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Monday, September 30, 2019

Our Tiljala maqbara + 4 more


Our Tiljala maqbara


AMPS has been founded by Sadguru Baba to remove all kinds of religious dogmas and establish bhagavata dharma. However, since 1990, certain in-charges have embraced this Islamic dogma of tomb worship / mahaprayan. The Muslims call their death-day dogma as mahaprayan, and in our AMPS (B)  it is called mahaprayan. The Muslims do it on an annual basis and in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (B) it is done on an annual basis. The Muslims perform a grand gathering around the tomb, and in AMPS (B)  there is a grand gathering around a tomb. And there are so many ways in which these two programs are completely identical. That is why all know that those Tiljala leaders have copied the mahaprayan program from Islam.

Here below Caryacarya gives an explicit period of time for mourning - i.e. 12 days. The annual mahaprayan dogma is in clear violation of this rule.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (1)

Typical of every Muslim annual death ceremony

Here - in the below image - we see how in the traditional Islamic death ceremony they place a heaping pile of flowers on top of the deceased’s tomb (i.e. samadhi); and many come and bow their head in hopes of getting a boon. In this particular scene depicted below, there are throngs of people lined up to pay their respects to the human being who died. Verily there are so many people that the police (pictured in the background) have come to do crowd control.

What you see here is a common scene typical of every Muslim annual death ceremony. They have deposited heaps and heaps of flowers upon the tomb / samadhi. Also notice how they  pay their respects. They do this type of tomb worship.

According to Muslim dogma, one must have their head covered with some material at such sites. So you can see how all the men are using a traditional, round Islamic cap - while females wear a veil. Their belief is that the soul of the deceased is actually inside the tomb and one can communicate with that soul and ask for favours and boons. Of course that is just their dogma but that is what such Muslims believe. So they come and ask for boons etc. Their hands are thus held in a special posture, and in reverence they are bowing their head to the tomb. This is their annual ceremony so it will happen next year also.

Here below Caryacarya gives an explicit period of time for mourning - i.e. 12 days. The annual mahaprayan dogma is in clear violation of this rule.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (2)

Here is more about the Islamic annual death (mahaprayan) ceremony, i.e. mahaprayan. Please see below how there is a tomb and the tomb has an enclosure to protect it. And in the center it can be seen that the tomb is fully loaded with green, orange, white, and red coloured flowers and garlands to pay homage to the deceased. Look and see how they have gathered - but to protect the integrity and sanctity of the tomb, only a few are allowed in at a time. Outside there are thousands more waiting for entry.

Once again, here is more about the Islamic annual death (mahaprayan) ceremony, i.e. mahaprayan. Please see above how there is a tomb and the tomb has an enclosure to protect it. And in the center it can be seen that the tomb is fully loaded with green, orange, white, and red coloured flowers and garlands to pay homage to the deceased. Look and see how thousands have gathered - but to protect the integrity and sanctity of the tomb, only a few are allowed in at a time. Outside there are thousands more waiting for entry.

Islamic tradition since its very inception, around 1500 years ago

Actually, such annual death (mahaprayan) day ceremonies have been popular in the Islamic tradition since its very inception, around 1500 years ago. They bury their dead at the time of mahaprayan and erect a tomb / samadhi and regularly worship the tomb on the anniversary of the death (mahaprayan). Some of the observances are large and some small - the common theme being they are regularly done.

And remember, our AMPS was formed in 1955 to eradicate all sorts of religious dogma etc, but at the end of 1990, a few senior disciples have pushed AMPS (B)  into the dungeon of religious dogma by embracing this Islamic annual death-day dogma. Sadly this has broken the backbone of the Marga as the foundation was shaken to the core. This is most unfortunate.

Here below Caryacarya gives an explicit period of time for mourning - i.e. 12 days. The annual mahaprayan dogma is in clear violation of this rule.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (3)

The below scene is akin to a vaccine that was created to wipe out a particular disease but that vaccine itself got polluted and started spreading the very disease it was supposed to eliminate. What a horrible and ironic turnaround. Yet that is what has happened with our AMPS (B)  and this Islamic annual death-day dogma.

