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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Re: In WhatsApp: degraded person spreads venom + 3 more


Re: In WhatsApp: degraded person spreads venom

I appreciate the point raised: How pseudo and half-baked margiis thrive on social media and enjoy by confusing simple margii bhaktas. That was the grave concern expressed in the posting - In WhatsApp: degraded person spreads venom.

Unfortunately innocent people due to their ignorance praise such loka vymoha karaka people - i.e. half-baked pundits on the prowl for prestige and acclaim.

Those who try to belittle Baba should be dealt with very seriously. This is a matter of Sixteen Points - i.e. point #10 on sanctity of Ista.

Thanks again for raising this issue.

Sadguru Baba says, "The scriptures should always be interpreted by qualified scholars, competent philosophers, and penetrating thinkers. If one tries to interpret a profound scripture with superficial knowledge, the interpreter appears ridiculous and the audience is confused. There are some people who are neither scholars, nor philosophers, nor penetrating thinkers, but merely wander about interpreting scriptures as a means of livelihood. They utterly fail to present the proper matter in the correct perspective before the audience. Such people may be successful in earning a living in the name of shástra vyákhyána, but they do more harm than good to the society. There are still others who interpret the scriptures just to exhibit their intellect – to procure for themselves a certificate of erudition. They too remain far from the living spirit of the scriptures, from the One who is their fountainhead of inspiration. So how can one attain liberation through scriptural interpretation? Rather, some interpreters become inflated with vanity and stray from the supreme goal of life. They become more degenerated than common people." (1)

in Him,
Rodrigo Gomez

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14

Here below is the initial letter on this topic...

In WhatsApp: degraded person spreads venom

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji.

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You make everyone dance to Your sweet will

“Báre báre jiiver tare, áso tumi e dharáte, devádideva sambhútite…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3899)

O’ Parama Purusa, You take advent on this earth in the form of Mahasambhuti, age after age. You are devádideva. Time and again, You come to bhaktas for their all-round welfare. O’ the Controller of sriśt́i (creation), sthiti (preservation), and pralaya (withdrawal) - i.e. You oversee the birth, death and maintainence / preservation of this entire cosmos. You come as infinite streams of love and compassion; You are love-personified.

O’ the Supreme Entity, no one knows where You reside. No one knows why You never take any rest. You go on playing Your divine liila continually all the 24 hours - always. There are so many things that I do not know about You. You do not come and go; You are ever-present. O’ Parama Purusa, in this elaborate liila of Yours, You make everyone dance to Your sweet will.

Baba, O’ Táraka Brahma, my Dearest One, You are the most adorable Entity, and You have all virtues and noblest attributions. You are the Goal of everyone’s sadhana. With Your ota and prota yoga [1], You are always help. Give me shelter under your feet...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #3899

What is ota-prota yoga - 1

[1] Ota-Prota Yoga: By way of analogy we can best understand this term. Suppose a mother has five children. When she loves any one of them individually then that is akin to her ota yoga relation with that particular child. She has this type of ota yoga relation with each and every one of her children on a personal, individual level. In contrast, when that same mother loves and cares for her five children all together as a whole, collective family then that is akin to prota yoga.

Similarly, Parama Purusa has an individual loving relation with every bhakta on a personal, individual level. Whatever that bhakta thinks and says then Parama Purusa lovingly listens and cares for that bhakta. So that is the very personal relation of ota yoga. And when He thinks about the entire creation and the welfare of all at the same time, then that connection is prota yog

In their own personal life, every bhakta should appreciate Parama Purusa’s relation as ota yoga - i.e. a very intimate, personal link; whereas, lower grade bhaktas relate more to Parama Purusa via His approach of prota yoga.

In Subhasita Samgraha part 17 (Gwalior DMC in 1984), Baba has given the meaning of ota yoga and prota yoga in English. Ota yoga is "individual tactuality" between Parama Purusa and the unit entity; and, prota yoga is "collective tactuality" between Parama Purusa and all the entities, simultaneously.

