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Friday, May 30, 2014

Example of Sloppiness of Publication


This email contains two distinct sections:
1. Posting: Example of Sloppiness of Publication
2. Links


Please read following quote and pay attention to this line: "Where there is a presidential form of government."


First it is presented how some countries are parliamentary and some are presidential.

"Of the federal states [i.e. countries] in the world, some are parliamentary and some are presidential in form."

Now look at the next two quotes that they published in the discourse:

#1: "Where there is a presidential form of government, the executive power is vested with the parliament or the prime minister."

#2: "Where there is a presidential form of government, the executive power rests with the president. The president of the USA wields tremendous power, whereas the Indian president has hardly any power in practice."

Most certainly you caught the mistake. They wrote the phrase "Where there is a presidential form of government" twice; when in fact, one of the sentences (highlighted in red) should have contained the phrase, "Where there is a parliamentary form of government." But this they did not print.

Unfortunately those in Publications make countless mistakes in nearly every discourse. They desperately need to refine their method of printing the discourses. Because look at what they did above; this type of error is not an anomaly - rather it is commonplace.


Then they sell their poorly printed publications at an exorbitant price - yet those very books are riddled with mistakes.

But see, to purchase one single copy of Ananda Vacanamrtam part 13/14, one Ananda Marga school teacher must spend an entire week's salary. So the cost of the book is enormous and the standard is poor.

The pricing is akin to a person in the US paying $900 for a simple book that has a retail value of $5 or $8. For India and other countries, the Ananda Marga book selling is extremely exploitative. No non-margii or common person in India is going to purchase books for such an outrageous sum of money.

These in Publications are fleecing / taking advantage of margiis. They make terrible books and sell them at a high price. It seems they are more interested in profit than quality. Otherwise how else to explain what is going on.



In the various religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity, the books are very inexpensive so that even the common man can afford them.


On the top, in addition to charging a high, high price, they also have many volunteers and free-hands who have come forward to help them in their editing work. But still they cannot get the work done properly nor do they sell the book at a reasonable cost.

Their whole approach is like building a castle on hallow ground. There is no integrity or foundation to what they are doing.


The first work then is to remove the exploitation in the Publications Department. That is the first work of all Proutists.

These people are dreaming of leading the entire universe. But how terrible that would be for the entire human race. These top Dadas will exploit and harass everyone.

For more study about the aforementioned Publications error, please read here below:

"Of the federal states in the world, some are parliamentary and some are presidential in form. Where there is a presidential form of government, the executive power is vested with the parliament or the prime minister. Where there is a presidential form of government, the executive power rests with the president. The president of the USA wields tremendous power, whereas the Indian president has hardly any power in practice. He or she has to sign all papers and documents under the instructions of the prime minister. In the election of the president of India, the electorate has no direct right or jurisdiction. But in certain countries, particularly where there is the presidential form of government, the president is elected on the basis of the direct votes of the electorate, which resembles a plebiscite." (Prout in a Nutshell - 12, Some Different Forms of Government – Excerpt B)

in Him,

== Section 2 ==


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Lullaby of Dada T


This email contains two topics:
1. Posting: Lullaby of Dada T
2. Links


Anyone who has been around Dada Tapeshvaranandji knows that he employs a particular tactic: Divert the conversation away from the main topic. This is a strategy adopted not just by Dadaji, but is  used by many trying to stay in power. This is their standard maneuver: Divert the discussion away from any wrongdoing, and fill the space with something else.

Specifically, then how does this relate to Dada Tapeshvaranandji? Here's how...

Whenever meaningful points are raised about scriptural distortions in Ananda Marga shastra, then Dadaji always side-steps the issue by saying those pointing out the problems never offer to come forward and help. Rather than address the substance of the issue, Dadaji merely states that, "They never offer to come work with us."



By diverting the issue in this way, Dada T sidesteps from replying to the fact that those in Publications have been wrongly stealing Hindi and English discourses for years and years and labeling those discourses as original Bengali. By this method, they are trying to build up the stock of Bengali discourses for the sake of their Bangalisation agenda.

And those Publications Dadas will only allow volunteers to help them under this one stated condition: "Plus by our rules of Bangalisation. If you accept that everything must come from the "original Bengali", then you may join - otherwise not."

This is their stipulation.


So Tiljala Publications Dept functions under the premise: "MY WAY OR NO WAY." This is the master-servant relationship they set up for discourse work. Anyone who wishes to earnestly help must bow down at the alter of Bangalisation. There is no other way. Naturally, sincere margiis are unwilling to submit to such dogmas and unfair dealing.

Yet at the same time those in Tiljala Publications divert the issue when questioned and merely repeat that others do not come forward to help. This is just their tactical maneuver to divert the conversation away from their wrongful handling of Baba's discourses. They do not want to talk about how they take Baba's original Hindi and original English discourses and label them as Bengali.

For 25 years margiis have been wanting to help bring forth Baba's discourses in the right way, yet those in Tiljala Publications are unwilling to veer from their path of Bangalisation. When sincere margiis point out the problems then those at the helm merely divert the conversation by levying the accusation that people are unwilling to help us publish the books. The real essence they always avoid, i.e. how they themselves are stealing Hindi and English discourses and labeling them as Bengali.

At His Feet,
Renuka Roy

== 2nd Section ==

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Didi Stays in Hotel with 19-Yead-Old Male #3 + 3 More


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. Posting: Didi Stays in Hotel with 19-Yead-Old Male #3
2. End Quote: Never Commit This Sin
3. PS #2201: O' Parama Purusa, You Have Come
4. Links


~ Part 3 ~

Note 1: If you are attached to a certain Wt and do not care about Ananda Marga ideology or Guru's given rules and mandates then please avoid reading this letter.


Note 2: This matter is very sensitive. The sole reason for writing this letter and addressing this issue is to help those Wts rectify their conduct and improve the overall standard of our Wt cadre. If this problem is not solved, then some of the newer Wts many also adopt this negative dealing and prolong the dogma. Yet we should not let this problem mount. We must also bear in mind that many Wts - new and old - do not support the practice of boys living with Didis etc, yet they are not in position to rectify the matter. Whatever the circumstance, as Ananda Margiis it is our duty to bring this issue to the fore so it can be properly addressed and resolved.

By now, many are aware that Didi Ananda Dyotana has been keeping the 19-year-old male - Shubham - with her, and still he is living with Didiji in the jagrti. This letter further examines their relationship and outlines the harmful effects this has had both on Shubham and the organisation. Tragically, there are other similar cases which we will also review. We must put an end to this trend - otherwise this negative precedent will ruin our system for generations to come.


Everyone who was paying attention those days knows that Baba strictly forbid Didis from having boys and Dadas from having girls. Boys will be with Dadas, and girls will be with Didis. That is the clear-cut system in our Ananda Marga per Baba's mandate.


While much has been written about Didi Ananda Dyotana keeping the 19-year-old Shubham with her, still there is so much that has not been shared.

For instance, when a Wt goes to any place then naturally they will stay in the jagrti and participate in local activities and help that unit grow. Yet, allegedly, when Didi goes anywhere then 99% of the time she has Shubham with her. And one of the things they started doing is staying in hotels together instead of living and working in our Ananda Marga ashrams.

Last December (2013) they allegedly stayed for four days together at the hotel Ashoka. So even though there was a local jagrti in the area, Didi opted to stay in a hotel - in the same room. But this is not an option for our WTs; Baba has not given the system that Wt's can stay in hotels whenever they wish. Rather our Wts are to live, eat, and work in our Ananda Marga ashrams / jagrtis as far as possible - not live in hotels with the opposite sex, i.e. adult male. Unfortunately, Didi's alleged staying in a hotel with Shubham was not an isolated incident. After the New Year's DMS then again she and the 19-year-old Shubam stayed in a hotel; this time in Patna at the hotel Ananda. And when this has happened twice we can understand that this type of thing might have become their regular practice.


Yet, this is a blatant violation of WT rules and sets a bad precedent. But time and again Didi Ananda Dyotana does like this. Many allege that she even recently took Shubham with her on a summer holiday to Agra. Verily the two are inseparable and wherever they go they violate Ananda Marga policy by either staying together in a hotel or she keeps him with her in the Didis jagrti. But having a 19-year-old male living in the inner chambers of a Didi's jagrti completely spoils the sanctity. About this much has been written.

Here the point is that Didi's extreme attachment for the boy undermines her WT life and is destroying Shubham's character as well. On those few occasions that she travels without Shubham then upon arriving at her destination the first thing she does is phone Shubham and see what he is doing. Such is the extent of her attachment with this boy. Even a regular street-dweller will not be attached like this. What Didi is doing is completely unnatural and sinful.


Blinded by her attachment, Didi has spoiled Shubham terribly. She combs his hair, washes his clothes, and buys him whatever he wants whether it be something special, luxurious, or perfumed etc. Shubham knows nothing except the life of a king. He leads a luxurious existence on all fronts. Didi has completely spoiled him.