Tiljala maqbara ie memorial building

The below Tiljala photo is of the memorial gathering at the maqbara - the Arabic term for a memorial building, which in Bengali is called a mahaprayan-mahasamadhi bhavan, and in English it is called a memorial building. There is a crowd and in the very center is the Tiljala tomb mahasamadhi. All those attendees have surrounded the Tiljala tomb, which is built up from the ground into a high platform in the shape of a 6-sided star. It is about 4ft high and located in the direct center of the hall. And all those attendees are surrounding that Tiljala tomb. And then there is an illumined rectangular casket, and above that is the decorated ark. And inside there is the pratikrti. Now see how the crowd has surrounded the holy Tiljala tomb in order to worship it.

This picture of the below scene was taken from a distance. So we can see a few dozen Ananda Marga monks have come to worship the tomb. Plus other dogmatic followers have also come in civil dress. This is how this ritual, which has been copied from Islamic dogma, has been adapted and implement in Tiljala.


Once again, if you read this description already up above then skip to the next paragraph, otherwise here is that description. In the above photo in the center of this memorial gathering - i.e. Arabic maqbara (memorial building), which in Bengali is called a mahaprayan-mahasamadhi bhavan, and in English it is called a memorial building. In the center is the Tiljala tomb mahasamadhi. All those attendees have surrounded the Tiljala tomb, which is built up from the ground into a high platform in the shape of a 6-sided star. It is about 4ft high. And then there is an illumined rectangular casket, and above that is the decorated ark. And inside there is the pratikrti. This picture of the above scene was taken from a distance. So we can see a few dozen Ananda Marga monks have come to worship the tomb. Plus other dogmatic followers have also come in civil dress. This is how this ritual, which has been copied from Islamic dogma, has been adapted and implement in Tiljala.

Unfortunately, in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, certain leaders in Tiljala have enacted the same type of ritual that those Muslims do. At every so-called mahaprayan gathering (i.e. death ceremony), those organisers in Tiljala have replicated the traditions from the Islamic death (mahaprayan) ceremony. See above how a tomb / shrine has been erected in the middle of the room at Kolkata’s mahaprayan program and those present are placing flowers just as the Muslims do. In addition to the tomb and flowers, they are copying all the various Islamic rituals - and incorporating them into Tiljala dogmatic mahaprayan function - i.e. annual death (mahaprayan) ceremony.

Here below Caryacarya gives an explicit period of time for mourning - i.e. 12 days. The annual mahaprayan dogma is in clear violation of this rule.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (4)

Cleverly presented as divine and heavenly

Initially, our Tiljala faction presented this annual mahaprayan commemoration to margiis as being some type of divine and heavenly occasion that was exclusively for Mahasambhuti. But now the whole situation has changed positively. Today, mostly everyone understands that mahaprayan is just one copy and adaptation of an Islamic dogma.

In contrast, other than Islam, no other religious group does any type of mahaprayan observance. They would simply burn the body and spread the ashes - whereas for mahaprayan a tomb is needed. And only Muslims were doing that for mahaprayan. And our Tiljala mahaprayan organisers have followed suit.

We can see how in Tiljala our Dadas have implemented that same Islamic tradition by encircling the tomb to perform the tomb worship during the annual mahaprayan death day commemoration in our Tiljala campus etc.

So while the Muslims do their ceremony for deceased human beings, our Tiljala organisers are doing this annual death (mahaprayan) ceremony to Taraka Brahma Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. The precept is that Guru is dead.

Strange how you will never find this news

The strange thing is that all kinds of annual mahaprayan news are getting published in Bengali newspapers on a daily basis, but you will never find news as follows.

- The ...00th annual mahaprayan / tomb worship of Allah will be observed from 21 to 26 or any date
- The ...00th annual mahaprayan / tomb worship of Prophet Muhammad will be observed from 21 to 26 or any date
- The ...00th annual mahaprayan / tomb worship of Lord Christ will be observed from 21 to 26 or any date
- The ...00th annual mahaprayan / tomb worship of Lord Buddha will be observed from 21 to 26 or any date
- The ...00th annual mahaprayan / tomb worship of Lord Mahaviira will be observed from 21 to 26 or any date
- The ...00th annual mahaprayan / tomb worship of Lord Rama will be observed from 21 to 26 or any date
- The ...00th annual mahaprayan / tomb worship of Lord Ganesh / Hanuman will be observed from 21 to 26 or any date
- The ...00th annual mahaprayan / tomb worship of goddess Durga / Kali will be observed from 21 to 26 or any date
- The ...00th annual mahaprayan / tomb worship of Prophet Moses will be observed from 21 to 26 or any date

Again, the strange thing is that all kinds of annual mahaprayan news are getting published in Bengali newspapers on a daily basis, but you will never find news as shown above. Regardless of how dogmatic the religions are, they never do the annual mahaprayan of God, Lord, Deity etc, but unfortunately my faction in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha commemorates the annual death day, i.e. mahaprayan of the object of ideation - God. That is the irony: the God of my group died. When everyone understands that mahaprayan signifies the death day of any mortal, then this dogma will be dropped forever.