The above definition describes the intimate relation between Parama Purusa and His jiivas through His ota & prota yoga. This same term has been explained in a slightly different manner in the following discourse.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What is ota-yoga? He as the Cosmic Father has a direct relationship with each and every entity of this world...All are His affectionate children. This is His ota-yoga. Each and every entity, animate or inanimate, has a direct link with Him. Just as ota yoga means the Cosmic Father's relationship with each entity individually, prota yoga means His relationship with all collectively." (1)

And here is more about ota-prota yoga:

What is ota-prota yoga - 2

Otahprotah yogábhyáḿ saḿyuktah Puruśottamah.

[Puruśottama is linked to each entity individually and to all entities collectively.]

Ananda Sutram Purport: Puruśottama, the Nucleus of the universe, is the witness of and is directly concerned with every unit entity. This association of His is called ota yoga [the yoga of individual association]. Evidently Puruśottama is the collective entity of the universe as well as witness of the collective mind. This association of His with the collectivity is called prota yoga [the yoga of pervasive association]. In other words, it may be said that the one who is associated with His objects through both ota and prota yogas at the same time is Puruśottama. (2)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Suppose there is a virtuous discussion going on somewhere. If you invite two hundred people to this discussion, you will find that only sixty invitees have turned up, at the most. Out of these participants about ten or twelve people at most listen with patience and bhakti to the talks; and out of these listeners, only some properly understand the subject discussed. Then again, out of this small group that has understood, only a very few may retain in their minds what they have understood. Lastly, only one or two persons of this last group may practice in their daily lives what they have learnt and understood. This is only due to the clash between vidyá and avidyá in the mind, and in this clash the triumph of avidyá or the extroversive force means running from the introversive bent of vidyá. It is because of the saḿskaras of animality that the introversive momentum is rare in the average human mind. The sensuous desires of avidyá continue to infiltrate into every thought process. Such a situation continues for a long time in a sádhaka’s life.” (3)

क्या है--ओतयोग और प्रोतयोग, individual tactuality and collective tactuality

what ota prota yoga

 परमपुरुष जहाँ व्यष्टि के साथ सम्पर्कित हैं—वह क्या है ? न, individual tactuality | इसी individual tactuality को हम लोग संस्कृत में कहते हैं "ओतयोग" | और collective tactuality, परमपुरुष के साथ विश्वब्रह्माण्ड का जो सम्पर्क, collective tactuality, उसी को कहते हैं "प्रोतयोग" |

इसलिए दर्शन के द्वारा तथा विज्ञान के द्वारा यह सिद्ध होता है अच्छी तरह से कि—किसी भी हालत में कोई भी जीव अकेला नहीं है | परमपुरुष साथ हैं, देख रहे हैं | वह क्या कर रहा है ? क्या सोच रहा है ? देख रहे हैं | और जीव-जगत्‌ भी बेसहारा नहीं है | उन्हें भी परमपुरुष सामूहिक दृष्टि से देख रहे हैं | उनके साथ हैं | इसलिए वे भी बेसहारा नहीं हैं | समाज क्या करता है, जगत्‌ क्या करता है—परमपुरुष देख रहे हैं | व्यष्टि क्या करता है, वह भी देख रहे हैं | इससे सुविधा ज़्यादे, असुविधा कम | असुविधा एक है कि लुक-छिपकर कुछ कर नहीं सकोगे | सब कुछ देख रहे हैं | क्यों ? न, सब कुछ उनको मालूम है; ओतयोग से भी, प्रोतयोग से भी | Individual tactuality से भी, collective tactuality से भी | लुक-छिपकर कुछ कर लोगे, सो अवसर नहीं मिलेगा | वैसा मौका तुमको नहीं मिलेगा |

वैयष्टिक जीवन और सामूहिक जीवन दोनों पाप की सज़ा होगी

Collective body में भी, आठ, दस, बीस, पच्चीस, दस-बीस लाख, दस-बीस करोड़ आदमी भी बैठकर कुछ अनुचित काम करता है, बेसहारा पर ज़ुल्म करता है, निर्बल पर अत्याचार करता है, परमपुरुष देख लेंगे | यह बात छिपी हुई नहीं रहेगी | तो, जो कुछ भी देख लेंगे, उनके विधान के अनुसार वैयष्टिक जीवन में जैसा पाप का प्रायश्चित्त करना पड़ता है, सामूहिक जीवन में भी वैसा करना पड़ेगा | आज अगर दुनिया के एक मद्गर्वी कौम एक निर्बल कौम पर अत्याचार कर रहा है, परमपुरुष तो देख लिए | इसलिए उस पाप का प्रायश्चित्त atonement उन्हें करना पड़ेगा (4)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 6
2. Ananda Sutram, Sutra 2-10
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 3, Supreme Benevolence and Mundane Pleasure
4. V22-22 इस विश्व में कोई अकेला नहीं, कोई असहाय नहीं EGD 21 March 1984 Gwalior