Didi allegedly treats her home girls as slaves, and makes them attend to all the chores and all the needed works. They scrub, sweep, clean, cook etc but the boy-king Shubham gets fed on a silver platter. The girls get exploited and the boy gets spoiled. That is the way Didi passes her life. What Didi is doing is completely unnatural and sinful.


I request you to kindly forward this mail to Didi Ananda Dyotana - her address has been appended below. That will force her to reconsider her actions and it will help preserve the purity of our organisation, by not setting a bad precedent for younger Didis.


Here are some of Sadguru's given conduct rules for Wts, which Didi Ananda Dyotana has taken a vow to follow. Yet she herself is defying these very rules. Didiji is hypocritically moving in saffron garb while living a life contrary to basic moral ethics and social codes.

“One should not look at the face of the opposite sex.” (37 Workers Rules, Point #15)

"Under no circumstances should the purity of the body and mind be polluted." (32 Rules for Avadhu'tikas, pt #30)

"...Avadhu'tika shall not engage his ears in any obscene language or songs, touch any tamasik articles, see any depraving entity or pictures, go through any story, novel, or fiction having even the slightest bit of sexual importance..." (32 Rules for Avadhu'tas, pt #32)

"You will have to protect yourself from sexual weakness..." (WT Conduct: Fourteen Points, pt #12)

In Him,


For Didiji's overall well-being, please forward this letter to her.

Didiji's email address is:

(Note: If you have a more recent address for Didiji kindly let us know.)

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Never Commit This Sin

"The pratiika [emblem of Ananda Marga] should be placed in an elevated place in the marriage hall." (Caryacarya - Part I)

In His above order, Baba gives clear reference that the pratiika must be given a prominent place in the hall during our Ananda Marga marriage ceremonies. At the same time, there is no mention in Caryacarya of having Guru's photo on display.

The reason is that many non-margiis may be attending the marriage and Baba's photo should not be displayed in front of those who do not have utmost reverence for Him. Due to their ignorance and lack of understanding, those non-margii attendees may think or say something disrespectful about the photo. Seeing His picture, they may find it strange and offer a distasteful comment - which is tantamount to sin. Or at the very least they may be curious about the photo and murmur something negative about it and create bad samsakra due to their ignorance. Whatever the case, the situation is not desirable. That is why we should strictly follow Guru's mandate and not put His photo on display during our Ananda Marga marriage ceremonies. 

Whereas, with the pratiika, non-margiis will positively accept it as a tantrika symbol and will have respect for it - just as every religion and organisation has their own symbol. So even if they do not know the full significance of the pratiika, they will accept it at face value and not degrade it. But that is not the case with the photo.

So to preserve the sanctity of the photo, at our Ananda Marga marriage ceremony we must not put Guru's pratikiriti [photo] on display. On this matter, we must strictly abide by the dictates of Caryacayra, and not show the photo.

Note: Those who placed the photo at the marriage ceremony will have to face the consequences. Because they created the situation where non-margiis began thinking and commenting negatively about the photo.

== Section 3 ==

~ O' Parama Purusa, You Have Come ~

"Tumi je esecho, a'lo sa'the enecho..." (PS 2201)


O' Parama Purusa, You have come and brought Your divine effulgence with You. By Your august presence, the blackness of the mind has been removed. You have graciously wiped away the staticity and cimmerian darkness from everyone’s existence. O’ Divine One, You are so gracious – You love everyone equally. You never give credence to desha’ca’r or loka’ca’r [1]; You never pay heed to worldly rituals and traditions. Overlooking all superficiality, You have come and showered Your grace.

O' Dear Lord, in the vast, infinite sky You are that single divine star that attracts everyone. Your divine rhythm makes the entire creation dance around You. The ekta'ra' (one-string instrument) of everyone's mind is being played to fully satisfy You and satiate Your heart. That sweet resonance also fills everyone's heart and mind with the thought of getting You. By Your grace You have poured hope into everyone's life.

O' Parama Purusa, please come closer and closer in new and newer form and color. O' Nutan, the eternally New One, You have given language to those who are mu'k [2] (dumb) and unable to speak. You have made everyone capable of singing and chanting the glories of the Supreme Entity. In this way You have blessed one and all.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, Your greatness and magnanimity is beyond imagination. Please remain eternally in my heart...


*Desha'ca'r & Loka'ca'r: The particular traditions of an area, country, or land are known as: desha'ca'r; and the popular or commonly followed customs of the people are known as: loka'ca'r. As we have all seen, in various countries and places there are so many social norms and rules which govern the social life. For example in some areas one can only go to someone else's house if they have an oral or written invitation, or if it has been arranged ahead of time by phone or email etc. Because with many people it is needed to inform them beforehand that you are coming. Then with that foreknowledge they can prepare everything and make all necessary arrangements such as cleaning the house, cooking nice food, and threading a garland etc. Furthermore, in some areas showing up without an invitation is disrespectful. And on the top, important people usually do not like to show up without an invitation. So there re various customs and traditions, and they all fall within the dual categories of desha'ca'r and loka'ca'r. But Parama Purusa never pays heed to such things. He is the most important One and He never cares about such social rules. Rather just by the loving heart of the devotee He gets pulled towards them-- and in that way He comes.

*Mu'k: Literally means dumb or non-verbal. In the above Prabha't Samgiita this allegory is presented. The basic meaning is that those who are mu'k or dumb who were crude or not spiritually inclined prior, but now by Baba's grace He has filled the hearts of such people with spiritual zeal and granted them devotion. So now those who were mu'k have graciously been given 'a voice' and with that they are spreading and singing His name.

== Section 4 ==


Here is the first letter in this series about Didi Ananda Dyotana & Shubham:

Here is the second letter in this series about Didi Ananda Dyotana & Shubham:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014



Here is how Baba composed the first line of Prabhat Samgiita #60.

Baba's Authentic Version: Toma'r jinis toma'ke diyechi, tumi na'o prabhu kole tule 

Yet, one avadhuta recently misquoted that line as:

Wrongly written terms in red colour: Tomar jinis tomar dilam, tumi prabhu kole tule niyeo


Here the point is that we should all be careful when citing Baba' original words and compositions. Certainly we would expect an avadhuta to be accurate in this regards.

Unfortunately, Dada Ishvarakrsnananda failed to cite Baba's song in the correct manner.

He should be more careful next time, and at the same time, all margiis should be aware that our dadas do not always correctly cite Baba's teachings - unfortunately.

Some new and naive margiis do not read Bbaa books and rely on Dada books and writing. They think it that is authentic spread that incorrect and flase writing in the name of Baba. They spread that dogma everywhere.



A classic example of this is the bogus merge in mission quote:

I am not this physical body, this physical body is not me. If you want to know me, work for my mission, because I have merged myself with my mission.

One dada concocted this and some simple margiis accepted it as true. And it spread like wildfire; they carried that dogma everywhere. When really it is just a bogus quote. Only now, a quarter-century later a people starting to realise this.

So this matter of blindly quoting Dadas and thinking that it is an authentic teaching of Sadguru Baba is the wrong way to go. Dadas are often inaccurate and by this way false things are propagated in Baba's name.



If you want to cite Baba then go to the source material, do not rely on hearsay by this or what Dada, regardless of how senior or experienced they may be.

in Him,

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Attack On BP System: Ranchi Case Study




Nowadays, many important margiis of Ranchi are doing silent action. Here following are the reasons why. Please read about these incidents that have occurred in the Ranchi bhukti.



Indeed, first and foremost they utterly ruined their relationship with the Ranchi margiis.

1. In a meeting with margiis, Dada Sampurnanandji openly abused the Ranchi bhukti pradhan. As a lackey of Dada Rudranandji, Sampurnanandji wanted to put on a good show to please his boss. So he veritably challenged all present by saying, "I, Dada Sampurnananda am Ananda Marga, and Ananda Marga is Dada Sampurnananda, and my order is everything. You are no longer the bhukti pradhan. You are suspended!" Without rhyme and reason, Dadaji spoke in this way. And he never gave anything in writing. Just he pushed and bullied the margii elected BP and removed him from the post.

2. Over the last few years, there have allegedly been repeated sexual scandals that last 3 DS Dadas of Ranchi. And in each case H group wholly supported the alleged perpetrator - i.e. DS Dada. They completely rejected any concerns and claims by margiis.

3. Indeed, an entire Mahabharata can be written how Ranchi Administration (H group) is harassing their own margiis, and how they (H group) perpetually contravened the dharmic code of conduct. There are countless points that can be raised.

4. They created an utterly suffocating situation by spoiling the field in Ranchi.



In the below story from Shabda Cayanika, Baba is giving the warning that those at the helm should never misuse their power and authority, and they must never adopt a ruler-ruled mentality. This below teaching should be read as an analogy with how H group is treating margiis. They think they are the ruler and the margiis are ruled. They allegedly threaten, harass, and victimise those who do not  blindly follow their harmful, dogmatic orders. So this following quote should be read with that scene in mind. So here the ruler is H group led by their key person - i.e. Dada Rudrananda - and the ruled are margiis. They think that margiis are their subjects and they are kings.


