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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Re: Meeting with Dada Bha'skara'nanda - Part B


This posting contains three parts:
(A) Comment from Vyasa ji
(B) Comment from Amrit Lalloo ji
(C) Copy of Narayan Panda ji's posting.

Subject: Re: ~ AMPS News ~ Meeting with Dada Bha'skara'nanda - Part B
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 07:13:17 GMT
From: Vyasa

You made an interesting observation about Dadaji Bhaskarananda which how most all human beings behave. In modern psychology, there is a term called "projection."
Projection is a subconscious manner that people do by putting forth how they think or feel if they were in a particular situation.  They say what they would say and attribute it to another person who is in that very same situation had they been in it for themselves.
Human beings do this because they are affected by their own thoughts and experiences throughout life and have become part of their subconscious minds; i.e., samskaras influence them and play a part of this. This is a normal occurrence. It takes a conscious person, an individual with a greater conscious awareness of oneself to make sure one does not project his own way of thinking or feeling onto another being.
This is a highly developed state that takes effort to attain; not many people have this ability. This capacity of consciousness waxes and wanes, too. Spiritual practices keep one more conscious of one's own biases and lack of practice creates a lack of awareness.
Let us all learn from this type of error so we don't go down the same road. By Baba's Grace, let us practice our sadhana regularly and attune our minds to Parama Purusa  so we may be guided by Him through our Superconscious mind and not by our mundane experiences stored in our subconscious mind  from throughout of lives.
This has been my experience and observation as I continue on the path of perfection to realize Him and do His Will.
Baba Nam Kevalam
in Him,


Subject: Re: ~ AMPS News ~ Re: Meeting with Dada Bha'skara'nanda - Part B
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 17:08:47 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin 2 <>

This presentation reminds me of George Orwells book, Animal Farm. To quote the punch line , "All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."
As Ananda Margiis we should not base our thinking on what this dada heard from Baba or on this persons dream or whatever. We should be guided by Baba's written word.
Neo-humanism suggests clearly that we should not be overwhelmed by narrow sentiment including, in this case, geo-sentiment or language sentiment. Baba belongs to all and sundry.
The persons propagating such narrow ideas are nothing but pseudo-intellectuals who have little or no understanding about Baba's sublime ideology.
My input, in pointing out the defective understanding of some Kolkota loyalists, should not be construed that I am in any way supporting the the Ranchi faction which I understand is equally guilty of narrowness.


Subject: Meeting with Dada Bha'skara'nanda
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 20:03:55 +0800 (SGT)
From: narayan panda <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin



~ Part B ~

Editor's Note: The following is a continuation of the account by Shrii Narayan Panda - Bhukti Pradhan, Vishakapatnam (Orissa, India). A link to the first letter is appended below.


Let's pick up the story where we left off. As you recall Dada Bhaskarananda's last words were: "Ba'ba' gave Proutist Bengal because He wanted that Prout should first be established in Bengal and then in other areas."

Then Dada went on to say, "What Bengal thinks today, India & others think tomorrow. So PROUT will be established in Bengal first and then it will be spread to other areas."

He then told, "After all, Ba'ba' supported Bengal so much. Shabda Cayanika was given in Bengali, Baba lived in Bengal after 1980 when the organisation was big, Prabhat Samgiita was given in Bengali."

Such were the justifications given by Dadaji for why he joined B group.



Here we have to remember that when anyone's mind is affected by any narrow sentiment like Bangalistan or Bangalisation etc, then they paint the whole world in that colour.

To set the record straight it should be understood that Shabda Cayanika is not about the Bengali language. We all know that Shabda Cayanika is Baba's special series of topics centered around Sanskrit grammar. This is the well-known fact. In His Shabda Cayaniks discourses, Baba is purely focused on the development and explanation of the Sanskrit language.

Certain fanatical Bengalis often proclaim: "Shabda Cayanika is a series devoted to the linguistics and philology of the Bengali language". And verily, Dada Bhaskaranandji joins them and makes this same assertion.

