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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Nefarious ways of Rudrananda: NY & Berlin News + 4 more


Nefarious ways of Rudrananda: NY & Berlin News


Rudrananda’s “sick-leave” or “medical-leave” tour of NY sector has concluded as he left NY sector on 24 July and flew to Berlin sector to attend the retreat at Madhu Karuna which started on 28 July. Here then are a few “highlights” of mafia Rudrananda’s stay in NY sector, as well as what those in Berlin sector can expect to see.

Retreat attendance suffered

The attendance at the summer retreat at Ananda Kanan (Missouri, USA) was particularly low this year. Only about 35 family margiis in total attended. One of the dominant reasons for the low attendance was that people keep away if they know mafia Rudrananda will be attending. Certainly the Wts are suffocated by his presence but family margiis are also not eager to see the thug Rudrananda. So instead of traveling to the sectorial retreat they stay home.

And this is not just limited to certain overseas sectors. Across Delhi sector, no one wants to see Rudrananda. For instance, at the Jamalpur 2018 DMS in March, for six days during the entire course of the DMS and RDS, mafia Rudrananda just sat closed up in one room. He did not even leave his room for a few minutes and never even visited the pandal. All because due to his nefarious ways, no disciple of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji wants to lay eyes on arsonist Rudrananda’s face. And same thing was the case at the Kota DMS last October. Mafia Rudrananda was literally afraid to go out in public - maybe he put his big toe out to take a quick peek, but beyond that never.

Just Rudrananda sits alone in his own world like bin Laden used to do and controls mafia Rudrananda Pracaraka Samgha through his degraded stooges like Madhuvratananda, Hariishananda, and Satyashrayananda. Thug Rudrananda allows them to keep their lady friends and in exchange they give him their undying loyalty. In this crackpot method the Rudrananda Pracaraka Samgha is being run.

Rudrananda: “The Fire-Brigadier”

As noted above, mafia Rudrananda is on “medical-leave” and has no posting in the Rudrananda Pracaraka Samgha. This has created quite a stir amongst margiis and Wts. Because instead of seeking medical care or taking bed-rest as is normally done when one is on sick-leave, instead gang leader Rudrananda is jet-setting around the globe and treating the entire planet as his playground. This has many quite irked as all other Wts have to abide by the structural code by holding a particular post.

At the Ananda Kanan NY sector retreat this issue was coming to a boil amongst the Wts though no one wanted to speak outright about it. To quell the frustration of general Wts etc, a meeting was held and Rudrananda’s stooges came up with a plan to appease everyone. Top stooges like Abhiramananda and sidekick Dhruva made the plot that when arsonist Rudrananda comes in for the meeting then chief stooge Dhruva (Clark Forden) will pose the question and Rudrananda will give his prepared response.

So in front of everyone, the sycophant Dhruva performed his allotted task and asked thug Rudrananda, “Dada ji, what is your posting?”

Thug Rudrananda responded, “I am a fire-brigadier.”

Then thug Rudrananda went on to explain that he goes wherever there are problems and difficulties in order to bring solutions. So he travels around and “puts out all the fires.” Rudrananda also told that he does this as per PP’s request, yet we all know that PP himself is in the pocket of thug Rudrananda. So that was Rudrananda’s response as to why he does not have a posting and what his role is while on “medical-leave.”

Verily mafia Rudrananda commits arson and is an arsonist, not a fire-brigadier. However, no Wt present in the meeting dared challenge him on this as that would be their death knell. Rudrananda would isolate and bury them. At the same time, the day of reckoning is not far when heightened consciousness will enable Wts to stand unitedly in which case Rudrananda and his pet stooges at the top will have no option but to surrender the power or run far away to save themselves.

"Fire-Brigadier" Note: Of course, thug Rudrananda’s response of being a “fire-brigadier” is completely bogus - on multiple levels. Not the least of which is that there are numerous problems or fires in various sectors like Qahira sector, Nairobi sector, GT sector, and Suva sector etc, but Rudrananda never visits those places to solve the issues and put out the fires. This is enough to prove that he is not a “fire-brigadier”. Thug Rudrananda just goes to those places where he has a good stooge to serve as his host and give him money. All in all, instead of glorifying himself as a “fire-brigadier”, the mafia-minded Rudrananda should call himself: arsonist. Because instead of putting out the fires, mafia Rudrananda is the cause of the huge blazes and burning in the organisation;he himself intentionally lights the fire.

TP Drama

During the NY sectorial retreat at Ananda Kanan, the lackey Abhiramananda announced, mafia “Rudrananda is PP’s representative at this retreat so all Wts have to get their TP (tour program) signed by thug Rudrananda.” The irony of this request was on display front and center. That means everyone understood the blatant hypocrisy. Mafia Rudrananda has no posting or TP and in the name of medical-leave he flies the skies going wherever he pleases, yet now he is demanding to review, approve, and sign everyone’s TP. People did it but who can respect such a request. That is a small glimpse into why things are so sour in the Rudrananda Pracaraka Samgha these days. The first step of true leadership is to lead by one’s own conduct and sterling example.