"The situation is not good at all! Here also, the houses of innocent farmers are being set on fire on your instructions; your men are dragging their daughters and wives out of their houses and taking them with them. People are being beaten for no reason and chased away with bullets. Its horrible. These things are inhuman; the dignity of these women is being trampled into the dirt. As a woman I cannot put up with this. I will not put up with it. You have to put a stop to it!”" (1)


“The world is for the brave,” the man replied. “If you cant demonstrate your power and authority in this world then you cant survive. They have to be shaken up a little. This is the rulers philosophy.” (1)


“If this rulers philosophy goes against humanity,” the woman said, “then I refuse to follow it. Whatever people may think, you cant sever your ties with humanity. The foundation of everyones activities and work has to be humanity. Otherwise the demons in us will not only swallow our bodies and minds, but our entire human existence will end up crudified. That the consciousness which has evolved out of matter should return back to matter – no judicious human being would want that. So you give up your anti-humanity rulers philosophy.” (1)

...I can't bear this antisocial, one-sided, hellish affair.” (1)

“If you maintain a relationship of ruler and ruled in individual or social life then it will surely lead to disaster. Whenever the kings of former days gave excessive weight to the ruler-ruled relationship, it resulted in the strong devouring the weak, and that led to revolt by the people – it happened during the time of King John; it happened at the time of Louis XIV; it happened during the Buddhist era in the time of King Devapal the Second. Understood, ….! Be careful, ‘Go softly, softly in the night’... (1)


...“if we don't agree then they persecute us and beat us. They want to buy the indigo without paying what its worth. They want us to work but they dont want to pay us for it. If people show any sign of speaking out about it they set fire to their house and abduct their daughters from their home. We've come to you because we have no alternative. Please save us. Rescue us from the violence and oppression of your oppressive workers. We will be forever grateful to you.” (1)


“I understand, I understand,” replied the man. “... You want to light the fires of rebellion here as well. Ill teach you a lesson or two.” Saying this, the sahib took aim at them and started firing recklessly and mercilessly. (1)


"I was astonished and dumbfounded to hear such arrogance coming from this sahib. Are there really such people on this earth? “Listen … sahib,” I said. “You really showed some temper with those villagers. Let me see you lose your temper in front of me! If I can see this temper of yours I will consider my human life successful.”" (1)

"It is normal human psychology that when there is oppression, at first the timid people keep their mouths closed and put up with it. Even courageous people think: ‘Let me see how things go for the time being. Then I will take action.’ When the oppression increases even more, the cowardly-natured slap their heads and curse their fate, and the brave call out in loud voices and fall on their oppressors. When tyranny reaches its limit then even the faint-of-heart start roaring like lions and mercilessly take revenge on their oppressors." (1)


"I set the steamroller of tyranny loose on these ordinary farmers. I earned huge amounts of money and in the process I sold my humanity in exchange for a few gold coins. I went hell-bound step by step, transforming myself from a conscious human being into no better than an inert stone. I had no remnant left of my common sense. Maddened by pride, I fired recklessly on those village farmers who came to me peacefully with their grievances and needs. I even killed seven men. After that I hadnt the slightest sense of what-to-do or what-not-to-do. There was no one around to give directions or orders or advice." (1)

"Because of my arrogance I had completely lost my common sense. My rulers philosophy was prodding me continuously, telling me – What! Will I flee under the cover of darkness out of fear of a few ordinary farmers? Never! It is against my rulers philosophy. I will have to do something to save my respect. On and on I went thinking like this until I was at a complete loss. There was no one to give any clear directions or orders. That day my wounded pride told me – the only way to salvage my honour is to tie a noose around my neck and hang myself with this rope. That is the only path to salvation. In this way my honour, my prestige, my reputation, will be saved." (1)

“So thought, so done. (1)


“I tied a noose around my neck with this rope and hung myself. You may call it suicide, cowardliness or sin. But in the state of mind I was in that day I could see no other path open to me. So knowingly, perhaps, I took this sinful path in order to salvage my honour.” (1)


In the above story from Shabda Cayanika, at the end the tyrant felt repentant about his ghastly nature and ruthless crimes. With regards to the present situation, time will tell what Dada Rudranandji does.

In Him,
Khailash Yadav


You might have heard about the story of “Chamde ka sikka”, the eccentric monarch Muhammad Tughlaq (1325-1350 AD), who introduced leather currency in India but like many of his other monetary reforms it did not succeed. That’s to say he based the monetary system on leather to best capitalise on the situation. Thus, he created an atmosphere where all the rules and regulations pointed towards his own self-serving, arrogant, eccentric, and  egotistical desires.

Similarly, in the span of the earth’s history, look at the hell H group is creating by their self-serving policies and exploitative outlook. By eliminating bhukti pradhan rights, imposing the Fake BP manual, and callously suspending the elected BP Ranchi on a whim.

1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Disc: 9

Thursday, May 15, 2014

~ AMPS News ~ Thief! Thief! + 3 More


This email contains 4 sections:
1. Posting: Thief! Thief!
2. Comment: Re: Distortion in NKS Book
3. End Quote: Attacked by Cancer
4. Links



As we all know, Prajina Bharati is one of the esteemed magazines in our Ananda Marga. Such periodicals and publications are for spreading the divine teachings of our Sadguru Baba, Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

Yet instead of highlighting Baba, one avadhuta stole (plagiarized) Baba’s words and published them in his own name. That is the injustice and sinful dealing that occurred in the Jan / Feb 2014 edition of Prajina Bharati, Vol. 38, No. 1, Consecutive No. 243.

Specifically Dada R “wrote” a short, four paragraph article in Hindi, yet one of the paragraphs was stolen directly from Guru’s discourse.



Some naive persons may think, “What is wrong – that is fine – he just took a paragraph from Baba’s discourse – that is ok.” But if we allow Dada R to steal a discourse today, then tomorrow we may find that another Dada has published Guru’s entire book – Idea & Ideology – in his own name. And the following week another avadhuta might publish “Ananda Marga: Elementary Philosophy” in his own name. This is the domino effect that will ensue.

Thus we must be vigilant at the outset and not allow such avadhutas to steal Guru’s words and publish Guru’s original writings in their own name.



The world of the written word abides by certain codes and ethics. What Avadhuta R has done is not the norm – rather it is plagiarism. The worst crime in the publishing world.

Avadhuta R should be held accountable must be accused for stealing Guru’s words and writing them as his own. Others may wonder Dadaji’s motivation. The agreed upon reply is that Dadaji is posing as an intellectual and that’s why he did not mention Baba’s name. Indeed this is both a crime (theft) and a sin (betrayal to Guru).

As an avadhuta, when he is using Baba’s quote then he should feel proud to tell that this precious point has been given by his Guru. This is what a standard disciple will do. A true disciple will feel proud to tell that this is his Guru’s direct teaching.



For your information and review, here is how the stolen Hindi section was published in our Ananda Marga books. That means, the below excerpt from Baba’s discourse “Social Psychology”, is the English version of what Dada Raganuganandji stole and published in his own name in magazine article in Prajina Bharati.

“For the existence of human beings in society, the following fundamental factors are necessary: (1) unity, (2) social security and (3) peace. What is actually required under each of these fundamentals is discussed below.”

“Unity among the members of any society or social structure is absolutely necessary, otherwise the structure will start disintegrating. Lack of unity among the members of society because of too much self-interest in the individual members, the formation of groups for economic or social advantage, and the lack of understanding of others, act not only to bring about the downfall of society, but also can wipe it out completely from the face of the earth. Instances of many groups and empires disappearing altogether are not rare in the little-known history of this world. The problem, therefore, is the preservation of unity in society.” 

Here following are Baba’s original words from His discourse, “Social Psychology.” Avadhuta R lifted (i.e. stole) this entire paragraph from Baba’s Prout book and tried to present it as his own in the magazine Prajina Bharati.

एक आदर्श समाज व्यवस्था का निर्माण करने के लिए कुछ मौलिक विषयों को ज़रूरी माना गया है- (क) एकता (ख) सामाजिक सुरक्षा (ग) शान्ति |

एकता किसी भी समाज या सामाजिक व्यवस्था में अत्यन्त आवश्यक है | अन्यथा उस व्यवस्था में दरार पड़ जाएगी | व्यष्टि स्वार्थ, केन्द्रीय सामाजिक अनैक्य, अर्थनैतिक और सामाजिक सुविधा के अनुसार दलों का गठन, अन्य के कार्य या मनोभावों को समझने की मानसिक उदारता का अभाव आदि केवल समाज के अधः पतन का ही सूचना नहीं देते हैं, बल्कि समाज को धरा पृष्ठ से पूर्णतः निश्चिन्ह कर देते हैं | इस पृथ्वी के क्षुद्र परिचित इतिहास में अनेक दलों व साम्राज्यों की अवलुप्ति के दृष्टान्त मिलते हैं | इसलिए सामाजिक एकता के संरक्षण की ज़रूरत है (AFPS-7, Social Psychology)


The Dada who plagiarized Baba’s words and committed this sin of stealing the above paragraph is Ac Raganugananda Avt. The above appears in Raganuganandji’s article “Atishay Ragar’ Kare Jo Koii” in Prajina Bharati Jan / Feb 2014 edition.


