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Thursday, January 26, 2023

AMPS: Dealing with rogue boss + 2 more


AMPS: Dealing with rogue boss


Since 1990, the atmosphere has been dominated by group clash and the fight for power. So if any sincere margii or WT takes silent action against their authority figure for their sexual misconduct, then that margii is just seen as a problem case. There is no consideration of ethics, morality, or any higher values. There is no sense of shame by that authority figure, nor any self-analysis for their sexual misconduct. Those rulers' minds are painted in groupism so they see everything in that same colour.

Only in a less volatile situation wherein one's rights are recognised and valued will taking silent action against one's authorities prove beneficial and fruitful—otherwise not. When negative people are in power and the common rights are not respected and morality is overlooked, other means need to be taken. Then silent action will not work. Rather, one must be vocal against wrongdoing, organise campaigns, raise the consciousness of the people, and apply circumstantial pressure on those corrupt leaders. Because silent action is one dharmic tool to be used wherein people, especially those in charge, have some feeling for morality and higher pursuits.

Silent action has no impact on confirmed sinners

In such a black state where rulers have no shame and are driven by groupist desire and the power of the chair only, then silent action itself gets sidelined. Because vivek is one prerequisite needed for silent action to get success; the party in question has to have the psychic ability and conscience to consider the claim against them as justified. They must feel some shame or repentance for their misconduct. Then in that case their negative behavior can be rectified and the situation can be resolved. But where fundamental rights are discarded entirely and group power is the be-all and end-all, then those in the chair will loudly mock, laugh at, and take revenge against those innocent persons who attempt to practice silent action.

In such an imbalanced state, it is ludicrous if someone tells you to take silent action against those corrupt leaders. Instead, alternate approaches must be taken. People should express their grievances to those around them; as concerned margiis are informed of injustices, then collective efforts can be made to address the crisis, expose the injustices, and set our Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha back on the right track. Until our systems are in proper working order, these types of alternate approaches are our main pathway for overcoming the negativity and moving ahead.

Without physical proximity, silent action is defunct

Silent action is only viable to the degree it is able to produce a sense of shame in the mind of the offender.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "It is silent action, it will force strict adherence to our principles, and it will put those against whom it is directed to shame." (1)

The efficacy of silent action wholly depends upon seeing that offending WT on a regular basis. Then only will that worker be aware you are taking silent action against him—and feel a sense of shame. Whereas, if the offending acarya is halfway around the globe, that Wt never will feel any shame because the requisite circumstantial pressure cannot be created.

So silent action is only effective when you are near that WT on a daily basis. In that case if you do not talk to him it creates a sense of shame. Plus others will also inquire why you are not speaking with or recognising that Wt. Then the pressure mounts even more. Physical proximity is an absolute ingredient for any stand of silent action to be meaningful. Just as it is critical for the leadership to be in order for a rule like silent action to work, similarly silent action demands the physical presence of the concerned worker, otherwise silent action will not be able to create the desired effect.


So long as those in power are set on their course of exploitation and degradation, silent actions will remain an ineffective tool to combat their wrongful dealings. In that case, alternate methods will have to be used: (a) be vocal against wrongdoing, (b) organise campaigns, (c) raise the consciousness of the people, and (d) apply circumstantial pressure on those corrupt leaders. 

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Your future is bright—not only bright, but guaranteed. A new spiritual life free from all sorts of dogma is sure to come in the near future." (2)

In the future, when all in leadership positions in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha accept that silent action is a human right which Baba has given to all Ananda Margiis, then the atmosphere will be smooth. Then silent action will come into practice and become a veritable tool for cleaning and righting the organisation.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Harishankar ji, work of bootlicker

Family Ac Hari Sankar ji of Ranchi was brainwashed by Sarvatmananda and accepted Sarvatmananda’s order to use the Bangla books of Subhasita Samgraha parts 7 - 12 as the original when the majority of those discourses were originally given in Hindi and an audio file was available. But to keep his post and friendship with Sarvatmananda, Hari Shankar ji accepted the dogmatic Bangalisation program. Rather than transcribe the original Hindi cassettes of Baba’s discourses, Hari Shankar translated the Bengali into Hindi in order to print the Hindi edition. This led to gross errors and inaccuracies.