Sadguru Baba says, "Setting an example by individual conduct before asking anybody to do the same." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Acárańát páthayati yah sah ácáryah – “One who teaches through one's conduct is an ácárya.” If one's conduct is not exemplary, he or she is not an ácárya/á." (2)

So-called PC with Rudrananda

Rudrananda is always on the lookout for new minions or puppets. So he told his hand-picked SS Abhiramananda, who himself is no slouch in Rudrananda’s stooge kingdom, to send him (Rudrananda) worthy candidates.

So in the name of holding some type of special one-on-one meeting like PC, arsonist Rudrananda sat with various lackey margiis of NY sector, most notably Dhruva / Clark Forden (Washington D.C.), Yogendra (Mexico), Dharmapala, Vikash, and a few others.

Here Rudrananda’s entire agenda was to “size them up” and see how far he can use them as his pawns to push through his narrow and greedy agenda. For example, Yogendra’s chief duty is illicit land sales of AMPS properties in Mexico and give a percentage of the bounty to thug Rudrananda. And Dhruva’s main duty is to pose as a dumb bureaucrat and give bogus answers to quell margiis’ concerns. That is why no sane person in NY trusts Dhruva - he sold out long ago. That is how he got his fake family acaryaship. He will always sign as Ac Dhruva and he even got a gmail address to show off his so-called acarya title. But that family acaryaship is just fake. It is given based on his spinelessness and goody-goody and obsequious nature, and is not a measure of any dharmic quality. And Dharmapala, Vikash, and others also went for PC before Rudrananda for similar reasons: to prove their loyalty in response for some petty, mundane gain, while thug Rudrananda took their measurements to outfit in their paid stooge attire.

Rudrananda’s six dens & top tail-waggers

And verily Rudrananda just visits six places where he convenes one-on-one PC-like meetings and aims to make stooges for his selfish agenda. The grand formula is that thug Rudrananda only does this when he has a tried and true sycophant firmly in place as an authority figure to bring pawn-like candidates before Rudrananda. Here are those six places: 

All the above six top-stooges have some key points in common. The main thread is that they are all characterless and have a history of alleged illicit affairs. Plus some have some other special qualifications. Mantrajapananda financed Rudrananda’s new palace by selling AM properties in the Philippines. And Abhiramananda is a so-called harijan by birth so he is a chosen one in thug Rudrananda’s eyes. Of course in our Ananda Marga we do not give any value to caste etc, that is why it is written as so-called harijan, but for mafia Rudrananda casteism, i.e. being a “harijan”, is everything. So this is the tale how and why these above six people are Rudrananda’s stooges for arranging one-on-one encounters with new, potential pawns. And verily those are the main places, that thug Rudrananda goes for any length of time.

Meetings around NY

Rudrananda also held meetings with Sandiip in Virginia and with Sanjay in Dallas. Both are monied people who paid for mafia Rudrananda and his entourage of lackeys like Abhiramananda to come visit. Sanjay and Rudrananda go back years to their days together in Dehradun (Uttarakhand) on the India / Nepal border. Essentially, arsonist Rudrananda followed the money trail and visited to these select margiis house to keep the finances flowing. So whatever else might have been talked about or whatever music they might have heard, it was all about the money. If money was not involved mafia Rudrananda would not have wasted his time visiting them.


So that is the overview of mafia Rudrananda ’s stay in NY sector. Stay tuned for the upcoming report after his Berlin sector tour.

These days moral margiis and wts are completely disunited. In contrast, anti-social elements and characterless people are united and bound together by their unholy alliance - intertwined by their negative affairs. And because these negative parties are united they are creating terror amongst genuine wts and margiis. The solution is Baba’s slogan: the unity of moralists - i.e. margiis, wts, everyone. If moralists are united then immoralists will leave the stage and run away. The day is not far when such moralists wts and margiis will bring the golden age in AMPS.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Your duty will be to unite the moralists. Let there be two camps. Let there be an open fight. The moralists have been scattered for so long that they could not fight. The united strength of five moralists is much more than the united strength of a hundred immoralists because there is an unholy alliance amongst the latter. Meditation behind closed doors will not do. Gather strength by intuitional practices and unite yourselves against the immoralists.” (3)

In Him,
Kripal Singh

1. Fifteen Shiilas, Point #8
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, Your Mission

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

We are neo-humanists

"Tomákei bhálobási ámrá, tomár pathe cali tomár kathá boli..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3821)


O' Parama Purusa, You are our everything, our Heart of hearts. We love only You. We are moving ceaselessly along Your effulgent path; we are treading on that very path which You have graciously shown to us. O' All-Pervading One, day and night we sing Your boundless glories and dance according to Your sweet rhythms. We always propagate Your grand ideals. O' Cosmic Entity, You have created us: We are Your thought projection; we are Your progeny. Baba, You are our Father - Our Ista. We love only You.

