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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Re: Meeting with Dada Bha'skara'nanda - Part B


This posting contains three parts:
(A) Comment from Vyasa ji
(B) Comment from Amrit Lalloo ji
(C) Copy of Narayan Panda ji's posting.

Subject: Re: ~ AMPS News ~ Meeting with Dada Bha'skara'nanda - Part B
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 07:13:17 GMT
From: Vyasa

You made an interesting observation about Dadaji Bhaskarananda which how most all human beings behave. In modern psychology, there is a term called "projection."
Projection is a subconscious manner that people do by putting forth how they think or feel if they were in a particular situation.  They say what they would say and attribute it to another person who is in that very same situation had they been in it for themselves.
Human beings do this because they are affected by their own thoughts and experiences throughout life and have become part of their subconscious minds; i.e., samskaras influence them and play a part of this. This is a normal occurrence. It takes a conscious person, an individual with a greater conscious awareness of oneself to make sure one does not project his own way of thinking or feeling onto another being.
This is a highly developed state that takes effort to attain; not many people have this ability. This capacity of consciousness waxes and wanes, too. Spiritual practices keep one more conscious of one's own biases and lack of practice creates a lack of awareness.
Let us all learn from this type of error so we don't go down the same road. By Baba's Grace, let us practice our sadhana regularly and attune our minds to Parama Purusa  so we may be guided by Him through our Superconscious mind and not by our mundane experiences stored in our subconscious mind  from throughout of lives.
This has been my experience and observation as I continue on the path of perfection to realize Him and do His Will.
Baba Nam Kevalam
in Him,


Subject: Re: ~ AMPS News ~ Re: Meeting with Dada Bha'skara'nanda - Part B
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 17:08:47 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin 2 <>

This presentation reminds me of George Orwells book, Animal Farm. To quote the punch line , "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."
As Ananda Margiis we should not base our thinking on what this dada heard from Baba or on this persons dream or whatever. We should be guided by Baba's written word.
Neo-humanism suggests clearly that we should not be overwhelmed by narrow sentiment including, in this case, geo-sentiment or language sentiment. Baba belongs to all and sundry.
The persons propagating such narrow ideas are nothing but pseudo-intellectuals who have little or no understanding about Baba's sublime ideology.
My input, in pointing out the defective understanding of some Kolkota loyalists, should not be construed that I am in any way supporting the the Ranchi faction which I understand is equally guilty of narrowness.


Subject: Meeting with Dada Bha'skara'nanda
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 20:03:55 +0800 (SGT)
From: narayan panda <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin



~ Part B ~

Editor's Note: The following is a continuation of the account by Shrii Narayan Panda - Bhukti Pradhan, Vishakapatnam (Orissa, India). A link to the first letter is appended below.


Let's pick up the story where we left off. As you recall Dada Bhaskarananda's last words were: "Ba'ba' gave Proutist Bengal because He wanted that Prout should first be established in Bengal and then in other areas."

Then Dada went on to say, "What Bengal thinks today, India & others think tomorrow. So PROUT will be established in Bengal first and then it will be spread to other areas."

He then told, "After all, Ba'ba' supported Bengal so much. Shabda Cayanika was given in Bengali, Baba lived in Bengal after 1980 when the organisation was big, Prabhat Samgiita was given in Bengali."

Such were the justifications given by Dadaji for why he joined B group.



Here we have to remember that when anyone's mind is affected by any narrow sentiment like Bangalistan or Bangalisation etc, then they paint the whole world in that colour.

To set the record straight it should be understood that Shabda Cayanika is not about the Bengali language. We all know that Shabda Cayanika is Baba's special series of topics centered around Sanskrit grammar. This is the well-known fact. In His Shabda Cayaniks discourses, Baba is purely focused on the development and explanation of the Sanskrit language.

Certain fanatical Bengalis often proclaim: "Shabda Cayanika is a series devoted to the linguistics and philology of the Bengali language". And verily, Dada Bhaskaranandji joins them and makes this same assertion.