These below Dadas are the in-charges of Prajina’ Bha’ratii (प्रज्ञा भारती) so they must also be taken to task for allowing Baba’s words to be stolen and printed in the name of Raganuganandji.

Editor- A’ca’rya Ra’kesha’nanda Avt. (secy.-Purodha’ Board)
Sub-editor- A’ca’rya Ra’gamaya’nanda Avt (secy.-Avadhuta Board)
Subscription-A’ca’rya Nirmoha’nanda Avt. (secy.-A’ca’rya Board)
Publisher/circulation- A’ca’rya Satya’shraya’nanda Avt. (secy.-Ta’ttvika Board)

in Him,


Again for your information and review, here is how the stolen Hindi section was published in our Ananda Marga books. That means, the below excerpt from Baba’s discourse “Social Psychology”, is the English version of what Dada Raganuganandji stole and published in his own name in  magazine article in Prajina Bharati.

“For the existence of human beings in society, the following fundamental factors are necessary: (1) unity, (2) social security and (3) peace. What is actually required under each of these fundamentals is discussed below.”

“Unity among the members of any society or social structure is absolutely necessary, otherwise the structure will start disintegrating. Lack of unity among the members of society because of too much self-interest in the individual members, the formation of groups for economic or social advantage, and the lack of understanding of others, act not only to bring about the downfall of society, but also can wipe it out completely from the face of the earth. Instances of many groups and empires disappearing altogether are not rare in the little-known history of this world. The problem, therefore, is the preservation of unity in society.” 


Margiis must be aware about the tendencies of these few Dadas because they will come and even steal things from your house. More about this is discussed in the ensuing letter.

== Section 2 ==

Re: Distortion:

Unscientific & Ludicrous Things in NKS Book

Namaskar !
It is an elementary principle of physics that frequency and wavelength are reciprocal to each other, i.e. wavelength decreases with the   corresponding increase in frequency and vice versa. And frequency is the number of vibrations per second. And the mathematical relation is given by ( ν α 1/ λ) where ν indicates frequency and λ indicates wave length.

Yet see here what the publishers have printed in the name of Baba.

"Aesthetic science implies that psychic waves coming in contact with vibrations of greater frequency attain a greater wavelength." (Namami Krsnasundaram (NKS), Parthasarathi Krsna and Aesthetic Science)

It should be "lower frequency" or "shorter wavelength" for people who may not be able to picture what it means. I attached a picture that explains this.

Thank you for this correction, hope that Pub dept. will follow suit.

Karun'a' Nidha'n

== Section 3 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Attacked By Cancer

Remaining awake after midnight and sleeping after sunrise comes under the definition of being awake at night and sleeping during the day. And that very condition invites cancer:

Baba says “Persons… [who] sleep during the day and keep late nights are most likely to be attacked by cancer.” (YT, p. 19)

Note: Sleeping during the day does not just mean at taking a nap in the afternoon or in the late morning. Sleeping during the day also means not getting up in the early morning for paincajanya.

== Section 4 ==


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Why It is Third Grade Slogan


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. Posting: Why It is Third Grade Slogan
2. End Quote: Incongruities & Mismatches In The Society
3. PS #3669: I Go On Singing Your Song
4. Links


আমাদের ৰাৰা কী জয় -- তৃতীয় শ্রেণীর স্লোগ্যান

~ Part 3 ~

This is the third letter in this series; links to prior letters are appended below.

In the kingdom of Parama Purusa there are various grades of devotees. There are 1st grade devotees, 2nd grade devotees, and some are 3rd grade devotees. Thus 3rd grade bhaktas are also His devotees so He allows 3rd grade devotees to raise the 3rd grade slogan: A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! Baba accepts 3rd grade bhaktas in the way they feel most comfortable approaching Him, even if that means sharing Parama Purusa with others. Third grade devotees think that since Baba belongs to everyone then He also belongs to me. That is why they prefer to use the term A'ma'der - I.e. our collective Baba.


Some of our brothers and sisters are lagging behind in the realm of devotion so we must have compassion for their situation. Our duty is to help them. They should also learn how to feel closer to Parama Purusa – after all, one day everyone has to reach up to Him.


Honesty in devotional life is key. So if one's heart feeling is not expressed by the 3rd grade slogan, A'ma'der Baba ki – jai!, that's to say, if one is not inclined to share Parama Purusa or think that He belongs to all, then one may not like to use this slogan. In that case they can exclusively use, Parama Pita Baba ki – jai!

And if the A'ma'der slogan does express one's feeling of heart, and they feel comfortable with this meaning, then they can continue to raise the slogan in this manner. On this point all have personal choice. No one can tell anyone what to do.

At the same time we should all try and increase our standard of sadhana and feel more devotional closeness with Parama Purusa.


There is no limit to how many jai slogans can be created. For example:

(a) Parama Purusa Baba Ki – Jai!
(b) Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji Ki – Jai!
(c) My Baba Ki – Jai!
(d) My Parama Pita Baba Ki – Jai!


And certainly you can create many more slogans in your own mother tongue. Thus, there are many possibilities.

I recall that when Baba toured the globe then He was received by so many different Jai slogans. For instance, I remember when Baba went to Haifa, Israel, then those margiis raised the Jai slogan in their local tongue. And when Baba visited Taiwan, then margiis raised the slogan in Taiwanese. And when Baba went to Bangalore, then margiis raised the slogan in Kannada, i.e. their local language.

So every margii can create their own Jai slogan using their native language. And best will be if that Jai slogan is A-grade, not C-grade like A'ma'der Baba Ki – jai.


This is a significant matter because when some 3rd grade devotees are not understanding the deeper devotional feeling and if those same 3rd grade people get positions of leadership in our Marga, then due to their devotional deficit, they will be prone to create dogmas.

Because of their lower feeling of devotion they will create the dogma a dogma which states that Baba is gone. In that case, due to their own lack of understanding and lack of closeness, they will misguide and inhibit the growth of others and taint the devotional expression within Ananda Marga.

That is the very grave matter at hand.

It is very similar to what transpired with the various dogmatic religions wherein they wrongly proclaimed that god lives in the distant sky or 7th heaven. Such persons also might have been of the 3rd grade as they could not develop closeness with Parama Purusa. So they invented their religious dogma – placing god far, far away.

That is the way it works and we should be careful since that same defect has expressed itself in AM in the form of any dogma that states that Baba is gone.

No doubt 3rd grade devotees are better than non-devotees, but they should not be in positions of leadership wherein they try to guide others and invent new “spiritual programs”, like the dogma of that states that Baba is gone.

Please pass this letter to your fellow sadhakas etc so this dogma can be removed. Why is this a dogma. Because whenever a person mindlessly raises a slogan without thinking more deeply about it etc then it is a dogma.


This is a revamped and updated section from part 2 of this series. Many new aspects have been added.

The next question one may ask is that why did Baba allow people to raise this third grade slogan: A'ma'der Baba ki – jai!

And the answer is very simple. In the kingdom of Parama Purusa there are various grades of devotees. There are 1st grade devotees, 2nd grade devotees, and some are 3rd grade devotees. Thus 3rd grade bhaktas are also His devotees so He allows 3rd grade devotees to raise the 3rd grade slogan: A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! Baba accepts 3rd grade bhaktas in the way they feel most comfortable approaching Him, even if that means sharing Parama Purusa with others. Third grade devotees think that since Baba belongs to everyone then He also belongs to me. That is why they prefer to use the term A'ma'der - I.e. our collective Baba.

No doubt, Baba is attracting all to come very close, but due to lack of sadhana or samskaras, not all respond to His blessed call.

So if someone is enmeshed in 3rd grade devotion and could not develop a closer relation with Parama Purusa, then this A'ma'der slogan is fine.

They do not feel in their heart that Baba is only mine. So they are not A-grade devotees.

Suppose there is a child who has many siblings, that child will not even say, “This is our mother.” The child will use the phrase “my mother”. A child will always say, “This is my mother.” Why? Because of their personal relation with their mother. That child feels that their mother belongs to them and that she belongs to them only and that is why the term "my" is used.

Similarly A-grade devotees cannot share Parama Purusa. They will never say Amader Baba, they will say Amar Baba.

But for third grade devotees with their less devotional stature, i.e. 3rd grade devotion, they like using the slogan A'ma'der Baba (collective Baba) ki – jai. For them it is fine because they do not feel that Baba is mine. They feel Baba is ours.

