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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Evil Avadhuta-2


This email contains two sections:
1. Posting: See Rudrananda Demon H. of Ananda Marga - 2
2. Links

Evil Avadhuta-2

Note: To read this letter a balanced and rational mind is needed. If you are following any group and / or have socio or geo-sentiment, then please do not read this letter. Only those with a neo-humanistic outlook can understand.

In our Ananda Marga, the tantric tradition is gurupujanam - i.e. offering give unparalleled respect and reverence to Sadguru. One of the ways that is expressed is by always having a pratik prominently displayed behind Guru. This is never done for anyone else. When Sadguru Baba is on the stage for DMC then always a large pratik is behind Him facing the audience.

And when Guru sits on a chair or rides in His car then always a pratik is placed behind Him. And if His photo is displayed then always the pratik is placed. That is the system. That is the unparalleled stature of Guru in tantra. This is done only for Sadguru Taraka Brahma Baba Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

System: Sadguru Baba sits in front of pratika

When Parama Purusa Baba is on the stage or seated in any position conducting darshan etc, then always the pratik is prominently placed behind Him. And same is the case when His divine photo is on display.

Photo: one Dada portraying himself as Guru

In stark contrast, this is not done for PP dada or any purodha, as they are mere mortals - prone to all the vacillations of this earthly abode. The pratik is not placed behind them. That is Guru’s place - none else.

But now look at what one Dada is doing. Such a Dada is showing himself along with the pratik as if Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji Baba is gone and now this dada is in charge -  now he is guru of Ananda Marga, sitting in the Cosmic hub. Now this dada wants to show his stature as Sadguru and Parama Purusa. Such is the gross audacity and arrogance of Rudrananda ji. See this below photo where he is sitting just in front of the pratik to give message of his status that he is Sadguru, Taraka Brahma, Parama Purusa - and that he should be worshipped.

Please pay attention to the below photo, there is a large, orange pratik behind Rudrananda. The orange lines in the below photo are the outline of the pratik. And this dada is sitting directly in front, as is done only with Sadguru Baba. But now Rudranandji has occupied that sacred place. That is why his behaviour is like the demon Hiranyakashipu - more about that is explained below.

This is the demonic work he is doing

This below image is from Rudrananda’s YouTube video. Rudrananda is seated inside the pratik. This is the demonic work he is doing, i.e. placing himself inside the pratik. The second demonic work is that he appears in the video first - later on Baba’s image is displayed. That is exactly how demon’s operate. They do the exact opposite of what humans do. Humans first take the name of the Lord, i..e Guru mantra, and demons do the opposite.

This above image is from Rudrananda’s YouTube video. Rudrananda is seated inside the pratik. This is the demonic work he is doing, i.e. placing himself inside the pratik.

Demons do the opposite

The second demonic work is that he appears in the video first - later on Baba’s image is displayed. That is exactly how demon’s operate. They do the exact opposite of what humans do. Humans first take the name of the Lord, i..e Guru mantra, and demons do the opposite.

Please pay attention to the above photo, that shows an orange pratik behind Rudrananda ji. The orange lines in the below photo are the outline of pratik. And this dada is sitting directly in front, as is done only with Sadguru Baba. So now Rudrananda ji has occupied that special space. That is why his dealing is like the demon Hiranyakashipu - more about that is explained below.

Rudrananda’s devious message to the world

So in Rudrananda’s above YouTube video first his image appears in the pratika as displayed above. By that way he is giving message to the world that now he is the spiritual guru of Ananda Marga.

Thus Rudrananda’s photos is first displayed at the 15 second mark of his video. In the above photo you can see that the video has been stopped at the 15 second mark. That is Rudrananda’s place. That gives the message that at one time Baba was the spiritual guru and but now He is no more. First is Rudrananda and then Baba has passed away.

The conclusion is that when the video starts Rudrananda comes first as if he is the Guru and later on comes Baba’s image is shown at the 30 second mark - as if He is no more, or an after-thought.

Such behaviour of Rudrananda is just like demon Hiranyakashipu

Rudrananda ji’s behaviour is like the mythological demon Hiranyakashipu who proclaimed himself as God. He told all in his kingdom not to worship God, but rather to worship him. That is the demonic behaviour of Hiranyakashipu. Only a mahapatakii (terrible sinner) can behave like this.

Yet by his arrogant antics, Hiranyakashipu was killed - assassinated. Till now no human being dared to do like this - just one mythological demon who was ultimately killed for his sinful dealing.

But now, Rudrananda ji has dared to make such a stand - equating himself with Parama Purusa Sadguru of Ananda Marga. Dada R wants people to worship him.

Next he wants to be in your locket

Because verily he has inserted this type of scene at the beginning of his numerous youtube videos. Step by step he is trying get the margiis acclimated so they will one day accept this as something normal. Rudrananda ji’s next agenda is to put his image inside the locket / pratik that margiis wear. So what he is doing is in youtube videos / movies. In the next step he will take it off the screen and onto the metal lockets of Ananda Margiis. Watch out!!

So this entire scene is not normal - it is wholly demonic.

Must demand such videos be taken down / destroyed

All rational margiis and disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji must vehemently demand from Dada R that he stop such abominable behaviour and remove and destroy all such videos.  That is the only single response to such a dastardly scene.

In our Ananda Marga, only Parama Purusa Baba is revered in this manner - no one else.