O' Supreme Entity, we love one and all equally; everyone's existence is treasured. We do not differentiate between high and low, small and big, rich and poor, touchable and untouchable, sinner and virtuous, literate and illiterate etc. All are kith and kin - all are family members. All are part of that indivisible humanity. We are all bound together by Your immortal love. With Your infinite compassion You always draw us near with Your beacon call, which pulls our heart close to You. We hear Your sound and move towards You. You are the Goal. Our each and every action and deed is aimed toward Your divine stance - toward reaching up to You. You are our Aim and the Polestar of our life.  

O' Parama Purusa Baba, You have blessed us with the ideals of neo-humanism. First, You have granted us individual freedom; second, You have infused us with universal spirit; and third, You have spiritualised our minds with the dhyana of the Supreme One. With these three attributions one other quality unfolds: We wage a relentless fight against all the evils and sin. And by Your grace victory is sure. Baba, by these four noble qualities of neo-humanism - individual freedom, universal spirit, dhyana of the Omnipotent entity, and the fight against evil forces - we have created a potent, bitter medicine that cures all sorts of ailments like dogma, infighting, and narrow-mindedness. O' Ever gracious Entity, With this approach we have made this dusty earth into a golden paradise, by Your causeless blessing.

Baba, we all love only You; You are our Goal. O' our most Adored One...

Note about Prabhat Samgiita #3821

[1] "vyaśt́i...amara'r": In the third and final stanza of the above song, Ananda Marga philosophy presents 4 special principles that are part and parcel of our neo-humanistic philosophy: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, (d) the fight against injustices and sin. All are four are needed to create a golden paradise on this earth and build a society in the real sense of the term.

Spirituality is an essential aspect of neo-humanism. Without proper dhyana, individual freedom can be twisted to exploit the masses. Such is the case in capitalism since it is devoid of a spiritual approach. People just equate individual freedom with selfish pleasure and degrading activities. Communism does not allow for individual freedom nor does it recognise spirituality: Both are missing. For this reason, collective interest and a loving society could not be attained in communism. So it is more murderous than capitalism. Comparatively speaking, communists are worse than capitalists.

Then in the dogma-centered philosophy such as in the various religions, individual freedom and perfect spirituality are missing. The religions are ritualistic and dogma-based. There is no true feeling of universal love. That is why even followers of same religion can kill each other - what to speak of harming members of other religions. History has witnessed this again and again. So the religious society is also defective.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us that in an ideal society all 4 principles are needed: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, and (d) the fight against injustices and sin. Failing that, this world cannot become a golden paradise. In the absence of any of these aforementioned principles, groupism and factionalism will erupt.

So our neo-humanistic approach is wholly revolutionary. In this God-centered approach, individual freedom is used for virtuous deeds which bring collective welfare, and all the while there is a pactless fight against all injustices. This is the speciality of our neo-humanism and this is the grand ideal that is being propagated in this above song.

In our present day AMPS, these qualities are missing: (a) individual freedom, (b) universal spirit, (c) dhyana of the Supreme Entity, and (d) the fight against injustices.

== Section 3: Hindi Quote ==

अपना आदमी है तो क्या है

Baba says, “अपना आदमी हो, घर का आदमी हो ; कोई सत्य से इधर-उधर हट गया, sincerity की कमी जिनमें है—उसका विरोध करो, बर्दाश्त मत करो | अपना आदमी है तो क्या है | अपना आदमी अगर असाधु है, insincere है, तो, और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | क्यों ? बाहर में अगर साँप रहा, वह जितना ख़तरनाक है, घर में अगर साँप घुस गया तो और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | इसलिए, और भी, उसका अधिक विरोध होना चाहिए |” (1) (Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD, 25 November 1978, Mumbai)

1. Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD, 25 November 1978, Mumbai

== Section 4: Important Teaching ==

If one is going to ask for something…

Baba says, “Suppose a man wants to be a king. In the next life he may be born into the household of a poor man whose surname is 'Raja' (king). He wanted to be a raja (king) and he became one! One must be very cautious before wishing for anything. In this regard there is a nice story. Once a certain person asked Shiva to grant him the boon of immortality. Shiva told him, 'It's impossible to become immortal. You should think more intelligently before asking anything.' So the man said, 'Alright, please grant me the boon that I will never die at night or during the day.' He died in the evening! In fact, the best thing is not to ask Parama Purus'a for anything." (1)

Note: First thing is that it is best not to ask mundane things from Parama Purusa because one does not know what is going to happen even after one second - whether one will survive or die. In that case, asking for something will be useless as we ourselves do not know our future needs. That is why one should say, "O' Parama Purusa, please act according to Your wish." Finally, if one has so much desire to ask something from Parama Purusa, then the only thing one should ask for is parabhakti - the highest devotion.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 4, “Ye Yathá Máḿ Prapadyante”

== Section 5: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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Reply to:

This email contains five sections:
1. Posting: Nefarious ways of Rudrananda: NY & Berlin News
2. PS #3821: We are neo-humanists
3: H Qt: अपना आदमी है तो क्या है
4. TQ: If one is going to ask for something…
5. Links

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Self-propaganda + 3 more




Up to a few decades ago, no respectable person was comfortable coming on the stage and announcing, "I am great, I am extraordinary. I did this - I did that”, and so on and so forth.  They had others do it for them. But these days, especially in so-called developed countries, this is very common. Actually, self-praise is treated as being very honourable and those who do not do this are treated as beggars who have nothing. This is an unfortunate scene.

