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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sin by Vinod Shukla (Mumbai) + 3 more


Sin by Vinod Shukla (Mumbai)


Ananda Marga is dharma and opposes all forms of narrow-mindedness, casteism, and provincialism etc, and Sadguru Baba is the dharma Guru. Yet now look at what one fellow has done. He is using the name of Ananda Marga as well as Baba’s image to promote a dogmatic, hateful, and narrow agenda.

Here are the facts:

(A) First and foremost, Vinod Shukla is committing the sin of misusing and associating Sadguru Baba with a faction of Hindu fundamentalism by pasting Baba’s image in this digital placard.

(B) Under the spell of Hindu mythology etc, Vinod Shukla is calling and renaming “Shravanii Purnima” as “Guru Purnima”. This goes against our AM system.

Equating AM with Hindu fundamentalist group

(C) Now Vinod is the national president of an organisation he created called “Dindayal Upadhhya smriti manch”, which has adopted the name and memory of a dogmatic Hindu fundamentalist leader, Dindayal Upadhhya.

(D) Vinod Shukla is referencing and highlighting this dogmatic RSS leader’s name to appease those Hindu fundamentalist followers.

(E) Verily, Vinod is falsely and wrongly equating the universal dharma of Ananda Marga with the communal agenda of Hindu fundamentalism. This grossly undermines the greatness of AM. Indeed, this is akin to equating AM with the Muslim jihadiis or some other dogmatic tribe etc.

(F) All this is done by Vinod with the devious motive of gaining a special status with those top RSS / Hindu fundamentalist leaders.

Quasi-margii Vinod Shukla

Quasi-margii Vinod Shukla

(G) By this entire ordeal, this fellow Vinod is equating Baba and Ananda Marga ideology with his bogus, RSS, dogmatic agenda of glorifying the so-called brahmin caste and all sorts of harmful rituals etc.

(H) However, Sadguru Baba is the Supreme neo-humanist and Ananda Marga ideology embraces all human beings under the single banner of “One Human Society.”

(I) The aims and objectives of RSS Hindu fundamentalism are diametrically antithetical to the dharma of Ananda Marga. Remember, in the past they have written venomous articles against Ananda Marga and slandered Baba. So these people are not our friends nor ones to rub shoulders with. They want to destroy Ananda Marga teachings.

(J) It is shocking and sinful that Vinod Shukla has misused Guru’s image in this manner. It is blasphemous and sinful.


(K) Now is the time to contact this pseudo margii Vinod shukla and create the requisite circumstantial pressure to take down this bogus image and never repeat such sin in the future.

(L) This is a call to all right-thinking Ananda Margiis as there is no other recourse.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, “Where the question of benevolence and malevolence is concerned we will not deviate an inch from our ideology, nor will we allow others to do so.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Human being has but one task: to remove that which is harmful or detrimental in society. As you march along your path of movement you should oppose those people who work against the collective interest; you should raise the slogan, “Human exploitation – No more, no more!” (2)

In Him,

Repeat offender

Now see this next image which Vinod did in the past. He did this same sin earlier as well, but he persists in his dogma. The person in the lower right corner is Vinod Shukla. He is a quasi-margii and has written his name in bold, red font across his chest.

To promote his narrow-minded agenda, Vinod is using Baba’s image, the pratiika, and the name “Ananda Marga”. In addition he has written “Baba Nam Kevalam” across the top of the image. All of this undermines the greatness of AM as it equates Ananda Marga with Hindu fundamentalist dogma.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, Exploitation – No More

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

No one can sing about Your infinite qualities

Note: When Parama Purusa is sitting next to the bhakta there is no use to use O’ when addressing Him.

"Túmi esecho mádhuri jhariyecho, nandan loker ánanda enecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3388)


My Parama Purusa, You have come, showered supreme sweetness, inundated all with bhakti, and brought endless bliss from Your divine realm. You have filled the mind, which was previously engulfed in cimmerian darkness and dogma, with the breeze of spiritual bliss and bhakti and all things that are benevolent and good.