Being gracious, Baba lovingly accepts everyone for who they are. He does not deprive anyone from expressing the feelings of their heart, even if they are third grade devotees and their heartfelt feeling goads them to say, “A'ma'der Baba ki – jai!”

In His gracious manner, Baba will accept their call and continue to draw them near.

In sum, 3rd grade devotees have further to travel because they are far from Parama Purusa. It may take them several lives to become A-grade bhaktas wherein they will feel more comfortable raising the slogan, “Amar Baba ki - jai!

Now it is very clear that this slogan - A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! - is for third-grade devotees. And there is no harm if one is a third-grade devotee. But if one is a first-grade devotee and raising this slogan, then that is inappropriate.

Here concludes that updated section.


Bhakti is the greatest attribute in life. We should all aim for the highest grade of devotion and not allow those with lower devotion – i.e. those chanting A'ma'der Baba ki – jai! – to be in leadership positions wherein they can invent dogmas. And on the personal sphere, may every sadhaka feel that, “Baba is mine and mine alone.”

Baba says, “The devotees say, “No, no I can share all my belongings with others, but not my Parama Purus'a. He is mine and mine alone – He belongs to no one else. I cannot even think of sharing Him with anyone.”” (1)

In Him,
Ranjiit Deva

1. A Few Problems Solved – 3

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Incongruities & Mismatches In The Society

“It can be said that ordinary people, like teachers, face many types of problem in their lives; in fact teachers’ problems are only a reflection of larger social problems. It is quite true that in the modern material world strenuous efforts to conquer the limitations of time, place and person are apparent everywhere. It is as if human beings are being forcibly dragged forward by the hair of their heads. Speed is the main consideration; whether any good is accomplished or not is a secondary factor. Thus different social trends are unable to maintain a harmonious pace in their forward movement. Some trends are far advanced in their development while others lag behind. This causes some parts of the social structure which were close together to move apart, and other parts which were once apart to come together, leading to the collapse of the entire structure. The thatched hut is still the same, but electrical wiring has been strung through it. The only food available is salt and boiled rice, but the ordinary old clay stove has been replaced by an electric “heater” [hotplate]. Such incongruities are now common in society.” (Human Society – 1, Education)

Note: In the above teaching Baba is describing how incongruities have become prevalent in society. Here are a few more examples for us to ponder:

(a) In some so-called "3rd world" countries people have “smart phones” (i.e. internet on their phone) yet they are still living under a tree and do not have running water in their home. Not only that, their own children are deprived of the basic necessities – wandering around naked, collecting wood or recyclable materials etc when they should be properly fed and in school.

(b) In so-called 1st world countries, there are some kids who have access to huge material wealth yet lack parental love. Without that special bond and emotional support, such children become islands of desperation. They feel alienated from their family and society and suffer terribly.

(C) In other places within so-called “1st world nations”, kids go to school where they see fancy computers throughout the classrooms etc, yet when they return home they have no food to eat and must get their food from homeless shelters or soup kitchens.

These types of incongruities must be addressed. At present, such disparities are prevalent both in individual life and collective life. This situation must be put to a halt, and prama (balance) must be restored.

== Section 3 ==

 ~ I Go On Singing Your Song ~

"A'mi ca'ini kono kichu toma'r ka'che, shudhu geye gechi, ga'n geye gechi..." (PS #3669)


O’ Parama Purusa, I do not ask anything from You. I do not desire any worldly object, nor name or fame etc. Only I go on singing the song – I sing the songs of Prabhat Samgiita. I never mentioned anything about my own needs or requirements. Just I continue doing my dhyana on You and go on singing Your song with my heart full of love for You. It is Your grace.

O’ my Lord, the distance between You and I was immeasurable. It was beyond infinite and endless, and filled with unknown melodies. There was despair and it was covered by the dense fog. Still I continued to have a glimpse of You in meditation, and sang Your Prabhat Samgiita.

O’ Divine One, You showered Your causeless grace, and continued to gaze at my hopeless face. In Your melodious voice, You compassionately told me that, “I will remain with you forever – sarva kala – always, beyond time and space.” O’ Parama Purusa, You are so gracious. I love You and I go on singing Your song. I never mentioned anything about my own needs or requirements. Just I continue doing my dhyana on You, and go on singing Your song.

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba I do not ask anything from You. Only I want only Your causeless grace...

== Section 4 ==


Here is the first letter of this series:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

BP Ousted: Eye-Opening Story


This email contains four distinct sections:
1. Posting: BP Ousted: Eye-Opening Story
2. End Quote: Forced Conversion To Another Religion Is Bad
3. PS #4018: I Have Searched You For Ages And Ages
4. Links


This letter narrates what happens to those units that welcome all the groups. Step by step, one group or another will capture the entire unit. So be aware - this story is eye-opening. If you know any unit where all the groups are allowed, then please forward this letter to them. Then they can be prepared and prevent the disaster as happened in Balasore.

Here is the interesting story how B group ousted one BP in Balasore and put their own stooge there. We should examine how and why this happened.

As many are aware, Balasore is the gateway to South India from Kolkata. So it is a key and strategic place for Tiljala. But those margiis in Balasore were not supporting B group due to B group’s alleged murdering of Abhipremananda. So Tiljala (B group) hatched a conspiracy to capture Balasore. And here is what they did.

Tiljala leaders called upon two of their main followers – Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan – to start making in-roads. Both were given the duty.

More specifically, B group leaders gave Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan the “roadmap” for how to proceed: (a) Balasore margiis allow every group – (b) that is their weak spot – (c) so gain access to the unit and (d) capture everything.

Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan followed the instructions perfectly, and now their goal has been achieved. They captured the unit and here is how it was done.

1- Establish Relations with the Unit

First Kolkata personnel came to Balasore to manage relief efforts, show allegiance to the area, build bridges with the local margiis, and ultimately gain their trust.

Yet all along Tiljala was proceeding with a specific endpoint in mind: Make Balasore their outpost.

2 - Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyen Move In

Under one or another excuse, Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan each left Fuladi and moved to Baleshvar. This was a way of of moving towards their goal of capturing the entire bhukti by putting a stooge on BP post. To this end, Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan both started living there.

3 - Target Non-Supporters of B Group

By this point the stage was set and inroads made. Eager to gain full control of the unit, Tiljala began marking their supporters and challengers. Quickly lines were drawn, and they made the plan to gain administrative control of the unit.

4 - Remove the Current Bhukti Pradhan

Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Shrii Bhuyan were sowing the seeds and telling one and all that the reigning BP, Shrii Pratap Nyak, should step down as he is “too aged” . This was their rallying cry and justification. But the reality is that they wanted that BP gone because he (Shrii Pratap Nyak) was not a blind supporter of B group. And when Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Shrii Bhuyan  felt the opportunity was ripe for the taking, they gave the signal to Tiljala to dispatch Marmadeveananda to “take care of business.” Marmadeveananda’s duty was to oust Shrii Pratap Nyak from the chair of BP and install a “Tiljala-friendly” candidate, i.e. Shrii Vishvambhar Bhuyan.

5 - Install a B group stooge as Bhukti Pradhan

Now Tiljala as their “man” on the scene and in power. Shrii Vishvambhar Bhuyan is the BP and he is a blind follower of B group and bosom buddies with Shrii Bhaskar Jena, i.e. B group stalwart.

6 – Came Full Circle - I.E. Final victory

Long backing we can see this step-by-step roadmap was made and now they have gotten success on all points. Slowly it came full circle and now final victory is done. The unit is firmly in B group’s control and other groups do not go there.  Since then they are put a samaj office in jagrti.

When any unit keeps the door open to all the groups then this type of scene unfolds. It is just like if you leave your doors and windows open then  humans as well as beasts may enter and take over the house.

That is the takeaway – thing to learn – from this entire episode.

--- Here below are the details of this whole episode:


Baleshvar (Balasore) is a small town in between Cuttack and Kharagpur in Odisha. The Balasore bhukti includes Balasore & Bhadrak districts, as well as units like Bhadrak and Nilgiri. Kolkata is about 300 km away. A good number of margiis reside in Baleshvar and throughout the surrounding area.

The margiis in the town of Baleshvar did not like the Kolkata Administration because Tiljala Wts aallegedly murdered Ac. Abhipremanandji.


Under the leadership of Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak, the margiis of Baleshvar started dharmacakra in a rented house once a week, i.e. on Sunday. Plus they started doing akhanda kiirtan on the last Sunday of the month.

In this Balasore unit, under the bhukti pradhanship of Pratp Chandara Nyak, anybody from any group was welcome. In their eyes, B group thought they could exploit this weak point and make inroads. As mentioned, the margii brothers and sisters under the leadership of BP Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak used to regularly observe dharmacakra, monthly kiirtan, and Ananda festivals in this jagrti.

All the while, Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Kolkata WTs were feeling as if they were unimportant.