According to tantric civilisation, the mannerisms that are treated as lowly are given utmost importance in materialistic societies. So it is completely opposite. Many things forbidden in our Ananda Marga way of life are appreciated and approved in materialistic societies and self-praise is one of them. Yet, self-glorification is bad because in thinking about self the mind becomes smaller, narrow and mean-minded, and ultimately degenerated. After all, human beings in true sense have nothing of their own. That is why without giving any notice they have to leave their body. But in their delusion people think, “This is my greatness or my achievement or this is mine” etc. Unfortunately, there are cases where self-praise has crept into Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha - even amongst some avadhutas.

Self-praise is a psychic disease

Baba condemns those who are so self-engrossed in their own unit ego that they take to praising themselves. Such small-minded, selfish people can never be the well-wishers of society. Rather, according to Baba such a self-centered people has gone completely off the track of dharma.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Where people are guided more by ahamtattva, they say, "I am doing, I am giving, this was done by me, that was done by me, etc." ... Their minds do not inspire the lives of others, their minds do not touch the minds of others. They do not reach the sweetness of others 'I' feelings, for they are too preoccupied with themselves. Their approach is defective; their path is not the path of Neo-Humanism." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Your vanity may increase. You may think: “I have done this, I have done that. I am not an ordinary man.” This is a psychic disease." (2)

It is clear that praising oneself is against the principles of Ananda Marga.

Do not gloat: "I have done this or that”

But society has since changed. It is far more degenerated than earlier. People have become so self-centered and self-engrossed that they lost their propriety and impropriety of decency and civilization. Now they will come forward and praise themselves openly, with no shame. Unfortunately that is exactly what even some Wts do on the public platform.

In this first instance one WT is highlighting his own seniority and experience. When we all know that being a WT and serving the society in that capacity is only due to the divine grace of Parama Purusa. The unit ego cannot take credit for such things.But in order to highlight his own stature, one Dada wrote, "In my long 34 years of WT life I have done this this this this & this."

However Baba never appreciates such claims. Rather Sadguru Baba warns us not to glorify ourselves in this regard on the point service.

Ananda Vanii says, "...The credit of service is not yours; it is due to the Supreme and the Supreme alone, whose ideation has inspired you to acquire the capability of rendering service." (3)

So it goes against the spirit of service and the tantric cult to highlight or brag about the duration of one's "commitment". Yet one Dadaji did like that.

What egocentric people do

In a separate incident another Dada is highlighting his past accomplishments, education, and post. And that too contravenes the ethics of Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "One should not be proud of his post, position, beauty, wealth, honour, or knowledge. All belong to the Divine Entity, Parama Purus'a; nothing is mine." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "A person boasts of learning, intellect and fortune. But nothing is eternal. Therefore one who boasts of anything of this world is a fool." (5)

Yet in direct opposition to Baba's guideline one Dada wrote: "I am a civil engineer..."

It is inappropriate for any person to glorify themselves in public on this point of post and other worldly feats. In addition and even more significant is that if one is avadhuta then it undermines their entire avadhutaship to define and highlight themselves by their prior worldly qualifications. Baba's strict instruction to avadhutas is that they are not to have any link with their prior mundane existence.

By becoming an avadhuta they have been blessed with a new spiritual identity that has absolutely no connection with their past. Whether one was a sweeper or engineer, all those fleeting titles and relations fade into oblivion upon their receiving avadhuta diiksa. This is the common, well-known rule and guideline for all avadhutas. And they know they are to follow accordingly.

However, in the scenario, our avadhuta went against that quality and posted in his letter to the public forum that, "I am a civil engineer..." “I single-handedly built up Ananda Nagar”

One who boasts of anything of this world is a fool

In another example of his self-glorification, a different Dada wrote that, "[When] Anandanagar was being built, I was always engaged in this or that construction. Most of Anandangar constructions-I was connected, in this way or that way."
  Ananda Marga ideology states, “You do so many things, and you think that you have done them. “I have donated so much. I have done this. I have done that.” You say this. But wherefrom doth that energy come? It is not your individual energy. If you are not given food or water for a few days, what will happen? You will not have any energy. You cannot create any energy. Through food, physical energy is transmuted into your individual vital energy.”
   You do something with the help of your intellect. But wherefrom doth the intellect come? From Him. He is the perennial source of all energies – physical or intellectual or spiritual. You are not the owner of any energy or any force or any other mundane or supramundane object. You are simply to serve with His energy, with His intellect, with His spirit.”
   “So karmádhyakśa. He is the lord of all karma, not you. You are simply a machine. You must not forget this fact, that you are simply a machine. You are not the machine-man. You should not have this sort of vanity. You should not say that you are the machine-man, that you have done this or you have done that. You should think that He has done His work, and He used this physical structure as His machine, as His medium. “I am fortunate because He used my structure as His machine. He used my structure as His medium.”  (6)

Baba says, such misguided people "ultimately ended up projecting themselves instead of the ideology." (7)

And that is the main point of this entire letter. That those who glorify themselves do so at the expense of ideology. Because engaging in self-praise itself is against ideology.

