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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Worthless disciples, mistreating Guru


HHH History

This email contains two sections:

1. Posting: Worthless disciples, mistreating Guru
2. Links

Worthless disciples, mistreating Guru

Note 1: This letter is not for those who do not have reverence for Guru, Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. Those who cannot use their rational mind should not read this email. This is an important issue for the glory of Guru. Here we present the hard facts.

Note 2: In tantra, out of deep reverence, every disciple does sastaunga pranam to Guru. Sastaunga pranam is done by prostrating before Guru. And this pranam is not done to anybody else - only Guru. By this way one can understand that Guru gets utmost respect - above all. This letter is for true tantric disciples.

Recently one incident took place that undermines the most foundational point of tantra - the status of Guru.

As every disciple knows, in our Ananda Marga only Brahma is the Guru.

3-9. Brahmaeva gururekah náparah.
[Only Brahma is the guru, no one else.]

Purport: Brahma alone is the guru. Brahma alone directs the units to the path of emancipation through the media of different receptacles or bodies. No one except Brahma conforms to the real significance of the word “guru”. (1)

And here again we can understand that Brahma has come in the name and form of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

"The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings – That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidyá (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamúrtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (2)

So Baba is the Guru and we are all His disciples, including PP dada. Thus all must have reverence for Guru.

See above photo:
Vishvadevananda is sitting higher

Yet at the recent Ananda Nagar summer DMS 2015, one grave sin was done. Here is what occurred: Purodha Pramukha, i.e. Dada Vishvadevananda ji, appeared on stage at the DMS sitting on an elevated seat that was higher than Guru's place. PP Dada was veritably blocking the photo of Rev Baba. The image is above for your review.

By placing PP Dada's seat higher than Sadguru Baba's place they are not just violating a social code but committing sin. To cast PP Dada or any human being on a pedestal higher than Guru is mahapapa - terrible sin.

Yet that is what occurred at the 2014 summer DMS at Ananda Nagar: PP Dada's seat was higher than Baba's place.

Those involved are sinners and hypocrites. They pose as being great sadhakas wholly devoted to Guru, yet their actions and dealing tell otherwise. Raising the status of PP dada above that of Guru reveals their mindset and true colours. No true devotee could ever do like this.

So first such central dadas are committing sin and then sending this about photo out to the various newspapers.

Jacking him up to reap the benefits

Certain key group leaders and handlers are trying to jack up PP Dada's image in order to reap the benefits. PP Dada is himself a stooge so he has no say in the matter.

It is disrespectful to Guru

Everyone should consider and understand that the DMS organisers themselves published and submitted this photo to the newspaper(s). Some naive people do not realise that the DMS authorities took this photo have been using it to propagate their event.

This has nothing to do with taking the photo from a particular angle or vantage point. This is the official photo of the event. So this has nothing to do with trick photography - this the real deal. They truly did jack up PP Dada seat above Sadguru Baba's photo.

They gloat that their faction is the real Ananda Marga but look what they are doing.

Photo taken by Rudranandji's stooges
and distributed to newspapers

They wanted to publicise this to the whole world: That now Vishvadevananda is the news guru of Rudranandaji, and thus Baba’s status is lower than Vishvadevananda. That is why they have PP Vishvadevananda sitting on a higher seat. Their action shows this - what further proof is needed. This work of taking the photo and giving to the newspapers for the whole world to see was not done by some third party like communists; rather this was done by Dada Rudranandji’s stooges.

Mentality is pathetic and shameful

Stooges of Rudrananda jii (AMPS central) made the photo with the aim to present Baba’s status lower than PP’s status because Dada Rudrananda jii, with his ulterior motive, wants to show that now PP Dada is sitting on throne. So PP Dada is the authority of divine power so Rudrananda can rule from behind the scene.

By their dealing, they are worse than animals. Dada Rudrananda ji wants to convince the whole world about the glory of the new guru of Rudrananda - i.e. PP Dada. Those in Centre want to project PP Dada’s status as being higher than Baba’s status. So AMPS central is showing how they do not give respect to Guru Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji because now Vishvadevananda is the guru. This type of mentality is pathetic and shameful.

In Him,
Liila Shankar

Note 1: Solution: ideal way of displaying Baba's photo -
Preserving sanctity of Guru's photo

As we know, in our dharmacakra halls and jagrtis etc, Guru's photo must be prominently displayed at all times - with due reverence and regard. Best then is to have two photos on display - one lower (around 4 feet off ground), and one higher (around 7 feet off the ground.)

If everyone is sitting in sadhana or Guru Puja then both photos should be displayed. Because everyone is low to the ground and no one will block or disrespect Guru's image.

And if someone is standing or giving a talk, or if akhanda kiirtan is being done, then the lower photo, which is only four feet off the ground, should either be turned around or covered by a small curtain. That way those standing will not block or hover over Guru's photo. At the same time, the higher photo - which is around 7 feet above the ground - will be in full view of all. Those standing will have no chance of blocking that photo. Thus the sanctity of Guru's photo will be maintained and the devotional environment preserved.

At DMS PP Dada should be sitting lower and Revered Baba's photo must be several feet above the seat of PP Dada. Baba's photo must not be below the seat of PP Dada as happened at the summer DMS 2015 at Ananda Nagar - see above photo.

The central idea is that at our Marga gatherings Saguru Baba's photo must be, at  minimum, several feet above the seat of PP Dada.

Note 2: Reverence for Guru

"Trtiiyam' gurupújanam. I must have reverence for the guru. What is the guru? Gu means “darkness”, that is, darkness in the psycho-spiritual sphere. And ru means “dispelling agent”. That is, he who dispels darkness from my psychic and spiritual body is the guru. Gu means “darkness”, ru means “dispeller”. “Trtiiyaḿ gurupújanam. That is, you must have respect for the guru." (3)

Thus every sadhaka must cultivate great reverence for Guru, by His grace. That is the requisite quality of every disciple.

Note 3: Best seat is always reserved for the most respected

So these Dadas have contravened a basic, fundamental rule that even ordinary citizens follow. At any gathering, the best seat is always reserved for the most respected person. At conventions, the president gets the best seat; at forums, the invited speaker gets the best seat; at weddings, a special place is reserved for the bride and groom. But, this basic ethic the Ananda Nagar summer DMS organisers could not follow.

