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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

BP fight & police + News about Kinshuk


News: BP fight & police


Now police is resolving AMPS disputes. Bokaro Police has resolved Bokaro jagriti issue where two groups were fighting to capture the jagriti.

In Him,

== Section 2: News ==

News about Kinshuk

~ The below is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~
One of the serious unsolved hurdle in the path of UNITY👇


To all Dadas, Didis and Margiis,

All of you should know how, for the past seven years, using the sentiment of being Baba's chosen son, Ac. Kimshuk Ranjan Sarkar has been psychologically fooling the margiis. He promised unity by 2013, but instead, he has actually suppressed the unity process.   Ignoring the procedural order of Baba outlined in Caryacarya, he has been using his power of post as president, to maintain his position indefinitely and to amass a personal fortune.

Before becoming PP/President, Kimshukjii said, that in order to unite the mission, he needed to be accepted unconditionally as PP and president, not subject to any restrictions.  This means that he need not follow Caryacarya, the Procedural order, conduct rules etc.  He promised again and again that he would bring unity within two years, then he would resign his post and hand it over to the whole time workers.  From the very beginning of his becoming AMPS President, he began violating Baba’s rules.  He gave false assurances and took advantage of the sentiment and faith that the workers and margiis had in him as Baba’s chosen son.  Now, seven years have gone by and the organization is not one step closer to unity.  For the past seven years, he has been violating Caryacarya and continues to act as a dictator over an invalid and unconstitutional Central Committee.

It is truly shameful, the way Ac. Kimshuk Ranjan Sarker, the President of so called United administration threatened everyone in the collective meeting of WT workers (Dadas and Didis) on 29th October at 4:30 pm.  He declared openly “No one is to criticize his authority and must not cross his / her area or jurisdiction.” 

 He stated that he has a weapon, and he will use his weapon any time when he feels the need.  We have no idea what kinds of weapon he carries.  Let us see how he himself as a PP/ President violates his area and jurisdiction as per Caryacarya and the procedural order given by Baba.  Such behavior is truly ultra vires to the organization.
All sincere Avadhutas and Avadhutikas who have committed themselves to Anandamurtiji - to His great ideology and to serve the suffering humanity are impatient for unity.  When some unity group workers demanded that some important issues be addressed, instead of bringing the issues out for discussion in a collective forum, he alone took the decision to compel those workers to leave the administration. 
Also, many disciplined and sincere senior workers did not accept their posting under unconstitutional PP, so they were thrown out of the organization and expelled; namely Ac. Japananda Avt, Ac. Sambhutyananda Avt. and many others.

Indian tradition is that the Guru’s biological son steps into his father’s place in an ashram upon his death.  To prevent this claim Baba verbally, but not legally, adopted Rajat Dutta (AKA Kimshuk Ranjan Sarkar).

He does not accept Purodhas who were created before he became PP.  He is making new Purodhas, just to remain lifelong Purodha Pramukha.  He has said that for unity, Purodha issues should not be discussed, so based on what criteria is he selecting Purodhas?  Now he is a self-declared Purodha Pramukha without Purodhas.

He has tossed aside Baba’s system of electing Purodhas and has created Boards of his own selection, as if he alone has the right to make all the decisions.

He has broken the Margiis departmental structure and activities which was built up by Baba and maintained by Kalikata administration.

The Margiis are all under the various departments, so all the various departmental authorities have the right to collect money from their respective members.  But Kimshukjii as president is collecting huge amounts of money directly from Margiis without depositing it in AMPS accounts as per Baba’s treasury system.  For your information, regular donations come from Anup Anandajii from Mumbai, Davejii from South Africa, Pashupatijii from USA, and many other Margiis.  At the same time, he is receiving monthly Rs.120,000.00 from the Ananda Marga central treasury for maintenance. He is taking money from the treasury for the gardener and car driver even though the driver and one of the gardeners are    not working.