Self-praise means inviting one’s ruination

Another proof is that in various parts of the world many selfish persons go so far as to prepare their own tombstones and glorify their life before they die. Otherwise they harbour the fear that after their death nobody will care about him. In the same way those who are self-engrossed cannot think about others. Just they are busy in contemplating their own self. Iheir natural course they forget about all decency and indecency, or propriety and impropriety of their behaviour.

We Ananda Margiis have come in the shelter of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji to leave the path of dogma and follow HIS noble ideas. And bring our life from darkness to light.

In so many places Baba has given us the teaching that glorification of oneself is not good. One should not have vanity on this ground. Virtually all those who have such vanity lose their sense in their speech and writing. No doubt, in theory everybody knows that self-praise is not good. But those who are so much engrossed about establishing themselves, they go on doing self-praise and degenerate their mind.

Then in the crucial hour they forget whether what they are doing is right or wrong. And with their imbalanced mind they say, do, or write something that is altogether out of sync. Because they do only self-propaganda. And Baba says that people who do like this write the script for their own destruction.

Baba says, "It often happens that whatever one assimilates, one considers to be one's own achievement, and the ego becomes inflated like a croaking frog. Just as a frog considers itself to be bigger than others -- just as the frog, in its vanity, to demonstrate its size, tries to inflate itself more and more until it bursts -- ... become puffed up with vanity and thereby invite their own ruin." (8)

The above teaching offers two key points: When people start thinking about their own glory, then they get puffed up with vanity. And they move around praising their own existence. And in the final stage, they invite their ruination. self-praise is psychic disease.


Knowing then about all the negativity associated with self-praise, I conclude with this following Prabhat Samgiita of Baba where He is giving the hint how to avoid falling into the bottomless abyss of self-glorification.

"Toma're bhuliya' ya'i yadi, mora bhula bha'ungiye dio /
Nijere samma'na dite gele, tumi shudhariye nio..." (PS 1605)


O Baba please grace me, If I indulge in the sin of self-glorification, then right away bring me on the proper path by opening my eyes to my misdeeds. Do not allow me to engage in self-praise. Oh Parama Purusa grace me so I can sing Your glory and not indulge in my own self-glorification. Save me from this sin.

in Him,
Ac. Prakash

~ In-depth study ~

What dirty people used to do

In fact, in any civilised society self-praise is not appreciated. Rather people are ridiculed for this. That is why in so-called civilised societies when people have a strong desire to be praised, they hire some other persons for this task by giving them some payment or post. And they keep those hired persons nearby; and their only duty is to praise. Many kings did like that in the past. They kept certain ministers only for the special duty of giving praise to the king. This was the only work of those ministers. These days also many politicians pay money to the newspapers to get their self-glorifying propaganda published. To highlight their own personality politicians do like this.
But this self-praise has never been accepted by a truly civilised society, nor by balanced, rational people. And in our Ananda Marga, we know that self-praise is a pschic disease and is to be avoided like the plague or poison.

Human beings have nothing to be proud of

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Even the strongest of wrestlers becomes frail and is unable to speak if he or she does not eat for a couple of days. The scholarship of a scholar vanishes in the thin air if you keep him or her without food for a week. Meaning thereby, all your knowledge, intellect, capacity and valour, are dependent on Him. That is why there is nothing for a human being to be proud of. The moment one understands this, one is ensconced in devotion.” (9)

1. Neo-Humanism in a Nutshell - 1, Perfect Spirituality and Neohumanism
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, “Prańipátena Pariprashnena Sevayá” – 1 / Yoga – Its Fundamental Factors
3. Ananda Vanii #23
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, The Three Factors for Spiritual Elevation
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, The Three Factors for Spiritual Elevation
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, The Supreme Cognition
7. Prout in a Nutshell - 5, The Responsibility of Society
8. Namah Shivaya Shantaya,Shiva’s Teachings – 1 (continued) (Discourse 10)
9. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, Salvation and Devotion

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Light the lamp of bhakti in their mind

PS Intro: This is one special type of song where Parama Purusa explains to the bhaktas what He does - i.e. how He carries out His liila.

"águn jváláte ási niko ámi, diipávalii jváli man májhe..."  (Prabhata Samgiita #0421)


I, Parama Purusa, do not take advent to scorch people with a burning fire, but rather come to light the lamp of bhakti in their mind and fill their heart with sparkling spiritual  refulgence. Even on the rough and harsh desert, I pour sublime sweetness and make even the dry heart full of yearning for the Great. In those trees that do not flower, I decorate them with blossoms.