“The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty.” (1)

at His lotus feet,

1. Caryacarya-2, Sadhana, Point #1a

Friday, March 27, 2015



From the editors:

Yesterday's email contained a section titled - Davao Buhangin TC SOLD!!!! A note should have preceded that section stating that:

This following land related matter comes to us from some margiis. We do not have the full history of this situation. So if other margiis know the facts, then we kindly request you to write us.

Here then are the opening words of yesterday's letter:

From: "AM Reporter"
Date: Mar 21, 2015 10:50 AM
Subject: [AnandaMarg] Davao Buhangin TC SOLD BY RANCHI !!!!
To: <>

Courtesy of "AM Reporter" at GoogleGroups

Davao Buhangin TC SOLD!!!!


This is a shocking news for all who know Davao Buhangin Training Center!!!

One Manila Sector Dada of Ranchi confirmed he got information that the Buhangin Training Center has been sold already by Ranchi! As there is a lease occupying the property, it might take about a year for the buyer to take over. 

Kabantian Master Unit

Also the Kabantian property is being offered now for sale. 
This Master Unit is about 25 minutes drive from Buhangin.

Now Philippine Margiis who sincerely concerned our Ananda Marga Mission are asking:

What could be the best thing to do now to save & bring back the real Ananda Marga here? Can't find anyone to talk to here on this matter. 

- Therefore those who care please connect each other immediately.


About Buhangin TC 

In 1977 Dada Cidanandaji arrived Davao with only 4 pesos and started TC in rented  house. Then he acquired Buhangin land in 1978 after Baba came out from jail and instructed him to make separate living quarter for brothers and sisters trainees. When they got the land it was full of thorny bush. Trainees lied and crawled on the ground to clean the land for our first “home” in Davao. Over decades Cidanandaji gradually purchased neighbouring lands with hard work together with his trainees. 

It is full of tremendous spiritual vibration with 8 times Akhanda Kiirtan every month (4x Sunday and 4 fasting days) in last 35 years when TC was there. At the peak there was over hundred trainees in the TC.
It’s full of tantric stories of Dada Cidanandaji and his trainees  …
It has a Baba Quarter full of Cidanandaji’s devotion for Baba …
It has the sweat and blood, laugh and tears of many trainees …
It’s full of memory for hundreds of trainees, WTs and Margiis who had days or months or years of their time there …..


Where is the money????

All WTs and Margiis over this earth should wake up down and do something now.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Top Liar + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Top Liar
2. End Quote: Religious outlook versus neo-humanistic outlook
3. Links

Top liar

Here we look at this recent obituary / eulogy.

Courtesy of Prajina Bharati #248

Please re-read the last sentence of the above eulogy. Here it is again:

“He was in Ista-dhyana when he went into Samadhi and withdrew from this quinquelemental world.”

There are a few points:

SSNY Dada shows zero repentance

(a) SSNY Dada Vimalananda directed his intense hate agenda towards Dada Shantatmananda ji, and in result Dada Shantatmananda ji became depressed and very ill.

(b) Forget about being a great sadhaka or avadhuta, if even SS Dada Vimalananda was a normal ordinary sadhaka then he would have accepted his wrongdoing and repented that he was the cause of the Dadaji’s death. By this way people would have forgiven him, i.e. Dada Vimalananda ji.

Never believe him - confirm with independent sources

(c) Now, however, Dada Vimalananda ji, with his hypocritical eulogy and false propaganda, writes that Dada Shantatmananda ji got samadhi on his deathbed. But that is very outlandish. Actually it proves that SS Dada Vimalanandaji has no repentance for his wrongdoing. Rather it shows him as a hypocrite and compulsive liar. So watch out. Never believe a single word that Dada Vimalananda ji says. Always confirm with independent sources.

How he became a top liar

(d) It is well known that Dada Shantatmananda ji was gasping for air when he died. That is a fact. And that is what any standard sadhaka would have told.

A simple liar would have falsely stated that Dada Shantatmananda ji was sick, started singing kiirtan, and then died.

Being the top liar, Dada Vimalananda fabricated this wild tale that Dada Shantatmananda ji was in samadhi.

By seeing SSNY Dada Vimalananda ji’s dealing, anyone can understand that SSNY Vimalananda is a top liar.

(e) For more about this topic, a link to an earlier letter on this matter has been appended below in section 3.

Here below is a photo of Dada Shantatmananda ji:

Courtesy of Google Images

in Him,

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Religious outlook versus neo-humanistic outlook

  The nature of a good person is: “Alas, what suffering an animal has to bear at the hands of cruel humans! But the animal is absolutely innocent. It is not a born enemy of the human being that if a person does not kill it, it will kill the person, just as a tiger or an insect does. I shall continuously make efforts to see that human beings refrain from such cruel acts of violence.” If one sees someone doing noble work, as a result of which the progress of the world is accelerated and the path of human welfare is widened, then one should think: “The noble work of this person will remain written in letters of gold in human history. I shall give my full support to this person in their noble endeavours...I shall help them in every possible way.”
   "If one sees a person engaged in deleterious activity, then one should think: “On account of the pernicious activities of this person, people are going to the dogs, this person is striking at the root of long-cherished austerities, forbearance, benevolence, and so on. I shall never support such misdeeds.”" (1)

Note 1: In His above teaching, Baba guides us that one must not remain silent and watch the wrongful and harmful treatment of animals. A good person will come forward and oppose acts of violence against those innocent creatures. Nowadays in the state of Maharashtra (India), there is a ban on the slaughtering of cows and the sale of beef.Certain people have rallied around and recently passed legislation to ensure innocent cows are not subjected to the travesty of the slaughterhouse. Instead, their lives are being protected.

