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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Voluptuous & luxurious crook + 2 more


Voluptuous & luxurious crook


Baba has given our AMPS to be an ideal structure for serving suffering humanity and teaching dharma sadhana. Thus, the sole function of our Wts is to carry out this grand mission, átmamokśárthaḿ jagaddhitáya ca. They are to render social service and guide others psycho-spiritually. They have no third aim.

Tragically, the unholy hijacking of our AMPS continues. See what has happened with one of our main jágrtis.

While reading this remember, the sole function of our Wts is to serve suffering people in all sorts of ways and guide others psycho-spiritually. They are not to indulge in sex and luxury.

Fancy residence built in jagrti

Unfortunately, something seriously wrong is going on in South Extension New Delhi, i.e. the jagrti in New Delhi that also serves as sectorial office. Rudrananda’s insatiable desire for control and property has taken shape again whereby he ordered Madhuvratananda to construct a personal, private, luxurious residence that consumes the entire first floor, i.e. ground floor. Just in the last few weeks the costly renovation was completed, and it includes fancy marble floors as well as his own personal kitchen, among other special luxurious indulgences. Basically, Rudrananda has constructed a private living quarters, the type of luxurious place that movie stars have. Rudrananda will have this place ready for his own use at his beckon and call, and when not there he has assigned his lackey Madhuvratananda as caretaker of this exclusive residence.

The chief duty of our Wts is to serve suffering people in all realms of life and guide others psycho-spiritually. They should never indulged in sex and luxury.

This type of takeover of the jágrti is completely against our AM values. Our jágrtis are not meant for anyone’s personal privilege or indulgence, regardless of their position or post. Our jágrtis are for the collective use of AM sadhakas who rally around Baba’s given guideline, átmamokśárthaḿ jagaddhitáya ca (self-realization and the welfare of the universe). The current plight of humanity is so poor, that there are an unending array of projects that we are to implement to help those in need. And our Wts are to spearhead, pioneer, and oversee those social service endeavors. But sadly, instead of that, so-called top Wts are involved daylong in their own personal mundane comforts and securing great material wealth for themselves by smuggling and embezzling funds designated for our AMPS service projects. It is most shameful. The key point is that the sole function of our Wts is to serve suffering people in all sorts of ways and guide others psycho-spiritually. They are not to indulge in sex and luxury.

Perks of being Rudrananda's lackey

Given this latest development in South Extension New Delhi, the questions you might have are: (a) Why was Madhuvratananda assigned as the caretaker? (b) What money was used to pay this astronomical cost? And those answers are readily available.

The chief duty of our Wts is to serve suffering people in all realms of life and guide others psycho-spiritually. They should never indulged in sex and luxury.

Firstly, since Madhuvratananda is Rudrananda's chief stooge and right-hand man, that is why Rudrananda placed him there to oversee the building of this luxurious, private residence in our own jágrti. In this palace, Rudrananda can live at a level far above the common man and make other Wts look like mere paupers. And the answer to the second question is that it was paid for by money donated and collected in the name of the Jamalpur master unit project, Ananda Sambhuti. This denotes an utter misuse of funds and deception. Rudranadna and his catalysts go around year-long collecting thousands and millions in the name of their famed Jamalpur project, and then those funds just get diverted into the cash accounts of big-time Wts, i.e. Rudrananda and his favoured stooges. The key point is that the sole function of our Wts is to serve suffering people in all sorts of ways and guide others psycho-spiritually. They are not to indulge in sex and luxury.

As a result of Rudrananda’s palatial living quarters, all visitors and Wts must smoosh themselves into the upper floor of the jágrti so Rudrananda, or Madhuvratananda, can bask in this deluxe suite on the main floor. So godfather Rudrananda and Madhuvratananda have full control over the space.


Our AMPS has a special place in this world. Taraka Brahma Baba came as the third Mahasambhuti on this planet and gave all the plans and programs needed to wipe away the tears and build up a bright new humanity. But due to the debased ways of certain so-called top Wts, our organisation has completely stalled. We are not even doing 0.01% of what we what we are capable of due to the selfish desires of those at the so-called top. They are using AMPS as their own playpen, and do not even attempt to engage in service and sadhana etc. Yet that is our stated aim, and by Baba’s grace with everyone’s best effort it is sure that the tide will soon turn. Our AMPS will once again become that beacon of hope and light for humanity, as sadhakas carry out Sadguru Baba’s mission. 

The chief duty of our Wts is to serve suffering people in all realms of life and guide others psycho-spiritually. They should never indulged in sex and luxury.