So Kolkata Administration Wts used to come. So margiis of Baleshvar started helping them; this helped bridge the gap between Baleshvar margiis and the Kolkata faction. Though the margiis of Baleshvar were never against any group.


Although Baleshvar margiis used to invite senior margiis like Bhaskar Jena (Ananda Marga High School, Fuladi (Baleshvar Dist) to attend kiirtan, Shrii Jena did not like to go Baleshvar as he did not support the BP-ship of Pratap Nyak, as he wanted full control.

For one or another excuse, at the opportune moment Bhaskar Jena and Pitambar Bhuyan left Fuladi and came to Baleshvar to fulfill his allotted duty of oust BP Pratap Nayak and capture the post.

Shrii Bhaskar Jena and Shrii Bhuyan started telling that Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak should retire from the BP post because he is old and unable to attend dharmacakra, and other programs on a regular basis. Margiis who supported Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak wanted an election.



In Sep '13, Ac Marmadevaanda was sent by Kolkata Admin to oust Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak and nominate Shrii Vishvambhar Bhuyan (brother of Shrii Pitmabar Bhuyan and close person to Shrii Bhaskar Jena) as BP. Those who were leading i.e. supporters of Pratap Nayak wanted an election.

When the proposal was forwarded by Bhaskar Jena group to remove Pratap Nayak from BP post, Pratap Nayak & his group advocated for election instead of nomination.

Ultimately, Pramod Sahu came forward to contest the BP election. Pramod Sahu is a very sincere devoted margii. Pramod Sahu made his wife & daughter margiis. He has revolutionary spirit. Pramod Sahu is against so-called mahaprayan.

He asks to senior margiis when Baba has given directive not to take Shra’ddha’nna, is it correct for our Gruhii & WT margii brothers & sisters taking food in a separate place after leaving the place of shraddha observer (expense is borne by shraddha observer).


When Pramod Sahu gave his name as contestant of BP election, Marmadevananda was already planning that Vishvambhar should be BP. So when Pramod Sahu came forward then Dada Marmadevananda concocted a baseless excuse and argued that Pramod Sahu was an outsider because he hails from another district (Kendrapada, undivided Cuttack district). Here the point is that there is not rule that the BP must be born in that region; that is just one bogus and fake rule.  Sahu  contested that I have been staying in Balasore for the last fifteen years – all the while working in local engineering institutes. Not only that, Sahu informed them that the Ranchi BP Sudansuji was from Deoghar. In addition, Shrii Narayan Panda has been working as BP in Visakhapatanam for last eight years yet Pandaji is from Cuttack. These are examples of people not born in that area yet were the elected BP of that unit. When this fact was raised then Marmadevananda and all remained silent.

Compared to Pramod Sahu, Biswambar Bhuyan is not very strict in 16 Points; plus he accepted dowry in the past and has no revolutionary spirit. In contrast, Pramod Sahu’s background is very strong to be BP. He gave a lot of energy and efforts to start dharmacakra, akhanda kiirttana, and Ananda festivals etc. Plus throughout he was involved in uniting all margiis.


The number in support of Pratap Nayak / Pramod Sahu is much more. The Bhaskar Jena group was continuously telling Sahu to withdraw his name as BP. Lastly Sahu got disgusted because of this harassment, & withdrew his name and finally Vishvambhar got BPship from Marmadevananda without any contest.

The Prout rule was not followed – in the case of an uncontested election, the candidate must win by passing the pro and against vote.

“No candidate should be declared elected without a contest. Rich and influential people can compel other candidates, by financial inducements or intimidation, to withdraw their nomination papers. So in cases where it is found that there is only one candidate, the popularity of the candidate will have to be tested. If the candidate fails in this test, the candidate and all those who withdrew their nomination papers will forfeit the right to contest the subsequent by-election for that constituency. This means that they will have to wait until the next election.” (Problems of the Day, point #33)


B group captured the unit without election. They failed to hold a pro and against vote.

In order to have re-elections, there should be a sufficient gap of time for the re-election process. Plus the voter list must be prepared adequately ahead of time.

On this front various injustices were done:
(a) suspension of BP
(b) unjust election
(c) system not followed
(d) false voter list etc


They tried to increase the voting numbers in their favor but could not do. So they demoralized Sahu. All the while, margiis in Bhadrak and Nilgiri were not informed nor got opportunity to use their voting rights. This is serious exploitation and similar things happened in Ranchi.

Margiis of the world should be educated that the BP ship / system is under attack. Nowadays, only stooges of a group are getting placed as BP.


Gradually Bahakar jena started putting banners of Utkal samaj and Prout Express magazine in the jagrti.

Bhaskar Jena is misusing jagrti and started samaj office there. In parliamentary election he used as party office. This was wrong and against ethics and codes.

The margiis who elected & supporting Shrii Pratap Chandra Nayak got depressed.


At present, Shrii Vishvambhar Bhuyan is BP and he has formed a bhukti committee. In this committee the above depressed margiis are nominated by him without their consent.

When any unit keeps the door open to all the groups then this type of scene unfolds. It is just like if you leave your doors and windows open then  humans as well as beasts may enter and take over the house.

That is the takeaway - thing to learn - from this entire episode.

in Him,

== Section 2 ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Forced Conversion To Another Religion Is Bad

"In the past there were many instances when large numbers of Hindus were forcibly converted to another religion. Hindus were fed onions or beef without their knowledge and women were abducted, compelling them to transgress their religious beliefs. As a result, they were excommunicated by the Hindu priests. They were declared outcastes. When those who had instigated the transgressions observed this development, they escalate their campaign of forcible conversion." (PNS-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles)

"If Hinduism had not practiced idol worship, Kalachand would not have been converted. Because of his forcible conversion, Kalachand became extremely hostile towards Hinduism and launched his own campaign of terror against it. A religion should be so strong that no one can be converted from it." (PNS-16, Three Cardinal Socio-Political Principles)

"Ánanda Márgiis should never compel people to follow Ánanda Márga philosophy. Rather, they should always inspire people along the path of spirituality by encouraging selfless service, sacrifice, good conduct, spiritual practices, the development of all-round knowledge, etc. Ananda Marga is a comprehensive mode of living based on spirituality, and in Ananda Marga sádhaná, dhyana and japa are atmic or dharmic jiivika." (Prout in Nutshell - 16, Three Types of Occupation)

Note: In Ananda Marga, we do not subscribe to the policy of forced conversions; whereas, this approach is prevalent in many of the religions where they convert their prey under the pressure of the sword or by brute force. This is especially true of the Semitic religions. They did this in the past and they are doing at present also. In Ananda Marga, we do not support that modus operendii. Rather people come to accept Ananda Marga by their own free will and desire, after understanding and learning the fundamentals. A similar approach should be taken with one's own kids also. Do not force them to participate, rather logically convince them, little by little.

== Section 3 ==

~ I Have Searched You For Ages And Ages ~

PS Intro: The following two terms appear in the below purport.

[1] Jiirn’ Tarii: (literally meaning ‘worn-out boat’). This term indicates how the journey has been slow in their worn-out boat. Non-margii life is a very slow journey. Even after getting initiation onto the path of sadhana the aspirant is just lazily attending to his meditation practice – inching his way towards Parama Purusa. So the sadhaka is not pointed in his approach. That is why he is moving very slowly. And this is conveyed by use of the term - jiirn’ tarii (worn-out boat) - in the below song.

[2] Ka’ler Sagar: (literally meaning ‘ocean of time’). Since one’s initial birth there is a vast yet measurable distance between the aspirant and their Goal. That distance which spans countless lifetimes is known as the ocean of time. That expanse is what the sadhaka must cross to reach their goal. And by slowly revolving around the Cosmic Nucleus one advances on their journey. The sadhaka has been crossing that ocean of time. And there is sure to come a day when invariably that sadhaka will traverse that entire ocean of time and become one with their cherished Goal – Parama Purusa.

“Toma’y a’mi khunje gechi, kato na’ yug dhare kato yug dhare...” (PS 4018)

O’ my Dearmost, I have searched You for ages and ages. Since time immemorial, since the dawn of my existence, I have been seeking You. I have rowed this worn-out boat, jiirn’ tarii [1], in this ocean of time, ka’ler sagar [2] for so many lives – one after another. O my Lord, birth after birth, creeping across the expanse, I have been slowly moving towards You. And now today, still, I am just doing my lethargic meditation, trying to reach to Your lotus feet.

O’ Divine Entity, O’ Parama Purusa, I have been searching You in all the directions: Left and right, front and back, up and down, far away and close by, in each and every nook and corner of this vast creation – everywhere. I have also looked for You in the scenic panorama of forms throughout this expressed universe. I have looked so many places in search of You.

O’ Prabhu, no matter where I looked, You could not be found. You did not give me any hint as to where You were residing. Nor did You ever tell me Your divine tales or share Your blissful stories indicating Your whereabouts. Baba, I never heard anything from You. Even then, with my heartfelt longing I go on calling You – just to please You and have You.