​1. Ananda Sutram 3-9
2. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, pt #1a
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12, Shiva's Seven Secrets

== Section 2 ==


Friday, June 26, 2015

How can we ignore this

How can we ignore this

Now is an important time to again review the following letters circulated by Global-Samgha <>. If you have not yet read these letters it is interesting to know what is going on.

at His lotus feet,

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Global-Samgha <>
Sent: Saturday, 21 September 2013 8:19 PM
Subject: [MargiisSuvaSector] News Kolkata group exposed - publications distortion - SHRADDHANJALI - 18 SEPTEMBER 2012 (KOLKATA CAUCUS KILLED DADA ABHIPREMANANDA JI) 


From: am ideology01 <>
Subject: Why Kolkata group is after Ac Maniishananda Avt
Date: September 2, 2013 1:16:30 PM GMT+05:30

Why Kolkata group is after Ac Maniishananda Avt
First time in the history of AMPS, it was Ac Maniishananda Avt who detected that Kolkata publication department has been distorting Baba discourses knowingly and unknowingly.  After distortion disclosure, Kolkata group blamed dada Maniishananda for some petty things and ultimately expelled him on 30 th Nov 1995. Kolkata group distorts the discourses but does not like to admit their wrongdoing and instead tries to justify their dealing through some phony excuses and fairy tales.

Remember these are the types of people who hid their hideous groupism and unideological dealings from margiis and then expelled Dada Maniishanandji for pointing out the truth about what they were doing. Indeed they wanted to kidnap and finish him.

And now when others are pointing out mistakes in their publications, then those same Dadas are hiding behind their bogus excuse that Dada Maniishanandji stole the cassettes. Such persons are useless and worthless. If they were honest they would accept their mistake and appreciate the publications corrections that are being offered. But instead with their crooked and devious mind, they concoct stupid stories even when they know they themselves are in the wrong.

Really should we anticipate that such scoundrels are going to praise us for pointing out the scriptural distortions. Only an utter fool would expect this. These people are up to no good and nature will not spare them.

They are traitors to Guru and they are ruining His scripture. And when others point out their wrongdoing, then these people create silly stories about why they could not do the job properly. They are fake and insincere. They are so used to cheating and exploiting others that they gave up the responsibility of telling the truth long ago.

All they care about is their own image and their own power - neither Baba’s teachings nor AM publications. Just they are in it for their own self-interest. Such persons are really hypocrites; they are born sinners.

Really we should expect or anticipate that they will garland us for pointing out their wrongdoing. Here the issue has nothing to do with Dada Maniishanandji. The only issue is that these lowly fellows could not do their allotted job properly so they have concocted bogus stories and excuses in hopes of clearing their name from wrongdoing and deceit. But Cosmic Mind sees and knows all - each and every one of these sinners will meet their fate.

Anyone who seeks praise from such scoundrels is devotionally and intellectually bankrupt. No one should live in this way. If these people were honest then they would accept their mistake. Dada Acyutananda himself says that he himself had that same recording for half a decade but never listened to it. How can we think such a person has interest in his work. Rather his only interest is to make up bogus and illegitimate excuses to hide his hideous and nefarious activities.

Remember, who can forget that the Kolkata faction has strong-armed and eliminated perceived enemies and then denied any involvement whatsoever. Such is the measure of their vindictiveness and conscience. No better example stands as when they directly attacked our own avadhutas and ultimately murdered Ac Abhipremananda Avt. They carried out that attack in cold-blood and showed no remorse. Rather than admit their wrongdoing they came up the alibi that local villagers and footballers were involved. So they are murderers and liars as well. They are shameless and despicable, and a slur on what it means to be an avadhuta in Ananda Marga.

It is just like terrorists blasting bomb and then those same terrorists blaming the local doctors  and security personnel for not saving the people.

Similarly, Kolkata group carried out a heinous attack and then blamed Ranchi group for delaying the treatment. Even terrorists do not do this - neither did they do this in the Bombay attacks nor in the recent Boston bombing. In contrast these B group people are cowards plus demons.

Let me again remind that they employed this same violent tendency in their attempts to attack and finish Dada Maniishanandji. They tried to kidnap him and remove him from this earth on numerous occasions. Only by Baba's grace could Dadaji survive.

None should anticipate that these people are going to learn or change in this lifetime nor should anyone expect any type of glorious or ceremonial type of welcoming from them. These degrading souls are verily demons in human form. These are the lowly and notorious creatures that Baba warns us about - all should beware. 
These hypocrites are scoundrels inside and out.
Brotherly Yours,
Ram Kumar
Defectors also want that Baba was only sweet, and not disciplinarian, and not setting out structure and organization.  They want portray Baba as some sweet butter doll, just like cardboard cut-out with no force. Baba was all-round personality with all traits – disciplined and sweet and anger and pressure making on workers.  Kolkata group all day sitting watching videos or sing kiirtan to plants and vegetables.
From: [] On Behalf Of A'nanda Ma'rga NEWS
Sent: Thursday, 19 September 2013 4:21 PM
* * * *
* * * *
September 18th, 2003
* * * *

KOLKATA Group (Defectors 2003).

18th Septemmber 2003, KOLKATA  criminals
 killed Ac Abhiprenananda Avt and chapter of hatred and anger begin. See detail....

Master mind criminal Ex. Sarvatmananda,
 along with Raviishananda, Mantreshvarananda, Bhaveshananda, Sareshvarananda Sunandananda, Viciitrananda(Vikashananda) and others created massacre in broad day light at Anandanagar and severe crisis in the philanthropic organization begin.

* * * * * * * * *

In the Picture .....???

1. Ac Abhipremananda Avt, who was brutally killed in broad day light.
Head and other limbs of Ac Abhipremananda Avt was severely injured, cut and damaged by iron rode, axes and other arms, which resulted him into death.

Holy land of Ananda Nagar witnessed the bloodshed and bloody events organised by the Kolkata criminals,

2. Ac Shyamananda Avt, who got paralyzed for ever and fighting yet with life and death,

3. Ac Raganugananda Avt, whose eye was taken out with iron rode, he lost his eye for ever. Now the artificial eye of stone has been fixed.

4. Ac Jyotiprakashananda Avt, who was beaten up so deadly that not a single part was left undamaged,

5. Ac Susmitananda Avt, who was beaten and thrown from the top of the roof,

6. Ac Dayashikharananda Avt was severely beaten and his hands and legs were fractured.

7. Ac Cirdiipananda Avt got injured,

8. Ac Punyadhishananda Avt got injured,

9. Others....Look at the photograph.

Look at the attached photographs of the sufferers:

Saturday, June 20, 2015

How can we forget S Gopal Shastri of Vizag


This email contains two sections
1. Posting: How can we forget S Gopal Shastri of Vizag
2. Links

How can we forget S Gopal Shastri of Vizag

Note: This letter addresses how one "senior margii" manipulated a social service project, earned good money by bribing AMURT big bosses, AM central workers, & govt officials, and he deprived the real losers - i.e. those simple, innocent, victims who lost their housing. For these reasons the villagers got a very bad impression about Ananda Marga due to cheating. Here below are all the details.