I (Parama Purusa) transform the degrading, dry, dogmatic personality into an open-minded, neo-humanistic one and immerse them with the beauty of bhakti. To the disconsolate person I bring the warmth of compassion and bless them with inspiration to follow the path of divinity. Through the melody and rhythm of song and dance, silently I fill the isolated and remote corner of their heart with Supreme love. I saturate the entire universe with bhakti through blissful tunes and music so all can become ensconced in the Cosmic Entity.

To those hearts that are frustrated, depressed, and lost, I give them hope and strength for their forward movement and courage to forget the pain and misery of their losses. I make them aware that in all actions I remain with everyone always through ota and prota yoga. No one is ever alone or helpless in this universe.    

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Special points of health

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states:
"(1) Body and clothing must be kept neat and clean.
(2) After urinating use water or cleanse yourself by some other means.
(3) Pay attention to the regular clearing of the bowels.
(4) Do not sleep on a soft bed.
(5) When taking a bath, all parts of the body, in particular the armpits and groin, should be cleaned properly. Soap, oil, and comb should be used every day. The body hair should never be cut, especially in the armpit and pubic region.
(6) Before morning and evening sádhaná, either do vyápaka shaoca or take full bath.
(7) Before and after meals, and before sleep, do vyápaka shaoca with cold water. If it is very cold, use lukewarm water.
(8) Drink a sufficient quantity of water every day, but do not drink too much at any one time.
(9) Sleeping during the day and staying awake at night are to be avoided.
(10) All intoxicants are támasika and are to be discarded like poison."
1. Reference: Caryacarya-3, General Health Rules

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

हे प्रभु,हम लोग तुम्हारा आशीर्वाद चाहते हैं

प्रभात संगीत 4942 एसेछि सकले आमरा दले दले प्रणति  जानाते नीते आशीर्वाद …


हे परम पुरुष बाबा! हमसब तुम्हारे पास  साष्टाॅग प्रणाम करने आये हैं और तुम्हारा आशीर्वाद चाहते हैं। हम कोई धन, प्रतिष्ठा या वरदान नहीं चाहते हम केवल तुम्हारा प्रसाद चाहते हैं। वह हमारे लिये अमृत है वह हमें सब कुछ है।

हमारी याचना के पूर्व ही तुमने हमें समय के पहले ही सब कुछ दे दिया है हम अपने छोटे छोटे हाथ आगे फैलाकर वह सब कुछ प्राप्त करते गये, और जो भी वस्तु हमारे संपर्क में आयी वह सोने  की अर्थात् सात्विक हो गयी।

हे परम पुरुष बाबा! मुझे तुम मुझसे अधिक जानते होे। मुझसे अधिक तुम मेरी जरूरतें जानते हो। मैं कुछ नहीं जानता, मैं तो केवल तुम्हें प्रेम करता हॅूं, तुम्हारे होंठों की मधुर मुस्कान देखकर मेरा सब प्रमाद दूर हो जाता है।
हे परम सत्ता! हर चीज तुम्हारी दिव्य कृपा से संतृप्त है और तुमने हमारा अस्तित्व परमार्थ  और श्रेय की ओर अग्रसर कर दिया है।

बाबा! आज हम सब एकत्रित होकर तुम्हारे समक्ष समर्पण करने ही आये हैं हमारा साष्टाॅंग प्रणाम स्वीकार कर आशीर्वाद देवें। (1)

1. Trans: Dr. T.R.S.

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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0421: Light the lamp of bhakti in their mind
2. Posting: Self-propaganda
3. IT: Special points of health
4. Links

Thursday, July 19, 2018

See Islamic way in Tiljala + 3 more


See Islamic way in Tiljala


For the last 28 years, mahaprayan organisers in Tiljala have been performing their dogmatic shraddhainjali ritual. In the appendix to the post 1990 edition Caryacarya 1, they inserted the term shraddhainjali to describe their mahaprayan divas program. And every year since they have been using it - as if it is something unique for Parama Purusa.

Quick Look at How Shraddhainjali Term Is Used

Since the shraddhainjali term is not used in any of Baba's discourses or Ananda Marga philosophy, many Ananda Margiis may not know what shraddhainjali is. So let’s take a quick look at how this shraddhainjali term is used. Shraddhainjali is the name used by Muslims - as well as others - in India for a death ceremony. So shraddhainjali is a death / mahaprayan / shraddha ceremony or tomb worship for any human being.

See here below how these Muslims are performing shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship for their deceased friend. In the below photo the deceased - Nechhar Uddin Ahamad - is lying in an open casket in the couryard of the zama mosque. The body is covered up. Many have come and lined up to pay their respects and perform the last rights. They are making a shraddhainjali tribute during this death day occasion.

In the below article and photo from this Bengali newspaper the term shraddhainjali is highlighted in orange. These Muslims are performing a shraddhainjali / mahaprayan/ death ceremony for their friend / relative who died. Take a look at the scene.

