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Saturday, February 11, 2023

Bribe Wts + 4 more

Bribe Wts


Everybody knows that a bribe means giving money in order to receive a special favour or treatment. Those who are equally deserving, however, do not get that same treatment because they did not pay the money demanded. This type of financial transaction to get a special favour is known as a bribe.

In the case of AMPS, it is the duty of family people to support Wts financially so, for example, if a Wt asks for a donation for their travel or living expenses etc, then that is not a bribe. But if that same Wt only revises the sadhana lessons of those wealthy persons who give large amounts of money—and refuses by one or another excuse to revise the sadhana lessons of those margiis who give meagre financial support—then that is a bribe. So the person who paid the bribe got a favour in the form of a lesson review from Dada/Didi and those who did not offer a bribe did not get their lessons reviewed.

And if that Wt only attends kiirtan programs at the houses of those margiis who give large amounts of money—and does not attend kiirtan programs when a person who gives small donations is the host—then that also is a bribe. In this example the rich person who paid a bribe got the Wt to attend, whereas the other person who gave only a small donation could not get the Wt to attend. So the one who paid the bribe got preferential treatment. That is the central problem addressed in this letter.

Some Wts are not following the proper procedure given by Baba; rather, they pick and choose on the point of: “Most paid—first served”, or “No payment then no service.” In that case a qualified margii who is an ideal candidate to be a family acarya will never be allowed to become a family acarya if they do not pay a bribe. Sadly, this bribe system is in vogue in all the various groups these days.

In theory, in AMPS, we do not support or appreciate the bribe system as it undermines the social fabric in many ways. Unfortunately, practically speaking, since 1990, the bribe has been a way of life in AMPS. The only way to gain the favour of those in-charge is by bribe. That is the way one gets special status. So a good person who does not pay a bribe will not get justice.

Bribe is the order of the day: AMPS

To become a tattvika or family acarya, one must give a bribe or payment; to get a high posting, one must give a bribe; to get a fake marriage blessing from Vishvadevananda dada or Giita didi, one must give a bribe; to get a sadhana revision from some dadas, then one must give a bribe; to be received honourably at a gathering or event, one must give a bribe etc.

One has to pay money for a family acaryaship, to get vishesh yoga, and to have a seat on the ACB etc. And for Wts, those who pay bigger bribes get higher posts; and those who do not pay a bribe get the lowest post.

Indeed, to receive any kind of special services, prestige, support, or regard, then one must pay a bribe. That is the way things work these days in AMPS. If you pay off some dadas, then all kinds of doors will be opened for you and you will be able to receive whatever you wish. That is why nowadays one's "merit" is based on the size of the bribe, unfortunately.

Since 1990, in AMPS, merit has not been based on sadhana, service, or sacrifice; nor has it been based on following yama and niyama or 16 Points. All along since 1990, the all-important bribe is what allows one to receive special status, gain recognition, or walk in the upper echelons of AMPS society.

While in theory our AMPS is wholly against the notion of bribe, tragically, bribe has become the operative factor in getting whatever you want these days in AMPS. Whatever you call it it—payment or bribe—it is rampant now in AMPS life. To get anything done, or gain prestige, or get a post, or so many things, it all depends upon the bribe, or financial offering. This is the very unfortunate state of affairs. This type of bribery and corruption must be eliminated.

Conclusion: Expose sinners, boodle-takers

It is not easy to reverse the prevailing trends in society. Mental force is needed. By taking a samkalpa and standing strong, it is possible to change the ways of society.

Just see how, by Baba’s grace, our Ananda Marga was instrumental in cracking the age-old caste system in India by creating revolutionary marriages. At first, those who had an RM (revolutionary marriage) faced huge backlash from the society, but eventually that faded and now getting an RM in India is much more easily done and the dogmatic caste system is losing its grip on society.

So we should take that same type of determination with regards to bribe. Then by Baba's grace this—bribe—will be eliminated from the society.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those who are the pioneers in such a task, what will they do? They will have to acquire far more strength than average people. The pioneers who want to travel through thick jungles will have to clear part of the jungle and build a road. Once the road is constructed, those who come behind will be able to travel easily through that jungle." (1)