The general tradition is that when a person dies then those speaking at the burial ceremony eulogise the deceased. They only glorify that person and talk about the plus points - and even praise that person for qualities which he did not have. That is the general trend.

In contrast, sometimes newspapers present a more balanced view outlining the person's successes and failures. And that is needed, otherwise the common people will not know the truth, and will not be able to learn from that person's mistakes.

How history gets polluted

For instance, if Mr X died and he was a corrupt fellow, yet all hail him as a great sadhu and elevated soul, then those who did not know him will form an incorrect opinion. They will embrace a bad man as a sadhu. Not only that, notorious wrongdoers who are still alive will think that, “If I keep my prestige as long as I am alive, then after my death everything will be ok. So I should just continue exploiting others as I have been doing.”

One of the most detrimental aspects is that when a so-called important citizen dies a glorified announcement is made of his accomplishments - and then the matter is never raised again. In which case, there was no opportunity to render a proper historical record as his mistakes were not brought to light. Ultimately that proves to be harmful as society does not get a chance to learn and grow from those missteps.

As we know, Guru's teaching about history is that it must be presented as a teaching tool so past mistakes are not repeated. And that applies to reviewing the lives of margiis and wts as well.

Shastri pocketed a large percentage
from the pockets of the homeless

Recently, a short, formal announcement was made about the mahaprayan (death) of Shrii Gopal Shastri jii of Vishakapatnam / Vizag. And that was needed as all should be informed when we lose one of our family members. At the same time a review of his life can also shed light on how we Ananda Margiis can improve: That entails emulating his plus points and learning from his defects. And that is what follows herein.

One of the endeavours that Shastriji was involved in was relief work. And this is an important aspect in the life of any Ananda Margii - to help reduce the suffering of others.

During the disaster relief efforts of the cyclone in Andhra Pradesh in the early 1990’s, the government allotted land to relief organisations to construct a colony of pucca, i.e. concrete, houses for those inhabitants who were uprooted because their house was destroyed. And Shastri jii was part of this relief project. He took on the responsibility of overseeing the rebuilding of homes for the very poor inhabitants of that region. Sadly, those persons had lost their hearth and home and so many of their loved ones in this cyclone tragedy. They were in great despair and had no means to recover their lives. They were at the mercy of the society to be able to survive.

Worst construction:
water was profusely seeping into the house

By this shady maneuver, all those suffering people had their homes rebuilt with the lowest grade materials possible. And the outcome was horrible. When it was time for them to move into their rebuilt homes, it was quickly discovered that the roofs were leaking. Here it should be qualified that we are not talking about a simple leak with a small drip. Rather water was seeping into the entire roof and water was falling like it was raining inside the house. Nearly every square inch of the house was affected - all the walls, the entire floor, everywhere. It was not possible to live in such a dwelling - everything just got destroyed by the water, no one could live in that way.

One other thing to note. Generally in India houses are built with flat roofs as there is no issue of snowfall etc. But Shastri employed one trick. He knew he was using poor materials so he order for the roofs to be made in a sloped fashion. His hope was that the sloped roof would shed the water and cover up his shoddy construction. But he had applied so much sand to the concrete that the sloped roof could not make up the difference. All those houses leaked terribly.

AMURT houses sold to rich people,
the poorest victims got nothing

In turn, so many philanthropic people of India & foreign countries through AMURT funded the rebuilding of their community and Shastri jii was the head of one of those relief efforts. Big money came into his hands which he was entrusted with for getting the work done. But instead of taking care of the situation in an organised and upstanding manner, Shastri jii  allegedly informed AMURT big bosses that due to lack of funds he was unable to complete the project. And he was given approval for collecting money - i.e. 5000rupees - from the poor people who were on the initial list of those who lost their homes due to the cyclone. In this situation some rich people purchased two or three houses by paying good amounts to Shastri jii . Thus rich people were awarded the houses, not the poor people enlisted by the government from the very beginning.

The exact amount collected by Shastri jii  is not known to anybody. He bribed government officials and AMURT big bosses. Then he completed the roof construction of all 108 houses in this project constructed in Regupalem, Yelamanchili  Visakhapatnam.

He stole money of homeless victims

Here is a key example of one thing Shastri jii  did. When rebuilding the homes of those impoverished people, instead of using standard grade cement to make a solid structure - he paid off the inspectors so he could add huge amounts of sand into the concrete mixture. This diluted the concrete and cost much, much less money. So Shastri jii’s  costs were a fraction of what they should have been. This gave him a surplus of funds which he allegedly misdirected into his deep pocket for his luxury expenses etc. Thus real sufferers didn’t get houses,other fake poor people. People started selling houses unofficially.

Public formed poor opinion about Ananda Marga
because impoverished victims were cheated

That happened because proper concrete was not used - rather the sand infested concrete mixture that Shastri jii ordered was porous. In result, the good name of Ananda Marga was dragged through the mud as everyone in that area thought Ananda Margiis were corrupt thieves who cheated the common people.

So those who had already suffered and lost so much now had to deal with a house that had horrible leaks everywhere. And these impoverished people had nowhere to turn to find justice. All the payoffs and bribes were made and the paperwork presented to the government was shined up.

By this shady maneuver, all those suffering people had their homes rebuilt with the lowest grade materials possible. And the outcome was horrible. When it was time for them to move into their rebuilt homes, it was quickly discovered that the roofs were leaking. Here it should be qualified that we are not talking about a simple leak with a small drip. Rather water was seeping into the entire roof and water was falling like it was raining inside the house. Nearly every square inch of the house was affected - all the walls, the entire floor, everywhere. It was not possible to live in such a dwelling - everything just got destroyed by the water, no one could live in that way.

One other thing to note. Generally in India houses are built with flat roofs as there is no issue of snowfall etc. But Shastri jii  employed one trick. He knew he was using poor materials so he order for the roofs to be made in a sloped fashion. His hope was that the sloped roof would shed the water and cover up his shoddy construction. But he had applied so much sand to the concrete that the sloped roof could not make up the difference. All those houses leaked terribly.

