Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 10:59:57 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin
Nelson Mandelas life was more consistant with Babas teaching than most of our WTS and margiis alike. As you are fully aware that Ananda Marga is in serious crises due to the lack of forgiveness and magnanimity of mind. Reconciliation amongst our groups is not possible because of the lack of our first of our 15 Shiilas. Nelson Mandela showed the world that through forgiveness what is most impossible is made possible. We, South Africans, are fortunate to have experienced the impact of of a magnanimous mind. Nelson Mandela united a nation on the brink of civil war.
South Africa today is a most vibrant country with huge potential - thanks to Nelson Mandela. Since our first democratic election great progress has been made in the advancement of lives of previously disadvantaged communities. Millions of low cost housing have been provided, tap water provided and electricity supplied to the masses. Yes, I concede, a lot is still to be achieved.
Yes, there many parallels between Ananda Marga and the political movement to which Mandela belonged. South Africans have pledged to follow the legacy of Nelson Mandela. Sadly our leadership (Ananda Marga) have abandoned Babas legacy so soon. Greed for material wealth and power has overwhelmed the sadhakas mind- unimaginably so.
We are celebrating the life of a great personality and not the political movement to which he belonged. For this I am saddened that the TRIBUTE TO NELSON MANDELA was not posted, rather a negative viewpoint has been given centre stage.
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2013 10:59:57 +0200
From: Amrit Lalloo <>
To: Ananda Marga News Bulletin
Nelson Mandelas life was more consistant with Babas teaching than most of our WTS and margiis alike. As you are fully aware that Ananda Marga is in serious crises due to the lack of forgiveness and magnanimity of mind. Reconciliation amongst our groups is not possible because of the lack of our first of our 15 Shiilas. Nelson Mandela showed the world that through forgiveness what is most impossible is made possible. We, South Africans, are fortunate to have experienced the impact of of a magnanimous mind. Nelson Mandela united a nation on the brink of civil war.
South Africa today is a most vibrant country with huge potential - thanks to Nelson Mandela. Since our first democratic election great progress has been made in the advancement of lives of previously disadvantaged communities. Millions of low cost housing have been provided, tap water provided and electricity supplied to the masses. Yes, I concede, a lot is still to be achieved.
Yes, there many parallels between Ananda Marga and the political movement to which Mandela belonged. South Africans have pledged to follow the legacy of Nelson Mandela. Sadly our leadership (Ananda Marga) have abandoned Babas legacy so soon. Greed for material wealth and power has overwhelmed the sadhakas mind- unimaginably so.
We are celebrating the life of a great personality and not the political movement to which he belonged. For this I am saddened that the TRIBUTE TO NELSON MANDELA was not posted, rather a negative viewpoint has been given centre stage.