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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

B Group: Wonky Avadhuta

B Group: Wonky Avadhuta

On many occasions, while giving the definition of avadhuta, Baba told the audience that "Avadhutas are those who are above all kinds of degrading propensities. and have established themselves in brahma bhava. They are elevated and can be called as a second god."​

I remember, one time in 1990 when Baba initiated many brahmacariis in avadhuta sadhana, and had them take oath as an avadhuta, while giving blessing to them, Baba said "These are the newly created avadhutas who are going to all corners of the globe to propagate Bhagavata dharma".

Loose so-called avadhutas are quite common

But unfortunately, those standards which Baba has put forth, in the present real-world scenario they exist in dreamland only. Rarely do we see such things. Rather, these days loose so-called avadhutas are quite common. Here is the example. Everybody knows that this dada is Dhyansiddhananada​. By seeing this image, it is quite obvious that he is fake. He is a habitually loose wt. For non-margiis who do not know about Ananda Marga and don't know about the ethics of tantra, they think there is nothing wrong. Those who know about Ananda Marga know it is wrong. Those who cannot understand, please read the below conduct rules which Sadguru has given the avadhutas to follow. Those Wts who are not following, are fake avadhutas.

Dhyanasiddhananda Avt of B group, with ...

In Him,
(Lucy Dennings)

Wt conduct rules about affairs, do’s and don’ts

Here are some of the Wt rules of conduct that Wts must follow.
Wt conduct rule guides: "Avadhuta must not remain in a lonely place with any female." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, point #13)
Wt conduct rule guides: “One should not look at the face of the opposite sex.” (37 Workers Rules, Point #15)
Wt conduct rule guides: "You will have to protect yourself from sexual weakness..." (WT Conduct: Fourteen Points, pt #12)
Wt conduct rule guides: "Avadhuta shall treat every woman of the world, including his ex-wife, as mother." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, point #11)
Wt conduct rule guides: "Under no circumstances should the purity of the body and mind be polluted." (32 Rules for Avadhutas/Avadhutikas, pt #30)
Wt conduct rule guides: "One should attract others by one's sacrificing nature." (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #20)
Wt conduct rule guides: "One should not be greedy." (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #12)
Wt conduct rule guides: "You will always be accustomed to lead a hard and industrious life." (Wholetimer Conduct Rule, Fourteen Points, pt #6)
Wt conduct rule guides: “One should leave all sorts of luxuries.” (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #6)
Wt conduct rule guides: “One should make others good by becoming an ideal person.” (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #22)
Wt conduct rule guides: "Avadhuta must not remain in a lonely place with any female." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, point #13)

Note: The outrageous thing is that this wt, Dhyanasiddhananda, put this photo on his own social media page. He is a Kolkata Group WT. The mother tongue of this WT is Bengali.

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Counterfeit monk


Counterfeit monk

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba and try to learn and follow His Ananda Marga ideology. Others may not understand the gravity of this issue discussed in the below letter.

When a person dedicates themselves to the service of humanity and becomes a Wt in Ananda Marga, they selflessly offer their entire existence to Parama Purusa. They do not have anything to proclaim as their own. They are wholly committed to singing the glory of Parama Purusa and serving humanity. They will never glorify themselves. Unfortunately, from time to time, we see some fake Wts moving in saffron uniform whereby outwardly they look like they have sacrificed themselves for the great cause, but if you see their action it is clear they are counterfeit - fake. Wherever they get the opportunity, they brag about themselves and sing their own glory.

Bhaktas & true WTs never glorify themselves

Prabhat Samgiita #0337 gives the guideline to never glorify oneself.

    “kono avakáshe káháro sakáshe, nijere pracár karibo ná, ámi,
    nijere pracár karibo ná
    esechi karite tomár karma,tava váńii mor práńera dharma
    shayane svapane ninde jágarańe, tomá vai kichu smaribo ná ámi,
    tomá vai kichu smaribo ná” (Prabhat Samgiita #0337)

Purport #0337: O’ Parama Purusa, before anybody I will not glorify myself, I will not do self-publicity. I have come on this earth to serve all, and do the work which You have allotted me. Your teachings are my everything. In my wakeful state, dream, and sleep I will think about You only. I will not ideate on anything else. I will never glorify myself in any shape or form. I will sing Your glory, I will not do self-propaganda, O’ Parama Purusa….

The above song (Prabhat Samgiita #0337) teaches us that one should always propagate Ananda Marga ideology and sing the glory of Parama Purusa, and never glorify oneself.

Pseudo Wt: self-propaganda

Here below is a dada seated on one fancy swing. On the right side, the seat of the swing is suspended by chains that are attached to two poles that support the structure. Dada is sitting in a grand pose on this elaborate swing. And he uploaded this selfie and posted it on his Facebook page where he introduced himself as a great guru. If typical street folk do this that is one thing. But for a monk, who has taken the vow to only sing the glory of Parama Purusa, this type of self-propaganda as a great guru on Facebook is a betrayal to their dedication. Only fake people indulge in self-propaganda. Due to this issue of self-promotion, Dada Raganugananda is a counterfeit monk.

In case you did not read earlier, here above is a dada seated on one fancy swing. On the right side, the seat of the swing is suspended by chains that are attached to two poles that support the structure. Dada is sitting in a grand pose on this elaborate swing. And he uploaded this selfie and posted it on his Facebook page where he introduced himself as a great guru. If typical street folk do this that is one thing. But for a monk, who has taken the vow to only sing the glory of Parama Purusa, this type of self-propaganda as a great guru on Facebook is a betrayal to their dedication. Only fake people indulge in self-propaganda. Due to this issue of self-promotion, Dada Raganugananda is a counterfeit monk.