== Section 3: Special Teaching ==

Analogy of washerman, sin, smashing clothes on rock

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “Doing what a human being should not do is pápa, and not doing what a human being should do is pratyaváya. Pátaka includes both pápa and pratyaváya. You should not steal, and, if you do, you commit pápa. You should assist a helpless person, and, if you do not, you commit pratyaváya. Pápa seems good as long as we do not get the reaction of our pápa. Have you seen a washerman washing clothes in an Indian town? He lifts the clothes he is washing high up in the air, and the clothes think they are moving up and feel elated. But they do not realize that the higher they are raised, the harder they are hit against the washing stone. The persons who commit pápa are like those clothes who think that they are having a nice time and are moving up. They enjoy themselves in pápa. But when they suffer the reaction of pápa, they find themselves in misery, like the clothes they get beaten on the stone.” (1)

Here Baba gives us a powerful metaphor for doing evil and its consequences. The higher the washerman raises the clothes, the harder they will hit the stone to be cleaned. You can imagine that the dirtier the clothes are, the higher they will be raised. But up there in the air, the clothes feel good. Those who commit evil actions feel good while doing it. The better they feel doing their evil actions, the more pain they will experience when they hit the stone. You have heard, the higher they are, the harder they fall. Baba warns of how seductive doing evil is, and how terrible it is to become committed to doing evil actions.

Also important here is to recognize that the clothes (the person doing evil) do not recognize their plight. The more evil they commit, the more they enjoy it and the less they recognize the danger of what they are doing. Sin begins in this way.

In Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, The Complications of Doing Evil

== Section 4: Links ==

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  

This email contains five sections:
1. PS #3899: You make everyone dance to your sweet will
2. Posting: Re: In WhatsApp: degraded person spreads venom
3. Notes for PS #3899
4. Special Topic: Analogy of washerman, sin, smashing clothes...
5. Links

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wobbly Avadhuta


Wobbly wt

I remember, one time in 1990 when Baba initiated many brahmacariis in avadhuta sadhana, and took oath as an avadhuta, while giving blessing to them, Baba said "These are the newly created avadhutas who are going to all corners of the globe to propagate Bhagavata dharma". And in many other occasions, while giving the definition of avadhuta, Baba told the audience that "Avadhutas are those who are above all kinds of degrading propensities. and have established themselves in brahma bhava. They are elevated and can be called as a second god."
Loose so-called avadhutas are quite common
But unfortunately, those standards which Baba has put forth, in the present real-world scenario they exist in dreamland only. Rarely do we see such things. Rather, these days loose so-called avadhutas are quite common. Here is the example. Everybody knows that this dada is Ramashrayananda. By seeing this image, it is quite obvious that he is fake. He is a habitually loose wt. For new people it may be a surprise, and think that there is nothing wrong here. Those who cannot understand, please read these conduct rules which sadguru has given the avadhutas to follow. Those who are not following, are fake.
In Him,
(Lucy Dennings)
Wt conduct Rules do’s and don’ts
Here are some of the Wt rules of conduct that Wts must follow.
Wt conduct rule guides: "Avadhu'ta must not remain in a lonely place with any female." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, point #13)
Wt conduct rule guides: “One should not look at the face of the opposite sex.” (37 Workers Rules, Point #15)
Wt conduct rule guides: "You will have to protect yourself from sexual weakness..." (WT Conduct: Fourteen Points, pt #12)
Wt conduct rule guides: "Avadhuta shall treat every woman of the world, including his ex-wife, as mother." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, point #11)
Wt conduct rule guides: "Under no circumstances should the purity of the body and mind be polluted." (32 Rules for Avadhu'tikas, pt #30)
Wt conduct rule guides: "One should attract others by one's sacrificing nature." (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #20)
Wt conduct rule guides: "One should not be greedy." (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #12)
Wt conduct rule guides: "You will always be accustomed to lead a hard and industrious life." (Wholetimer Conduct Rule, Fourteen Points, pt #6)
Wt conduct rule guides: “One should leave all sorts of luxuries.” (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #6)
Wt conduct rule guides: “One should make others good by becoming an ideal person.” (37 Wholetime Workers Rules, pt #22)
WT Conduct rules on black money
By their tactics, he/she has certainly contravened Guru's teachings and conduct rules on black money. Following are Baba's mandates for wholetime workers:
Wt conduct rule guides: "No worker can keep unaccounted money (black money) with him." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1a)
Wt conduct rule guides: "Each worker will separately maintain the clear account of receipt and expenditure of his personal allowance and organizational money." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1b)
Wt conduct rule guides: "Whenever supervisory worker so desires, the worker is to give the proper account of expenditure tallying with the cash at their disposal." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1c)
Wt conduct rule guides: "Each amount of collection should be deposited properly and drawn after submitting requisition." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1d)
Wt conduct rule guides: "Proper vouchers are to be maintained for each item of expenditure." (Wt Conduct: Six Additional Rules, pt# 1e)
== Section: Links ==
Related topics of interest