While this is certainly a positive development, the same protection and care has not been extended to other animals such as sheep, chickens, and goats etc which are commercially raised, butchered, and sold at the marketplace in Maharashtra. So those activists are prone to partiality. They protested and fought to protect cows, but not these other innocent creatures.

If they were true neo-humanists they would not have differentiated between cows and other animals. They would have protected them all. So while there is one positive point, but, on the other hand, there are many negative ones.

All in all this is very similar to a scene which occurs in Bengal. Some naive bystanders may think that Bengali idol worshipers have great appreciation for the art and sculptures which those artists and sculptors created. Because those worshipers show tremendous reverence for those sculpted idols. But that is not the case. Those idol worshipers do not care about the aesthetic beauty of those sculptures. The proof is that when their rituals are completed those worshipers throw those sculptures into the water.

In the same way, none should naively think that those activists in Maharashtra are pouring their heart out for all animals. Rather they have their own personal, narrow agenda related with cows. All other animals may be skewered and slaughtered. So their protests are grounded in dogma, not neo-humanism.

After all, this is certainly a kind of positive development.

Note 2: These following states of India have also banned the slaughtering of cows: Haryana, New Delhi, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and Jharkhand.

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Disc: 27


== Section 3 ==


Monday, March 9, 2015

Superstition: girl marries dog + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Superstition: girl marries dog
2. PS #688: O' Parama Purusa, I visited so many tiirthas...
3. Links

Superstition: girl marries with dog

This letter examines superstitions both inside and outside of Ananda Marga - and what adverse effects they have. 

“Fighting against superstition: The svabháva [natural tendency] of mind is to become like its object. Superstition of any kind – social, psychic or spiritual – influences the mind to such an extent that the mind, due to its worries, leads a person into trouble. The mental equilibrium of one believing in superstition is disturbed, and the result is that one not only loses peace, but one is also led to do some action which is detrimental to oneself. This only further strengthens belief in superstition.”
“Such superstitions have not left any field uncontaminated. In the social sphere there is no dearth of superstitions. Witchcraft, discrimination against widows, etc., are curses in society only due to such superstitions. In the psychic sphere there are deep-rooted superstitions such as the belief in ghosts (bhút), etc. Not only this, but superstitions related to shráddha [funeral ceremonies], etc., have also bound down even the progeny of a person. In the spiritual field, also, ignorant people have been forced to do many things only because of the deep-rooted superstition of heaven and hell. All these only disturb psychic equilibrium and bring about discord and worry in society. For the preservation of peace, the fight against superstition is of prime importance.” (1)

In the yellow highlighted line above, Baba warns that through such superstitions, people bring harm upon themselves. In the case of the below girl who is marrying the dog, she may become attached with the dog and contract various diseases like rabies, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. 

Our Ananda Marga is - unfortunately - not immune to superstitions. Sadly, since 1990, a number of superstitions have crept into our AM way of life:

[1] Superstition - No family people for cemetery sadhana: Wts often tell family margiis that if they ever try to do sadhana in the cemetery then they will be attacked and beaten by ghosts, or have some terrible tragedy enacted upon them by  ghosts. But all should know this is just one dogma. 

[2] Superstition - PP marriage blessing: The idea has been imposed that for a long and healthy marriage then one must get PP Dada’s blessing. Those who did not get his blessing may suffer or their spouse may die at a young age etc. However, everyone should bear in mind this is just one dogma. 

[3] Superstition - Visit Ananda Nagar for moksa: Many have been indoctrinated into the belief that by making regular visits to Ananda Nagar then Baba will be pleased and moksa is assured. All should know that this is just one dogma. 

[4] Superstition - Double ceremony dogma: This is the phenomenon of doing both Ananda Marga ceremonies and the rituals of the dogmatic religion from one’s previous religion. For instance, one may have and AM wedding ceremony and then have a Hindu or Christian ceremony. Or one may have an AM baby naming ceremony as well as a baptism or Hindu ceremony etc. Some feel that by this way they will get double virtue. But bear in mind that this is just one dogma. 

Baba Himself attended a few AM marriages, 

He never allowed any WT to conduct the ceremony

[5] Superstition - Only Wts Conduct Marriage Superstition: Some feel that if a family acarya performs their wedding then that will not be auspicious. They feel that for the best chance at a long-term happy marriage a Wt must perform the ceremony. Otherwise, one’s spouse will leave them or die. So this is just one dogma; according to Guru our family acaryas should conduct marriage ceremonies, not Wts. Remember, Baba Himself attended a few Ananda Marga marriages, and He never allowed a monk to conduct the ceremony. That is the example we should follow. Remember, only one family acarya - not two - is needed to solemnise the marriage. 

Those Wts whose lower two cakras are weak firmly advocate and support this dogma of Wts performing all marriage ceremonies. 