By surveying the scene in South Extension New Delhi and seeing all the many ways they exploit and embezzle etc, we can say that Rudrananda and Madhuvratananda are both confirmed sinners. They have no regard for the vow to be a Wt or avadhuta, and they have no feeling for the teachings of neo-humanism and Prout. Their only desire is to live off the fat purse of donations to the bogus Jamalpur project etc. Rudrananda is the topmost sinner and hypocrite; verily, all this mess in South Extension New Delhi has been caused by his mafia-style antics.

in Him,

About AM jágrtis

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The jágrti will be utilized for your assemblies and as a place for collective spiritual functions. The jágrti is the common property of Ananda Margis, hence its sanctity must be meticulously maintained by all." (1)

Thus the jágrti is a meeting place for dharmacakra and a launching point for our vast array of social service projects. It is a veritable hub for carrying out our AM way of life.

The chief duty of our Wts is to serve suffering people in all realms of life and guide others psycho-spiritually. They should never indulged in sex and luxury.

Wts are to lead simple lives of service

This entire set-up in South Extension New Delhi that Rudrananda has built for his own personal luxury flies in the face of so many Wt conduct rules and is certainly contrary to the aims of Prout. Verily it is shameful what is going on.

Wt conduct rule; "One should leave all sorts of luxuries." (37 Workers' Rules, Point #6)

Wt conduct rule: "One should offer something after reducing one’s own expenditure." (37 Workers' Rules, Point #29)

Wt conduct rule: "You will always be accustomed to lead a hard and industrious life." (Fourteen Points, Point #6)

The sole function of our Wts is to serve suffering people in all sorts of ways and guide others psycho-spiritually. They are not to indulge in sex and luxury.

Sinful, wealthy Wts violate Prout

Prout philosophy states, "Each and every person should be convinced that the entire wealth of the world is the common patrimony of all. To utilize that wealth is the birthright of everyone and no interference in that birthright will be permissible." (2)

Prout philosophy states, "In order to be sadvipras they will have to come down to the level of the middle class, because they cannot live in indolent luxury on capital acquired by sinful means. In order to follow the principles of Prout, they will have to fight against sin and injustice, and in order to conduct such a fight properly, they will not be able to keep their wealth – they will have to become middle-class. The meaning of the word sadvipra is “a person who is a moralist and a spiritualist and who fights against immorality”. Earning money in a sinful way or accumulating great wealth is against the fundamental principles of Prout." (3)

The chief duty of our Wts is to serve suffering people in all realms of life and guide others psycho-spiritually. They should never indulged in sex and luxury.

South Extension New Delhi jagrti is in Rudrananda's Name

A few years back, Rudrananda took swift action and changed the paperwork on South Extension New Delhi such that he is the legal owner. His laokik name is registered as the owner of that building and property. They took this measure to ensure that if they lost the court case to B group then still Rudrananda would have control of the property since it was no longer registered in the name of GS / AMPS etc.

The sole function of our Wts is to serve suffering people in all sorts of ways and guide others psycho-spiritually. They are not to indulge in sex and luxury.

1. Caryacarya - 1, Jágrti
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 7, Human Society Is One and Indivisible – 2
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 6, Shúdra Revolution and Sadvipra Society

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Please be gracious and blossom in my mental mirror

"Aungane mor na'hi ele jadi, maner mukure bha'sio..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3019)

My Parama Purusa, if You do not come in my home, then please be gracious and blossom in my mental mirror. If You have not come within the scope of my touch, then I kindly ask that You come in my vision. Baba, I yearn to receive You in the depths of my sadhana - dhyana. So please come. For me, You are everything, so You are welcome to do whatever You wish. Sitting in my mind if You do not want to say anything, then just remain there with me smiling sweetly. Your charm satiates my heart; bless and blossom in my mind.

Supreme Entity, in search of You, so many ages passed in penance. In trying to get You I did so many practices – shravan, manan, nidhidhyasana, sadhana, asana, pranayama, dhyana, and seva etc. But alas, I could not get You. Countless long, dark amavasya nights have passed in waiting for You. Ages went by in sadhana but You did not give me Your darshan. Baba, today, at this dawn hour, I request You to spontaneously appear and dispel the cimmerian darkness from my mind with Your Causeless grace. Please be merciful and blossom in my heart.

Parama Purusa, You have told me that in the realm of meditation nothing is meaningless; that is why with firm determination I want You. One becomes like one’s object of ideation. You have made me understand that by singing and chanting Your name, and by ideating on You, I can realise the Supreme. Now I understand that doing sadhana, kiirtan, japa, dhyana, and ideation on You is not futile. As one thinks, so one becomes. By thinking about You, I will get You. That is why I go on doing all these practices: in order to have You and quench my eternal thirst. Now sanctifying me with the streams of Your karuna, kindly shower Your causeless love upon me; be gracious and come in my mind. Baba, my Supreme Guide, pour Your infinite compassion and remove the shadows of avidya maya from my inner self, and make me Yours.

Baba, with my own merits and qualities I cannot get You. Please keep me always at Your lotus feet…

== Section 3: Links ==

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