In Him,

~ Related teachings ~

Payola takers cannot hide from God

Baba also warns us that those involved in taking bribes can never hide—rather their wrong is automatically seen by the Divine Entity.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Suppose a person commits a wrong by accepting a bribe. While receiving the bribe he or she thinks that no one is watching, but that is impossible. A third entity is watching everything. No one can do anything secretly in this universe. But the bribe-taker thinks the opposite because avidyá shakti has placed a veil between him or her and the Supreme Being. This is a very dangerous situation. It is just like a hare being chased by a hunter: the hare sits down and covers its eyes with its ears and, thinks, “I cannot see anything, so the hunter cannot see anything either. Hence he won’t be able to kill me.” This is a deadly mistake! Wherever one commits a wrong, be it in the depths of the ocean or in a high mountain cave, one cannot escape the consequences: one will certainly be detected one day or another." (2)

Baba guides us that those who indulge in bribery ruin their sadhana by thinking again and again of the bribe they hope to gain next.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Suppose you are thinking that you will take bribe from that man. While doing sádhaná, what are you doing? “Bribe – bribe – bribe – bribe.” Just see, your propensive propulsions are channelized towards bribe which disturb the “smrti” which you want to develop. Because of coolness of the mind during your sádhaná those undesirable elements create a crowd in your mind." (3)

Only so-called ghosts and depraved people give bribes

In the below excerpt from His short story, Under the Fathomless Depths of the Blue Sea, Baba outlines how only depraved people like the so-called ghosts resort to bribes:

His Holiness roared, “I don't want to hear these things; I know you have eaten them. Vomit them out! I shall eat them.”

There ensued a big scuffle between His Holiness and his disciples. An initial shouting match became a bloody battle.

The police, on being informed, rushed to the spot. They arrested both sides and dragged them to the police station.

Tarun put the lemon lozenge between his lips and teeth so that he and the chief ghost could accompany them.

After giving some hefty tips Bhutanandaji and his disciples were freed and allowed to return home. His Holiness, however, stayed at the police station to try and persuade the sub-inspector ghost that the ministers Bhutananda Singh and Bhutanarayan Sharma were his followers. It would therefore be improper for the sub-inspector ghost to accept a bribe from him. Anyway, the sub-inspector didn't believe him and he was only released after giving the bribe.

When he returned to the banyan tree his disciples apologized. His Holiness said, “Let bygones be bygones. Let us now engage ourselves in ghost meditation.” (4) 

Palm-greasing is entry into 7th hell

Baba uses those taking bribes to describe depraved beings who have sunk into "seventh hell."

Ananda Marga ideology states, "There are seven shades of darkness corresponding to the seven worlds below. What are these shades? Tamah [is the first and] means simply “black”, the second is tamasá, third mahátamasá, fourth andhatamasá, fifth tamishrá, sixth mahátamishrá, and seventh andhatamishrá. What is this last, this andhatamishrá? It is the darkness in which it is not possible even to see one’s own hands. When one becomes materialistic – extremely materialistic – one’s intellect and conscience are all lost. One cannot see even the hands by which he or she accepts a bribe or holds a cup of wine. One thinks, “Whatever I do is right.” That is why it is said, Andhaḿ tamah pravishanti [“One who follows the path of avidyá falls into darkness”]. He or she will go down to rasátala. Rasátala is a stage far below even dogs and goats. Dogs and goats never go below bhuvarloka. They are far superior to those in rasátala." (5)

1. A Few Problems Solved - 3, The Importance of Society
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of  Life - 10, Vaedhii Bhakti and Shuddhá Bhakti
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, Bhavámbodhipotam
4. Under the Fathomless Depths of the Blue Sea
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 30, Self-Realization and Service to Humanity

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Working style of Mahasambhutis

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Now when the society is in a degenerate or depraved condition, where fissiparous tendencies dominate, where the static principle dominates, it becomes impossible for Parama Purus'a to remain unaffected or unassailed by human sentiments and human cries and human demands. Then and then only does He come in the form of Ta'raka Brahma. 'Ta'raka' means 'the liberator.' And that Ta'raka is the Ba'ba' of the created world. For Him devotees sing, 'Ba'ba' Na'ma Kevalam'." (1)

Note: Only those with a proper standard of bhakti - agrya buddhi (i.e. pointed intellect) - realise in their heart Baba's Supreme stance. They understand that just as the style of Lord Krsna was different from that of Lord Shiva, similarly why should Baba follow the old pathways of Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna - such as driving the chariot in the battleground with His own hand.

Bhaktas of this category feel in their heart that this time Baba has established a completely new standard: That the grace of Parama Purusa is all that is needed to complete any task - anything. There is no need for His physical involvement; He need not hold the reigns of the chariot. Rather the chariot is moving by His divine grace and it will go on moving. In this way they understand deeply that Baba has fulfilled His promise.