Baba, You have blessed me with the understanding that You reside in my heart eternally...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

लालची पुरोधा विवाह टैक्स – Greedy Purodha & Marriage Tax


लालची पुरोधा विवाह टैक्स – Greedy Purodha & Marriage Tax

~ भाग 3 ~

पीपी का विवाह टेक्स ग्रुप लीडर्स के पास पहुँचता है। अब एक ग्रुप के पीपी दादा के द्वारा विवाह आशीर्वाद की फीस दस हजार रुपयों से भी अधिक ली जा रही है। इस प्रक्रिया में पीपी दादा उस ग्रुप के लीडरों के हाथ की कठपुतली हैं। सभी रुपया और फीस उन ग्रुप लीडरों के पास सीधे ही पहुँचती है। इससे अन्य दादाओं के लिए भी विवाह की फीस लेने के लिए रास्ता खुल गया है। कुछ दादा लोग नव विवाहतों को परिचय करने और कुछ विवाह क्रिया संपन्न करने की फीस लेने लगेंगे। यह पता लगाना कठिन नहीं है कि यह कहाँ हो रहा है। यह सही है कि सभी दादा लोग इस कार्य में नहीं लगे हैं पर यदि थोड़े लोग ही इस काम में लगे हैं तो यह पूरे सिस्टम को बिगाड़ने के लिए पर्याप्त है। हमारी विवाह पद्धति सभी के लिए मुफ्त में कार्य करने के लिए ही बनाई गई है पर अब पीपी के द्वारा फीस लिया जाना—इसे अलग दिशा में ले जायेगा। हमने यह भी देखा है कि किस प्रकार कुछ होलटाइमर, मार्गियों से श्राद्ध के नाम पर पैसा ले रहे हैं। और अन्य अखंड कीर्तन आदि में  नहीं जाते हैं, जब तक उन्हें आयोजनकर्ताओं की अोर से ठोस रकम नहीं मिल जाती। पीपी दादा के विवाह टेक्स के यह परिणाम हैं।

कार्यक्रमों के संपन्न करने और उनमे भाग लेने के लिए फीस लेने का धंधा, कुछ दादाओं को पैसा बनाने का सरल उपाय मिल गया है, जिसे अपनाकर वे जीवन जीने के आदी हो गए हैं। जब तक पारिवारिक मार्गियों द्वारा सामूहिक प्रयास कर इन दादाओंं के इस कार्य का विरोध नहीं किया जाता, उनका यह शोषण कार्य जारी रहेगा।वे जब भी सम्भव होगा इस प्रकार धन बटोरते रहेंगे।

 विवाह टेक्स का दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण प्रभाव

अब हमारा आनन्दमार्ग हिंदुओं के डागमेटिक पुजारियों की तरह उनके बनाये गए रास्ते पर चलने लगा है। विभिन्न ग्रुपों के चुने हुए पीपी, ग्रुप लीडरों के हाथ के खिलोने हैं। इन्होंने विवाह टेक्स लेने कि परंपरा बना दी है, और वह दिन दूर नहीं जब अन्य दादा लोग डीएमएस के समय अपने अपने स्टाल लगाएंगे, और विवाह, भौतिक सलाहो, अनुशंषाओं कार्यक्रमों में भाग लेने की भी फीस लेने लगेंगे। और फिर धीरे धीरे दीक्षा देने की भी फीस लेने लगेंगे। ये दादा परिवार के मुखिया से नयी ड्रेस और चश्मा भी विवाह-फीस के रूप में लेने लगेंगे। और यदि वे सप्ताह या माह में ५ शादियां करते हैं तो अतिरिक्त ड्रेसें बेच कर लाभ कमाएंगे।

फिर आनंदमार्ग भी हिंदुओं के काशी , पुरी,रामेश्वरम,द्वारका,अयोध्या, गया, देवघर, प्रयाग आदि की तरह व्यर्थ के रीति रिवाजों और डोग्मा में बंध जाएगा। यह सचमुच बड़ा भयावह है। इस प्रकार शादियां अत्य़धिक खर्चीली होकर, लोगों को बिना विवाह के रहने को विवश कर देंगी और हम उस युग में पहुँच जायेंगे जहाँ भौतिकवादी लोग अपने बच्चों के प्रति उदासीन होकर, गैरजिम्मेदार जीवन जीते हैं। यही कारण है कि मार्ग में वैवाहिक प्रणाली से, किसी प्रकार का कर नहीं जोड़ा जाना चाहिए, नहीं तो परिणाम अनर्थकारी होंगे। हमें तत्काल इस नए प्रचलन को बंद कराकर, मार्ग को सही रस्ते पर लाने में देरी नहीं करना चाहिए।

पीपी मात्र कठपुतली

पीपी मात्र कठपुतली और प्रतीकात्मक हैं , पीपी आशर्वाद नहीं दे सकते, अच्छा यही है कि शतप्रतिशत बाबा पर ही निर्भर रहें।

निश्चय ही नव विवाहितों को आशर्वाद मिलना चाहिए, पर उन्हें पीपी दादा के पास क्यों nahiin जाना चाहिए, क्योकि पहले तो उन्हें इस कार्य के लिए पीपी को अर्थात् उन ग्रुप लीडरों को ,कुछ भी देने के लिए किसी भी प्रकार का दवाव नहीं डाला जाना चाहिए, और दुसरे यह कि पीपी तो वर्त्तमान में केवल प्रतीकात्मक हैं धार्मिक गुरु नहीं, इसलिए उनके आशीर्वाद का कोई मूल्य नहीं है। अच्छा तो यह है कि स्थानीय वरिष्ठ मार्गी जिसने महान कार्य के लिए त्याग किया हो, उसके पास जा कर आशीर्वाद लेना, अपेक्षाकृत श्रेष्ठ है। उनके पास जाकर आशर्वाद लेने की आवश्यकता नहीं है जो पद प्रतिष्ठा और पोस्ट के लिए परस्पर लड़ रहे हैं, और मार्ग को बिभाजित कर कमजोर बना रहे हैं।
दूसरा सर्वोत्तम रास्ता यह है कि परम गुरु बाबा पर ही निर्भर रहा जाये।

बाबा का वैवाहिक आशीर्वाद

डीएमसी और अन्य चुने हुए अवसरों पर बाबा विवाहितों को आशीर्वाद दिया करते थे। नव विवाहित युगल हाथ में माला ले कर stage पर बैठे हुए बाबा के सामने आते, और उन्हें प्रणाम करते, फिर बाबा अपने हाथ से माला को स्पर्श कर आशीर्वाद देते हुए यह कहा करते थे—“शिव और पार्वती कि तरह बनो”.  इसके बाद दोनों मालायें वधु को दे दिया करते, और युगल, प्रणाम कर स्टेज से बाहर आ जाया करते।
बहुत से अन्य आशीर्वचन जो समय समय पर बाबा कहा करते थे उन्हें नीचे दिया जा रहा है।
नोट:- नीचे बाबा द्वारा दिए गए अनेक प्रकारों में से कुछ के प्रतिलेखन दिए जा रहे हैं। यहाँ यह समझ लेना उचित होगा कि बाबा भारतीय वधुओं कि अपेक्षा पश्चिमी वधुओं को भिन्न प्रकार आशीर्वाद दिया करते थे। पश्चिमी वधुओं को “माइ लिटिल गर्ल” और भारतीय वधुओं को “माँ ” सम्बोधित किया करते। अतः इन सम्बोधनों को हिंदी में अनुवाद किया जाना आवश्यक नहीं है।

(A) “इस जगत्‌ में हर पार्वती के समान रहोगे | सामाजिक, मानसिक, आध्यात्मिक, हर क्षेत्र में, तान्त्रिक आदर्श के अनुसार रहोगे | तुम्हारे आचरण से लोग हर पार्वती को याद करें | रखो लो, माँ, यह अपने पास रख लो |”
(B) “इस संसार में हर-पार्वती के समान रहो | अपना कर्त्तव्य करते रहो | तुमसे मानव समाज की सेवा हो, कल्याण हो, तुम्हारा भी कल्याण हो | लो, माँ | इसे अपने पास रख लो |”
(C) “इस दुनिया में हर पार्वती के समान रहो | कर्त्तव्य करते रहो, तुमसे विश्व की सेवा हो, कल्याण हो, और तुम दोनों का भी कल्याण हो | रखो लो, माँ, यह अपने पास रख लो |”
(D) “हर पार्वती के समान रहो | कर्त्तव्य करो, दुनिया की सेवा हो तुमसे, कल्याण हो, और तुम दोनों का भी कल्याण हो |” [माला मार्गी बहन को देते हुए |] रख लो माँ |”
(E) “जाओ माँ ! हर पार्वती के समान रहो | तुम्हारी सेवा से, तुम्हारे कर्म से समूचा विश्व का कल्याण हो, और तुम दोनों का भी कल्याण हो | शुभमस्तु | [माला] लो माँ ! अपने पास रखना |”