Despite vociferous protests from margiis, Hari Sankar ji did not stop - he did this year after year. Time went on and Harishankar ji continued in his Bangalisation work and 1994 became mid-1995. Around that time, Harishankar ji arrived in Vishakapatnam as the chief guest for conducting a marriage ceremony etc. Those present were aware that Harishankar ji was ruining all the Hindi editions of Subhasita Samgraha by the process of Bangalisation. So the leaders of that unit chose to take silent action against Harishankar ji because of Harishankar’s anti-Baba work of the Bangalisation of AM books. But Hari Shankar ji refused to be swayed and remained fixed on his course of Bangalisation.

Hari Shankar’s horrific demise

Later on prakrti punished him in its own way, while warming himself he fell into the wooden fire - unconscious - and he died after some time. Prakrti could not tolerate this sin any longer and proceeded along its own course. Here are the specifics of what happened.

It was the winter season and one morning, per his usual way, Harishankarji started a fire in a metal dish to warm his bedroom. Eventually he sat himself near the fire to keep warm. As time passed he grew drowsy, fell asleep, and tumbled into the fire. By the time he realised what happened it was too late. Tragically, his body was savagely burned and he died within a few days time. That is the horrific incident that caused his untimely death.

Maybe Harishankarji was punished by prakrti due to his Bangalisation work of Subhasita Samgraha parts 9, 10, 11, & 12. Instead of transcribing Baba’s original English and Hindi discourses directly from the audio cassettes into Hindi script, those English and Hindi discourses were translated into Bengali books and then retranslated back into Hindi. That is the work that Harishankarji did - thus, by this whole ordeal, he went against the very core of bhagavad dharma. Good margiis took silent action against him to bring him back onto the right path, but Harishankar ji was too far gone to accept his mistakes and wrongs.

Here the point is that if those who contravene dharma remain unaffected with people take silent action with them, then prakrti will step in. Best is to realise one's mistake when others take silent action against you with just cause.

(Note: If you have the Hindi edition of any of these books, Subhasita Samgraha parts 9, 10, 11, & 12, then you will find that Harishankarji’s name is written on the inside front cover / publisher’s page as being part of the Bangalisation process.)

More info about silent action

If anyone wants to do either initial investigations or further research about silent action, or if they simply want to know more about this practice, then referencing Baba's discourse is one good way. See 'Silent Action' in Ananda Vacanamrtam part 23, p. 149.

In His dharmic teachings from A Guide to Human Conduct, Baba has instructed us that if any Ananda Margii is doing something wrong then other margiis have full right to point out their misconduct. And on 15 October 1978, in follow-up, Baba has blessed one special pathway to execute this in one unique discourse, 'Silent Action'.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Silent Action
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, Biological Transformation Associated with Psychic Metamorphosis and Vice Versa

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Clapping not allowed at spiritual meetings

The following scene took place at General Darshan in Stockholm where Baba is scolding everyone for clapping.

[Ta'n'd'ava is performed.]

[Announcer: ---”Final pose! Jump!”]

Baba says, “Well done. Bravo.”

[laughter, and some clapping.]

Baba says,“No clapping! In spiritual meetings, clapping is not allowed.” (1)

According to Baba, in certain collective Prabhat Samgiita compositions based on Middle-Eastern tunes, it is permitted to clap along with the musical beat of the melody (Ref: Ananda Vacanamrtam - 46 (Pure), chapter 4). Similarly, there are times during the collective chanting of some types of kiirtana when one may clap along with the tune of the kiirtana. 

The main thing is that clapping is never done as an expression of appreciation or approval etc at spiritual gatherings. Rather, one should direct the mind inwards, not towards crude, external engagement.


Ananda Vacanamrtam -12, Chance To Be One With Him, EGD 27 May 1979 Stockholm

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Tale of revolution

The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea states, “Devils, demons, black-marketeers and [[adulterators]] joined the gang of demons in large numbers. But even among them, a few felt the pangs of conscience; they repented their own misdeeds and joined the group of humans. But most of the bribers and big officials, police officers and military officials, ticket-collectors, goods-officers and ticket checkers and many others – and along with them those who had mixed sand with sugar, mud in cement, dust of tamarind seeds with flour, and poison in medicine – all ran to join the gang of demons. However, all were not of the same mentality, and of course all the officials of the Demon Kingdom were not corrupt. Those who were honest joined the group of humans.”

