of compassion. One should never feel happy upon seeing the sorrows of others, but should think, “What a miserable life that person is leading. I hope things get better for him soon.”" (3)


Irrespective of how good or bad someone is, if someone is suffering we should engender empathy and compassion for their situation. But as you see, the lowly henchmen of Rudrananda’s group, i.e. Madhuvratananda, Abhiramananda, Nabhatiitananda, and Leelabodhananda were hurling curses on that dying Wt.

In Him,

To understand this issue in a better way click here or on the below link:

1. Ananda Marga Ideology Way of Life, Part 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
2. Shabda Cayanika - 4, Discourse: 27
3. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell, Part 8, The Acoustic Roots of the Indo-Aryan Alphabet

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Before Your advent humans were drowned in the dungeon of materialism

“Tumi, bhálobese chile, tái ki ele, phúler parág rág anurág mishiye dile...” (Prabhat Samgiita #3279)


O' Parama Purusa, You loved me. Is that why You came to me? You are so great, You interweave Your love and affection with flower fragrance. Today my entire being feels awakened and loved with Your sweet arrival.

O' Supreme Entity, before Your arrival, human beings were in the dark. They were drowned in the depths of materialism, busy daylong in mundane acquisitions. They were in a closed room, riddled by a narrow, dogmatic mindset. They could not think or conceive of anything beyond the periphery of materialism. Such was the horrific condition of depraved humanity. In that dark hour, You blessed all by coming. By opening the doors and showering humanity in a deluge of light of neo-humanism and spirituality, You have divinely intoxicated everyone's mind. You have transformed one and all.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, with the colourful flambeau of Your divine love, human life started swinging. Everyone became charged by Your dharmic call. Baba, holding aloft the flag of hope, You stood in front of all. You mercifully led the way and showed everyone the path of Supreme fulfillment.

Baba, You have blessed me by showering me in Your infinite love. I don't have words to sing Your glory...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Leaders of Prout have to be dharmikas

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Human beings will have to develop their social structure, economic principles, spiritual practice – in fact everything in life – in consistence with the principles of dharma because dharma is the divine law." (1)

Note: In His above teaching Baba is guiding us that all aspects of life including our socio-economic system must be grounded in dharma. That means to be a leader of Prout one must be a dharmika - a practitioner of bhagavad dharma. Now and again, some become enthralled by hearing the tall talks of various atheistic social leaders. And in their mind they think that such speakers are ideal Prout leaders.But Baba has put an end to this misconception. Because in His above teaching He has firmly declared that only those spiritual aspirants who strictly follow the divine code of dharma are qualified to be the leaders of Prout, not any type of atheistic or quasi social reformer etc.   

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, Opposition to Dharma Will Certainly Invite Destruction

== Section 4: Links ==

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This email contains four sections:
1. Posting: Degraded henchmen of R did this
2. PS #3279: Before Your advent humans were drowned in the dungeon of materialism
3: Important Teaching: Leaders of Prout have to be dharmikas
4: Links

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Barbarity of united AMPS + 2 more


Barbarity by united AMPS

People regularly clap and celebrate when demons are made to suffer. People feel that those demons in human form committed countless black deeds and inflicted so much pain and agony on others. So if they are now made to suffer, justice has been done. This is actually a common reaction. But as, Ananda Margiis, our standard is different. We should be above what normal human beings do. We do not enjoy seeing others suffering. We should follow Baba’s below teachings. By seeing their suffering we should feel compassion, and not take pleasure in their punishment and suffering.

The proper approach should be to show compassion

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Suppose someone is very sad; seeing his miserable fate people will say, “Well done! He deserved it!” But this is not the proper approach. The proper approach should be to show compassion, thinking “What a pity he is in great trouble. Had I also been in such a difficult position, how badly I would feel.” In this way the feeling of compassion (karuńa) should be aroused.” (5)

Why some were happy by seeing other sufferings

The Supreme Court of India issued an order on 12 May 2015 to arrest the alleged murderers of Ac Abhipremananda Avt. The names of the 8 avadhutas listed in that court order are appended below.

Hearing this news, many began dancing in joy and delight and decorated their houses with lamps as in victory day or diipavali. They were pleased that those who harassed, victimised, and murdered innocent people were ordered to go to jail. They felt vindicated that finally justice had arrived. Although those avadhutas listed in the court order harmed our Ananda Marga, still we should not rejoice in their suffering.