By His grace dharma is getting established on this dusty earth and very soon it will be apparent to one and all. 

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, The Coming of Táraka Brahma

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Prout: role of state & public welfare

Prout philosophy states, “Each and every individual wants security from the state and the demand for security is always increasing. Increased responsibility means increased authority. In ancient times the only duty of the state was to protect people from internal and external chaos. Now, as a result of ever-increasing demands, the responsibility of the state has increased and its authority has also increased. In ancient times nobody demanded food or employment from the government. There were no strikes and no public meetings. Now people want the state to realize its responsibility, but they do not want it to interfere in any matter.”

“PROUT’s view is that we must not go against fundamental public interests or against the fundamental theory. The fundamental theory is that with increased responsibility the authority of the state should also increase, but while operating its authority the state should not go against public sentiments. The fundamental public interest is that the minimum requirements of life should be guaranteed.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

तुमने कहा  "मैं तुम्हारा हॅूं और तुम्हारे हृदय में हमेशा रहता हॅूं"

प्रभात संगीत 4661 : तुमी एशेछिले  ध्यानेते,  आमार करुणाकरे…


हे परमपुरुष! बाबा, तुम मेरे ध्यान में आए । यह मेरे ऊपर केवल तुम्हारी कृपा और करुणा ही है । मेरे पास न तो साधना का बल था और न ही  आध्यात्मिक सद्गुणों का संग्रह । केवल मैंने इच्छा की और तुम मेरे ध्यान में आ गए ।

हे प्रभु! बाबा, मैं युगो युगों से तुम्हें खोज रहा था । जैसे लोग मोतियों और रत्नों को महासागर में खोजते हैं और अज्ञानता से वे सीपों को एकत्रित करते रहते हैं वैसे ही मैं साॅंसारिक कामों  में उलझा सोचता रहा कि इस प्रकार के दुनियाबी कामों में ही तुम मुझे मिल जाओगे । अज्ञानता से मैं तुम्हें इस मरणधर्मा संसार के क्रियाकलापों,  व्यर्थ के अनुष्ठानों  में तुम्हें ढूंढ़ता रहा । रेतीले किनारे पर रात रात भर बैठ कर तारे गिन कर अपना समय नष्ट किया  । अंत में तुम अकारण  मेरे ध्यान में प्यार भरी मुस्कान के साथ आए और तुमने कहा  ‘‘मैं तुम्हारा हॅूं और तुम्हारे हृदय में हमेशा  रहता हॅूं ।‘‘

हे मेरे परमप्रिय! बाबा, जिसने तुम्हारी कृपा से तुम्हारी मधुर  वीणा की आवाज़ "ओंकार ध्वनि" सुनी है उसने सब कुछ पा लिया । फिर उसके जीवन में दुख, सुख , मान अपमान, लाभ हानि, कभी नहीं रहते, न ही वे इनसे प्रभावित होते हैं । वे भले ही इस संसार में रहते हैं पर उनका मन हमेशा  आध्यात्म के उच्च संसार में रहता है । तुम्हारी कृपा से वे हमेशा  आनन्द में रहते हैं । हे परमपुरुष! तुम मेरे ध्यान में आए । यह मेरे ऊपर केवल तुम्हारी कृपा और करुणा ही है ।

करुणा: - जब दूसरों का दुख देखकर मन में उसके कष्ट दूर करने में मदद करने की भावना आती है तो इसे करुणा कहते हैं । जब भक्त अपने प्रयासों से लगातार संघर्षों से जूझता हुआ आध्यात्मिक साधना में आगे बढ़ने में कठिनाई का अनुभव करता है तो परमपुरुष के मन में उसके प्रति करुणा उत्पन्न हो जाती है और वे उसकी साधना के मार्ग में आने वाली बाधाएं दूर कर देते हैं ।

कृपा:-  भक्त को कोई कठिनाई नहीं है परंतु फिर भी परम पुरुष कृपा कर साधना के पथ पर उसे सहायता करते हैं ।

करुणा और कृपा में अंतर:- मानलो कोई छोटा बच्चा बीमार है और तड़प रहा है , पड़ौसी ने यह देखकर बिना किसी स्वार्थ के उसे अपनी गोद में लेकर सेवा की , विषेषतः दवा खिलाई  इसे करुणा कहेंगे, पर यदि बच्चा अस्वस्थ नहीं है और पड़ौसी उसे प्यार से गोद में लेकर दुलारते हैं यह कृपा है । 

== Section 3: Links ==
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