“The struggle grew serious. What a grim struggle it was! No one had ever seen such a struggle. In that fight, land, water and sky – hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere, and stratosphere shuddered. People were fighting without even sufficient food to eat and wearing tattered clothes. The soldiers of the demon, on the other hand, were getting good food and plenty of fine clothes. But in spite of all these hardships, the smiles of the human beings had not abated and their songs never stopped. They constantly upheld the sublime ideal of life, singing:”

“We are all brethren in this universe,
We will equally share all pleasure and pain.”

“Building up many small squads of soldiers, the youths fought on, singing:”

“Proceed on and on!
The sky above is resounding with the sound of drums
And the earth below is waiting expectantly to welcome the
glorious dawn
O the Youths of the crimson dawn
March ahead! March ahead!”

“Then the youths raised slogans: “Equal rights for all humanity! One nation for all people! Tyranny will no longer be tolerated! No hypocrisy in the name of religion! All people of the world, unite!””

“More and more youths joined the humans, singing unitedly, “Victory is ours! Victory is ours! This beautiful earth is for the humans, not for the demons!””

“The struggle became very grim. Such a struggle was not fought even at the time of the Ramayana or the Mahabharata. The demons had powerful bombs – dangerous arms capable of killing many people at a time, and lethal weapons full of poisonous gas. But they could not use them because both the humans and the demons would fall victim by their use, as both of them were the inhabitants of the same earth.”

“Ultimately the demons began to retreat. Finding no other alternative, the Strange Demon surrendered to the humans.The youths said, “Punish them! Give them capital punishment!” But the prince said, “No! We have accepted the real meaning of non-violence (Ahimsa). Not to use arms against harmless people but to fight the exploiters or those who torture innocent people – this is true non-violence – the sacred duty which we have performed. Those who are now captive in our hands, those demons, they are also our brethren. We should try to rectify their nature.” So the prince formed a new government and advised that government to build a good number of rectification centres where those demons would get every facility for their mental and spiritual upliftment.” (1)

Note: To overthrow any exploitative regime, the exploited mass rebels against them. But not everyone in the regime is not bad. There are many officials or cadres within the regime who were following the demon’s orders under pressure. In the above story, it is described that when revolution starts then many good people defect from the demon’s party and support the revolution. They should be welcomed by the revolutionaries. This is the usual strategy happening around the globe. And Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar also approves this. For example, suppose someone from Rudrananda’s team defects and comes and joins those exposing Dada R’s hypocrisy. Then that person should be appreciated and welcomed, and his past demerits should be overlooked. 

1. The Golden Lotus of the Blue Sea

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Ideal way to solve problems

Ananda Marga ideology states, “[Wild dogs] move in packs and because of this they are very courageous. If a tiger encroaches on their territory they will chase after it as a group and irritate it with their barking. Unable to put up with the disturbance, the tiger will lose itself in the deep forest.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Do all your works unitedly. No work is hard for you, no work is difficult. Move forward easily and smilingly, solving all the problems of the world. Your victory is assured. It is within your grasp. When anyone does some virtuous work, Parama Puruśa is with that person. Under such circumstances, one need not even pray, “O Lord, give me more strength,” because since Parama Puruśa is with you, He will surely give you more strength. In fact He is always giving you more strength. So my advice is: “Move ahead.”” (2)

Note: In His above teachings, Sadguru Baba emphasizes the importance of unity. In the first guideline, Baba presents the example of wild dogs who by their collective endeavour are able to chase away a dangerous predator. And in the second guideline, Baba guides us that humans should follow a similar approach because by our collective force every problem can be solved. Then all sorts of great deeds can be done and one will feel His presence and grace in each and every work.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Aekya to Aekśava (Discourse 13)
2. Discourses on Krsna & the Giita, “Struggle Must Go On”

== Section: Important Topic ==

Are you harming society?

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Those who shirk duties and responsibilities do commit a great harm to society. It is this lack of dutifulness in our country [India] today that has caused great retardation in different spheres of life. It has also caused spiritual degeneration. One should perform good actions regularly, should do sa'dhana' properly - these are the dos which everyone is expected to perform. Those who do not pay heed to these responsibilities do indulge in pratyava'ya." (1)

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 19, Mysticism and Spirituality

== Section 3: Links ==

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