Atrocities committed by united AMPS (post-1990 era)

Here we begin to look at the wrongdoings by the United AMPS of the post 1990 era. Because from 1990 onwards up to around 2000 all were united under Dada Sarvatmananda’s rule. And with that united power, grave injustices were done. Then, as is well known, a stark spit and division occurred.

  • Horror story -  Ac. Lokotorananda Case 1994
On 20th January 1994, Ac. Lokotorananda Avt threw himself in front of a running train in Hosangabad railway station, in Madhya Pradesh. He was seriously affected by the long-term abuse, humiliation, torture, and terror allegedly created by the then GS Dada Sarvatmananda and the then ERAWS Secretary Ac. Mantreshvarananda Avt, with the backing of the entire B group. Remember, those days in the pre 2000 era, Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Ananda Sampurna and Ananda Giita and also all “big” dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda.

Ironically, the only fault of Ac. Lokotorananda Avt was that he was very strict in 16 pts. When he was leaving Ananda Nagar on 8th January 1994, then he told to so many workers that "Neither I can leave strictness in 16 pts, nor I can leave AMPS and go outside. And also I cannot bear the torture which our supervisors are giving. So it is very difficult to survive." While he was expressing this feeling he was in a sad mood, and had tears in his eyes.

For confirmation, please confirm with very senior Margii of South India Smt. Manjula Dhayanand, Alandoor, Setikopa, Post Office N.R. Pura District Chikmanglur, Karnataka. Or Shrii Ganesh Bhat, Devikere Circle, Sirsi, North Karnara, Karnataka.

And Remember, those days in the pre-2000 era, Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Ananda Sampurna and Ananda Giita and also all “big” Dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda..

  • Other  murder cases
Under Dada Sarvatmanandaji's regime so many respected whole time Workers (WTs) were allegedly tortured to death. In good faith they were brought to Ananda Nagar and executed in the dark - in the name of going out for night sadhana. Ram Prasad Brc is one of the examples - and another is Dada Ranaviiranandaji who was killed in Baghima Master Unit in Gumla District, Ranchi region. Here again we are talking about the 1990’s when Sarvatmananda held unquestioned authority and so many big Wts like Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Ananda Sampurna, and Ananda Giita were ready to carry out his every order. Remember, those days in the pre-2000, all “big” dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda..

  • Ac Adidevanandji suicide
In addition, Ac. Adidevananda Avt who was Asst Trainer in Benares TC was allegedly severely tortured and exploited by the Head Trainer. He ended his life by hanging himself. And those who protested in support of Ac. Adidevanandji and cried for justice were severely punished. In this case of torture of Ac Adidevanandji, H and B groups both were involved. And those respected Avadhutas who protested Centre in favor of Adidevanandji were punished.

  • Diverted to Jamalpur tiirtha construction
Then when Orissa relief money was allegedly diverted to Jamalpur tiirtha construction, Ac. Nityalokeshananda Avt along with more than two dozen WTs protested. In turn, Ac. Nityalokeshanandji was punished by expulsion. This injustice was done collectively by H and B group. Because in that era, all were under the shelter of Dada Sarvatmananda. It was his house those days and inside were so many helpers and associates like Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, along with Avadhutikas Ananda Giita and Ananda Sampurna etc. Remember, those days in the pre 2000 era, and also all “big” Dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda.

List of repulsive exploitation on margiis & wts by united AMPS

1. Enslavement of BP’s, curtailment of BP rights, and imposition of the Fake BP Manual;
2. Those who opposed their evil deeds were expelled.
3. Victimisation of countless innocent Ananda Margiis and Wts who spoke out;
4. Bangalisation of Ananda Marga teachings: countless intentional scriptural distortions such as placing "Translated from the original Bengali" on the cover page of many Ananda Marga books, even if Baba did not give those discourses in Bengali or were given by Baba in other languages than Bengali;
5. Only translating Bengali portions of Baba's holy discourses which were given by Baba in three languages - ie discarding Baba’s English discourses;
6. Ruination of the ACB system by putting stooges on those committees;

Remember, those days in the 1990 - 2000 era, Rudrananda, Parmeshvarananda, Ananda Sampurna and Ananda Giita and also all “big” Dadas and Didis were the right hand of Dada Sarvatmananda

7. Curtailment of margii rights; imposing no right to protest nor free speech etc;
8. Issuing of Fake Ananda Vaniis two times per year;
9. Punishing those who do Silent Action to oppose their evil deeds;
10. Making their stooges into purodhas putting them on Central committees etc;
11. Secretly selling Ananda Marga land and properties;
12. Worthless Wts and stooges given central post;
13. Low character Wts given top posts in Centre.

