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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Dada Bhaskarananda’s confusion + 3 more


Dada Bhaskarananda’s confusion


You know, there are three types of microvita:

  • First type of microvita;
  • Second type of microvita;
  • Third type of microvita.

Can only be realized by highly spiritual sadhakas

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, the third type of microvita is not conceivable by ordinary human beings. Only those who are very highly evolved spiritual personalities can perceive the third type of microvita. That is, those evolved persons who are very elevated by the practice of spiritual sadhana can perceive that third type of microvita. Those who cannot manage sadhana will not have any clue about the third type of microvita. See Baba’s teaching below in red font.

Baba says, [The third type of microvita] "may be felt or realized by persons having highly developed minds, having spiritually oriented minds." [for full quote see note-2]

And now see below, Bhaskarananda is telling just the opposite of what Baba says.

Baba says only great spiritualists can realize this third type of microvita (see above red quote). But Bhaskarananda says that the third type of microvita can be realized by crude scientists etc. See the following yellow text, which Dada B wrote in his book.

Example of Bhaskarananda’s misunderstanding

Bhaskarananda writes,

  • “While explaining microvita in 1988, Baba said that the third type of microvita can be perceived only through "special perception"....I contemplated this for several days and finally realized its meaning in an intuitive flash. I also understood what was meant by a "conceptually developed mind". The following examples illustrate my understanding.”
  • “These scientists had conceptually developed minds since they were assimilating tremendous amounts of diverse data in their mental arena. Their dreams were a reflection of their concepts. Dreams come within the realm of perception. So the answer to their problems came as a reflection of conception within the periphery of perception.”[for full qt see note-1]
So here, Bhaskarananda missed the point. See in the quote up above in red font where Baba says that the third and subtlest type of microvita can be perceived only by very spiritually elevated persons. But Bhaskarananda is telling just the opposite—that material scientists can realize the subtlest microvita (see above yellow highlight). This is the complete opposite of what Baba says (see above red font).


In His microvita discourse, Baba says the subtlest microvita can only be perceived by great spiritualists (see above red quote). Ordinary or mediocre sadhakas cannot realize this subtlest microvita, let alone a crude atheist, material scientist. But Bhaskarananda says the exact opposite. In his bewildered state, Bhaskarananda is spreading extravaganza, thereby misguiding others on this point. That is why Baba warns common Margiis about such jiṋániis like Bhaskarananda, because these types of confused people create psychic disease in the mind of innocent margiis and wts. So watch out.


Note 1: Misguided section of Bhaskarananda’s book

Please see below the long version of what Bhaskarananda has written:

While explaining microvita in 1988, Baba said that the third type of microvita can be perceived only through "special perception". He said that "special perception" is nothing but "the reflection of conception within the periphery of perception." I contemplated this for several days and finally realized its meaning in an intuitive flash. I also understood what was meant by a "conceptually developed mind". The following examples illustrate my understanding.

The Russian chemist Mendelev described how he developed the periodic table. He thought that there must be some relationship between the chemical elements and he spent sleepless nights puzzling over it. Ultimately he saw, in a dream, the whole periodic table and wrote it down immediately upon awakening.

The scientist Kekule discovered the structure of carbon compounds like benzene. His solutions also came in a dream. Once, while sitting by the fire in the evening after toiling for several hours with models of long chain carbon compounds, he became drowsy. In his half sleep, he saw the chains turn into twisting and turning snakes. When one of the snakes suddenly seized its own tail and formed a ring, the idea of a cyclic structure came to the great mind.

These scientists had conceptually developed minds since they were assimilating tremendous amounts of diverse data in their mental arena. Their dreams were a reflection of their concepts. Dreams come within the realm of perception. So the answer to their problems came as a reflection of conception within the periphery of perception. (Glimpses of a Mystery. Ác Bhaskarananda Avt)

Note 2: Section from Baba’s microvita discourse

Please see below the long version of what Baba has told:

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Now, these microvita are not of the same density or the same subtlety. Some of them [[may]] come within the range of a highly developed microscope; and some of them may not come within the range of a microscope, but by their actional expression or through their actional faculty or as a result of their actional vibrations, they may come within the scope of our perception. They are of subtler order. There may be still more subtle forms of microvita which may not come directly within the scope of our perception but may come within the scope of a special type of perception which is actually the reflection of conception within the range of perception in a limited sphere.”

“So these microvita may be broadly divided into three categories – first, those coming within the scope of [[a microscope]]; secondly, those not coming within the scope of a microscope but coming within the scope of perception as a result of their expression, as a result of their actional vibration; and thirdly, those not coming within the scope of common perception but coming within the scope of a special type of perception which is actually the reflection of conception within the periphery of perception. Such perception – that special type of perception – may be felt or realized by persons having highly developed minds, having spiritually oriented minds.” (1)

Note 3: How to contact Dada B

Please write to Dada Bhaskarananda at, and express your concern to him about the serious error in his book, in order to open his eyes.