In desperation, victims had to pass sleepless nights
with tarps on the leaky roofs of their houses

 All those poor people could do was put tarps on the leaky roofs of their houses in hopes that would seal them up. But invariably the wind would blow those tarps away. Yet with no other option, that is the way they carried on.

It is well known that Shastri jii manipulated the project and hoarded huge funds into his own account by bribing AMURT big bosses, AM central workers & government officials. Sadly the real losers were those impoverished families on the government list who were supposed to receive help and support etc. In that end they got nothing due to Shastri jii’s  selfish and deceptive tactics etc. That is why all those villagers got a very bad impression and formed a very poor opinion about Ananda Marga.

A slur on the name of Ananda Marga

And this all happened due to Shastri jii’s  own greed and lack of concern for those whom he was supposed to serve. It was a major debacle and a gross injustice. This is not how our Ananda Marga service projects are supposed to be conducted - rather it was a slur on the name of AMURT.

All should understand that this account is just an honest review of his actions so that such a scene is not repeated in the future. None should let greed and avarice consume them in this way or allow anyone to derail our Ananda Marga social service projects by engaging in immoral and destructive behaviour.

in Him,
A. Venkat Ramana

Note 1: About Regupalem village -
location of AMURT relief housing project

Regupalem is a Village in Yelamanchili Mandal in Visakhapatanam District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Andhra region. It is located 51 KM towards west from District head quarters Vishakhapatnam and 542 KM from State capital Hyderabad where - under Shastri's leadership - AMURT constructed shady houses for homeless victims of the cyclone.

Note 2: Nutshell of this letter

The summary of this letter is that Shastri ji manipulated the project, earned good money by bribing AMURT big bosses, AM central workers, & govt officials, and he deprived the real losers - i.e. those simple, innocent, victims who lost their housing. For these reasons the villagers got a very bad impression about Ananda Marga due to this incident.

Furthermore, whatever Shastri jii looted, it is alleged that Ac Bhaveshananda Avt, Ac Savitananda Avt, Ac Pranavatmakananda Avt got a pittance offering and that is why they always supported him. It is just like how one rich homeowner, when dining, feeds his three dogs scraps under the table.

Note 3: Death ceremony of Shastri jii and
three dadas planning to meet him in heaven

Because these three Dadas - Ac Bhaveshananda Avt, Ac Savitananda Avt, Ac Pranavatmakananda Avt - were given a pittance they felt obliged and desperate to perform Shastri jii's shraddha ceremony - even though Shastri jii and his family had no interest in the Ananda Marga death ceremony system. But these three Dadas were thinking that one day they will all meet Shartri in heaven and he will again reward them with some pittance.

Note 4: That car used by criminals in kidnapping of Ac Maniisananda Avt

Shastri jii gave his car to the two alleged criminal avadhutas - Ac Raviishananda and Ac Viitamohanananda - as they attempted to kidnap Acarya Maniisananda Avadhuta in October 1995 from the master unit. After the kidnapping, then Raviishananda and Viitamohanananda drove Ac Maniisananda Avt to the Vishakapatnam jagrti. Yet somehow Ac Maniisanandji escaped in the middle of the night Vishakapatnam jagrit, Dadaji literally escaped the jaws of death, by Baba’s grace. Since then, for the last 20 years these blood thirsty criminals have been searching for Ac Maniisananda Avt / Ac Maniishananda Avt. But now that they themselves are in jail so the situation is a little safer for Ac Maniishanandji.

Now those two Dadas - Raviishananda and Viitamohanananda - are sitting in jail for the murder trial of Ac Abhipremananda Avt. These criminals are under arrest in Purulia Central Jail along with other avadhuta criminals.

== Section 2 ==


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Gay issue - depraved artist: cause of a disease which invades the whole social body like a cancer


This email contains three sections:

1. PS #3287: Please be compassionate and do not neglect me
2. End Quote: Gay issue - depraved artist: cause of a disease which invades the whole social body like a cancer
3. Links

Gay issue - depraved artist:
cause of a disease which invades the whole social body like a cancer

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, "Strict vigilance should be kept over the purity of their individual conduct. They should not become the cause of a disease which invades the whole social body like a cancer. If actors and actresses fail to acquire a basic level of personal purity or are reluctant to acquire it, it will be the duty of society and the state to compel them to lead good lives by creating circumstantial pressure. No matter how talented they may be, immoral actors and actresses will have to be deprived of their right to exhibit their artistic talents, and sent to reform schools." (1)

Here Baba is guiding us that those leading debauched lives must not be allowed to work in the art and entertainment industry - whether they be actors, actresses, singers or performers etc. This applies to all those artists leading promiscuous lives.

So this especially applies to the gay and lesbian community that is equally well-known for engaging in the arts and leading sensually depraved lives. Such persons must be forced to lead a sentient life or be removed from the stage.

The real danger is that if they fail to reform themselves, then with their degrading habits and high-profile life they will adversely affect and harm others. And verily we have seen a few cases like this in AMPS. Where artistically-inclined, gay / lesbian musicians and songwriters etc wreaked havoc on innocent margiis by using their star power and manipulating them into relationships etc. Many in numerous sectors have been badly abused by such depraved singers.

That is why Guru's definitive statement is that only those artists who are strict in Sixteen Points may perform. All others must be forced to rectify their conduct. Until then, they are not allowed to appear on the public stage etc.

in Him, 

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations

== Section 2 ==

~ Please be compassionate and do not neglect me ~

"A'ka'she a'loke bhese ja'y, tava mahima'ri katha'..." (PS 3287)


O' Parama Purusa, You are the most magnificent One. The tale of Your glory and grandeur is floating and permeating throughout each and every molecule of the vast, blue sky and in the effulgence - everywhere.

O' my Lord, Your story, the tale of the ever-present, Ancient One, is glittering in all the realms: in both bhuloka and duloka - in the physical and spiritual worlds. You are so gracious.

O' Ancient, Divine One, You are eternally, ever-new. You are always, intrinsically with everyone - just like their vital force, just like their pra'na. You always remain present in my feeling, ideation, and  intuition. For that reason this eternal longing of my heart is for You and You alone. 

O' Parama Purusa Baba, with festivities of light and the flow of effulgence, please color my mind. and sit in the depths of my ideation - dhyana. Play Your divine flute in the deep core of my heart. Please be compassionate and do not neglect or overlook me. Graciously goad my mind towards divinity and show me that path which leads to immortality. 

O' my Lord, O' Baba, please shower Your causeless grace; I surrender at Your lotus feet...

Note: If you would like a copy of the audio file of this PS let us know.

== Section 3 ==


Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sadguru gives test?+ 2 more


Sadguru gives test?