These are a few of their many injustices and atrocities. And here following are more cases everyone should be aware about. Even then, by seeing their suffering we should feel compassion. We should not take pleasure in their punishment and suffering.

* For more about this list of repulsive exploitation of margiis and wts by united AMPS click here.

Should not take delight in their suffering

Despite the many injustices and tortures meted out by B group led by Dada Sarvatmananda, when all were united under his reign, it is against our ethic in our Ananda Marga to rejoice in seeing their suffering such as during the May 2015 court order for the arrest of Dada Sarvatmananda and his stooges.

"Well done! He deserved it!" But this is not the proper approach

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Suppose someone is very sad; seeing his miserable fate people will say, “Well done! He deserved it!” But this is not the proper approach. The proper approach should be to show compassion, thinking “What a pity he is in great trouble. Had I also been in such a difficult position, how badly I would feel.” In this way the feeling of compassion (karuńa) should be aroused.” (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Even for those infernal creatures Parama Puruśa has unbounded love and affection – even such people are not helpless. Their piteous wailings reach His ears, and accordingly He takes steps to help them. But this is not the case for human beings: rather even at the sight of the sorrows and sufferings of afflicted people they will say, “Well done! as you sow, so you reap! Those people are reaping the consequences of their past misdeeds!” In the human mind there is an ingrained sense of hatred for others. But there is no such feeling in the mind of Parama Puruśa.” (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, “On seeing someone in distress, they think: “Rightly served. As you sow, so you reap. Let their troubles augment.” Such human-shaped animals are prowling about in many fields of life, including the field of politics.” (7)

"ঠিক হয়েছে, ঠিক হয়েছে, rightly served"

আর “সুখদুঃখ”---কারও দুঃখ হলে, ভেব না যে "ঠিক হয়েছে, ঠিক হয়েছে, rightly served" | না | ভেব, “আহা দুঃখে লোকটা কত কষ্ট হচ্ছে | তার সম্বন্ধে মনে করুণার ভাব তৈরি করো | (8)


As Ananda Margiis, we are not to take delight or joy in seeing others suffer. The common people often rejoice seeing their enemies or oppressors in pain or in defeat. But as sadhakas that is not our way. We are to goad the mind to the next level and foster empathy and compassion for those .

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Which Dadas were involved

The following 8 Wts of AMPS Bengali group were ordered by the Indian Supreme Court in May 2015 to be held in custody - i.e. prison.

1. Ex. Sarvatmananda
2. Ex. Bhaveshananda
3. Ex. Mantreshvarananda
4. Ex. Vitmohananda
5. Ex. Haratmananda
6. Ex. Ravishananda
7. Ex. Tanmayananda
8. Ex. Sarveshvarananda

पापी थी बात तो ठीक है | मगर कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है

Ananda Marga ideology states, "किसी का दुःख हुआ | तो, प्रायशः लोग क्या करते हैं ? "बहुत बदमाश था" rightly served, अब ठीक हुआ, ठीक होलय |"

हूँ ? हाँ |

सो नहीं | उससे होगा क्या ? तुम्हारा mental balance नहीं रहेगा | रातभर सोचोगे---"ठीक हुआ बदमाश था, अब ठीक हुआ !"

[बाबा मुस्कराए]


"तो, शान्ति कहाँ रही ? नहीं | उस हालत में मन में क्या कहना चाहिए ?  करुणा | पापी थी बात तो ठीक है | मगर कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है, कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है | कहा था कि---"मिट्टी खोदकर आनन्दमार्ग को जड़ से मैं उखाड़ दूँगी | अब, नाली का पानी पी रही है | कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है !" (1)

Rightly served, rightly served! बहुत बदमाश आदमी था

Ananda Marga ideology states, "किसी का दुःख देखकर, पापी जब दुःख में है, तुम कहते हो---"ठीक हुआ ! Rightly served, rightly served ! बहुत बदमाश आदमी था !" तुम्हारे मन में घृणा है; उनके मन में घृणा नहीं है ।" (2)

