Gay sludge in fringes of AMPS
Namaskar to all my dear brothers and sisters,
I regret that each time I have to write to you, I am forced to be the bearer of bad news. I rather prefer listening to good news myself, but unfortunately I see that no one is speaking out against certain wrong things, so I am forced to have to defend Ananda Marga once again.
Yes, Ananda Marga is under attack. Attack by whom? An attack by people who wish to distort Ananda Marga ideology to make it conform to their own political agendas.
Filth: many fake Margiis have fallen
What I am speaking about is the political agenda which is pushing forward the normalization of sexually degenerative behaviors. The pseudo-cultural movement known as the "LGBT" has been growing steadily each year, as the Vaeshyans continue to pump out more and more propaganda on the TV, movies, and internet. And unfortunately, many fake Margiis have fallen for this Vaeshyan agenda as well.
Now there is a sister calling out to reform Baba's advice on Tandava dance being only for men. Here below I am attaching photographic evidence of this, and all of the videos on her facebook page, where she is proudly dancing Tandava, and blatantly telling other sisters to follow her.
Misguided woman doing tandava
Let us look at some of the excuses she is giving.
First she is saying that some women are "transgender" which means “a person who identifies with or expresses a gender identity that differs from the one which corresponds to the person's sex at birth.”
So the person was born as a female but now identifies themselves as a male and therefore they should be allowed to dance Tandava.
Nowhere in Baba's books did He ever use the word "transgender"; this is an artificial word created by Vaeshyan propagandists in order to trick people into falling for this agenda. When a child is born, that child is either a man or a woman. The truth is very plain and clear. There are some extremely rare circumstances where a child is born with the reproductive organs of both male and female. These rare cases are what is known as "hermaphrodite".
The living being who is spreading this "Tandava for women" is saying that it helps women to increase their masculine hormones, and this would help women to be more prepared if they ever need to fight.
Vaeshyan trick
In fact, the whole idea of women needing to "increase their masculine hormones" is another Vaeshyan trick. Although it is true that a female does produce a tiny amount of male hormones inside their bodies, and a normal male also does produce a tiny amount of female hormones inside their bodies, these amounts are very small, and never do they need to be "increased". But the Vaeshyan pseudo-scientists now started making claims that certain imbalances will arise if a woman's body does not produce enough male hormones. If one researches what these so-called "conditions" are, it usually says that it is "low sexual drive". And is that something AMPS promotes? Increasing a person's sexual drive?
Thirdly, she is using Baba's quote about "keeping an open mind and remaining flexible" in order to justify distorting Baba's philosophy as she pleases. This is not the way AMPS works. If you come up with a new interpretation of Baba's teachings, then you need to have your new interpretation approved before you can start going around spreading it to others, especially if you are spreading it in the name of Ananda Marga.
False propaganda by misguided people
And this comes down to the same mistake that all the pro-LGBT fake Margiis are making. They think they have a right to just interpret Baba's philosophy any way they want, and begin spreading it to others that way. Of course they would attack me for saying so. They would say, "you are the one who is distorting Baba's philosophy with your own interpretation." I am sorry but no. We all know that Baba is very much against this whole "gay marriage" thing. The story I have heard is that when some gay people approached Baba to have Him bless their gay marriage, He became furious about the whole notion.
In Him,
Brother Rasaviharii
~ In-depth study ~
I read Baba's advice about how to conduct a marriage ceremony, and words like bride and bridegroom, husband and wife, man and woman, seem pretty clear to me. If someone is coming along and saying, "well there are certain situations where...." then they are the ones who are coming up with a new interpretation. And well, there is nothing wrong with that. People are allowed to interpret Baba's philosophy any way they want. But they do not have the right to go around spreading their new interpretation in the name of AMPS without having approval from the collective body.
I do not know which Acaryas are posted in Moldova where this Tandava dancing sister is from, but they need to be more careful that the Margiis in their unit are well informed about Baba's system for presenting new interpretations of Ananda Marga ideology.
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