Ananda Marga Scripture says, “I have already said that the sadhaka’s sufferings are caused by the samskaras which one created oneself. One should not therefore be afraid of experiencing these reactions or accuse Brahma of injustice on this account. Humans very often complain, ‘God, so you had this in store for me. Is this my  reward for so much worship and so much charity?’ Such complaints are foolish, even sinful. At the time of suffering a sadhaka should reproach himself for his past misdeeds and refrain from evil actions in order to avoid more suffering in the future. Everyone should bear in mind that as long as the fire of woes is not extinguished–so long as the samskaras are not burned one has got to suffer. That is why I say you must no find fault with others because of your own samskaras; they are merely the reactions caused by your own mistakes and misbehavior.” (1)

Some people do not like to admit their own sins and faults. And in due course when they face the samskara (consequence or reaction), they blame God, i.e. Parama Purusa Baba, for their wrongdoing – thereby committing sin. That is the central idea of the above teaching.

In 1970, Dada T lost faith in Baba because of his own bad samskaras of the past. That time he was very frustrated and he started blaming Baba & accusing Him: “He (Baba) confused my mind and that is why I lost faith in Him.” But, falsely accusing and blaming Guru in this way is sinful. Yet, that is what Dada Tapeshvaranandji did in his book.

But true bhaktas do not blame God for the suffering which they faced for their own sins. That is the essence of the above cited Ananda Marga scripture. So it is sinful to blame Baba by stating He gives tests, harasses, & creates problems & puts thorns on the path.

Again, in our Ananda Marga, there is no scope for blaming Parama Purusa - humans create their own life circumstances. Unfortunately some do not like to admit their own mistakes and faults. And in due course when they face the samskara (consequence), they blame God, i.e. Parama Purusa Baba, for their wrongdoing - thereby committing sin. And even worse, there are some who put forth their own philosophy wherein they blame God for creating so many problems.

Some Dadas come in this later category. They have invented their own false philosophy that “Guru gives tests” whereby disciples must undergo so many arduous rigours.

Thus such Dadas are putting forth their negative teaching in Guru’s name - so that is a double sin. First because the teaching itself is sinful and second because they are attributing that sinful teaching to Guru.


1. SS, pt 2, p.7

== Section 2 ==

O' Parama Purusa, Baba, You love all, unconditionally

"Tumi biná ke bá krpá karite páre,ár káke máne sárá carácare..." (Prabhat Samgiita #350)


O' Parama Purusa, Baba, who else can grace me except You - no one. Who else can I accept as my own in this universe - no one but You.

O' Parama Purusa, Baba, all are looking towards You for Your karuńá [1]. The lyres of all the minds’ viinas harmonically resonate into a single melody today: "You are everything, You are everything." All their sufferings and all their repentance have drowned in the ocean of Your mercy. All the pain has been relieved; all their sorrows have been transformed into bliss, by Your grace.

O' Parama Purusa, Baba, You love all unconditionally, not judging anyone by their merits and demerits. You never hate anyone because they are foolish, dumb, or unintelligent etc. You wholly embrace all irrespective of their qualities. You are the most dear - the heart of hearts of all. Baba, You are the goal of meditation - the anudhya'na of everybody - the veritable goal of all bhaktas. You are final desideratum for everyone. All attain their eternal fulfillment satiation from You alone. Meditating on You, one gets moksa.

O' Baba, no one else is mine but You...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #350:

[1] Karun'a': This is when one is pained by seeing another's suffering and feels, "I should help them get rid from the trouble they are facing." This type of empathetic feeling is karun'a'. For example, suppose you saw one beggar who is suffering. By seeing his pitiful situation then you felt in your heart that "I should help him and remove his suffering – he should get some help right away." This very feeling of the heart towards that suffering beggar is the expression of karuna'.

Suppose a bhakta is suffering in the spiritual realm because of so many problems and difficulties, and they are unable to move ahead in sadhana and devotional life. In such circumstances, Parama Purusa cannot bear to watch His bhaktas go through so much struggle and strife. When devotees are helpless and trying hard to progress in sadhana but their pathway is completely obstructed and they cannot advance in the spiritual sphere or any sphere of life – overcome by various complexes, bondages, and  obstacles – then a feeling of deep, deep empathy develops in the mind of Parama Purusa.

This feeling or mind-set, motivated by seeing their suffering, is karun'a' bha'va. Parama Purusa feels He must rescue them immediately from their spiritual retardation. In that moment, the help He gives to the devotee is the showering of His karun'a'. With His immense feeling of karun'a', He blesses His devotees and relieves them of their pain and suffering in their devotional life. This is nothing but His divine karun'a': Wherein Parama Purus'a cares for the devotees and removes their troubles and hindrances so that once again they can move ahead on the path of sadhana. That is the meaning of karun'a'.

Difference Between Krpa' & Karun'a'

In the case of karun'a', Parama Purusa is moved by a bhakta's suffering and comes forward to save that bhakta from their difficulties. With krpa' (grace), the bhakta is not suffering but even then Parama Purusa is bestowing His blessing.

It is just like if a baby is sick and with great empathy a neighbor selflessly gives that infant more attention without expecting anything in return. That neighbor just lovingly places the sick baby on her lap in a very special way and feeds the baby. That is karuna. Because the neighbor is moved and motivated into action by seeing the sick child's suffering. In contrast, if that same baby is not sick, and the neighbor just wishes to bring the baby on her lap to feed the baby, then that is krpa.

Similarly, when out of empathy Parama Purusa lovingly comes to the aid of His suffering devotee to relieve them of their spiritual strife, that is His karuna; and, if that same devotee is not suffering devotionally, yet Baba still bestows His blessing, that is His krpa.

So there is a distinct difference between krpa (grace) and karuna (compassion).

When Parama Purusa showers His karuna He helps that suffering person and relieves them of their pain and agony - in all spheres of life.

== Section 3 ==


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

PB Example: litter published in the name of Baba


This email contains two sections:
1. Posting: PB Example: litter published in the name of Baba
2. Links

PB Example: litter published in the name of Baba

Here in this case, instead of printing Guru’s discourses - they picked up something from somewhere and published it in the name of Baba. That is their seriously deceptive and devious agenda.

Think of it this way: Imagine traveling by train or plane and thieves stole your luggage and transferred your name tag onto some other baggage. And then police dogs trained in narcotics are sniffing, barking, and identifying those bags with your name on it. Then the customs officers and security are ready to arrest you. You can imagine what kind of situation you will be in. Tragically, that is what they have done with Guru’s discourses; they attached something else in the name of Baba Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji and tried to project it as Baba’s discourse.