Rightly served | Properly served | बहुत दुष्ट था, हमको बहुत परेशान किया था |

Ananda Marga ideology states, "किसी को दुःख देखने से भी ऐसा होता है न ? "ठीक हुआ | Rightly served | Properly served | बहुत दुष्ट था, हमको बहुत परेशान किया था |" मन में आनन्द हो रहा है, किसी का दुःख देखकर | ऐसा होता है | उस वक्त, क्या भावना लेना है ?  करुणा—"कितना कष्ट हो रहा है, कितना कष्ट हो रहा है, अह ! कितना कष्ट हो रहा है" | क्या हुआ ?  ठीक उसके विरुद्ध भावना | तो करुणा वृत्ति के द्वारा मन का जो रोग है, उसको हटा दो ।" (3)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "किसी को दुःख हुआ, दुःख से बहुत आदमी ऐसे भी हैं जो सोचते हैं---"ठीक हुआ, rightly served |" ऐसा भी कहता है |

ऐसा कहता है न, लोग ?

हाँ, कि "हम से दुश्मनी किया था, यह किया था, वह किया था | अब ठीक हुआ---हाँ, अब सज़ा मिल रही है |" नहीं, यह भावना ठीक नहीं है |

उस दशा में क्या ?  करुणा भावना के द्वारा neutralize कर लो | "अहाऽ, कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है | च्‌-च्‌-च्‌ | कितनी तकलीफ़ हो रही है, उसकी"---ऐसा मन में भावना लो | लेते-लेते जब neutralized हो गया, तब उस भावना को परमात्मा की तरफ़ बहा दो |" (4)

For more about the list of repulsive exploitation of margiis and wts by united AMPS click directly below;

1. MGD 27 August 1978 Patna
2. २७ नोव. १९७१
3. General Darshan 1 January 1970 Patna
4. DMC 26 January 1964 Gazipur
5. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
6. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Parama Puruśa and His Creation
7. Shabda Cayanika - 4, Ku to Kuiṋjara (Discourse 27)
8. GD 23 November 1987 Calcutta

== Section 2: Main Topic ==

I went to so-called tiirthas like Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, and Jamalpur

"Ámi, pathe pathe khunji tomáre, vane parvate nadii tiire..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2569)


O’ Parama Purusa, I am searching You on paths, trails, streets, forest lanes, mountains, and riverbanks. I have searched for You in various “holy lands” - Varanasi, Puri, Mecca, Rome, Jerusalem, as well as in the caves of treacherous mountains. And I also went to dogmatic religious places “tiirthas” like Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, and Jamalpur. But, unfortunately, I could not find You anywhere. I searched for You through karma yoga and jinana yoga. O’ Lord, I long to see You with my full heart’s satiation.

But, alas, You did not meet me anywhere. The swing of samvit [1] in my mind never arises. Walking continuously, performing rituals mindlessly, like a machine, I call You through a stream of ceaseless tears.

Baba, due to my profuse crying I became miserable. Covering my eyes with cloth, I have performed religious fasting, penance, and countless rituals. Sadly, the Entity for whom all these preparations were done, and the Entity for whom all these rituals were performed, I never searched for Him within my mind, where He is sitting and smiling...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2569:

[1] Samvit: "Samvit means spiritual consciousness, spiritual awakening. A man engaged in bad things all of a sudden feels that “No, I shouldn’t do all these things. No, I should be a good man henceforward.” Such an idea all of a sudden comes in his mind. And this thing, this change of mental tendency, is brought about by samvit shakti of Vidyámáyá. Do you follow? This is what is called samvit shakti. “No, henceforward I must be a good man. No, henceforward I must be a spiritualist. I must not encourage any depraving idea.” Samvit shakti." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Brahma Cakra

== Section 3: Links ==

Upcoming Commemoration: Niilkantha Divas: Feb 12, 2017
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More important letters
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This email contains three sections:
1. PS #2569: I went to so-called tiirthas  like Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, and Jamalpur
2. Posting: Barbarity of united AMPS
3: Links

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

N's group revolt against Rudrananda and his alleged philanderer purodhas #3


N's group revolt against Rudrananda
and his alleged philanderer purodhas #3

Please look into this very important issue which aims to bring awareness about the kinds of nasty activities going on in our organisation. The evil-minded Rudrananda has pressured PP Dada to award purodhaships to various philanderers and libidinous people. The Nigamananda group has printed and published newsletters in Hindi that exposes their nefarious activities. Herein please find the latest from the Nigamananda group.

So to date there has been two letters from the Nigamanada group. This is the third installment. The second was titled, "N group's circular: demand for margii participation on all boards etc."  A link to that letter has been appended below.