Yet such a proclamation could not be further from the truth. In His Shabda Cayanika series, Baba is making a careful and precise elaboration of the Sanskrit language, not Bengali. Only because Sanskrit has no script of its own was it first printed in Bengali - but the subject matter is that of the Sanskrit language. And anyone who has even an ounce of familiarity with these discourses knows this to be the case.

Indeed one earnest and honest Dada active in publications - Ac Acyutanandji Avt - wrote and published the following stating that Shabda Cayanika addresses Sanskrit grammar.

"Guru in the Vedic language is derived gur + un; in later Sanskrit as gu + ru. The contents of this chapter consists of an elaboration on the word Gurusakásha. The author's discourse on that day entailed linguistic discussion of a number of Sanskrit terms; the discussion of each term became an entry in the author's linguistic encyclopedia Shabda Cayaniká (“Collection of Words”). –Eds." (1)

Clearly then, publications Dada Acyutanandji wholly accepts that Shabda Cayanika is about Sanskrit grammar.

In response, some radical and fanatical Bengalis may in future try to force Dada Acyutanandji to retract his statement. Nonetheless, the fact stands; Shabda Cayanika is about the Sanskrit language, not Bengali. So those who support the truth should keep this quote in their records etc.

So that is one point. Next we should consider this:

The majority of the discourses given by Baba were in Hindi. Regarding the total number of discourses: 75% are in Hindi and 25% in other languages including Bangla; i.e. in terms of hours and time. This is a well-researched fact - not hearsay. Plus, Baba spent most of His physical life in Hindi speaking areas.

About Prabhat Samgiita, by giving these songs primarily in Bengali, Baba is teaching devotees to write songs in their own mother tongue. It is not about which language is great and which is not great. That is not Baba's message. Rather in 1984 DMC, Baba explained that human beings may know 1, 2, 4, or even 10 languages, but all languages are the language of Parama Purusa. Baba then told that every sadhaka should try and learn more languages - as many as they can. So there is no question of any language like Bengali being better than any other language.

Baba put forth this same idea in this below discourse.

Prout philosophy states, "All languages must be given equal respect. One should remember that all languages are the languages of Parama Puruśa. I may master perhaps one, two, three or maybe 100 or 300 of these languages, but it does not mean that the languages I do not know are not the languages of Parama Puruśa. Hence, it is absurd to divide humanity on the basis of language." (2)

And top of all, Baba Himself is a Supreme Neo-Humanist. There is no question of Baba being partial to Bengal or liking Bengal more. To make such an erroneous claim is to undermine Baba's grand stature. No true bhakta can think in this way.

This type of narrow-mindedness undermines Baba's personality. Any person claiming as such is low-minded and lowly. With their narrow outlook, they contravene Baba's magnanimity. They are trying to prove Baba as being partial as if He supported Bangla more than any language. Such a misguided approach puts forth the notion that Baba was externally preaching universality but internally preaching Bangalisation. This is a very, very hurtful insinuation.

All I can say about this is that when dogs come in contact with human beings then those animals think that those humans are great animals. So when a dog sees its master that dog thinks that its master is a great animal. They cannot think more than that.

Similarly when ordinary humans come in contact with a highly elevated sadhaka, they cannot fathom their greatess. And even more so when an ordinary person comes in contact with Taraka Brahmna, then they cannot conceive of the brilliance of Taraka Brahma.

So just as dogs cannot understand its master's greatness, similarly some people cannot fathom the magnanimity of Mahasambhuti. In that way, such supporters of groupism think Parama Purusa Baba also lends His support.

The overall notion is that When anyone is himself suffering from narrow-mindedness, then they think that Baba also supports that view. They think, "I blindly support Amara Bengali samaj over other samajas, then Baba also supports Amara Bengali samaja over other samajas." Such is their thought-process.

In their daily life, they talk about this among themselves and propagate this among like-minded people, but rationally-minded persons will not give way to this defective mindset.

Suffice to say that only those prone to groupism will try to justify their dogmatic outlook by tainting Guru's teachings in this way. No neo-humanistic margii or worker can think in that negative manner.