Priests and head monks destroyed the teachings of the their guru

History bears testimony that various priests and head monks destroyed the teachings of the their guru by this same method. Now a similar thing is going on. Otherwise why would they put other material in the name of Baba.

As we all know, Prajina Bharati is one of the esteemed magazines in our Ananda Marga. Such periodicals and publications are for spreading the divine teachings of our Sadguru Baba, Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

Furthermore, in tantra, the place of Guru is unparalleled - for His devotees, His every word is mantra: “Mantramúlaḿ Gururvákyam”. Thus, Guru's word is Supreme.

Naturally then, any magazine purporting to put forth Guru's discourses must ensure that what it is publishing in Guru's name is in fact Guru's discourses - not something else.

Printed something else in Guru's name

Unfortunately look what has occurred with a recent edition of Prajina Bharati magazine, May-June 2015, Vol. 39, No. 2, Consecutive No. 250. On page 3 of this magazine the editors have published an article titled “Meditation and Mantra”, which they attribute to Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

And this article is presented as one of the showcase pieces of the magazine. It is the first article in the entire magazine. It is a full 6-pages in length. And it is on a spiritual topic. Clearly they are showcasing this article.

But it is not actually Guru’s discourse. Rather this article - “Meditation and Mantra” - is a stolen item and they falsely attached Baba’s name. So again, this article is not Baba’s discourse.
Go and search as much as you want and you find you will not find this anywhere in Guru’s scripture. Why? Because this is not Guru’s article and these are not Guru’s words.

Perhaps they are testing the waters as they may be using this to see how far they can get away with such tactics in the future by adding Dada Rudrananda’s garbage printing as Baba’s. Otherwise what is the reason for their doing this.

Only stooges get the higher posts these days

Two so-called purodhas - actually they are stooges in the guise of purodhas - who are not aware about Ananda Marga philosophy - have published this bogus article in a recent edition of Prajina Bharati. Seemingly these two purodhas editors - Dada Rakeshananda (editor) & Dada Amaleshananda (sub-editor) - have no idea what they are doing. Otherwise why would they have falsely placed this in the esteemed magazine, Prajina Bharati. This is the unfortunate affair.

Name of guilty party who did deception

Sadly, this chapter will not end soon because we have unqualified purodhas running this Ananda Marga magazine. They will not learn from their mistakes and will undoubtedly create more blunders soon. Reason being they are stooges not purodhas. The way things are going now in the organisation, we will not have real purodhas anytime soon. Only stooges and idiots get the post, not others. That is why these people have become the in-charges of our esteemed Prajina Bharati magazine.

Responsible parties:
Ra’kesha’nanda, Amalesha'nanda, Pra'navesha'nanda

What has occurred here is a serious violation. And remember this is not some kid’s magazine run by two 14-year-olds etc. Prajina Bharati is the established magazine of our Ta’ttvika, A’ca’rya, Avadhuta, and Purodha’ Boards. That means this magazine is representative of our most established and senior Wts - verily our entire Wt cadre. And the very essence of being a Wt / avadhuta is to dedicate and sacrifice everything for Guru and His teachings. But sadly their aim is something different.

These below Dadas are the in-charges of Prajina’ Bha’ratii (प्रज्ञा भारती) so they must also be taken to task for allowing such words to be printed in the name of Sadguru Baba Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.

Editor- A’ca’rya Ra’kesha’nanda Avt. (secy.-Purodha’ Board)
Sub-editor- A’ca’rya Amalesha'nanda Avt (secy.-Avadhuta Board)
Subscription-A’ca’rya Pus'penda'nanda Avt. (secy.-A’ca’rya Board)
Publisher/circulation- A’ca’rya Pra'navesha'nanda Avt. (secy.-Ta’ttvika Board)

Purodha Pramukha, Rudranandaji is the key ring leader

But in the real sense, the top blame goes to Purodha Pramukha Dada as he is a stooge - you can say he is the father of stooge. Then of course Rudranandaji is the key ring leader. Without Rudranandaji at the helm these below worthless Dadas would not have gotten the post. So the matter is serious. Our duty is to condemn this entire process.

This will cast doubt on all Guru’s books

We cannot ignore this. If this continues then all sorts of unrelated materials will be printed in the name of Baba. And then after 50 or 100 years, people will be suspicious and they will harbour doubt about any book with the name Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji as the Author. They will be doubtful and think this is someone else’s writing. Why? Because so many bogus things were published in Baba’s name. That is what is at stake: Bringing all of Guru’s teachings into question.

in Him,
Prashant Yadav

Note 1: About this magazine

Our Ananda Marga magazine - Prajina Bharati - must be held to the highest standards as it is the publication of our Wt boards: Purodha board, avadhuta board, acarya board, and tattvika board. Every aspect of this publication must be completely consistent with Ananda Marga ideology.

That is why it is especially disappointing and painful to see the Prajina Bharati magazine be degraded in this way.

Note 2: Email them

Here is where you can email Dada Rakeshananda ji and Dada Amaleshananda ji and alert them about the situation.

Dada Rakeshananda (editor) -

Dada Amaleshananda (sub-editor) -

Note 3: One sixth of PB allotted for false things

Prajina Bharati is comprised of 32 pages total, and they put six pages of false material. It is a huge percentage of the entire magazine. This is condemnable but sadly such persons are unwilling and unable to learn. It is akin to trying to reach a heron to speak like a parrot. It just will not happen as that heron has no such speaking capacity. Likewise these people are worthless - they are stooges who were given the title as purodha and got the job as editors.

If margiis protest this situation could be changed. This is an ongoing issue and all must be vigilant. 

Note 4: Here is one of the six pages from the magazine

In total this false article has 6 pages and below in note 5 is one page for your review. We did not include all six pages otherwise it is too long for email and we think you may have already have this. But if do not have and if you want the whole article let us know.

Note 5: It is not Baba’s article but His name is attached

Please pay attention to the below scan. This was printed in Prajina Bharati, May-June 2015, Vol. 39, No. 2, Consecutive No. 250, page 3. But this is not Guru’s discourse. They got it from somewhere else and placed the name Shrii Shrii Anandamurti as the author. But that is wrong. It is not Baba’s article.

Note 6: Ra’kesha’nanda & Amalesha'nanda culprits

Here again are the two Dada most responsible for printing this wrong article in the name of Guru.