Friday, October 21, 2016

How Dada R is plotting


How Dada R is plotting

It is alleged that Dada Rudrananda has engineered a plan to murder PP Dada Vishvadevananda by devising a car crash, suicide, food poisoning, or slow poisoning incident to kill PP Dada. Dada Rudrananda (RN) is aging and does not have much time left so he is restless to execute his plan. Please watch out.

Also Dada RN wishes to prepare a grand memorial for his own burial. Dada Rudrananda wants to glorify himself and he (RN) has lost all trust in others as he knows that they all think that he (RN) is a hypocrite and a fake. After RN’s death, there is every indication that people will dig up Dada Rudrananda’s residue and thrown it in the garbage. Just as happened with Romania’s dictator - Nicolae Ceausescu. That is why Dada Rudrananda wants his memorial on his personal family property near Varanasi. To ensure make that happens Dada RN is trying to generate as much money as possible by selling Ananda Marga land etc.

Margiis have understood Dada Rudrananda’s (RN) hypocrisy. When Dada Rudrananda returned back to India from his time in Berlin sector he was feeling sad because overseas margiis had come to know about his hypocrisy.

Desperate longing to make a grand memorial for himself

As discussed already, Dada Rudrananda is desperately longing to make a grand memorial for himself near Varnasi. And Dada Rudrananda has the land in his name and the building construction is going on - but more money is needed. That massive revenue from the sale of prime real estate in NY and Mexico were not enough to complete even the ground floor of Dada Rudrananda’s memorial. So in desperation RN wants to sell all the AM properties - as many as possible. But first RN wants to kill the soft target - i.e. grab the low hanging fruit first. That means the quick sale of expensive properties - and that is what he is doing now.

New margiis / people may not believe all this but they will become believers after a few years. It is similar to twenty two years ago, when an earlier form of this network reported in 1994 that groupism was rampant in AMPS. When margiis wrote about this then people threw stones on them. Those writers were accused of lying and being traitors, but after some time - a full decade later - the truth of the matter became well known. Everyone understood that groupism was rampant. Similarly those not aware about AMPS today may be surprised by this above news but in due course everyone will understand.

Now the only duty is not to allow any land or property to be sold and not give money to anyone for some ghost project - i.e. where you do not have direct control and accountability over the expenditure. All social service projects should be run in such a way where you can verify the accounting - fully. If this much every sincere margii does this problem will be solved. Do not give one penny to the devil - never feed the devil.

In Him,
Kripa Shankar Pandey

== Section 2: Links ==

Recent postings

Other topics of interest

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© 2016 Ananda Marga News Bulletin. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga News Bulletin content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga News Bulletin or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga News Bulletin shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga News Bulletin content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga News Bulletin.  