To be continued in Part C.

in Him,
Narayan Panda

1. Under the Shelter of the Guru - Footnote #1, 10 June 1990, Kolkata
2. Prout Nutshell, part 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Call to Rescue the Home Girl #1

Date: 28 May 2013 11:12:49 -0000


Note: For the comfort and ease of all, it has to be admitted that at present there are three types of Ananda Margiis: (a) Those fully in slumber, (b) those who are half-asleep, and (c) those who are 100% alert and awake. What follows is a factual, verifiable account; it is neither rumour nor hearsay. The intent is to clean the organisation. We do not want the misdeeds of certain Wts to be reported in major leading newspapers of that area. That will be very bad. If you feel you are in group "A" (i.e. in full slumber) then please do not read the below letter.


The situation is dire. One of our own home girls is about to be handed over to a government orphanage. This is against the girl's desire as she wishes to remain in our Ananda Marga children's home. If she is deposited in the orphanage, she will most probably end up married with a Muslim man; she will become his 6th or 7th wife etc and lead a life of degradation and neglect. We must not allow the in-charge Didiji to follow through with her plan of depositing our home girl in this governmental orphanage. 

No one should think this is a false alarm, because in the recent past this same Didi has handed over our home girls to government orphanages. In one case, the home girl was given to an orphanage and soon thereafter selected by a Muslim man for marriage. So this is a grave matter. 

For more details about the current situation and past ordeals, read below and review our call to action.


Tragically in some of our own Children's Homes, pseudo-culture values are in vogue as the girls learn all kinds of pop songs and dances from the TV and radio etc. They long for that filmy way of life. This is what happens when young impressionable minds are subjected to the brunt of materialism and not given any scope for moral training and spiritual life. 

Sadly, a few Didis have utterly failed those children in this regard by not instilling within them any higher values. After all, according to Baba's system, that is the way our children's homes are to be run. Those girls are to be given love and affection as well as all kinds of dharmic teachings: Sadhana, kiirtan, spiritual and moral training, 16 points, and more. The aim first and foremost is for those children to dedicate their lives for suffering humanity and become wholetime workers. In the event that this does not happen, then those girls should marry and lead a margii life. 

So it is absolute abhorrent that a few didis have completely drifted from Baba's ideals and guidelines and instead exposed these young girls to the ills of sensual materialism. The end result is that the girls get hooked to pseudo-culture. This is the very real situation that we are facing these days - sadly enough. Such didis should be taken to task and face punishment as in many cases they have literally ruined the lives of those young girls. It is criminal how those didis have misled those innocent young girls. Such didis should be held responsible and face inquiry from a tribunal etc. Such incidents must not be taken lightly.

Certainly though, not all Didis fall in this way; some have created excellent children's homes. Those didis are to be held in high regard and given scope to train and teach others how to create a loving, dharmic environment in our Ananda Marga children's homes. 

However, there remain a number of problem scenarios where Didis run their children's home like a pseudo-culture factory and fail to instill any higher values in those innocent girls. Many say this happens because such Didis themselves long to lead a life of material enjoyment; they do not want to live as a sannyasi. They wish for something else; and, in result, make pseudo-culture the main item in the chilren's home. Devoid of love and affection and exposed to lowly values, naturally those innocent youths are drawn in the wrong direction. But it is not their fault. All blame lands squarely on the shoulders of those Didis who fail to impart an inkling of spiritual and moral guidance. This is the underlying cause of why one of our girls is about to be placed in a governmental orphanage. 


Please come forward and voice your concern about this most serious situation. Didi Ananda Dyotona must not be allowed to give the child to the government shelter. The situation is urgent as any day Didiji will hand over the girl. That is the critical situation right now. And over the longer-term, intervention methods are needed to raise the standard of our children's homes. 

Here following are some important and relevant teachings given by Sadguru Baba.


