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Friday, July 26, 2019

Wt supports human trafficking + 2 more


Wt supports human trafficking  


To begin, let us see what Prout says about the barter system. In Shrii Prabhat Rranjan Sarkar's Prout teachings, the barter system is a viable and accepted method of trade that is highly beneficial, under the right circumstances.

Prout philosophy states, "The practice of the mutual exchange of commodities in foreign trade is called “barter trade”. In foreign trade those countries which have a large volume of very few commodities to sell but many commodities to buy will find barter trade profitable." (1)

According to Prout, the barter system has a distinct place in foreign trade. It veritably sparks an economy and makes for mutually beneficial trade between regions or nations etc. Here we should understand that in the Prout system, only commodities like food, industrial supplies, natural resources etc may be bartered. In Prout, human trafficking and forced labor are not allowed; they are not part of the barter system, rather they are criminal activities.

We all know that Prout is a rational, neo-humanistic system that guarantees cardinal human values, where the rights of every human being are honoured and respected. In the Prout system there is absolutely no scope for the bartering of human beings as was done in the old slave trade days.

Slave doctors from Cuba

In the below photo these doctors are enslaved by the communist Cuban regime. Cuba forcibly sends these enslaved doctors against their will to other countries in exchange of money and commodities. Unfortunately one Prout Dada appreciates and condones this type of slavery. He writes in his book that this is the ideal Prout system. To understand more about this please read below.

Dada writes: "Venezuela has pioneered barter trade, signing bilateral barter agreements with developing countries, swapping Venezuelan oil for other products or services the country needs, including 50,000 Cuban doctors and dentists who provide free medical care in city slums and remote rural villages." (2)

So Maheshvarananda has completely misunderstood the Proutistic barter system. Dadaji glorifies the trading of human beings by 2 communist and exploitative nations. Venezuela sends oil to Cuba and in return the Castro regime of Cuba sends Venezuela 50,000 doctors and dentists. Cuba regards those doctors and dentists as mere property of the state and summarily uproots them from their personal and professional life in Cuba and transplants them to Venezuela where they are to work as indentured servants or slaves.

~ Courtesy of Miami Herald ~
Since 2003, Cuba has been sending battalions of doctors to Venezuela in exchange for cash and crude.
The program, known as Barrio Adentro. According to health workers who have defected from the program, Barrio Adentro has been hollowed out by fraud. And they say they were under such intense pressure to hit quotas that they’ve been faking statistics for years.
inhuman ‘exports’
The quota pressure stems from Cuba’s economics. Desperate for hard currency, the government sends its legions of health workers abroad under contracts that let the administration keep the lion’s share of the revenue.
According to an article published by the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, there were 37,000 Cuban health professionals working in 77 countries during 2015. Citing unnamed Cuban officials, the document claims the health workers generated about $8 billion in foreign exchange revenue for the island that year.
Venezuela’s state-run PDVSA oil company, which pays for the program, says it pumped $28.8 billion into Barrio Adentro from 2003 through 2015.
(Courtesy of Miami Herald)

Please consider the following points:
(a) Human beings are not commodities. What Cuba and Venezuela are doing is a form of slavery. Communist dictators are bartering human beings against their will and forcing them to work in a foreign land free of cost.
(b) Prout has nothing to do with controlling and trafficking humans who are forced by corrupt communist governments to work in another country without having any personal freedoms.

Misled to think Prout is a horrible idea

If any person reads Dada M's book, they will automatically think that Prout is a poisonous system from the dark ages. They will think that Prout is a horrible idea.

Just imagine if you were ordered by your country to move to a distant land leaving your family and loved ones behind because your country had traded you for textiles or livestock etc. What a horrible fate that would be. Would you not look at this as a dastardly deal. Who would want to be wronged in this way - i.e. treated as mere lifeless commodities without any regard for your inherent human sentiment and quality.

Those suffering in this way undergo a terrible plight. For them freedom from such exploitation is more important than anything else. Those victims become refugees at the risk of their life, often leaving their cherished family behind. That is why a large number of doctors defect from those communist countries like Cuba and Venezuela, where bartering in the form of human trafficking is going on. Such doctors defect to Europe and the US.