Fake Wts beat the drum of their bogus glory

After taking this photo, Dada put it up on his Facebook page. By his action it looks like he is an idiot also. It is just like a thief who stole an article and then took a photo of himself with that stolen material and put it up on his Facebook page. Then within a few minutes the police knocked on his door and he was arrested. When you see any Wt making selfies, posing as great saint, and promoting their image on Facebook or social media then you can immediately understand that they are fallen Wts and degraded fellows. The things which Guru has barred and condemned, they are doing. They are going against their vow of monkhood. They have taken the vow to glorify Parama Purusa but they are exclusively doing their own self-glorification instead. If you move around social media you will see many degraded souls who contravene this rule and befool others and present themselves in saffron garb as an Ananda Marga monk. Watch out for such swindlers. Inside they are greedy for name and fame and outside they are a monk. Dada R is one of them, sadly.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "“Kiirttaniiyah sadáharih”. Kiirtana should be done on Hari and on no other entity. One should not praise oneself or any other person. There are many people who are very fond of praising themselves by telling everyone what wonderful things they have done, but, as mentioned in this sloka, kiirtana is not for one’s own self but for Hari. Even though people are taught to do kiirtana for Hari, they still make the mistake of praising themselves too much. Sometimes their self-praise is so intense that others are obliged to say, “Please stop praising yourself so much.” They forget that their self-applause is rather boring for others. Human beings should realize that no one likes to hear the self-praise of others." (1)

If one wt puts an action photo of themselves on Facebook depicting them in social service or relief work then that is appropriate. But just posting portrait photos on Facebook to glorify oneself is the work of one degraded Wt. Be aware about these chameleons moving in saffron garb. Saffron dress is the symbol of dedication, but in the practical sphere such chameleons do not have any dedication. Inside they are greedy for name and fame; that is why they are called: counterfeit monks or Wts.

By this above photo you can understand that this is the person falls in this category - i.e. Dada Raganugananda.

In Him,
(Katharine Remmy)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtram - 8, The Lord Should Always Be Praised

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Dada Raganugananda, Raghanugananda, Raganuganandji, Acarya Raganugananda Avt, Dada Raga.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Animal cruelty in H group DMS


Animal cruelty in H group DMS

These days in certain parts of the globe it is big-business to trap large-game animals in the wild and bring them to the city for the entertainment industry such as the circus, tourist rides etc. Also in India, big-game animals are exploited and displayed at political receptions, processions, marriage parties, etc. By these dealings, animals are tortured and forced to lived in a cage in town.

It is so sad to see these wild animals - who wish to live in their natural habitat - caged, chained, and forced to live out their days in this confined manner. This type of animal cruelty goes on unchecked. It is sad and disgraceful that we are unable to open the eyes of the general public about such animal cruelty. Due to our own poor example, we have been unable to propagate neo-humanism to the people. The worst part is that so-called avadhutas promote themselves as the flagbearers of Ananda Marga ideology and neo-humanism but they indulge in animal cruelty also. The recent case of elephant exploitation is one of the examples. And this is not something that is going on hidden under the covers. H group propagated this below photo in their own newsletter and in the public newspapers also. Those DMS organisers are projecting to the whole world that it is ok to treat animals in this way. This is the misguided and hypocritical message given by our Dadas. This whole scene unfolded at Samastipur DMS in Bihar India.

Case of animal torture & coerced starvation

Take a look and see the elephant brought by our Dadas for the recent DMS.

#1: The DMS organisers have brought an elephant on-site - in the middle of town; obviously it is completely unnatural for that elephant to remain in the city. But out of their desire to add pomp and show to the occasion of Samastipur DMS, our Dadas did this.

#2: Now take a look at the elephant which they have brought onto the scene. See how the elephant is completely emaciated. The two red arrows point to huge divots in the elephant’s head, on either side of the eyes. That type of extreme hollowness in the skull shows how malnourished and food deprived the elephant is. Due to starvation, it has developed huge cavities in its head whereby the bones protrude in a sickly manner. It is a case of animal torture. Really it is quite shocking to see. Yet, those Dadas are forcing that poor, wild animal to starve and live in the dirty, dusty city for their own DMS procession.

#3: Once again, if you did not read this already up above, take a look at the elephant which they have brought onto the scene. See how the elephant is completely emaciated. The two red arrows point to huge divots in the elephant’s head, on either side of the eyes. That type of extreme hollowness in the skull shows how malnourished and food deprived the elephant is. Due to starvation, it has developed huge cavities in its head whereby the bones protrude in a sickly manner. It is a case of animal torture. Really it is quite shocking to see. Yet, those Dadas are forcing that poor, wild animal to starve and live in the dirty, dusty city for their own DMS parade.

#4: Sadly, this is a clear-cut case of animal cruelty. This callous mistreatment is quite disgraceful and has to be opposed on the point of neo-humanism.

#5: As Ananda Margiis, we cannot remain silent. Sadguru Baba has given us the duty to care for animals and plants also.

#6: Where animal cruelty goes on - we have to raise the voice of neo-humanism and oppose such ghastly mistreatment of these animals.

Cruelty against elephant

As disciples of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, the Propounder of neo-humanism, we have to raise the voice against such type of cruelty and mistreatment. How long will we keep quiet in the face of this horrible exploitation of these grand creatures who are members of our vast universal family. It is disgraceful how these animals are forced to live a tortured life.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Human beings are more cruel than vultures. Their hearts don’t melt even at the sight of tears of innocent birds and animals. Just to gratify their sense of greed, they mercilessly slit the throats of animals with sharp knives and swords and thus deprive them of the right to live.” (1)

1. Neo-Humanism in a Nutshell - 2, How Cruel Human Beings Are! – Excerpt A

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