Here are some of Baba's key teachings on this topic:

   "When the parents are about to go on a trip or go to a show, or when they are invited to a pleasant function or a social outing, the children may start whining or nattering to accompany them. At such times many parents tell lies without a qualm; somehow they dupe their children and leave. When the children realize what has happened, they also learn to tell lies; and to hide their intentions or their actions from their parents, they gradually start lying more and more."
   "Parents deceive their children in many ways. By calling sweet things bitter and pleasant things unpleasant, they prevent their children from enjoying them. But by disregarding parental injunctions and prying inquisitively, as is the wont of human nature, children discover the truth. Then they realize that their parents have been deceiving them. As a result they start deceiving not only their parents, but their friends and classmates as well. So it is abundantly clear that children are taught the first lessons in the arts of lying and deception by their own parents at home."
   "In a family it is natural that differences of opinion will arise among the adults; when they do, the adults should reconcile their differences considering each other's opinions. Unfortunately they often lack the requisite mental make-up to reach an amicable agreement – each tries to convince everybody else of his or her viewpoint without caring about the opinions of others. The result is an outburst of unreasonable obstinacy – the adults lose all self-control and behave in a gross and vulgar manner. The effect on the minds of the children is disastrous. Children thus learn obstinacy from their elders. If the mother or those with whom the children spend most of their time is obstinate, the neglected children will, in most cases, become noticeably obstinate, and they will have to carry this psychic ailment around with them for a long time. If, on the other hand, as is sometimes the case, the wishes and desires (if they are not unreasonable) of children are fulfilled, the children will not have the opportunity to learn obstinacy." (1)


"It must be the teachers' responsibility to impart knowledge, teach restraint in social life, and give instruction about all the various aspects of collective endeavour, but the parents will have to take on most of the responsibility for the moral and spiritual education of the child. It should be the duty of society as a whole to ensure that the children of immoral and unrighteousness parents are brought up as virtuous citizens. If possible such children should be removed from the unwholesome environment of their parents." (2)


"The mental outlook of children has already been moulded in a particular fashion by the influence of their family environment before they start school. No matter what or how much they learn at school, it is extremely difficult for them to free themselves from the influence of their family. Drawing on what they have learned in the family, the immature minds of children begin to learn about the world and understand it, and to receive ideas and master language so that they can express those ideas. Unhesitatingly they adopt their elders' way of looking at the world. Hence the primary responsibility for acquainting children with the world lies with their parents or guardians. Children will become assets of society in the future to the extent that their parents or guardians discharge their duties properly." (3)

in Him, 
Sadhana Devi

1. Human Society Part 1, Education
2. Human Society Part 1, Education
3. Human Society Part 1, Education

Monday, May 20, 2013




I received Jitendra ji's below letter and it is very good. The points about the phone and computer are very appropriate. We should make that part of our regular protocol. It should be similar to any standard office regulations. Please read letter below..

in Him, 

Subject: Re: ~ AMPS News ~ Grand Celebration of Donkey Birthday
From: jitendra kumar
Date: 05/19/2013 12:26 PM
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin 1 <>


 It happens only due to Face Book culture,,in our WT's,

Todays whole world has accepted FB is converted into social pollution, but in our WT's group it is equivalent to Vishesh Yoga, As u Know one criteria for Purodhaship is No. of Initiation i.e 500, but right now Our most new Generation WT has more than 500 FB friends either some fake or vulgar friend or some common friend while their no. of Initiation may not be more than 100.  After some time they will be ready for Purodhaship candidate.  Some WT's who's crime has been proved they are  also in the line of Purodhaship.
Should Margii  accept this type of worker for   higher post i.e. Purodha  of Our organisation ???
From so many time we are requesting  our GS, please have control over FB culture, it is not necessary for WT'sSpritual  development but no action has been taken. Due to this... Misuse of Our Margiiya Sampad (Rev. BABA's Pratikriti/ Pratik & Dhwaj) given by Rev, BABA is going on.

Solution :

If some workers or post holder has necessary to use email then provide them Official ID from Administration or configure outlook in  their LAPTOP, because person may be changed but the officials mail is same for new comer for the same post.