By the above analysis it is proved that Bhaskarananda is confused on microvita.

1. Microvitum in a Nutshell, Microvitum, the Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You have come to me

“Anek diner pare, tomáre pelum ghare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1932)


Parama Purusa, after such a long time I have gotten You in my humble abode. You have come - it is Your grace. My Prabhu, kindly remain here with me in my home, inundating me with bliss and illuminating my mind. I will not let You go far away. Kindly infuse my entire being with bhakti and stay with me forever. You have blessed me so much.

Supreme Entity, Baba, I do not know how many years of sadhana have wiped away the darkness of my mind. I did not do any penance or good deeds, but due to Your causeless krpa You came here to me. The night sadhana has brought the crimson dawn to my doorstep - You are that dawn. Because of Your presence, all the darkness of my mind has vanished. The blackness of the nil moon has been transformed into the brilliant, refulgence of the full moon by Your august arrival.

Parama Purusa, it is my deep desire to be with You. Let this dawn with Your presence - stay up to eternity, and keep me in anandam forever. By Your spiritual touch, let my mind sway endlessly in divine ecstasy. Baba, please remain with me eternally.

My Adored One, You have poured immense karuna on me. You have come to me please remain always…

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #1932:

[1] Karun'a': This is when one harbours a deep sense of empathy, is pained by another's suffering, and feels, "I should help them.” For example, suppose a beggar is wallowing in misery. By seeing his wretched condition, you felt, "I should help him and remove his agony.” This heartfelt feeling is the expression of karuna'.

Similarly, suppose a bhakta is suffering and unable to progress in the physical, psychic, or spiritual realms for any reason. In such circumstances, Parama Purusa cannot bear to watch that sadhaka suffer. He feels He must rescue them immediately. With His deep empathy and mercy, Parama Purusa removes their agony, so that once again that bhakta can progress in all realms of life. This entire liila is called His karun'a'.

Difference Between krpa' & karun'a'

In the case of karun'a', Parama Purusa is moved by a bhakta's suffering and comes forward to save that bhakta. Whereas with krpa' (grace), the bhakta is not suffering but even then Parama Purusa is bestowing His blessing.

It is just like if a beggar is sick and suffering half-naked in the freezing cold. If with great empathy a passerby selflessly helps that beggar without expecting anything in return, that is karuna’. Because the passerby is moved and motivated into action by seeing the beggar's suffering. In contrast, if a student is not sick, and that person just wishes to give the student a gift, then that krpa’.

When out of empathy Parama Purusa lovingly comes to the aid of the suffering bhakta to relieve them of their spiritual strife, that is the karuna of Parama Purusa; and, if that same bhakta is not suffering in the spiritual realm, yet Baba still bestows His blessing to enhance their bhakti, that is His krpa’ on the bhakta.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Prout’s social cycle

Prout philosophy states, “The samája cakra [social cycle] moves on. After the Shúdra Age [the age of manual workers] comes the age of warriors – that is, the Kśatriya Age; next comes the Vipra Age [the age of intellectuals]; then the Vaeshya Age [the age of capitalists]; and then, after shúdra revolution, in the second parikránti [peripheric evolution] of the social cycle, comes a new Kśatriya Age – the age of the kśatriyas who led the shúdra revolution. The social cycle moves on in this manner. By merely espousing idealism, its rotation cannot be checked."

"One age follows another in succession. The end of one age and the advent of another can be called kránti [evolution]. The period of transition at the end of one age and at the beginning of another can be called yuga saḿkránti [transitional age]. And we can call one full rotation of the social cycle – that is, from one shúdra revolution to the next shúdra revolution – parikránti. In every age a particular varńa [social class] emerges, both as ruler and as exploiter." (1)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #34

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Key facet for building a society

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "What is society, what makes it up? What is Samaj?" 'Samanam ejati iti samajah...'Here 'moving together' does not mean march or double march, here 'moving together' means that all portions of society, all portions of the collective body, should have the spirit to move ahead." (1)

Note: In His above teaching Baba guides us that the term society has a specific meaning. Society is not simply a collection of people like a crowd - each with their own individual aims and motives. Nor is society, any group of people moving swiftly in a particular direction. Rather, society is formed when the entire collective moves according to an ideological vision, where none lag behind and all are encouraged to progress.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 3, Saḿgacchadhvaḿ

== Section 4: Links ==
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Other topics of interest

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