In Sadguru Baba,
Pravin Mukherji

Here below Caryacarya gives an explicit period of time for mourning - i.e. 12 days. The annual mahaprayan dogma is in clear violation of this rule.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The period of mourning should not extend beyond twelve days." (5)

NB 1. This letter examines how the organisers of the Tiljala mahaprayan program have completely copied the Muslim annual tomb worship mahaprayan ritual.

NB 2. Because our Tiljala group claims that their God died, we get the news that the annual mahaprayan / annual death ceremony of the God of Tiljala group will be observed from Oct 21 to 26.

1. Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony
2. Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony
3. Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony
4. Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony
5. Caryacarya-1, Shraddha Ceremony

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Real owner of your entire wealth

Note: Baba’s guideline appended below gives two very significant teachings:

(a) When you arrived on this earth you came empty handed. Everything belongs to Parama Purusa because He has created this universe. To think, “Something is mine” is a misguided notion. Your house, your family, and whatever else you think to be yours, after 150 years you will not have those things / relations. What to say of 150 years, even after one minute you may not have them. So one is just a pseudo-owner; the real owner is Parama Purusa. But this mistaken sense of personal ownership is the effect of avidya maya. Because avidya maya does not allow human beings to gain this simple awareness that everything belongs to Parama Purusa. Only when the veil of avidya maya is removed a little then people start talking about this idea. Otherwise, there would not be any need to even raise this matter. The day when avidya maya is fully eradicated one will become Parama Purusa.
(b) The second teaching is that we are humans and we have special power, i.e one’s I-feeling. Because of this a person can do sadhana and become one with Parama Purusa. Other jiivas do not have such a clear I-feeling and they cannot do A-grade sadhana.  That is why we should use our potentiality by (1) not having the vanity of taking another’s property as our own, and (2) utilizing the psychic potentiality for spiritual practice.

For more understanding read Baba’s below teaching:

Ananda Marga ideology states, “On a deeper analysis, it is found that human beings have nothing to call their own. They may boast about their intellect, intelligence, power and influence but the real owner of these is Parama Puruśa. By His grace, alone can one utilize or enjoy objects. If Parama Puruśa so desires. He can snatch away all these possessions from humans, And the humans will be unable to do anything about it. After realizing the Supreme truth intelligent people should endeavour to realize Parama Puruśa with the power He has given them. This realization of the Supreme also depends on His grace. In order to merit Parama Puruśa’s grace, unit beings will also have to do something. Their duty is to contemplate or ideate on Him.” (1)

1. Ananda Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Bhakti and Krpá

== Section ==

Be great by your sádhaná, by your service, by your sacrifice - Ananda Vanii #20

"It is action that makes a person great. Be great by your sádhaná, by your service, by your sacrifice."

Note: The above is one of Baba’s original Ananda Vaniis. These original and true Ananda Vaniis are unique, eternal guidelines that stand as complete discourses in and of themselves. They are unlike Fake Ananda Vaniis which are fabricated by most of the groups - H, B etc.Everyone should render service to the world

In this following quote, yajina means action.

"Yajiṋa is performed to achieve emancipation from the consequences of action and to annihilate the Unit “I”. The fourfold services enumerated under Nr yajiṋa can be easily be performed by anyone. Every human being gets more or less opportunity for rendering services. If a poor man thinks that he cannot render Vaeshyocita type of service because he is devoid of money he is wrong. The charity of a few paise of the poor has the same value as a thousand rupees from a millionaire. Indeed the charity of these few paise is greater. Lord Krśńa attached greater importance to a handfuls of grains from Vidura than to the sumptuous royal dishes of Duryodhana. Even so, everyone should render service to the world in accordance with their capacity and work for the welfare of the living beings to the best of their ability. Perform viprocita type of service by projecting your convictions to others as best as you can. Let every person perform the four kinds of service as much as possible. Adhyátma yajiṋa is an internal yajiṋa and ultimately it terminates in Paramátman, the original self. Therefore, your Sádhaná should be with a detached sentiment. All types of Yajiṋa begin and proceed in an externalized manner, but ultimately they will reverse their course towards the inner self and will gratify your innermost entity on the jewelled throne attained by your birthright. Remember, no one yajiṋa is inferior to another.
" (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala

== Section 2: Links ==

Sunday, September 29, 2019

See: a few more Wts sold out


See: a few more Wts sold out


Sadguru Baba has given us all the plans and programs to serve humanity. We are to abide by the principles of neo-humanism and serve all as the expression of Parama Purusa. So naturally, all our service projects should be done under the banner of AM teachings since it is these teachings alone which shall lead humanity into that bright new era.