Each & Every workers has to report for their GADGETS i.e Camera /Mobile / Laptop  to their Administration because so many worker has uses LAPTOP for theri entertainment, that is understood which type of entertainment. Lower level worker are using LAPTOP, dont know why ??????
So, plz....aware everyone for the same.....because we have to protect our spiritual Family & protect new generation from this type of  disease.


If I am wrong then revert or please take it seriously


Saturday, May 18, 2013

WT Birthday Celebration



In that case, their degeneration is sure. As Baba warns, their destiny is the depths of hell.


Now let's critically examine how some of our Wt's are manipulating and entwining Baba's divine songs of Prabhat Samgiita into for the celebration of their own unit donkey birthday.

First, our workers are not supposed to be celebrating their own birthday. This goes against the sanctity of their oaths and against the ideal of their life. They have come onto this earth for something else: To serve Parama Purusa and His creation. One must sing the glory of Parama Purusa and not one's own self.

Second, such Wt's are organising donkey birthday parties for themselves and one another and then singing Baba's special Prabhat Samgiita #135, Janmadine..., in the honour of that worker. When in fact that song is meant to be sung to Taraka Brahma Baba and Baba only during our grand Ananda Purnima celebrations.

Yet, over the years, on multiple occasions, certain Wts have directed Baba's beloved Prabhat Samgiita toward themselves, as if they are the focal point of this divine song and as if their worldly donkey birthday is so important.

As we know, that entire Prabhat Samgiit #135, Janmadine..., is all about celebrating the grand arrival of Parama Purusa, yet some of our workers have begun using this divine song for themselves. They stand there and smile as a whole crowd of people sing that divine Prabhat Samgiita in their honour.

Certainly, there are many, many disciplined workers who would never stoop to such degrading activities, so we are not talking about all Wts. The tragedy is that some disgraced workers are involved in this birthday and this reflects poorly on all. A few of their names are mentioned below.


As true Ananda Margiis will recognise, in Prabhat Samgiita #135, Janmadine ei shubha ks'an'e, the entire song is directed towards Parama Purusa. It is His holy arrival that is being celebrated, not one Dada's worldly donkey birthday.

In the song, due to the grand arrival of Taraka Brahma, devotees are losing themselves in bliss - that is what is meant by the line, "Khusiite vibhora a'panha'ra'.

Plus, the devotees are expressing the love and joy of their heart for Parama Purusa and no one else. That is what is meant by the line, "Udvela hiya' toma'rei la'giya'".

Each and every syllable, line, and stanza of the song is about the grandeur of Parama Purusa and how He makes everyone's heart dance in bliss, and how His arrival creates a new spiritual vibration that transforms the whole world, and how He has come to remain close to the bhakta.

Thus Prabhat Samgiita #135 is a very personal and devotional song that reflects a bhakta's joy in having Parama Purusa in the mind and heart and how His arrival is completely blissful.

To sing this song in honour of one Dada's worldly donkey birthday goes against all ethics of devotional life. According to our standard of Ananda Marga, such an act is not only misguided but the height of hypocrisy.

It is absolutely shocking that they could even think to use Baba's divine Prabhat Samgiita in honour of their own mundane birthday - as if they are the Saviour of this universe.


Who can say they have heard about PP Dada's birthday or GS Dada's birthday. The answer is no one. Because it is not done. Yet if this birthday celebration would have been accepted & approved then certainly first PP Dada's birthday would have been celebrated every year. And then step by step GS Dada's birthday followed by Purodha Board members and Central Dadas etc. Like this all high posted worker would be doing. But if you examine the history of AM never has such things been done. Because it is understood that this is not approved by Baba.

How far is it appropriate & befitting for avadhutas to celebrate their own donkey birthday?

Who can forget that at one time Vishokananda and Madhavananda also carried the title of avadhuta. Thus for those who do not follow the codes and standards of being avadhuta - their title of avadhuta is meaningless. Because Baba's guideline is that being avadhuta in name only is not enough - one must follow the conduct and spirit.


Taking everything into consideration here following are some of Baba's important guidelines about acarya and avadhuta life.