Non-existent in Ananda Marga pre-1990

Prior to 1990, this shraddhainjali dogma was non-existent in our Ananda Marga way of life. This was transplanted from Islam in the last week of October 1990.

Sadly, just as the above Muslims are performing shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / death ceremony, in Tiljala this same type of event is going on. The mahaprayan organisers do an annual shraddhainjali function. Effectively, they have grabbed onto the Islamic dogma of shraddhainjali and inserted into our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. First they fast-tracked it into Caryacarya and then they actively promoted their shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship event, year after year after year.

That is the sad story how the Muslim dogma of shraddjainjali / mahaprayan / tomb worship has made its way into our AMPS organisation.

With your efforts and by joining with others, this shraddhainjali / mahaprayan / annual death day dogma must be wiped from the books - it has no place in our dharmic Ananda Marga way of life. In our AMPS there is no scope to do any type of annual death day ceremony.

Baba is watching down from the seventh heaven

Remember, the dogma has been propagated by word of mouth - oral stories - that one can only get the highest virtue by going to the mahasamadhi (great tomb) in Tiljala on 26 Oct, and performing the rituals.

It is just like how Islamic followers must go to Mecca at least once in their lifetime otherwise they cannot reach to heaven. And since 1990, a similar dogma has been instituted in AMPS. Until one pays homage to the mahasamadhi, i.e. great tomb, in Tiljala on the 26th of Oct, one cannot get the highest grace that enables you to cross the Vaitarni Nadii, i.e. river of sin. Then only can one reach the 7th sky, 7th heaven, where God (Khuda) / Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji resides.

So people have gathered to do their death day ritual to Baba, as He is watching from the far distant heaven and seeing all that is going on in Tiljala and which devotee has arrived there. That is the great myth that is propagated nowadays about Tiljala on this day. They go to the great tomb and pay direct homage to Baba who is in the 7th sky, 7th heaven.

It is propagated that Lord Baba is looking down upon the great tomb in Tiljala and seeing who is there to pay shraddhainjali homage. That is the myth. That is why  innocent  followers run headlong to that place - i.e. to mahasamadhi (great tomb) in Tiljala - for getting a permanent place in heaven, irrespective how much sin they did.

Shraddhainjali dogma wrongly inserted into Caryacarya

Here is the paragraph from the appendix of post-1990 Caryacayra-1 where they have imposed their dogma and placed the term shraddháiṋjali.
"Programmes on this day shall include nagar kiirtana, devotional songs of Prabhát Saḿgiita (without dance) appropriate to the solemnity of the occasion, akhańd́a kiirtana, shraddháiṋjali, vánii exhibition, bookstall, tree-planting, sadávrata, other welfare activities, prasáda distribution, Bábá stories (satsauṋga), tattvasabhá, conferences and symposia." (Post-1990 Caryacarya -1, Appendix)
And here below is the accompanying explanation:
“The above appendix on Maháprayáńa Divasa - 21st October 1990 - [...] was discussed and passed as a resolution on 25th August 1991 unanimously by all members of the Central Committee of Ánanda Márga Pracáraka Saḿgha, and it was decided that this (resolution) should be added as an appendix to Caryácarya Part 1. (CC Resolution, 25/8/1991, Calcutta.) –Trans.” (Post-1990 Caryacarya -1, Appendix)
So we can see how at the first available instant these purodhas distorted Guru’s teachings and tainted the post-1990 edition of Caryacarya. Sadly, because of their lowly standard, our AMPS organisation has been pulverised into pieces as these 3rd class purodhas do everything solely for their own prestige, post, and power. Their qualification was put on display in the very last week of October 1990. Their first work was to impose this dogma and turn AMPS=== into a religion. That is the history which no one can deny.

The dogma of shraddhainjali is a death day / mahaprayan ceremony

The term “shraddhainjali” is written in the above Bengali newspaper article because they are mourning the deceased - it is a death day / mahaprayan gathering. That is the dogma of shraddhainjali.

In the below photo there are a few tombs covered with decorated clothes. Islamic believers are surrounding that tomb and doing their worship: Asking grace from the deceased. That is how they observe their annual death day ceremonies: By asking boons from departed friend / family member. And that is what all those dogmatic Islamic worshipers are doing below.

Enables reach heaven

So people have gathered to do their death day ritual to Baba, as He is watching from the far distant heaven and seeing all that is going on in Tiljala and which devotee has arrived there. That is the great myth that is propagated nowadays about Tiljala on this day. They go to the great tomb and pay direct homage to Baba who is in the 7th sky, 7th heaven.

It is propagated that Lord Baba is looking down upon the great tomb in Tiljala and seeing who is there to pay shraddhainjali homage. That is the myth. That is why  innocent  followers run headlong to that place - i.e. to mahasamadhi (great tomb) in Tiljala - for getting a permanent place in heaven, irrespective how much sin they did.