आजकल बाबा आशीर्वाद कैसे

आजकल जब कोई विवाह आशीर्वाद लेने जाएँ तो बाबा के प्रति समर्पित वरिष्ठ मार्गी कहेगा :-
“इस जगत्‌ में हर पार्वती के समान रहोगे | सामाजिक, मानसिक, आध्यात्मिक, हर क्षेत्र में, तान्त्रिक आदर्श के अनुसार रहोगे | तुम्हारे आचरण से लोग हर पार्वती को याद करें | रखो लो, माँ, यह अपने पास रख लो |”

और दूसरा कोई उपाय नहीं है क्योंकि साधक तो मात्र बाबा के हाथ का खिलौना है। वास्तव में केवल गुरु ही आशीष दे सक्ता है। दुर्भाग्य से आजकल पीपी दादा, अपनी और से तथाकथत आशीर्वाद देते हैं, जैसे वे इस कार्य के लिए योग्य हों। यह दो प्रकार से गलत है। पहला यह कि यह व्यापारिक दृष्टि से किया जा रहा है, और दूसरा यह कि कोई आदमी किसी को आशीर्वाद नहीं दे सकता है।

इसलिए तथाकथित आशीर्वाद प्रतीकात्मक पीपी दादा से क्यों लिया जाये, जो कि अपने लोभ के लिये फीस के रूपये ले रहे हैं, इस प्रकार का आशीर्वाद निष्फल जाता है।

नमस्कार ,
बाबा के चरणों में

 ~ All readers are requested to scroll down and see the photo of the global in-charge and send him a copy of this email. ~




Now a fee of upwards of RS10,000 is being charged by a group’s PP Dada to get his “marriage blessing.” In this process, that PP Dada is just a puppet in the hands of those running that particular group. All monies and fees will go directly to those group leaders.

This has set the stage for other levels of Dadas to impose their fee and get a payment in the marriage process. Some will charge for introducing the couple and others will charge for performing the ceremony. It is not difficult to see where this is going. Certainly not every Dada will engage in this, but when even a few do it is enough to spoil the entire system.

Our marriage system is designed to be free of any and all costs, yet now with the imposition of a payment to get PP’s so-called blessing, things are heading in the wrong direction. Because we are also witnessing how some Wts are charging margii families for performing shraddha ceremonies, while other Wts will not attend a retreat or akhanda kiirtan unless they are assured a solid payment from the organisers. Theses are are “spillover” of the PP Dada marriage tax. Other Dadas are sizing up how they too can profit from various Ananda Marga social functions – verily this is already going on.

Charging fees for attending programs and performing ceremonies has been such a big money-maker for some Dadas that they have become tied to this easy way of life. Until and unless, there is a strong and united resistance by family margiis, those select Dadas will continue to exploit in this way. They will levy their fees and taxes whenever and wherever possible. For them it is easy money.


Now our Ananda Marga is marching down the road paved by dogmatic Hindu priests. For the various groups, their chosen PP became a stooge in the hands of the group leaders. This started the marriage blessing tax and it will not be long before some more Dadas open up their own marriage stalls at DMS and charge for marital advice, recommendations, engagements, ceremonies and services. They will charge a fee every step of the way – including initiation into Ananda Marga.

Such Dadas may even demand a new dress (from head to toe including eye glasses) in exchange for performing the marriage. And if they did 5 marriages in one weekend or one month, then they will sell the extra clothes for a profit.
The same Hindu dogma which has littered Kashi, Varanasi, Puri, Rameshvaram, Dwarka, Ayodhya, Gaya, Deoghar and Prayag will infest our Ananda Marga marriage system. That is the very real threat. In that case marriage will become one exorbitant affair that weighs heavy on the public pocket so people will avoid marriages altogether and pursue sensual relations outside of marriage, leave children unattended to, and tragically, we will be back to that pre Lord Shiva era or become a mirror image of today’s materialistic culture where having children out of wedlock is common. It will be just like what is happening now in materialistic regions.

That is why no money should be associated with our Ananda Marga marriage system. Otherwise the results will be nothing short of disastrous. We should stop the current indiscretions immediately and set our Marga back on the right path – without delay.



Most definitely, a marriage blessing should be available to newly married people. But why should they go to PP Dada for such a “blessing”. Firstly they should not be forced to pay Purodha Pramukha, i.e. those group leaders, and secondly at present PP Dada is just a figurehead – not a dharmika. So why get the blessing of PP. That has no value.

The better way is to get the blessing done by any sincere, local senior margii who has sacrificed for the great cause. There is no need to get the blessing from various opportunists who are fighting for the post and dividing the organisation.
Or one can simply depend on Baba – that might be the best approach of all. Though it certainly is acceptable to seek out the blessing of one true dharmika in Ananda Marga.

But to run after the blessing of PP Dada is just meaningless. Especially when PP is just a puppet of the ruling regime. We must not allow PP’s so-called blessing to become one ritual in Ananda Marga.

Better to just seek out any genuine margii in your local unit.


During DMC and select other occasions, Baba would graciously arrange for marriage blessings. The newly married couple would come in front of Baba with with malas and do pranam to Baba as He was seated on the dais. Then Baba would hold take their hands in His hands and touch their malas as well. And He would bless them by saying, “Be like Shiva and Parvatii…” – many sample blessings are enlised below. Then Baba would give both malas to the bride, and the couple would do pranam to Sadguru Baba and exit the stage.

Note: Here below are transcriptions of some of the many ways that Baba would express His blessing. it should be udnerstood that Baba would address brides from the west different from Indian brides. OFten He would address overseas sisters as “My little girl”, whereas He might address Indian sisters as “Mother.” Thus no need to translate “My little girl” into Hindi, or vice versa.

(A) Be like Shiva and Pa’rvatii. Do all your worldly, mental, and spiritual duties with proper zeal. Like Shiva and Pa’rvatii. Kalya’n’amastu
My little girl, keep these garlands with you as your personal property.
(B) Be like Shiva and Parvatii. Let your life be an ideal life, an ideal physical, mental, and spiritual life. Kalya’n’amastu.
(C) Be like Shiva and Parvatii, and do all your duties— physical, mental, and spiritual, with a ta’ntrika zeal.
(D) Strictly adhere to the cult of Shiva and Parvatii. Be great by your sa’dhana’, service, and sacrifice.

(E) इस जगत्‌ में हर पार्वती के समान रहोगे | सामाजिक, मानसिक, आध्यात्मिक, हर क्षेत्र में, तान्त्रिक आदर्श के अनुसार रहोगे | तुम्हारे आचरण से लोग हर पार्वती को याद करें | रखो लो, माँ, यह अपने पास रख लो |
(F) इस संसार में हर-पार्वती के समान रहो | अपना कर्त्तव्य करते रहो | तुमसे मानव समाज की सेवा हो, कल्याण हो, तुम्हारा भी कल्याण हो | लो, माँ | इसे अपने पास रख लो |
(G) इस दुनिया में हर पार्वती के समान रहो | कर्त्तव्य करते रहो, तुमसे विश्व की सेवा हो, कल्याण हो, और तुम दोनों का भी कल्याण हो | रखो लो, माँ, यह अपने पास रख लो |
(H) हर पार्वती के समान रहो | कर्त्तव्य करो, दुनिया की सेवा हो तुमसे, कल्याण हो, और तुम दोनों का भी कल्याण हो |
[माला मार्गी बहन को देते हुए |] रख लो माँ |
(I) जाओ माँ ! हर पार्वती के समान रहो | तुम्हारी सेवा से, तुम्हारे कर्म से समूचा विश्व का कल्याण हो, और तुम दोनों का भी कल्याण हो | शुभमस्तु | [माला] लो माँ ! अपने पास रखना |


Nowadays, when going for Guru’s marriage blessing, a senior trusted margii – devoted to Baba – will state:

“By Baba’s grace, be like Shiva and Parvatii. Let your life be an ideal life, an ideal physical, mental, and spiritual life. By Baba’s grace, may there be eternal peace.”

There is no other way, because that sadhaka is merely an instrument in Baba’s hand. Only Guru can actually bless.

Unfortunately, these days PP Dada is giving his so-called blessing on his own behalf: “Let there be…” as if he himself is capable of authoring such a blessing. This is wrong in two ways. It is just done for business purposes and the acquirement of money, and secondly no human being can bless anyone.

So, why seek out the so-called blessing of a figurehead leader like PP Dada who is charging money to satisfy his own greed. That so-called blessing is impotent.
Margiis must unite and boycott such type of dogma which is discussed in this posting.

At His feet,



Ac Nirmoha'nanda Avt is the global in-charge money goes to his department.  Please read more about this below his photo:

To abolish this problem - marriage tax in Ananda Marga, all are encouraged to send this posting - and your comments - to Ac Nirmoha'nanda Avt to both of the following addresses:



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