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Thursday, June 2, 2022

Example of lowly “hero” + 3 more


Note Those who have arrived here to read the scanned page from the Hindi book, please scroll down to the bottom of this post.

Example of lowly “hero”

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


As every bhakta knows, the divine and holy advent of Mahasambhuti is an unparalleled event. His august arrival is beyond all comparisons and marks a distinct and significant transformation for humanity. No invention or discovery is even remotely close to Parama Purusa’s auspicious arrival in human form as the Taraka Brahma. Nothing is on par with His divine advent.

Parama Purusa is beyond all comparisons

Ananda Marga ideology states, "There is no second entity like Him. He is beyond comparison. He is the Infinite Entity, the embodiment of Supreme Bliss, existence and knowledge personified." (1)

Rudrananda: comparing Freud with advent of Mahasambhuti

Now we should see what Dada Rudrananda wrote in the preface of one book. According to Dadaji, the 20th century will be remembered forever for World War I, Freud’s theory, and the advent of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji etc.

So for Dada Rudrananda, historically, the last century has been very important in many ways including WW I, Freud’s theory, and the advent of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. Hence, this so-called avadhuta is putting World War I and Freud’s debauched theory on par with the holy advent of Parama Purusa. Yet, we all know every mundane expressions pale in comparison to His divine presence. Parama Purusa Baba is the source of everything. And every bhakta understands this. So there is no way any true sadhaka can compare worldly tidings that will soon be forgotten or outdone with the eternal shining glory of Parama Purusa as Mahasambhuti.

Also bear in mind that Rudrananda is selecting events from a single century and comparing those with the highly unique arrival of Taraka Brahma, which has occurred after thousands of years. That is yet another inappropriate aspect. So Dada’s comparison of Freud’s theory with the advent of Mahasambhuti Baba is quite preposterous. And again, this is not something he was talking about casually on the street corner, rather Dadaji published this in the preface to a story book about Sadguru Baba’ glory.

Betray their own vulgar & licentious mentality

Rudrananda used Sadguru Baba as a comparison with the psychological teachings of Freud. Yet see here what Ananda Marga philosophy has said about Freud and his teachings on psychology.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Some psychologists [Freud] have maintained that the sexual urge, a particular expression of káma is the root cause of all types of mundane attractions and activities. This statement is wrong, for attraction is the characteristic of all unit entities and such attraction will certainly not always be sexual. Those psychologists [Freud] that give undue importance to sexual lust, betray their own vulgar and licentious mentality. As I have already said, not each and every attachment or attraction is born of sexual desire. Each unit being is vulnerable to attraction but the cause of this attraction is the imperative urge for self-preservation...Happiness is the ultimate desire of life, not lust. It is not a matter of sexual or sensual passion at all." (2)

In clear-cut language, Sadguru Baba points out how Freud’s teachings are debased, defective, and debauched. Verily, it seems that Rudrananda is not aware of Baba’s teachings in this regard otherwise he certainly would not have selected this ludicrous and ridiculous example. Not only that, surely no worldly event can compare with Baba’s holy advent, yet Dada Rudrananda selected the event of World War I to be of equal standing as the advent of Parama Purusa. But war is always the worst type of tragedy and often the work of uncivilized, tyrannical people.


Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji Baba is that divine source who is beyond all worldly concerns and meanderings etc. As sadhakas, it is our bounden duty to highlight His divine glory each and every moment of our lives.

In Him,
Rudradev Yadav

All this Rudrananda wrote in the preface to Rameshvarji’s hindi Baba story book titled, "Baba Katha".

Parama Purusa Baba is beyond all comparisons

Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji Baba is that divine source who is beyond all worldly concerns and meanderings etc. As sadhakas it is our bounden duty to highlight His divine glory each and every moment of our lives.

Read page from Rudrananda’s book

For those who wish to read the scanned page of the Hindi book scroll down below.