"A'ca'ran'a't pa'thayati yah sah a'ca'ryah-- 'One who teaches through one's conduct is an acarya'.  If you cannot learn anything from the conduct and behaviour of a certain person, why should you accept that person as an a'ca'rya." (7)

"Bear in mind that people may be harmed or misled by even a small weakness or defect in the conduct of an acarya should always instruct by his exemplary actions and words." (8)


In Ananda Marga, if anything is done for superficial show or in an insincere manner then that is not at all acceptable. For instance, if someone serves you food only to show how great they are then Baba terms that food as: Donkey Food.

“If food is not offered with that heart-felt feeling then that food is donkey food, gardabha’nna. So one must not eat that food.” (9)

Similarly sadhana done with the primary motive of showing one’s greatness instead of pleasing Parama Purusa is donkey sadhana. And if kiirtan is sung with the primary motive as a display of one’s musical talent and instead of to spread the glory of the Lord, then that is donkey kiirtan.

Likewise, when any Wt or avadhuta celebrated their own birthday in their honour instead of spreading the glory of Parama Puruas, then their celebration is a donkey birthday.


About any such cases where Wts go against their own code of conduct - by celebrating their worldly donkey birthday etc - Baba has given the following teaching:

"Mana na' ra'inga'ile ra'inga'ile yogii kapar'a.

Saffron and red do not a yogiis make
With mind undyed he remains a fake."

"Dye your mind with His colour. Those who have not done so cannot attain Him, for this very coloration is Prema or Divine Love...  No external sign of Sa'dhuta' or virtue is  necessary. Become sa'dhu  within. Behind the external show of virtuousness of many so-called sa'dhus exists a pharisaic state of mind. Preserve the true dignity of the word, Sa'dhu."

“Mu’r'ha mura’ye jata’ bar’a'ye...

With shaven head or matted locks
And ashen body a Sadhu walks
With the swaggering gait of a well-fed buffalo.
And crude mind filled with thoughts mean and low."

"That is why I say that you must bring about a revolutionary change in the flow of your judgment and thought, and see how, after overcoming your fascination with external colour, your mind becomes tinged with the His glorious colour." (10)

(A) Some time back in Jharsguda (Orissa, India), there was a big donkey birthday party event held in honour of Dada Priyakrsnananda.

For those not aware, Dada Priyakrsnananda has years and years of experience in Ananda Marga and even in his early years in the Marga he was a Central Worker who lived close to Baba. But unfortunately, those years he was like a rock in a river. Just as the water never touches the inside of the rock despite the rock being immersed in the river, similarly Priyakrsnananda Dada was very close to Baba physically for many years, but internally he was not drenched. Or what we can say.

Perhaps most surprising is that there were many, many so-called senior workers on hand for this donkey birthday gala event and in one big round, they all sang Prabhat Samgiita #135, "Janma dine...", in order to celebrate Dada Priyakrsnananda's birthday.

This type of dogmatic occasion is 100% against the ethics of our Ananda Marga and it sets a very negative example.

(B) Not surprisingly then, more recently in SUVA sector, the very senior Dada Paramatmananda and Didi Ananda Shamiita organised two birthday parties. And once again, they both insisted that PS #135, "Janma dine...", be sung. Thus with printed song sheets etc that Dada and Didi made sure that the donkey birthday event was celebrated with Prabhat Samgiita.

Our so-called senior most workers do not understand the basic principles about Ananda Marga and Prabhat Samgiita. They have forgotten Guru's teachings and guidelines.

(C) Some years ago at New York sector's Boston Regional retreat, Ac. Rainjitananda Avt celebrated his own birthday with full gusto and glory. In grand fashion, everyone present at the retreat sang a hearty round of the traditional American "Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You" song in Dadaji's honor. And during the singing one sumptuous cake was brought out and served to Dadaji. And like that the whole affair took on the flavor of one mundane Americana birthday party whereby non-margiis make a wish for mundane objects as they blow out the candles on the birthday cake and receive presents from one and all etc. So like that Rainjitanandji's celebratory occasion and donkey birthday party was carried out whereby Dada accepted the card and cake and all arrangements in his own honour. Because at that moment Dadaji's birthday was the showcase event going on at the retreat.