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Mahaprayan of one acarya


Mahaprayan of one acarya

It is with much sadness that we share the news of the mahaprayan of Ácárya Ratnendránanda Avadhúta. Respected Dadaji underwent his mahaprayan at 11.45 pm on 18th October in Manila. Dadaji was 66 years of age.

Acaryaji was a dedicated avadhuta and led a life in service to Gurudev. So it is a great loss that he has left his mortal frame (mahaprayan). Dada  Ratnendránanda ji was a dearly loved brother to all.

May we all take solace in the fact that our dear Dada - Ácárya Ratnendránanda Avadhúta - was a devotee of Sadguru Baba. Certainly he will attain mukti or moksa, accordingly. Baba will lovingly bestow His grace.

at the lotus feet of Baba,
(M. Sorano)

Incident: Sitting on Baba's lap means died?

Recently after dharmacakra, a senior margii was recounting his experiences of having dharma samiiksa with Baba.

He said, "After being lovingly scolded by Baba for my wrongdoings, then He called me close and placed me on His lap - I remained there for some time soaking up His love - and He blessed me."

We all enjoyed hearing about his personal account with Baba during dharma samiiksa. When he finished telling his factual and historical event, there was a call for questions. Various people posed their queries.

Towards the end, one new margii raised his hand and asked, "How did Baba bring you back to life?"

Everyone stared at the new margii in amazement. There was a look of astonishment all around - people were really shocked to hear him say this. The new sadhaka sensed that something was wrong He said very matter-of-factly, "I thought that sitting on Baba's Lap means that he (the margii) died - that is why I asked that question."

This was quite eye-opening for those of us in the room: Through our language and expression we had unknowingly taught someone to think that being on Baba's lap is the equivalent of death. Because it seems that nowadays people only use the phrase "Baba's lap" when a person has died, such as "Let him rest peacefully in Baba's lap", as if in order to sit on Baba’s lap one has to die. But that is false. Sincere sadhakas regularly sit on Baba’s lap in their meditation. It is His grace. It is just like a child need not die in order to sit on his father’s lap.

The idea is that this phrase - Baba's lap - has been linked with death due to extreme overuse. So for some time if sadhakas use this phrase exclusively for devotional purposes, that will be best.

The phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", should not meet a similar fate. It should not lose its devotional quality and just refer to one's death. That will be very negative.

Baba would bless devotees and place them on His lap

There are tens of thousands of recorded stories by sadhakas where they use the phrase, "on Baba's lap", when describing their experiences of being with Baba: He used to bless them and bring them on His lap. People should understand the deeply devotional value of this expression, and not just think that Baba's lap means death, i.e. that you can only sit on His lap at the time of death. Still today there are thousands of margiis walking this earth who sat in Baba's lap. And not only that, there are countless more sadhakas who were blessed by Baba in dreams and sadhana wherein they sat in His lap. And still today this deeply devotional experience is attainable by sadhakas, by His grace.

There are so many ways an aspirant can reach unto Baba's lap including in sadhana. That is the main idea that should be preserved. Sadhana is a devotional practice and one can sit on Baba's lap in sadhana. We should make it cent-per-cent clear to one and all that the phrase, "sitting on Baba's lap", does not mean death.

if "on Baba's lap" only used for death

Here are quoted lines from recently posted emails on various forums, wherein the writer uses the phrase - "in Baba's lap" - with the occasion of death:

- "May Parama Purusa Baba accept her in HIS divine lap"

- "May his soul rest in the lap of our beloved BABA"

- "Now she is taking rest in Baba's Lap."

- "May Baba accept him in HIS divine lap....."

- "May he rest in HIS loving lap of eternity."

- "We are sure that Baba has taken him in His loving lap."

- "May his soul rest in Baba's lap forever."

- "Let her rest peacefully in Baba's Lap - which she always desired."

- "now he is in beloved Baba's lap"

- "May his soul get peaceful place in His lap"

- "He is now in Bábá's loving lap"

- "May Baba bless him with a seat in His lap."

- "May BABA accept him in HIS divine lap!"

- "May Baba take him in his eternal loving lap."

- "Please keep him on Your lap forever."