[6] Superstition - Only Wts Conduct Shraddha Superstition: Some feel that if a family acarya performs a shraddha ceremony then that will not be auspicious and the deceased will never get any shanti / peace. They feel that for best chance for a proper death ceremony a Wt must perform the ceremony.  But this is just one dogma. 

[7] Superstition - Only Wts Conduct House Entrance Superstition: Some feel that if a family acarya performs their house entrance ceremony then that will not be auspicious and one will never find any peace while living there. They feel that for best chance for a good house entrance ceremony, a Wt must perform the ceremony.  However, all should remember this is a dogma.

[8] Superstition - Only Wts Conduct Funeral Superstition: Some feel that if a family acarya performs that funeral then that will not be auspicious and the deceased will never get any shanti / peace. They feel that for best chance for a good funeral a Wt must perform the ceremony. Here again, this is just one dogma. 

All of the above superstitions have been spreading from person to person across India and overseas sectors. Maybe this superstition has reached your area, and maybe not. Regardless, the antidote is knowledge. So be aware because more sadhakas are being taken in by such superstitions. 

And whenever one gives way to superstition they bring harm to themselves - in one way or another. 

“one is also led to do some action which is detrimental to oneself.”

For instance, if a margii falls prey to the superstition about PP’s marriage blessing, then they will pay huge $$ to get that so-called blessing. By this way they bring much economic hardship upon themselves. And by harbouring the superstition that only WTs can perform the various AM social ceremonies like shraddha etc, then that opens the door for certain Wts to charge huge money. Demand goes up and availability of people is less, so prices skyrocket. And with other superstition one invites harm by inculcating fear sentiments and irrational thinking etc. 

In Him,

1. AFPS-7, Social Psychology

== Section 2 ==

~ O' Parama Purusa, I visited so many tiirthas even then why do You not look towards me? ~

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This below song demonstrates how Parama Purusa can only be attained with the loving feeling of the heart-- through one's inner, pointed, devotional longing. Because Parama Purusa only understands the feeling of the heart. That is why searching Him externally in various dogmatic tiirthas or putting on a false display of sadhana are utterly useless; such empty attempts will just end in vain. One cannot get Parama Purusa in those defective ways because He can only be held with the love of one's heart.

"Tumi bolo kii va' ca'o..."   (PS 688)


O' Parama Purusa, please tell me what You want so I can satisfy you. Please tell me why You are playing this liila, and how I can get You. Why do You go on making this grand liila of Yours while You Yourself only watch - quietly. You never disclose what You want; You never divulge Your secrets.

O' Supreme One, all these years I was searching You in the tiirthas of Jamalpur and Tiljala etc. I thought I could hold You by journeying to those holy lands. I tried to reach You through rigorous debates of the shastras. I thought that by debating those scriptures I could get You. I thought there was no need of sadhana. Many times I was doing showy sadhana - nyása práńáyám. O' Lord, all these attempts I made, even then why do You not look towards me?

Baba, O' Divine Entity, by Your causeless grace, today I am offering the effulgence and love of my heart. I am surrendering fully at Your lotus feet, and, I am decorating my mind with the flowers of love and devotion. Baba, I feel deep love for You in my heart - the aroma of sweet sandalwood. By Your grace, I am developing a strong yearning and pointed devotion. I am offering myself with no other desire than to get You. Please be gracious and take me on Your divine lap and make my life meaningful.

Baba, Your grand liila is unfathomable. Please make my mind pure and keep me in Your loving arms forever. O' Love Personified Entity...

== Section 3 ==


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Dada S: playing the role of villain + 2 more


This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Dada S: playing the role of villain
2. PS #353: O’ Parama Purusa, for the welfare of all - to liberate all...
3. Links

Dada S: playing the role of villain

Here following is a quote from Dada S’s book that is cited in the Prajina Bharati magazine.

Specifically, Dada S writes that Guru is just like the parents who care for their child in all realms of progress: physical, psychic, spiritual etc. Such is the claim and comparison that Dada S is making a between parents & Sadguru Taraka Brahma.

The above scan is from Prajina Bharati, Vol. 38, No. 6, Consecutive Number 248, Guru Tattvam page 30, Nov / Dec 2014.

For those who know Hindi it is obvious that Dada S committing a big blunder by spreading false things about Guru. For non-Hindi readers, kindly refer to the English translation highlighted in yellow - above and below.

Sadguru is Brahma and beyond all comparisons

According to Ananda Marga philosophy, we know that Brahma is the Guru and that Sadguru is Brahma. And that He comes as Mahakaola / Taraka Brahma. And Taraka Brahma can only be compared with Himself - not any other entity.

In numerous teachings, Ananda Marga philosophy states that Parama Purusa is beyond all comparisons. Think of it this way. A human being cannot be compared with a bug or reptile. A human can only be compared with other humans. Similarly, Parama Purusa can only be compared with Parama Purusa, but since there is only one Parama Purusa He is beyond all comparisons. For more about this see note 1 below.

But Dada S writes that Guru is just like the parents who care for their child in all realms of progress: physical, psychic, spiritual etc. So Dada S’s way of comparing Sadguru with parents is completely wrong and baseless - it is contrary to the guideline of Ananda Marga ideology.

Please read the below guideline from Baba about the criteria of Sadguru and see how many parents are really like this. You will not find any.