But again these two Dadas came into this post because they are Rudrananda’s stooge purodhas. So the real culprit is Rudrananda for putting worthless people in the chair and giving them autonomy.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Find out if Goenkaji is thief or not?


This email contains three sections:

1. Posting: Find out if Goenkaji is thief or not?
2. Proof of stolen / plagiarised material
3. Links

Find out if Goenkaji is thief or not?

Respected Readers, Namaskar.
As we all know, theft is against yama and niyama. A person must not claim something that does not belong to them as their own. In the field of literature, that means one should not take another person’s original writing and attach their own name to it. If done, it is known as plagiarism, or theft. But, unfortunately, that is the wrong one person has committed.

On their private mailing list, one senior person sent out an email and placed their own signature at the end, as if it was their original writing. But the reality is that he stole it, deleted the writer’s name as well as the name of the network, and put his own name. Please continue reading to get all the details.

Lifted (stolen) from others

The main issue is that Goenka posted stolen material on his email list and signed it as his own. The story in his email does not belong to him - it is not his. Goenka copied every sentence, deleted the writer’s name, removed the name of the network , and attached his signature / name to it, and sent it to one and all. This all occurred on 05 June, three days after it was originally published on another network.

Stealing and hypocrisy

Remember, circulating dharmic letters & Baba stories is to be appreciated and encouraged.

The problem here is that this person (a) had the chaorya propensity to steal someone’s original work, (b) deleted the writer’s name, (c) erased the name of the network, (d) signed his own name, and (e) bragged to everyone to show that, “Look how great I am - I wrote this.”

It is a case of both stealing and hypocrisy. If he had stolen someone’s writing, signed it, and placed it in his own personal diary then it would only have been a case of thievery. But this is not what he did.

Instead, he stole it, deleted the original writer’s name, removed the name of the network, pasted his own name as the writer, and then circulated it to his entire list to show his greatness. Thus, all those readers were led to believe that it was his own writing. They had no idea he stole it from somewhere else. And G ji did all this to enhance his own prestige. So it is a double sin: stealing and hypocrisy.

The correct way to publish someone else’s written work

Remember, one must never circulate any letter or story by (a) stealing someone else’s original work, (b) deleting their name, (c) removing the the name of the network, (d) signing one’s own name, and (e) bragging by circulating it to everyone to show that, “Look how great I am - I wrote this.” Doing this is sinful - it is both thievery and hypocrisy.

When posting any writing or story from another margii network then it must include: (a) the original email header (subject, date, from, to), (b) the signature, (c) all related notes and references and (d) a link to the original letter.

The standard is to introduce the letter as "Courtesy of such and such email forum or journal etc". Or if one wishes to partially reproduce, edit, adapt, or update someone else’s original material - as G has done - then one must write that person / network ahead of time and get their permission.

Then everyone will clearly understand from where you got the letter, which network it was posted on, and who the original writer is. This is the accepted standard. And so long as one adheres to this standard, then they may forward as many letters as they wish to as wide an audience as possible.

Margiis should be above non-margii standard

In the general society, it is well-accepted not to plagiarise or steal another’s original work / writing. Even elementary school kids are taught this. Most often, in our Ananda Marga, the ethical standard is above that of the general society - but, unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case with G.

The problem here is that G (a) stole other’s original work, (b) deleted their name, (c) removed the name of the network, (d) signed his own name, and (e) bragged to everyone to show that, “Look how great I am - I wrote this.”

Under such conditions, when one has contravened yama and niyama, by committing theft etc, then Sadguru Baba has directed us to take action:

In A Guide to Human Conduct it is written, “All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly.” (1)

Because of Guru’s above tenet I bring this matter to the fore today as this one senior margii has grossly violated the code of Ananda Marga.

Ananda Marga is against plagiarism

Here is how this type of theft / plagiarism is against the ethic of our Ananda Marga and basic human values .

It is the accepted standard and our way not to steal another's work and publish it in your own way. Baba has given a very strict rule on plagiarism.

Why is Baba against this type of plagiarism or stealing someone's work? There are many reasons:

1) It is against the code of asteya (non-stealing).

2) The individual who steals gets degenerated and it sets a bad example in the social sphere.

3) It impedes social progress as others will not be inclined to pursue new and original work as they think that others will just steal it.

4) It breeds a society of lethargy, thievery, and hypocrisy. Because people who will always wait for others to create something new - or they will simply steal from others and publish it in their own name. The impetus to generate new, original work is absent. It is just like those who are lazy in the kitchen and do not cook. Instead they just they wait for others to prepare food and then they eat. Or they will even steal that food and serve it to others so they can brag and say, “See what an amazing cook I am.”

5) Countless stories of devotees need to be published. But some do not want to do the hard work of compiling and writing these stories, so they just steal them from others. But new stories need to be told, otherwise so many unpublished stories of sadhakas will be lost and forgotten forever.

6) The sole motivation is to publish the maximum amount of Baba stories. Everyone should work hard and try to contribute original material in this respect. All unpublished stories should be written.

7) In addition, by following this code then fake stories will not be circulated as everyone will be responsible for demonstrating the authenticity of each story.

8) All should abide by this ethic and code as that is Baba's given system. Failure to do so is sinful.

Baba says, "It is not possible to guide others merely with cheap,  superficial knowledge, like a half-baked pandit who reads a half-a-dozen books and then spouts a few mouthfuls of grandiloquence, and who has obtained a doctorate degree by plagiarising others’ works." (2)

Like a snake in the house

Guru’s following teaching about the danger of having a snake inside the house perfectly suits this incident.

अपना आदमी हो, घर का आदमी हो ; कोई सत्य से इधर-उधर हट गया, sincerity की कमी जिनमें है—उसका विरोध करो, बर्दाश्त मत करो | अपना आदमी है तो क्या है | अपना आदमी अगर असाधु है, insincere है, तो, और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | क्यों ? बाहर में अगर साँप रहा, वह जितना ख़तरनाक है, घर में अगर साँप घुस गया तो और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | इसलिए, और भी, उसका अधिक विरोध होना चाहिए |” (3)

"If our own person or relative deviates from the truth or is lacking sincerity, oppose him, do not tolerate him. It does not matter if he is our own relative. If our own person is dishonest and insincere then he is more dangerous. Why? If there is a snake outside it is dangerous, but if a snake comes inside the house it is more dangerous. Therefore he [our close person] should be opposed more strongly." (4)

In His above teaching, Sadguru Baba explains that bad elements in society are dangerous, but bad elements inside your house - inside your organisation - are more dangerous. Do not tolerate them - oppose them. Thus when Goenkaji is resorting to theft and plagiarism, there is no question of sitting idle. G’s misdeeds must be opposed.