Parama Purusa Baba, who can sing about Your infinite qualities and grandeur - no one can. With Your form and affection, everyone gets satiated. Your loving blessing removes all suffering. You have satisfied their mental longing with the most charming music and melodies.

Baba, the Great Ocean of bliss, You are vast, infinite, and not contained by any boundaries. You have no shore. In Your endless imagination, we are just bubbles. You make everyone dance with rhythm and song carrying the vibration of nectar.

Baba, You have come and inundated this earth with bhakti...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Old religious outcaste dogma recycled in AMPS

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “You are possibly aware of the fact that there was a time when people used to bother too much about castes. And in this regard, they displayed terrible intolerance. Caste-discrimination was about to strangle humanism. In many cases this happened. People belonging to the so-called lower strata of society were not really considered human beings. In certain spheres they were treated worse than animals. It was not thought that a food item must be discarded – it is not considered so even now – when a mouse, a mole, a fly or mosquito touched it. But what to speak of it being touched by certain so-called lower-caste people or their entering the kitchen or their sitting in the kitchen veranda – in certain cases, they were even barred from entering the courtyard of the house. Although it was loudly claimed that everything is the manifestation of Brahma, Sarvaḿ khalvidaḿ Brahma, in reality all kinds of casteism were concealed within the boundaries of religion.” (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In those days the boomerang of this religious bigotry did not spare even the heads of society. On the contrary, it was Brahmans who did the greatest injury to other Brahmans. The descendents of Krttivas Thakur (his nephew’s line) had to carry a social stigma because Krttivas Thakur had committed the offence of translating the Rámáyańa into Bengali. A high-caste Brahman was downgraded due to leaving his village to settle in another. Thus surnames like Banerjees became Kusháriis, Batabyals, Máscaŕaks; similarly, Chatterjees were downgraded to Káiṋjiilals, Pákŕáshiis; Bhattacharyas became Chakravartis. For a petty offence a person was expelled from his or her caste or expelled from his or her religion. People were forced to renounce their religion or undergo various kinds of persecution under pressure of circumstances. Looking more closely, it would seem that in those days the only job of one class of people was to find fault with others, to ruin people in the name of religion.” (2)

In AMPS also

Note: In the past, innocent people were harassed, expelled, tortured, outcasted, terrorised, and killed by their own religion - for various reasons and under various pretenses. These days unfortunately a similar thing is going on in AMPS. The various factions harass, threaten, beat, and expel those who are not their yes-men, i.e. those who do not participate in their narrow agenda.

At the time of DMS or other functions, many in our AMPS may be facing this very situation. They may not be allowed to stay in certain places because they are not in a particular group, and they may not be allowed to attend a particular dharmacakra etc. And they may even be subjected to threats, attacks, expulsion, and worse.

In contrast, obedient supporters of those group leaders are rewarded with higher posts, regardless of their low character and sexual misconduct. Such yes-men become purodhas and high post holders etc, while qualified WTs, margiis, and LFTs are pushed aside, humiliated, threatened, and attacked etc. They face all sorts of problems and difficulties and are even barred from having their daughters married in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha.

1. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Disc: 23
2. Shabda Cayaniká Part 4, Disc: 23

== Section: Important Teaching ==

What people lacked in Lord Krsna’s time

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Lord Krsna came about 3500 years ago, when the war of the Mahabharata took place. People's individual qualities then had not taken a collective shape. People did not know the art of living collectively...they fought among themselves because they had no collective sense. Lord Krsna thought that if He combined all there would be collective spirit in the true sense of the term. Then alone all human faculties would get expanded. He tried to make people understand, but they did not understand, because there was no collective spirit in synthesize them all Lord Krsna was born. Lord Krsna wanted to bring about a social synthesis, the seed of which was sown by Lord Shiva." (1)

Note: There are many things in the world which cannot be solved individually. It needs collective support. In any society where there is collective spirit then they can do a great job. That is the central idea of the above teaching.

1. Discourses on the Mahabharat, The Meaning of the Name

== Section 4: Links ==

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