Only a Mahákaola has the requisite qualification to be a guru,

others cannot be gurus

   Ananda Marga ideology states, “In the spiritual world, he alone can be a guru who can lift downtrodden humanity to a high spiritual level, who can illumine humanity with spiritual effulgence. That is, only a Mahákaola has the requisite qualification to be a guru, others cannot be gurus.”
   “In order to be an ideal guru in the spiritual sphere, one must be throughly conversant with the minutest details of sádhaná, every aspect of sádhaná, important or unimportant. The guru must not only learn those things, but must also possess the capacity to teach those practices to others. Otherwise he should not be treated as a guru. The Mahákaola alone has this capacity, no one else. Kaolas are those who by dint of sádhaná have successfully elevated their microcosmic stance and established it in the Macrocosmic one; but a Mahákaola is one who is a kaola, certainly, but at the same time possesses the capacity to help others as well to get to that exalted kaola position. In the past Lord Shiva was one such Mahákaola. Lord Krśńa was another. To be a guru one must be a Mahákaola” (1)

“The guru must be aware of the nature of the human mind – what it is made of, how it should be elevated step by step from crude to subtle, how all the unit minds can march together in unison towards the goal – in a word, he must know both the theoretical and the applied sides of psychology. He must know a thousand times more than is written in books. He must assimilate everything through his own refined intellect. And then only can he teach others perfectly. That shows that he must be not only a spiritual guru, but also a guru in the psychic world. There is a sense of want in the human mind. One who can remove the sense of want is a guru. In order to qualify as a guru, one must have the power to remove psychic wants.”  (2)

To be Guru, one must come onto this earth

with the highest qualifications in the spiritual field

“So in order to be a guru, one must come onto this earth with the highest qualifications in the spiritual field, and with the greatest capacity to face the mountainous obstacles in the physical world. To shoulder the responsibility of a guru is not child’s play.”  (3)

So see how Dada Samanvayananda is creating confusion by giving a wrong and faulty idea. Although Dada S has passed away but still he is creating problems.

In Him,

Note 1: Parama Purusa is Incomparable

Ei jyoysná nishiithe cánderi máyáte, tomáre ceyechi anupama... (PS 2082)

O Anumapa, O Incomparable One, O’ Parama Purusa, O’ Sadguru,
With the shining beauty of the moon, I long for You, O’ Anupama

In Ananda Marga philosophy and in the above Prabhat Samgiita #2082, Parama Purusa is addressed as the Incomparable One. Parama Purusa has infiniite attributions and in His role as Anupama, He is that Divine Entity that is beyond all comparisons.

Note 2: About this magazine

Our Ananda Marga magazine - Prajina Bharati - must be held to the highest standards as it is the publication of our Wt boards: Purodha board, avadhuta board, acarya board, and tattvika board. Every aspect of this publication must be completely consistent with Ananda Marga ideology.

That is why it is especially disappointing and painful to see the Prajina Bharati magazine be degraded in this way.

Note 3: Who is responsible

Here are the two Dada most responsible for printing the misleading writings of Ac Samanavayananda Avt. It is a gross error for the below Dadas to highlight Dada S’s wrongful writings etc.

Note 4: Email them

Here is where you can email Dada Rakeshananda ji and Dada Amaleshananda ji and alert them about the situation.

Dada Rakeshananda (editor) -

Dada Amaleshananda (sub-editor) -

1. AV-2, The Criteria of a Guru
2. AV-2, The Criteria of a Guru
3. AV-2, The Criteria of a Guru

Story harassing even after death

Before explaining further about the gross errors Dada S has made, one story comes in my mind. All know that there are many good people in Bikaner (Rajasthan, India) but also one very notorious person was born there as well. And this is the story of that wicked man.

This man passed his whole life harassing and torturing innocent villagers in his locale. He taunted and abused them in all kinds of ways, like false court cases etc. This went on for decades. When he was nearing the end of his life, it struck him that when he dies he will no longer be able to harass those villagers. So he devised one special way whereby he would be able to harass those villagers even after his death.

Here is what he did - this is the plan he came up with.

When that wicked man became terminally ill with cancer and was essentially on his deathbed, he hatched one nasty plan to entangle and harass those innocent villagers for the days and years to come. First that man went door to door throughout the village and feigned repentance for his many misdeeds. He talked to each family individually. He pledged to those them that, “I am a sinner and I harassed you for years and years, and now I am going to die from cancer. I beg you to help me and forgive me for my sins.”

Seeing the plight of that man and hearing his plea, one by one, each family forgave him.

Then the man told, ”There is one more thing I request of you. Your granting forgiveness is not enough. My soul will not be satisfied unless you hang my corpse from a tree and beat it mercilessly with on stick etc.”

Hearing this the they looked quite concerned; the various families each replied that they could not commit such an act.

The wicked man added, “Please, I beg of you. This is the only way I can reach to heaven.”

Hearing this, the various families thought further, and one by one each agreed to satisfy the man’s wishes. On their own they promised to keep this entire ordeal secret. The man thanked them countless times as he took leave of their company.

Immediately, that wicked man scurried to the police department and offered them a large bribe. He said that, “These villagers are my enemies and they have a plan to assault me even after my death. To take revenge on me, they are going to ransack my corpse. Specifically, they are going to hang my dead body from a tree and whip it with sticks.”

The man requested, “As policemen, it is your duty to uphold the dignity of my being and not let my corpse be beaten and destroyed in this manner.” The officers agreed.