(D) Didi Ananda Kalyanshrii has also been involved in grand birthday celebrations. This Didi who used to be DSL Delhi and then became SWWS Delhi had big donkey birthday celebrations where all her children's home kids would sing for her. Actually this Didi has a long history of self-glorification. All recall how Didi celebrated her donkey birthday with much pomp and show.

(E) Here is a list of more Wt Dadas and Wt Didis who use Prabhat Samgiita to celebrate themselves on their worldly birthday - plus they accept and receive presents as well. Please forward this letter to them so they are aware about this matter

Didi Ananda Vibha
Didi Ananda Anuprabha
Didi Ananda Advaya
Didi Ananda Usa
Didi Ananda Hitesana
Didi Ananda Danavrata
Didi Ananda Avisha
Didi Ananda Arundhati
Didi Ananda Sudha

Dada Priyakrsnananda
Dada Rathindrananda

And there are more...

First please forward this letter to the aforementioned Wts. Second, write us if you have seen other Wt Dadas or Didis doing like this type of donkey birthday.


The sole reason for writing this letter and addressing this issue is to help those Wts rectify their conduct and improve the overall standard of our Wt cadre. If this problem is not solved, then some of the newer Wts many also adopt this donkey birthday ritual and prolong the dogma. Yet we should not let this problem mount. We must also bear in mind that many Wts - new and old - do not support these Wt donkey birthday celebrations yet they are not in position to rectify the matter. Whatever the circumstance, as Ananda Margiis it is our duty to bring this issue to the fore so it can be properly addressed and resolved.

at His lotus feet,
Nityanirainjan Deva

7. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23 p.150
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31 p.18
9. Summary of Shabda Cayanika - 20, p.163-64 [Bangla]
10. Subhasita Samgraha part 3

(All this above is 206B(2)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Re: Ac. Rudranandji Making Pathway to Coronate Himself as PP

Date: Tue, 14 May 2013 17:24:08 - 0000



Attached is the photo of PP Vishvadevananda at the recent DMS in Davao where he is seated on a higher seat than Baba's place. Please excuse me as I intended on including this in the original letter.

In Him,


At the recent April 2013 DMS in Davao, one grave injustice was done by a few organisational leaders. The ramifications of this act are slowly being embedded within our organisational-cum-devotional culture by the powers that be. We should all be aware about what happened - otherwise things will only continue to get worse.


Here is what occurred: Purodha Pramukha, i.e. Dada Vishvadevananda, appeared on stage at the DMS sitting on an elevated seat that was higher than Guru's place. PP Dada was veritably blocking the photo of Rev Baba. The image is attached for your review.

The key point is that in Ananda Marga, Brahma alone is the Guru. There is no lineage of gurus where the guruship or top post is transferred from one to the next as most religions do. That means there are no dalai lamas, nor popes, nor ayatollas that inherit the post or are anointed etc, as in Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism and the various other major religions and yogic traditions etc. In all such religions and traditions, they infuse the power of God within their chosen leaders. Christian priests became ordained and the Dalai Lama is selected and coronated as the divine one etc. So in every religion, the top-post holder acts a the middle-man between God and the people. In that way, huge power and divine authority is invested in those religious heads. But that is not the case in our Ananda Marga.
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Monday, May 13, 2013




This is very strange: that this aggressive Didi has been in the post of DSL for a decade, beats the children and Dadas are aware about this, and no legal steps have ever been taken to arrest her and bring the matter before a magistrate. Eyewitnesses abound, and moral courage is inherent in those adults testifying to the veracity of these claims. What is being

In Him,

Here below is the original report:

From: "Arpana Jain" <JAIN.arpana1970@times...>
Subject: Ghastly Behaviour by DSL Towards Children
Date: Sun, 12 May 2013 08:21:09


Jaipur DSL is notoriously infamous for harassing and beating the young kids in her children's home. Didi has been in Jaipur running this children's home for close to one decade. And you may be shocked to hear this but she mercilessly beats those kids on an ongoing basis. Didiji has no control over her rage. 