Reaching to the mahasamadhi (great tomb) will wash away all the sin. Remember, the place itself is of utmost importance - reaching to the site of the great tomb (mahasamadhi) in Tiljala.

That is why all are invited to Tiljala - to get maximum virtue. Kirtan in your local area will not do. One must attend mahasamadhi in Tiljala to get that type of virtue. That is the myth belief that is propagated. At the great tomb, i.e. mahasamadhi, pay direct homage to Baba who is in the 7th sky, 7th heaven.

in Baba,
Ratna Ghoshal

Open questions to Sarvatmananda - the father of MPD dogma

Here are three key points everyone should know about the mahaprayan / shraddhainjali dogma:

Kiirtana as a cover-up

(A) Some wrongly justify that, “What is wrong, I am just going to Tiljala for the kiirtana, not for the sake of the mahaprayan program.” Here it should be clear: Going to the annual mahaprayan gathering for the sake of doing kiirtan is a bogus justification. Merely attending that mahaprayan gathering signifies your wholehearted support of that event. The fundamental equation is if anyone is doing anything anywhere and you go to their location and do what they are doing, it means you are supporting their cause. That is the basic formula that can be applied to countless situations.

Let’s look at this from another angle. Who can forget when Baba was in jail and our Ananda Margii brothers and sisters from all over converged on-site to protest the injustices. Margiis sang kiirtan. And participation in those kiirtan rallies demonstrated support for the greater cause. Those days Jai Prakash Narayan called the police on margiis and had them arrested on the basis that their participation in that kiirtana meant they were the supporters of the political protests against Baba’s incarceration. 
Later on, after the rally, that same kiirtan would be sung for purely spiritual purposes during dharmacakra etc. Here the point is that doing kiirtan or raising the slogan at a rally means supporting that issue or cause.

Of late, both H and B group have used kiirtana programs as a strategy to reclaim and recapture various AMPS buildings for their group cause. And those who participate in that kiirtana are their pawns for their groupist agenda. That is what happened in Goddha and numerous other places where H and B are battling for control of that jagriti etc.

In CCI, II, III no annual death day ceremony

(B) 12 day shraddha: The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days. That is the rule as per Baba’s guideline in Caryacarya

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (Caryacarya - 1, Shráddha Ceremony)

So by hosting an annual death day / mahapraryan / shraddhainjali prorgram they are directly contravening Baba’s teaching in Caryacarya.

Falsely justifying MPD by deception

(C) The organisers and inventors of the shraddhainjali / mahaprayan (মহাপ্রয়াণ)  / tomb worship dogma, repeatedly resort to a particular quote when justifying the existence of their annual tomb day ceremony.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Táraka Brahma comes here on a particular date, leaves this earth also on a particular date, takes the birth of His quinquelemental body, the death of His quinquelemental body." (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, The Coming of Táraka Brahma, EGD 13 May 1979 Fiesch)

The above quote was originally delivered by Baba in English. So those cunning MPD organisers translated the above teaching in Bangla and inserted the term mahaprayan in association with Táraka Brahma. This was their scheme or ploy to try and validate the mahaprayan programme. They lay claim that Baba Himself used the term mahaprayan. But that is outrightly false. They manipulated the translation and inserted the term “mahaprayan” in hopes of befooling people into thinking that mahaprayan is really something legit - when really it is just one awful dogma.

In Him,
Ratna Ghoshal

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Audacity of groupist people will be pulverized

"Jai! Jai! Jai!, Jai! Prabhu toma'ri hobe..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4734)


O' Parama Purusa, victory to You! Victory to You!  Victory to You! Always up to eternity, You are beyond the relative factors of time, space, and person. In this entire universe, in the physical, psychic, and spiritual worlds, everywhere, You are the Controlling Entity of everything. You will remain up to eternity. Victory to You!  In the three worlds - mortal, golaka, and divine realm, You shall be victorious.

Baba, those blinded and intoxicated by their worldly power are slaves to their own ego and vanity. They have lost their conscience due to the fetters of staticity. Those suffused with hubris of their material power are slaves to their self-importance and conceit. They are bound by the fetters of bondage and have lost their conscience. The audacity of such people will be pulverized and they will become one with the dust. Baba, O’ all loving Parama Purusa, Victory to You! Victory to You!

Even in the hour of the crimson dawn, there are some who wish to remain in darkness. Such persons are the followers of foxes and crows. They are the slaves of the demons’ black hands. They will be destroyed. Baba, victory will be Yours...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Harmful effects of fans

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If a hand fan is used in a small room it certainly generates some breeze but that breeze does not give much relief from the fatigue of summer. Such a breeze within those small confines becomes more and more injurious to health with every passing moment. The breeze of an electric fan within a closed environment is even more harmful. If a person sleeps with this kind of a breeze they feel heavy when they wake up; a weak or sick person feels feverish. The breeze generated by a fan within a confined space is called kut́heru; since ancient times it has been considered as something which should be avoided." (1)

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 5, Disc: 29

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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Harmful effects of fans
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