Now no one wants to drive his car because of his misbehavior to them.

 He has collected about 20 million ₹ from Anup Anandajii for the construction of the Microvita building without depositing it first in the treasury, and has spent only 6.9 million rupees for the construction of Microvita factory, 2 million for another building and rest of the money he kept in his personal.  As well as that, in the name of construction, he collected more than 5 million rupees from workers and other Margiis without depositing it in the treasury.

  Microvita medicine is under Dravyagun Department and all the profit from the sale of microvita products should be used for the service activities of AMPS.  But in the last 25 years, he has never submitted any report of profit or loss and now no one has the right to ask to see the accounts from him.  Once Ac. Pranavatmakananda Avt. And Ac. Citkrsnananda Avt. requested to Baba for Kimshukjii to help with Microvita products.  Now he has become the sole owner of the Microvita production.

  Recently he has patented about 20 Microvita medicinal formulas in his own name as his own personal property, so he can transfer the ownership to his daughter’s name in future.  Also he has registered a  new company for Microvita which is made up of his family members.

 He had all the big trees cut down at the Tiljala Baba’s quarter for a vegetable garden.  These trees were planted on Baba’s instruction for the shelter of seasonal birds.  But unfortunately these birds were disturbing Kimshukjii's morning sleep, to which he gives more importance than the Baba’s instruction for shelter of the birds.

  As per Caryacarya, Margiis minimum duties are to attend DC and even no one can contest for UBP or BP election, if they do not attend DC.  But he and his family members have never attended any DC, Paincajanya or any kiirtan program during the last 25 years except for 5 minutes kiirtan on Mahaprayan days.  There used to be weekly Dharma Chakra in Baba’s quarter but he stopped it, so he does not feel obliged to attend DC any more.  No one can say that they have seen his family members participate in Kiirtan ever.

  He and his family members should be the example of an ideal Margii family.  Margiis are restricted from taking any intoxicating food but his wife takes betel nut and betel leaf after meals.

 Davejii from South Africa donates 1 million rupees every year for Kimshukjii’s personal purposes.  When he visits, Kimshukjii picks him up from the airport.
      Pashupatiji from the USA gives him $500.00 every month.  He takes him to a restaurant for pizza.
        Anup Anandajii gives him a large amount of money every year.  Kimshuk goes with his family to airport to receive him and lets him stay in Baba’s house when he visits.

  There are at least 50 Baba’s quarters in all over the world.  He is allowed to enter into Baba’s quarters only in the Kolkata region. In all Baba’s quarter’s, those workers who are posted also cook and eat food there.  The dada at the Lake Garden House 【¿】 also used to cook his food and eat in that quarter for years.   One day, Kimshuk saw that dada cooking his food there and became furious and started scolding him left and right, finally that dada left the mission.  Only Kimshukjii’s family has the right to cook and eat there but not any acarya, as if they are not Baba’s family.

 In the guise of caring for senior dadas, he collected unaccounted money from Margiis and constructed new building in Tiljala.  All the buildings are under the maintenance department except that building.  He decides who will live there and keeps the keys of all the rooms with him, as if it is his personal house.

 He is playing divide and rule game to create more divisions amongst the workers instead of bringing unity.

  The President has the right to transfer a central worker, but with the consent of General Secretary.  Kimshukjii alone decides on all the transfers and postings according to his own wish to safeguard his plans for his future.  The establishment (transfer posting) committee in the administration exists in the name sake only.

He has not followed Caryacarya and has formed a central committee of members comprised entirely of his personally selected YES men.

He has made the Microvita building connected to Baba’s quarter, so he can utilize the whole area for his family’s future generations.

  He understands very well that to control the organization for life, he needs weak minded yes men under him who won’t raise their voices at his wrong doing.  So he has chosen those who are sycophants, who have good amount of money in the bank, who are power hungry, who are willing to do false propaganda for him and who are willing to financially support him.