India’s troubled leaders

As we know well, India’s past and present political leaders have done immense harm to India. Here we look at two figures who have had some of the most detrimental impact.

(A) Gandhi’s foolhardy politics led to the trifurcation of India and caused the largest day of bloodshed and loss of life in the history of humanity on this earth.

Prout philosophy states, “During the struggle for independence, a great blunder was committed by Mahatma Gandhi. In order to show his innocence, he said that he would not support the communal award, but nor would he vote against it. That is, indirectly he supported it. What happened to the country after this was due to the Himalayan blunder committed by Mahatma Gandhi.” (1)

(B) The current Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, represents the Hindu fundamentalism / religious dogma of the BJP / RSS movements, and side by side he is a stooge of modern day capitalism.

Look what our fake avadhutas are doing

Now see what is going on. Rudrananda - an agent of the BJP and tool of Narendra Modi - has ordered loose laungota Wt stooges to join Modi’s team. The whole thing is sad. Sadguru Baba has given all the sublime ideals for advancing dharmic values on this earth, yet our very own Wts have left AM and are holding the banner of other political parties; they got duped into becoming lackeys of the Modi / Gandhi campaign. These Wts wholly forgot their Guru and became mesmerized by Rudrananda’s desire to become bootlickers of the dogmatic Modi-Gandhi campaign.

Sadly, COS (central office secretary) Ramendrananda is glorying this event all over his recent Facebook page. Rudrananda’s gopher Ramendrananda thinks it is wonderful that loads of Wts and margiis are being mobilized to prance and dance according to Modi’s desire, all the while glorifying both Gandhi and Modi. It is a sham from start to finish and the key person behind it all is the evil-minded Rudrananda who himself is acting in coordination with today’s ruling Hindu fundamentalist regime.


All in all it is shameful and shocking what is going on. Now is the time to look anew and embrace Guru’s teachings and point out the ills of those avadhutas who become spellbound by such dogmatic campaigns.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Forbidden by Caryacarya

Baba clearly warns us we should have no such dealings with Modi’s narrow-minded political party, or with the old, outdated ideas of Gandhism.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Do not have any dealings with a party whose policies are opposed to those of the Marga.” (2)

Furthermore, our Wts are to serve humanity in the name of Marga Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, not dogmatic India political faces like Gandhi and Modi.

Wt conduct rules state, “Avadhuta will always keep himself engaged in service of Gurudeva with sincerity and devotion in thought, word and deed, in subtle and crude spheres, in inner and outer expressions of life.” (3)

Gandhism is dead

Prout philosophy states, “The philosophy of Gandhi died before India got independence – it died long before Gandhi died.” (4)

By all this, we can easily conclude Ananda Marga teachings wholly condemn the ways of Gandhi.

Neo-humanism is the way forward

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “This Neohumanism, only this Neohumanism, can save our universe, can save human existence. So now we are to sing the song of Neohumanism. We should [forget] all our omissional and commissional errors of the past. Forget the past. Be the [vanguard of] a bright future; and the crimson light of that future breaks on the eastern horizon. We should welcome it – we must welcome it. There is no alternative but to welcome it.” (5)

So Sadguru Baba’s neo-humanistic guidelines are the only hope for humanity. And verily the above should be well known to every avadhuta and Wt in our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. So our avadhutas should be vigorously active in projecting the teachings of neo-humanism, not any other type of campaign. Unfortunately, something else is going on.

Look at others who sold out

Just recently these other so-called avadhutas sold their souls to Modi - click link below.

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 18, The Dangers of Communalism
2. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #26b
3. 32 Rules for Avadhutas, Point #28
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Defects of Communism – Excerpt C
5. A Few Problems Solved - 5, Humanity Is at the Threshold of a New Era

== Section 2: Links ==

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