Thereafter, the man approach his wife and told her, “After I die, then your first duty is to inform the policemen of my death.” Soon afterwards, that wicked man breathed his last on this earth and news spread of his passing.

Per their promise, those villagers tied and hung the man’s corpse from a tree and began whipping that corpse to ensure that man went to heaven.

When the policemen came upon this scene, then they immediately arrested all those villagers and put them in jail. By this way, that wicked man was able to harass and torture those innocent villagers even after his death.

Now the ghost of Dada S is harassing us

Similarly, now the ghost of Dada S is harassing us. During his lifetime Dada S propagated so many wrong things in the name of Guru and now after his passing still he is doing like this. If anyone thinks this is too harsh a characterization of Dada S, then it seems you have forgotten how Dada S betrayed Guru during the time when Baba was in jail. Those days the situation was very tense and grave. Nobody knew what was going to happen. And in that darkest hour, Dada Samanvayananda jii left Guru and openly challenged Ananda Marga by creating his own new organisation, Prema Marga.

Only stooges get the higher posts these days

Dada Samanvayananda jii is the Dada S who twisted AM teachings in the wrong way. Dada Samanvayananda jii did this years and years ago. And now, two so-called purodhas - who are not aware about Ananda Marga philosophy - have published Dada Samanvayananda jii’s bogus sutra in a recent edition of Prajina Bharati. So these two purodhas editors - Dada Rakeshananda (editor) & Dada Amaleshananda (sub-editor) - have no idea what they are doing. Otherwise they would never have placed Dada S’s garbage in the esteemed magazine, Prajina Bharati. This is the unfortunate affair.

As you may know, Dada Samanvayananda jii died long back, but we see how his ghost is still affecting and harassing Ananda Margiis. In that sense he is just like the wicked man from the above story.

Sadly, this chapter will not end soon because we have unqualified purodhas running this Ananda Marga magazine. They will not learn from their mistake and will undoubtedly create more blunders soon. Reason being they are stooges not purodhas. The way things are going now in the organisation, we will not have real purodhas anytime soon. Only stooges and idiots get the post, not others.

Here is that page from the magazine

Please pay attention to the below scan is of Dada Samanvayananda's writint. The problem is that he created a faulty sutra and then tried to cover it up with his below Hindi purport. This was printed in Prajina Bharati, Vol. 38, No. 6, Consecutive Number 248, Guru Tattvam page 30,Nov / Dec 2014.

So the above is Dada S’s bogus sutra where he made a blunder.

This was printed in Prajina Bharati, Vol. 38, No. 6, Consecutive Number 248, Guru Tattvam page 30,Nov / Dec 2014

They do more harm than good to the society

Here below Baba guides us that the scriptures should always be interpreted by competent people otherwise their explanation will be a mess.

   "Without proper interpretation, the shástras remain difficult to understand and sometimes unintelligible. Thus the scriptures should always be interpreted by qualified scholars, competent philosophers, and penetrating thinkers. If one tries to interpret a profound scripture with superficial knowledge, the interpreter appears ridiculous and the audience is confused."
   "There are some people who are neither scholars, nor philosophers, nor penetrating thinkers, but merely wander about interpreting scriptures as a means of livelihood. They utterly fail to present the proper matter in the correct perspective before the audience. Such people may be successful in earning a living in the name of shástra vyákhyána, but they do more harm than good to the society. There are still others who interpret the scriptures just to exhibit their intellect – to procure for themselves a certificate of erudition. They too remain far from the living spirit of the scriptures." (10)

Sadly, that is exactly what happened Dada Samanvayananda jii. In hopes of boosting his own image and earning some money by selling his book, Dada S tried to explain Guru’s scriptures. And in the end, he just created a mess. For all the details, please re-read above letter and you will see how Dada Samanvayananda jii completely missed the point.

Send to Those Dadas

We kindly request you to forward this letter to the two “great dadas” who run Prajina Bharati, as they should know what is going on. For your ease and convenience, their email addresses are listed below.

Dada Rakeshananda (editor) -

Dada Amaleshananda (sub-editor) -

== Section 2 ==

O’ Parama Purusa, for the welfare of all - to liberate all, 

You have taken advent on this earth

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: Just like a small child who lovingly and sweetly complains to its mother, in the same manner here the bhakta is lovingly placing his complaint before Parama Purusa - the nearest and dearest One. This type of very close and intimate relation is characterized by tremendous sweetness and love. That is what is depicted in this song.

Above average devotion needed to understand this song

This type of feeling develops when one’s sadhana is of a very high standard - by His grace. Those with lower sadhana will not understand this song. Strong devotion is needed and when that is present then the feelings expressed in this song are very natural.

In contrast, if that mind-set is not there - if one is not experiencing high sadhana - then one will think the feelings expressed in this song are odd or peculiar. It is just like when a child is young then it has tremendous degree of love for the mother and will cry when she is not present. As the one ages though that degree of love steadily declines such that older children will think it is strange how a young child is crying for its mother. Because that older child does not have that high degree of love for mother. Similarly, to understand this song, above average devotion for the Parama Purusa Baba is needed.