  As per moral ethics Kimshukjii can’t be PP because as a Central Committee member of Ranchi administration he voted to elect Ac. Vishvadevananda Avt., PP of Ranchi.

【24】  As per Caryacarya, he can’t be PP because PP is required to preside over the meetings of Avadhuta board which is only for Avadhtas. And as he is non-avadhuta he can’t even attend that. He can’t be a President in the organization as per procedural order. Also and that’s why, when Ac Raghunathji became the President of Ananda Marga, then these are the same people who protested and refused to submit report in RDS.  So, Kimshukjii is now an illegal and unconstitutional PP and President of Kolikata/ false United administration.

  He sold the patent of Microvita soap to one company in Mumbai.  No one has been able to find out how much money he has received. Now to get that soap, we have to buy it from that company.

  He spreads false propaganda that Bihar margiis are with him. If so, then why are Bengali workers not willing to tour there? It should be remember that numbers can’t make false into truth or vice-versa.

  He is running his administration in the same manner as Ac. Rudrananda Avt.  More than 75% of workers and senior margiis are frustrated with his attitude, his breach of Caryacarya and his failure to follow Baba’s policy and system of procedures.  About 70% of workers are also frustrated in the Ranchi administration but they have almost all AMPS properties in their possession except for those in Bengal.  Due to lack of workers, they are selling the properties from different countries.

Seeing the situation of the organization, one senior margii, Shyam Bang from Delhi requested him to appoint someone from WT workers, as he has no time for the organization.  His reply was “The organization is running well.” He does not participate in daily organizational matters.  He only decides about specific transfers and postings.  He has no time to attend RDS, which occurs once every two months for just one hour.

He has no right to ask anyone to create any WT because he can’t show any sacrifice from him or from his family.  Let’s make his daughter WT first then he can ask for new WT.  But he has made many family Acaryas from margiis in Bihar.

One senior Margi from Australia suggested to him, that if Microvita products could be manufactured in Ananda Nagar then it would be better. 

I personally requested him to arrange at least 5 days visit to Ananda Nagar in 1991 (OCT) so that Microvolts work may be authenticated by work at AMCH & RC as I had over 150 patients to examine and treat at our Global ASS as CMOH from 1990 till 2004, his reply was, "Nirmal Dada, ap to HP halogen bulb hai, mai to chhoto aalo."

  His reply to others was “there is no security in Ananda Nagar”.  Now about 50 Dadas and Didis are working in Ananda Nagar since many years as if they don’t need security.

He often drives his car with his family in front of the DC hall while Dharma Cakra is going on.

  Even if he comes in DC hall to attend special programs, he never sits for more than 5 minutes.   He also sits on a higher level than others.  This is against Caryacarya.

【33】  Like Baba did, Kimshukjii visits one place then another and workers have to wait hours at a time with garlands at his arrival and departure time.

  Kimshukjii mistreated and insulted Ac. Sugatananda Avt.  As a result, he became sick and then died.  Kimshukjii’s behavior and working policy, which is contrary to Caryacarya also caused the illness of Ac. Trvambakeshvarananda Avt., which led to his death.

   According to the constitution of AMPS, a family person is not permitted to hold the position of PP/President.  Kimshukjii was allowed to hold the position temporarily, based on his assurance that he would achieve unity in two years.  Now 7 years have passed; he has lost sight of the goal.    He has set aside the unity process - to create one Ananda Marga.  He is simply indulging himself to excess, seriously depleting the financial assets of AMPS.  This is nothing but the plunder of Baba’s mission.  A man’s true character is revealed when he is given power.  He has failed the test.  He treats all workers as slaves in his company.  He should no longer be able to remain in the top post, to hold the post of PP/President.

He has betrayed the trust of sincere and honest workers.  Now, workers and margiis need to raise their voices, to throw him out immediately, to protect the mission, then to march boldly together toward unity.

 With best wishes
 Dada Divya

~ The above is courtesy of WhatsApp forums ~

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