Recently Didiji pinned down a small, 11 yr old girl on her back and Didi sat on her chest and punched her in the face - like a boxer punches (closed-fisted). Didi punched the girl again and again. Blood was strewn everywhere. Didi punched the child so hard in the face so forcefully that she actually knocked a few teeth loose, and one tooth completely fell out. Such was the rage and fury of Didiji's attack on that poor girl.

Seeing this unfold in front of their eyes, all the kids became scared. As they live in a children's home, some have parents but many do not. One child called their parents on the neighbour's phone and said, "I am not going to stay here." Hearing this, the parents left immediately to get their child. 

When the parents reached to the children's home, then Didi refused to hand over their child. Then the police got involved because Didi was not releasing the child.

Most people in the civilised world cannot think to inflict such torturous attack upon a poor, defenseless child. Indeed, even the worst cases of police brutality pale in comparison to what Didiji did. Only a psycho-path can do something like this to a small child. And that is what Didji is.

Tragically, this is not an isolated incident. Didiji pushed another child down the stairs - 5 steps - and then beat that child. This Didi can do anything. She is a veritable terror to the kids, and  has a long and violent history running this children's home. 

Through it all, Centre keeps quiet. Centre feels impotent to do anything because Didiji gives them money and thus warms the pocket of her bosses. For this reason, Centre has not taken action against Didi. About this, more will soon be written.  

Now, it is the duty of all margiis to raise their voice against this injustice. Keeping quiet is not the quality of a sadhaka / dharmika. Where there is injustice, we must speak out. Not doing that which should be done is pratyavaya - i.e. worse than doing a sinful deed. 

Finally, I should close by adding that certainly not all Didis are doing like this. There are many very good Didis around the globe, such as Bikaner DSL who is very loving and nurturing - just the opposite of this psycho-path. 

in Him, 
Arpana Jain

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ghastly Behaviour by DSL Towards Children

Date: Sun, 12 May 2013 08:21:09



Jaipur DSL is notoriously infamous for harassing and beating the young kids in her children's home. Didi has been in Jaipur running this children's home for close to one decade. And you may be shocked to hear this but she mercilessly beats those kids on an ongoing basis. Didiji has no control over her rage. 

Recently Didiji pinned down a small, 11 yr old girl on her back and Didi sat on her chest and punched her in the face - like a boxer punches (closed-fisted). Didi punched the girl again and again. Blood was strewn everywhere. Didi punched the child so hard in the face so forcefully that she actually knocked a few teeth loose, and one tooth completely fell out. Such was the rage and fury of Didiji's attack on that poor girl.

Seeing this unfold in front of their eyes, all the kids became scared. As they live in a children's home, some have parents but many do not. One child called their parents on the neighbour's phone and said, "I am not going to stay here." Hearing this, the parents left immediately to get their child. 

When the parents reached to the children's home, then Didi refused to hand over their child. Then the police got involved because Didi was not releasing the child.

Most people in the civilised world cannot think to inflict such torturous attack upon a poor, defenseless child. Indeed, even the worst cases of police brutality pale in comparison to what Didiji did. Only a psycho-path can do something like this to a small child. And that is what Didji is.

Tragically, this is not an isolated incident. Didiji pushed another child down the stairs - 5 steps - and then beat that child. This Didi can do anything. She is a veritable terror to the kids, and  has a long and violent history running this children's home. 

Through it all, Centre keeps quiet. Centre feels impotent to do anything because Didiji gives them money and thus warms the pocket of her bosses. For this reason, Centre has not taken action against Didi. About this, more will soon be written.  

Now, it is the duty of all margiis to raise their voice against this injustice. Keeping quiet is not the quality of a sadhaka / dharmika. Where there is injustice, we must speak out. Not doing that which should be done is pratyavaya - i.e. worse than doing a sinful deed. 

Finally, I should close by adding that certainly not all Didis are doing like this. There are many very good Didis around the globe, such as Bikaner DSL who is very loving and nurturing - just the opposite of this psycho-path. 

in Him, 
Arpana Jain

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