Who stole

I think now you know the name of the senior margii who violated the code of yama and niyama and & went against the Sixteen Points and conduct rules of Ananda Marga.

in Him,

Note 1: Baba’s guideline about thievery / plagiarism

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Activities harmful to the Marga, [[hypocrisy]], theft and the persecution of women are the greatest crimes. Such criminals should be categorized as mahápátakiis (great sinners) and severe measures should be taken against them from the beginning.” (5)

Sadly, when someone steals a Baba story from others and places their own name on that work, then that person merely invites their own degradation.

Note 2: Link to original letter

Here is a link to the original letter by Advaeta as it was posted in its entirety on 02 June 2015 on the Ananda Marga Universal Network.

1. A Guide to Human Conduct
2. PNS-1
3. Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD 25 November 1978 Mumbai
4 Taking Shelter in Satya is the Essence of Sadhana, EGD 25 November 1978 Mumbai, Trans: Dr. T.R.S
5. Caryacarya-2, Society, Point #20a

== Section 2 ==

Proof of stolen / plagiarised material

Here below is the stolen material which one senior margii has stolen from others. This is the material that Goenka stole from Ananda Marga Universal network. The letter was originally written by brother Advaeta (see above link), but Goenka deleted the Advaeta’s signature and placed his own name:

Here is Goenka’s Actual Email

On Friday, June 5, 2015 6:03 AM, Sgoenka <> wrote:


In 1978 at Patna, after one famous General Darshan, Baba, in a loving & smiling way, addressed all the WT & acaryas who were sitting there. Baba said, "You workers (WTs), will you allow margiis to work side by side with you in coordinated cooperation?"

All the WT Dadas responded collectively and said, "Yes, Baba."

After that, Baba again in a smiling way asked all the margiis who were present there in that general darshan, "Will you, (margiis), be able to work side by side with WT Dadas?" Then all the margiis responded with joy, "Yes, Baba."

Then our Beloved Baba was in a very blissful mood & He said, "My sons & My daughters are My two hands & have equal rights. The role of family persons is from bottom to top. And I, (Baba), have made such a system that family persons are on the Purodha Board also."

After this general darshan, Baba asked margiis to sing bhajans. Then Baba graciously blessed all present with His varabhaya mudra. In this way the general darshan blissfully concluded.

Yours brotherly,
S S Goenka.

== Section 3 ==


Here is a link to the original letter by Advaeta as it was posted in its entirety
on 02 June 2015 on the Ananda Marga Universal Network.

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abortion (4) ACB (5) action-reaction theory (1) After Capitalism (2) Ajana Pathik (1) Akhanda Kiirtan (2) Ananda Sutram (4) Ananda Vanii (9) Ananda Yuga (6) animal rights (4) Animal Sex & Gay (3) archive (3) Artists (3) ASANAS (14) astrology (2) avadhuta (81) Baba Story (32) Baba's praise (1) Bait kiirtan (4) Bait Kiirtana (2) balkanisation (1) Bangalisation (22) barter-trade (2) begging (1) bhakta (19) Bhakta Samaj (9) bhakti-dry (1) Bhaskarananda-jinanii (1) Bhukti Pradhan (20) bigots (2) birthday (8) Blaming Baba (11) capitalism (5) caste (15) censorship (1) Childrens Home (16) circumcision (5) civilisation (1) co-ed education (3) communism (12) consciousness raising (2) cosmetics (2) Court Case (9) culture (1) Dada's hair (2) Dadas Books (76) Dadhiici Divas (2) Death (17) demons (2) devotion (31) dharma (14) dharmashastra (1) Dharmavedananda (2) Didi's Hair (3) diorama (1) disease (4) dms (21) dogma (26) Donations (5) donkey birthday (12) doomsday (2) dowry (6) Dyeing Hair (2) East-West (1) education (4) eulogy (2) expulsion (11) extravaganza-jinanii (3) Fake Ananda Vanii (3) fake yoga (15) fasting (4) fear (1) female exploitation (9) fight (11) Fireworks (1) Fishing (3) food disparity (7) forgiveness (4) Gay (9) gay marriage (4) girlfriend-boyfriend (2) Glossary (2) Goat-Ghost (1) Gopa (1) Greatness (1) groupism (137) Guru's Perspective (7) gut-feeling (1) Health of Wts (29) history (4) homosexuality (17) Human Society (2) human trafficking (1) Hypocrisy (10) Illicit Affairs (2) immigration (1) Islam (1) ista (7) Jai Slogan (3) Jamalpur DMS (13) Janmastamii (1) junior workers (2) justice (1) Kanyadana (2) kaosikii (3) Kiirtan (13) Kiirtan as a bait (4) Land Sale (47) Lesbian Prostitute Animals (2) LFT (3) liberation (2) libertine (1) lust (2) mahaprayan (124) Mahaprayan of Ananda Margiis (42) Maheshvarananda (1) Mandela (4) margii rights (53) marriage (29) marriage tax (2) materialism (9) memorial (4) memory (1) merge in mission (6) microvita (2) mind (5) moment of silence (1) Money to Laokik Family (12) Myths in Ananda Marga (3) Namaskar (3) neo-humanism (6) Nillkantha Divas (1) NYSO (2) opposite sex (45) palmistry (4) Peeping Tom (1) pen name (1) photo (17) pisiculture (2) plagiarism (14) Pointing Out (12) poverty (2) PP Dada (60) Prabhat Samgiita (24) pracara (8) Prajina Bharatii (23) Prakrti (1) pranayama (5) protest (4) Prout (46) pseudo-culture (10) publications (100) race relations (4) religious dogma (157) religious traders (24) religoius dogma (2) Retreat (5) Reverence to Guru (82) sadhana (53) sadvipra (5) Salutations (1) samaj (1) Samanvayananda (4) Sanskrit (1) scaring children (2) scripture (114) self-praise (36) Semitic Religions (8) service (18) Sex Scandals (32) shraddha (10) shraddha ceremony (21) shraddhainjali (15) shravanii purnima (2) Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji & Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (5) silent action (4) simple morality (3) sin (8) six spokes (1) sixteen points (5) sleep (3) socialism (2) society (8) stampede (1) tandava (3) teacher (3) tiirtha (26) tips (3) Tomb (3) Touching Feet (1) Training Centre (18) unity (14) urs (1) vishesha yoga (4) Visit with Laokik Family (11) wasted life (2) water bottle (3) writers (5) WT Conduct (362) Yes man (20)


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Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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