One of the main leaders of the Nigamananda group has been demoted but he has created his own What's App forum to communicate with margiis. You can join directly also if you wish.

The following is an abbreviated  summary of the below Hindi message from one of the Nigamananda group leaders:
1. The letter accuses Rudrananda of being a CBI agent.
2. It states that Rudrananda's chief central purodhas are mostly debauched. They are involved in all kinds of nasty relations with opposite sex.
3. It responds that Ranchi group has spread false propaganda about one of the main Nigamananda group leaders stating that he has left. Butt the truth is that this leading Dada of N group is in his field of his posting and from there he is writing everyone.
4. The leader is telling and threatening that if his demands are not fulfilled he will come to Ranchi and give a press conference to the leading newspapers about all his grievances, including accusations related with sexual scandals of senior purodhas.
5. It also reiterates the point given in circular #2 that in every AMPS activity, margiis should have 50% share in the managing and running  ofit. AMPS religious exploitation should be eliminated.

These are the basis demands of the below Hindi letter by N group leader. For details please find someone who can directly read the Hindi for you.

in Him,


मुझे अभी तक रांची प्रशासन का सदस्य हूँ मैंने दी गई पोस्टिंग ZO - धारवाड़ में ज्वाइन कर अपने चीफ सेकेट्री को एवम सेंट्रल ऑफिस सेक्टरी  आचार्य रमेन्द्रानंद जी को  फोन के द्वारा सूचित कर दिया है और मुझसे
सेन्ट्रल ऑफिस सेक्टरी ने स्वयम 
फोन पर बात भी की।
यदि CBI एजेंट रुद्रानन्द अपने चरित्र हींन पुरोधा नाभातीता नन्द के द्वारा यह प्रचार करवा रहे है, कि मंत्राचेतना नन्द संस्था छोड़ दिया है। ऐसी ग़लती न करे। रांची  संस्था   के पास ऐसी कोई पावर नहीं  जो मुझे भगोड़ा  या एक्सपेल घोसित कर दे।
नहीं तो मुझे मजबूरन रांची में आकर   ओपन प्रेस कन्फ्रेस
कर CBI एजेंट एवम उसके चरित्र हींन  चमचो को एक्सपोज़   करने की  जरुरत  पड़े। तब दुनिया को पता चलेगा  कि बहार तो एक आसाराम है  और रुद्रानंद कई आसाराम जैसे लोगो को पाल पने षड़यंत्र द्वारा  इस पवित्र संस्था को समाप्त करने की कोशिश में लगा है
मैं यह भी बताना चाहता हूँ हाई कोर्ट के कोस्टेटस मिलने के बाद संस्था को पुरोधा बनाने का अधिकार ही नहीं है। जितने भी इस जजमेंट का बाद जितने भी पुरोधा रांची प्रशाशन ने बनाये है वह सब अवैध है । 
  मै मार्गियो भाईयो को एडवांस में सूचित करना चाहता हूँ इसका दोष मुझे  न दिया जाय। की
 मेने प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस कर के सँस्था को नुक्सान पहुंचाया।  रुद्रानन्द एवं उनके चरित्र हींन चमचो को इनवाइट करता हूँ कि प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस में आकर अपने भी विचार रखे।
यह  STO फोरम इतना ही चाहता है जिनके चरित्र पर दाग है वोह पुरोधा  पद को सुशोभित कर पवित्र पुरोधा  पद को बदनाम न करे, क्योकि इससे बाबा एवम उनकी संस्था  बदनाम होती  है।  और ऐसे चरित्र हिन् लोगो को CEC का मेंबर न  बनाया जाय।
ग्रही मार्गियो को भी संस्था के  संचालन में 50- 50 प्रतिशत की हिस्सेदारी मिले।
WWD डिपार्टमेन्ट को
सन्यासी दीदियों का संचालन करने का अधिकार मिले।
ओवरसीज वर्कर एवम मार्गियो को बुलाकर उनकी समस्याओं का भी समाधान  निकालने की कोशिश की जाय। 

यदि फिर भी समस्या का समाधान नहीं निकला तो  रांची  कैंप  HQ  के बहार अनिश्चित कालीन  भूख हड़ताल शुरू करेंगे। 
अब ये रांची के प्रशासन पर निर्भर करता हे कि वह समाज में रुद्रानंद को एस्टैब्लिश कारन चाहता है या बाबा के मिशन को।

== Section 2: Links ==

Here is the link to the 2nd N Group circular
Recent postings
Other topics of interest
More important letters

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