This type of devotion is not just some theoretical notion. In Ananda Marga there are many sadhakas who have this feeling in their practical life - even today. They are fortunate; their life has become successful. Because this type of ardent love towards Parama Purusa is devotion. And when one has devotion one has everything. There is nothing left to gain. With devotion surely one is going to attain Parama Purusa, by His grace. It just depends upon the degree of one’s sincerity.

What to speak of a sadhaka, if an ordinary, or even a degraded person, does sadhana sincerely, and from the deep core of their heart they request, “O’ Parama Purusa, I want nothing else, please grace me with the highest devotion”, then the afore-described deep devotional love will quickly develop, by His grace.

The following Prabhat Samgiita composition carries this idea.

“Nútan prabháte tumi ele, ele aruń álote kare snán…” (PS #353)


nútan prabháte tumi ele ele, aruń álote kare snán,
dharáke taráte tumi ele ele, bhúle giye sab abhimán,

O’ Parama Purusa Baba, You have taken advent in the new dawn, bathed in crimson effulgence. It is Your causeless grace. You have taken advent - foregoing the prestige of remaining as Nirguna Brahma - in order to liberate the world. You have come as Mahasambhuti and You are living as an ordinary person. The world does not give You any respect or honour. But You do not mind - that is not Your concern. You have taken advent on this earth to  liberate all.

hridayer hár keno eta kál chile bhúle, bhúle,bolo ámáre tumi, bolo ámáre,
nayaner mańi kabhu thákite ki páre dúre, se je náhi páre se je náhi páre,
durdama bádháder durmada sádhá sure, holo avasán áji holo avasán,

O' the garland of my heart, my most dear, my most intimate One, how could You remain forgetful of me for so long. How could You ignore my cry? Tell me, please tell me. You are jewel of my eye - "the apple of my eye." Can that jewel ever remain far away from me? No, He can’t, no He can’t. Now that You have come,= my era of longing and pain is over. The insurmountable obstacles have vanished. Those melancholic tunes which I used to sing in the past are not needed any more. O’ Parama Purusa, You are here before me, it is so blissful. You are so gracious.

ákásh kusum áj ákásher phúl nay, dharái ratan se je dharái ratan,
mánas kusum shudhu man májhe náhi bháse, háse anukśań se je háse anukśań,
ásiácho nije theke sakal ke mane rekhe, sakal ke dekhite samán,

The flower of the distant sky is no longer a blossom in that far away abode in the sky. Now He has come as a jewel on this earth. He is my most adorable Baba. He is the gem of this world. He is the most meaningful One. The blossom of the mind not only floats in the mind, but He has come in human form before our very eyes.  He smiles, He smiles always. You can touch and love him.

O’ Parama Purusa, by Your own wish, thinking of the welfare of all, and loving all equally, You have taken advent on this earth. It is Your causeless grace...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Re: PP Dada’s action is uncivilized?


Re: PP Dada’s action is uncivilized?

One sincere and concerned reader has complained that this below photo has been fabricated and that someone took it from a different angle in order to malign respected PP Dada’s status.

The fact of the matter is that Dada Rudrananda iii ordered his purodha stooges to take the above photo and propagate it publicly on the AMPS Central website etc. Why did they do so? The intention was to jack up PP Dada’s image. And still this above photo is sitting on the AMPS Central website. Anybody can go and see it - this is the plain truth. See the link appended below in note 1.

There should not be any phobia or paranoia that this type of photo was the work of some outside enemy etc. This is the work of Dada Rudrananda and his purodha stooges.

Following is Complaint by Margii Brother

Here following is the series of letters written by one margii reader who objected to the way this photo was taken.


(I) On 11 Nov 14, one respected margii reader wrote:

U people can judge everything from this photo taken from a weird angle. I hope u know fundamentals of physics. I have all the photos of tatanagar DMS. Don't misguide margiis.

(II) Then on 23 Feb 2015, the margii brother again addressed this issue:


Earlier also, I had written about the same mistake made by you in interpreting, just by looking at the photo. In reply, I received a mail from you that we will get back to you but no one did.
I am not against constructive criticism but look at the photo. It is taken from below the stage area. Apply a little bit of physics and a lot of brain, you would get the answer. If still u want to criticize, do it on some worthy subject or case. I will applaud and stand with you on that.
Ask yourself, was it OK.

(III) Finally, on 03 Mar 2015, the margii reader again wrote:


no one has reverted to the concerns raised in my earlier mail, except for your last confirmation mail.
kindly ask brother vijay to respond to the objection raised by me.

Note: That concludes the words by the margii brother.


Now here again I, Vijay, am writing...

If your own grandfather started drinking liquor heavily

then you will be worried

Brother, your logic is not working here. Nobody has the negative agenda to rub PP Dada’s & Central Dadas’ noses in the mud. I have great admiration for central workers and PP Dada.

Just like if your own grandfather started drinking liquor heavily then you will be worried. In the same way, I am worried by seeing the condition of in-charge dadas and how they present Baba in public.

I have given the link appended below - see for yourself.

Was done by Dada Rudrananda’s stooges

Those in-charges themselves snapped the photo and put it up on their AMPS central website / social media. In that case AMPS central is to blame. They wanted to publicise this to the whole world: That Baba has passed away so his status is lower than that of PP Dada. That is why they have PP Dada sitting on a higher seat. Their action shows this - what further proof is needed. For your confirmation click on the link appended below to view the photo on their AMPS central site. This work of taking the photo and putting it on the website was not done by some third party like communists; rather this was done by Dada R’s stooges.