Yet such a proclamation could not be further from the truth. In His Shabda Cayanika series, Baba is making a careful and precise elaboration of the Sanskrit language, not Bengali. Only because Sanskrit has no script of its own was it first printed in Bengali - but the subject matter is that of the Sanskrit language. And anyone who has even an ounce of familiarity with these discourses knows this to be the case.

Indeed one earnest and honest Dada active in publications - Ac Acyutanandji Avt - wrote and published the following stating that Shabda Cayanika addresses Sanskrit grammar.

"Guru in the Vedic language is derived gur + un; in later Sanskrit as gu + ru. The contents of this chapter consists of an elaboration on the word Gurusakásha. The author's discourse on that day entailed linguistic discussion of a number of Sanskrit terms; the discussion of each term became an entry in the author's linguistic encyclopedia Shabda Cayaniká (“Collection of Words”). –Eds." (1)

Clearly then, publications Dada Acyutanandji wholly accepts that Shabda Cayanika is about Sanskrit grammar.

In response, some radical and fanatical Bengalis may in future try to force Dada Acyutanandji to retract his statement. Nonetheless, the fact stands; Shabda Cayanika is about the Sanskrit language, not Bengali. So those who support the truth should keep this quote in their records etc.

So that is one point. Next we should consider this:

The majority of the discourses given by Baba were in Hindi. Regarding the total number of discourses: 75% are in Hindi and 25% in other languages including Bangla; i.e. in terms of hours and time. This is a well-researched fact - not hearsay. Plus, Baba spent most of His physical life in Hindi speaking areas.

About Prabhat Samgiita, by giving these songs primarily in Bengali, Baba is teaching devotees to write songs in their own mother tongue. It is not about which language is great and which is not great. That is not Baba's message. Rather in 1984 DMC, Baba explained that human beings may know 1, 2, 4, or even 10 languages, but all languages are the language of Parama Purusa. Baba then told that every sadhaka should try and learn more languages - as many as they can. So there is no question of any language like Bengali being better than any other language.

Baba put forth this same idea in this below discourse.

Prout philosophy states, "All languages must be given equal respect. One should remember that all languages are the languages of Parama Puruśa. I may master perhaps one, two, three or maybe 100 or 300 of these languages, but it does not mean that the languages I do not know are not the languages of Parama Puruśa. Hence, it is absurd to divide humanity on the basis of language." (2)

And top of all, Baba Himself is a Supreme Neo-Humanist. There is no question of Baba being partial to Bengal or liking Bengal more. To make such an erroneous claim is to undermine Baba's grand stature. No true bhakta can think in this way.

This type of narrow-mindedness undermines Baba's personality. Any person claiming as such is low-minded and lowly. With their narrow outlook, they contravene Baba's magnanimity. They are trying to prove Baba as being partial as if He supported Bangla more than any language. Such a misguided approach puts forth the notion that Baba was externally preaching universality but internally preaching Bangalisation. This is a very, very hurtful insinuation.

All I can say about this is that when dogs come in contact with human beings then those animals think that those humans are great animals. So when a dog sees its master that dog thinks that its master is a great animal. They cannot think more than that.

Similarly when ordinary humans come in contact with a highly elevated sadhaka, they cannot fathom their greatess. And even more so when an ordinary person comes in contact with Taraka Brahmna, then they cannot conceive of the brilliance of Taraka Brahma.

So just as dogs cannot understand its master's greatness, similarly some people cannot fathom the magnanimity of Mahasambhuti. In that way, such supporters of groupism think Parama Purusa Baba also lends His support.

The overall notion is that When anyone is himself suffering from narrow-mindedness, then they think that Baba also supports that view. They think, "I blindly support Amara Bengali samaj over other samajas, then Baba also supports Amara Bengali samaja over other samajas." Such is their thought-process.

In their daily life, they talk about this among themselves and propagate this among like-minded people, but rationally-minded persons will not give way to this defective mindset.

Suffice to say that only those prone to groupism will try to justify their dogmatic outlook by tainting Guru's teachings in this way. No neo-humanistic margii or worker can think in that negative manner.

To be continued in Part C.

in Him,
Narayan Panda

1. Under the Shelter of the Guru - Footnote #1, 10 June 1990, Kolkata
2. Prout Nutshell, part 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 3

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