People will be terrified of Prout

Yet according to Dadaji's book, in the name of Prout he is advocating a slave-based system where human trafficking is the norm. This would break so many of today's international laws that protect human rights. By proposing this type of forced labor or slave labor, people will be terrified of Prout. The ruling government will look upon humans as mere commodities that can be bought, sold, traded, and uprooted, while exploitative leaders grow fat off of the value of those human commodities. It is an absolutely awful and dark scenario. Yet that is exactly what Dadaji describes in his book. He has fully aligned himself and Prout with the scary and heartless ways of those two communist regimes, namely Cuba and Venezuela. But this is not what Prout is about.

Those reading Dadaji's book will not wish to usher in the new era of Prout out of the fear that people will be ruthlessly transplanted and forced to work without pay. However bad things are today, it is better than such a scenario in the future. All in all, Dada M paints a horrid picture of what a Prout society will be like in his book, "After Capitalism" (2012).

in Him,

In case there was any confusion, in the above letter, Dada M refers to Maheshvarananda.

~ In-depth study ~

Here below Prout philosophy guides us that humanity should be developed and the state should not engage in policies or regulations that undermine human progress. So this communist ploy of forcibly trading doctors for commodities and financial payment is a gross violation of Prout.

Prout philosophy states, “To sadvipras [spiritual revolutionaries] the value of human life surpasses all other values. So states and scriptures, societies and religions, acquire significance only insofar as they develop humanity to the maximum through learning, culture, physical health and economic plenty. It is for the sake of developing humanity that civilization has so many institutions of different kinds, that states take their various forms, that theories proliferate, and that the scriptures abound in ordinances and regulations. What in the world does the state stand for, what is the use of all these regulations, and what are the marvels of civilization for, if people are prevented from manifesting themselves, if they do not get the opportunity to build good physiques, to invigorate their intelligence with knowledge, or to broaden their hearts with love and compassion? If, instead of tending to lead human beings to the goal of life, the state stands in the way, it cannot command loyalty, because humanity is superior to the state. According to Rabindranath Tagore, “Justice and law at the cost of humanity is like a stone instead of bread. Maybe that stone is rare and valuable, but it cannot remove hunger.” (3)

Slave doctors from Cuba

In the below photo these doctors are enslaved by the communist Cuban regime. Cuba forcibly sends these enslaved doctors against their will to other countries in exchange of money and commodities. Unfortunately one Prout Dada appreciates and condones this type of slavery. He writes in his book that this is the ideal Prout system. To understand more about this please read below.

1. Prout in a Nutshelll - 12, Trade and Barter in Ancient Bengal – Excerpt A
2. After Capitalism, p.93, 2012 Edn
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 7, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles

== Section 2: News ==

साधु वेश में, उच्च पदस्थ ठगों की गन्दी हरकतें

~ The below is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~

*ब्रह्मचारिणी रिद्धि आचार्या, गाजीपुर Dtsl, ब्रह्मचारिणी मनस्मिता आचार्या ,DSL बँदायूँ. दीदी रिद्धि की पोस्टिंग गाजीपुर Dtsl के रूप में फ़र्स्ट पोस्टिंग थी |  एक साल भी पूरा नही हुआ कि इस बार मई / जून DMS में बीकानेर DSL बना दिया गया। जैसे दीदी बीकानेर जाने का मन बनाई तो अचानक से तथाकथित आनंद चितप्रभा SWWS ने दीदी की पोस्टिंग 10 दिनों के अंदर बँदायूँ  कर दिया गया*
 *इस बात कि ख़बर जैसे ही इस नई दीदी को हुआ की बँदायूँ जाना है तो ये बच्ची रोने लगी और रिक्वेस्ट करती रही कि मैं बँदायूँ नही जाऊंगी क्योकि 1 महीना पहले ही दीदी मनस्मिता ब्रह्मचारिणी वहाँ से,इन अधिकारियों का टार्चर नही सह पाई और वो घर वापस चली गयी।*