Parama Purusa is beyond all comparisons

As the Divine Entity, His presence is beyond all comparison:

Na tatra súrya bháti na candratárakam'
Nemá vidyuto bhańti kuto’yamagnih.
Tameva bhántamanubháti sarvam'
Tasya bhásá sarvamidaḿ vibháti.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "In His presence, the moon, the stars and even the brilliant sun becomes lustreless. Electricity has no light before Him, what to speak of fire. All these shining objects derive their brilliance from Him. Their existence depends entirely on His existence. He is an embodiment of effulgence. He is the source and foundation of all life in the universe. All entities shine with His radiance. One will have to accept Him as the only object of one’s mind. One who does not do that is a fool, and will eventually lament with tears of sorrows in the eyes" (3)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "There is no second entity like Him. He is beyond comparison. He is the Infinite Entity, the embodiment of Supreme Bliss, existence and knowledge personified." (4)

And here we see that Parama Purusa Baba is that Divine Entity who is beyond all relativity.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (5)

Read page by Dada Rudrananda ji

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure (Shreya and Preya)
3. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, All Shine with His Effulgence
4. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless
5. Caryacarya, Part 2, Point 1a

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are ever-present

"Saba'r saunge tumi a'cho, tumi a'cho, Prabhu tumi a'cho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1111)


My Parama Purusa, Prabhu, You are ever-present and with everyone always. You know not any barriers of relativity and remain with everyone. By showering Your infinite love and compassion, You have captivated and attracted my mind. Baba, You are omnipresent.

Parama Purusa, You always save me. In the fast, ferocious devastating cyclone, or when my life is in danger, or during a disaster which is like the deadly noose of the cobra, or when in the fangs of the heartless, cruel enemy, or when I am facing death, or in a most disastrous moment when nobody is there to help me, instantly You appear smiling and come to my rescue. Baba, You are always there to help me. Whenever I am in peril, You come immediately to safeguard and protect me.

My Baba, You remain eternally. Even before anything existed and before there was even the hint of creation, You were present then also. You are the Creator as well as the origin. Even when there was no one to count the seconds, minutes, hours, days, dates, and when time itself was not measured, then also You were there to witness everything. In that moment You were alone and did not have the opportunity to play Your liila of hope and hopelessness. Parama Purusa, You were, are, and will remain forever - along with Your creation. You are magnificent in Your liila'rasa and do not want anything like the offering of flowers or fruits as gifts. Baba, You want only prema, love.

Baba, You are the beginning, the desideratum, as well as the singular goal of human beings...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Beware of sterilization

Prout philosophy states, "The population of the world is rapidly increasing...In the event of shortages in the food and accommodation of an entire population, people, through their collective efforts, will convert uncultivated regions into new cornfields [arable land], increase the productivity of the soil by applying scientific methods, and produce human food from the earth, water and air by chemical processes. If the earth becomes depleted of resources, the people of the world will rush to other planets and satellites in search of new land." (1)

Prout philosophy says, "Using birth control methods which deform the bodies of men and women or which destroy their reproductive capacity forever, cannot be supported, because in such cases a severe mental reaction may appear in them at any moment." (2)

1. Problems of the Day, Point #24
2. Problems of the Day, Point #24

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Importance of minimum requirements

Prout philosophy states, “Diversity is the law of nature. So there cannot be any hard and fast rule about guaranteed minimum requirements. They will vary according to time, space and person. A few persons with extraordinary physical, metaphysical or intellectual ability may demand something more than ordinary people. Special amenities have to be provided for them. Certain items like food, housing, education, clothing and medical facilities are minimum requirements.”

“Nothing is stationary; everything is moving. So the minimum requirements and special amenities will also undergo changes with the changes in time, space and person. What should be the approach of Proutists? There should be a never-ending endeavour to minimize the gap between minimum requirements and special amenities. Minimum requirements will take the place of special amenities and extraordinary persons will get more items as special amenities.”

“The third Five Year Plan prepared by the planning commission of India presents an unwholesome picture – it presents unsystematic and unplanned government activities and the planned exploitation by vested interests. Though there has been inordinately high investment, the purchasing power of labourers has not been sufficient for them to meet the minimum requirements. Hence, while on the one hand labourers received less consumable goods due to less purchasing power, on the other hand entrepreneurs have captured excessive purchasing power and consumable goods causing excessive disparities in wealth. Economic balance has been upset. The major part of the capital investment went to the entrepreneurs and a microscopic fraction went to the labourers. There is therefore no middle class people in India of the type that existed in pre-independence days. Today well-dressed labourers have become the so-called middle class.” (1)

1. Talks on Prout

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