Mentality is pathetic and shameful

Stooges of Rudrananda jii (AMPS central) made the photo with the aim to present Baba’s status lower than PP’s status because Dada Rudrananda jii, with his ulterior motive, wants to show that Baba has passed away and now PP Dada is sitting on throne. So PP Dada is the authority of divine power so Rudrananda can rule from behind the scene.

They are just emulating what the various dogmatic Hindu priests and gurus do. Dada Rudrananda jii wants to convince whole world about the glory of the new leader: PP Dada. Those in Centre want to project PP Dada’s status as being higher than Baba’s status. So AMPS central is showing how they do not give respect to Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji because He has passed away. This type of mentality is pathetic and shameful.

That was was explained in my letter of 23 Feb 2015 - titled “PP Dada’s action is uncivilised?” Please find this appended below.

Remember, all will see the concerned photo and form the wrong impression about Baba. And these in-charge Dadas of AMPS central are the ones showing the photo. It is their picture - go and see the link here below.

Kindly write in the same tone to Dada Rudrananda jii

Now the point have been proven that I - Vijay - did not take the photo and put it up on the AM Central website / Facebook page etc. This was done by central purodhas on Rudrananda jii’s order. So just as you wrote me and complained, kindly write in the same tone to Dada Rudrananda jii and challenge him why he did this. Furthermore request him to remove the photo from all AM Central websites, Facebook pages and other sectorial blogs. And I request you to carbon copy me on your letter to Dada Rudrananda jii.

Thank you again for writing.

at His lotus feet,

Note 1: Link to see the photo on their Facebook page

Although it is highly unlikely, if by this link you do not get anything then please let us know; it means they have taken it down. As proof, I have taken a desktop images of their site and will send you that entire webpage.

Note 2: Not an isolated occurrence

Rudrananda jii’s  “yes-men” put many such photos on various websites and throughout central and sectorial newsletters and magazines. So this is not an isolated case. They have made so many photos to undermine Baba. This has been going on all over the web. Those who have eyes can see. Those who care about reverence to Baba have seen this - there is nothing hidden or new here.

Note 3: My earlier letter on this topic

Here below is my  letter which I wrote on  23 Feb 2015.

PP Dada’s action is uncivilised?

“We may call those human acts and behaviours “civilized” that give evidence of this discriminative judgement, in a great measure.” (1)

According to Baba’s above teaching, any action which is irrational and illogical - not supported by reasoning - is uncivilised. Please see the frame of the below photo. Notice how thee  frame of Baba’s photo on the white cot is approximately 1 foot below PP Dada’s blue cot. The question is whether PP Dada’s action of sitting 1 foot above Guru’s white cot is rational or not. Remember to look at the lower frame of Baba’s photo.

Disciple must have reverence for the guru

“Trtiiyaḿ gurupújanam. I must have reverence for the guru. What is the guru? Gu means “darkness”, that is, darkness in the psycho-spiritual sphere. And ru means “dispelling agent”. That is, he who dispels darkness from my psychic and spiritual body is the guru. Gu means “darkness”, ru means “dispeller”. “Trtiiyaḿ gurupújanam. That is, you must have respect for the guru.” (2)

Baba’s photo is placed on the cot with the white sheet. Now compare the level of the white cot with the height of PP Dada’s blue cot. The white cot is approx 1 foot lower than the blue cot. The conclusion is that the frame of Baba’s photo is lower than PP Dada’s feet.

Again, please pay attention to the bottom edge of the photo frame on the white cot as it is one foot lower than where PP Dada is seated.

​The above action of PP dada is not supported by logic and reasoning. A sense of rationality is not being used. And according to tantric code of discipline, a disciple should sit at the feet of Guru - not at head. Disciples always gives respect and reverence to his Guru. As a disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtij, PP Dada should have done this.

If any follower does not do this then he is not a true disciple - just worthless. The situation is just like that of a coloured jackal.

That is why this particular action is uncivilised. Although he is the PP Dada of the H group, it does not matter - PP Dada’s action is uncivilised. In other avenues of life this PP Dada  may be civilised, but on this specific act he is not civilised. The above is just one example. The general rule is that if any behaviour is not supported by rationality then that given act is uncivilised.

The whole host of uncivilised things PP Dada does will be discussed in other letters.

in Him,

1. AFPS-6, Civilization, Science and Spiritual Progress
2. AV-12, Shiva's Seven Secrets

Note 4: Why name missing

The name of the margii brother, who lodged these complaints, has intentionally been withheld for reasons of privacy; but if he prefers his name can be made public tomorrow - if he wishes.

Sunday, March 1, 2015




Mahasamabhuti has left this earth on a particular day” - if anyone thinks and imposes this idea again and again on the mind, then their spiritual outlook will be adversely affected. It will be extremely detrimental. So one must not emphasize and reinforce this point of physically leaving. Do not observe mahaprayan. Then the feeling that,  "God - Parama Purusa - is always with me" will be easily established. The devotees of Lord Krsna never think that Krsna is gone so they can easily feel His proximity. But those who pay heed to the dogma of mahaprayan get lost in the notion that Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is gone. That is the very serious reaction of so-called mahaprayan. The program of mahaprayan literally implies that He is gone. So those who participate and observe it suffer SPIRITUALy==.

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