*ये सारे लोग अच्छे से जानते है की बँदायूँ फील्ड नए बच्चियों के लिए ठीक नही है*
 *उसने जब तथाकथित सीनियर दीदियों को वहां के परेशानी से अवगत करवाया तो वो लोग ध्यान नही दिए, ये रोती रही और अंततः जब कोई तथाकथित सीनियर नही सुना तो वह वापस चली  गयी।*
 *इस जानकारी के बाद Dtsl दीदी आनंद रिद्धि बहुत रिक्वेस्ट की और अपने तथाकथित  तथाकथित सीनियर से गुहार लगाती रही कि दिदि वो नए वर्कर के लिए जगह ठीक नही है, एक बैच की होने के कारण उसे मनस्मिता ब्रह्मचारिणी ने सब कुछ बतला दिया था।*

 *दीदी रिद्धि बोली कि जब मेरा ट्रांसफर बीकानेर announce  हुआ तो हमें अचानक क्यो बँदायूँ भेज रहे है आपलोग ?*
 *लेकिन तथाकथित दानव्रता और तथाकथित चितप्रभा एक बार भी उस नई बच्ची को मोरल सपोर्ट नहीं दिया  बल्कि उल्टा उसे तंग करती रही।*

 *अंत में रिद्धि दीदी ने यहां तक कहा की  ज्यादा टार्चर करेंगे तो मैं आत्महत्या कर लुंगी। तब इसे डाँट फटकार कर चुप करा दिया गया। ये नही हुआ की एक छोटी बहन को समझाये और हिम्मत दें। ये तथाकथित सीनियर पद पे बैठी दीदियों को जूनियर बच्चियों से कोई प्यार नही है बल्कि ये लोग नई दीदियों को नौकरानी की तरह इस्तेमाल करते है। कोई नये  भी दादा या दीदी संगठन छोड़ने के लिए नही आते है बल्कि तथाकथित सीनियर के टार्चर और ब्लैकमेल से छोड़ने को मजबूर हो जाते है।*

 *पता चला है कि दीदी आनंद रिद्धि पिछले 20 दिनों से गायब है कहाँ चली गयी कुछ पता नही----आत्महत्या??? । ये तथाकथित सीनियर लोग क्यों छुपा रहे हैं, इनसे पूछा जाए कि बिलासपुर, गाजीपुर और बँदायूँ की दीदी को कहां भगा दिए और क्यों भगा दिए-------आत्महत्या??? ?*

*और ये तथाकथित सीनियर लोग बोलते है नए WT नही बन रहा है---- कहाँ से बनेगा इनका कोई सिक्योरिटी ही नही है। और तथाकथित सीनियर को AMPS संस्था से मतलब भी नहीं है उन्हें अपने आराम तलब विलासी जिंदगी से मतलब है।*

*ये संस्था आज केवल तथाकथित दानव्रता, तथाकथित चितप्रभा, तथाकथित मधुव्रतानंद, और तथाकथित कल्यानमित्रानंद का है, ये 4 ही काफी है संस्था चलाने के लिए अपने आकाओं के निर्देश पर।*
*कोई जीवन त्याग कर आता है बाबा के आदर्श को स्थापित करने और ये साधु वेश में, उच्च पदस्थ ठग लोग उसे अपना ग़ुलाम समझ बैठते हैं।*
 *बाबा चार्यचार्य में कहते है कि आनंदमार्ग में कोई किसी का नौकर नही है।*
 *ये बहुत दुख की बात है की हमलोग अपने नए भोले-भाले  WTs को गंवा रहे हैं।* *तथाकथित मधुव्रतानंद,तथाकथित दानव्रता, तथाकथित चितप्रभा और तथाकथित कल्यानमित्रानंद जवाब दे कि दीदी रिद्धि, दीदी मनस्मिता, बिलासपुर DSL कहाँ है.. या फिर पब्लिक से पिटाने के लिए तैयार रहें।*

~ The above is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~

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साधु वेश में, उच्च पदस्थ ठगों की गन्दी हरकतें 3Links

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