- ‘We all collectively pray to Baba to take him on Baba's divine lap forever.”

All of the above lines are commonly written in eulogizing the deceased. These days mostly it is used in a eulogy and rarely used to recount one's devotional experiences - unfortunately. By this way, the phrase "in Baba's lap" is being misused and step by step the real meaning is being forgotten as now people more commonly use the phrase to eulogize those who have died, and much less so to express their devotional feeling. Unfortunately, the meaning and inner spirit of the phrase is getting lost.

"Mahaprayan" means death of mortals - confirm for yourself
from the Samsad Bengali-English Dictionary

Mahaprayan (Death): Many are aware that mahaprayan (death) is the common term used in India and especially in our Bengal to describe the death of any human being, even ordinary people. In that way, the obituary columns of the newspapers of Bengal regularly cite the mahaprayan (death) of various persons of society who died or passed away.

Some may get confused and wrongly think that the word 'mahaprayan' (death) is one extraordinarily devotional term to be used in association with Parama Purusa. But that is not at all the case. Rather to do so is only to undermine the eternal presence of Parama Purusa. That is why no devotees ever use the word 'mahaprayan' in reference to Lord Shiva or Lord Krsna. Because Lord Shiva and Lord Krsna exist eternally. Then  there is no question of Their mahaprayan (death).

Baba is Parama Purusa so He is eternal and there is no question of His mahaprayan.

Here it should be known that the convention of an annual death day ceremony (i.e. shraddhainjali or mahaprayan) is a foundation of the Islamic tradition. Muslims are well known for this, and their approach of an annual death day ceremony was adopted by the leader of a particular group in AMPS. So no one should think that mahaprayan is some type of sacred event. It is done on the death day anniversary of Muslims.

And for those who need still more technical proof then all this can be clarified quite readily by referencing the dictionary. Specifically in the Samsad Bengali-English dictionary 3rd edition on page 848. Checking there it will be confirmed that the word 'mahaprayan' means death. Which is why it is used to refer to the passing away of even common citizens.

Mahaprayan is only for humans not for Sadguru

Here it should be qualified that there is both real mahaprayan and fake mahaprayan. Real mahaprayan marks the death of any ordinary human being, just like the aforesaid news. This is the proper use of the term: To  note a person's departure from this earth. That is the meaning of the mahaprayan term and that is the standard way the term is used in Indian languages.

Then there is the fake, or so-called, or dogmatic mahaprayan. That is when certain vested interests try to apply the mahaprayan term to Parama Purusa. This is grossly inappropriate because when Parama Purusa Sadguru Baba is that Divine Entity who is beginningless and endless and resides always in our heart, then it is entirely wrong to proclaim that He is gone.

That is why rational margiis are protesting; because the Oct 21st program is so-called mahaprayan. So-called means that something is fake. Parama Purusa is eternal, thus for some vested interests to declare "mahaprayan of Parama Purusa" is nothing but so-called mahaprayan.

Mahaprayan only really happens in the case of human beings, not Parama Purusa. Those doing mahaprayan for Sadguru are hypocrites. On the one side in meditation they ask His grace thinking that He is ever-present, and on the other side they think that Baba has passed way. That is their hypocrisy. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Re: WhatsApp + Thief avadhuta - 2


Thief avadhuta - 2

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Guru and try to follow His guideline.

Here is an utterly shocking display of what one avadhuta has done in the newspaper.

1. One avadhuta has stolen Baba’s discourse, published in the newspaper, and signed his own avadhuta name at the end, as if he is the author. This is a clear-cut case of theft. See how he has signed his name in the lower right corner of the article.

2. Dadaji has also included Baba’s photo in the article. Yet this goes against the sanctity of Ista and sanctity of Guru’s pratikrti.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states: “You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of your treasures and the sanctity of your flag, of your emblem, and of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru.” (1)

In the below image, see how he has signed his name in the lower right corner of the article. Also see also how we have removed Baba's photo to protect the sanctity of Guru. But in the newspaper the photo was included in the space. This sin was done by avadhuta Dada DC, whose name you will see later on in this letter.

In case you did not read earlier, in the above image, see how this avadhuta has signed his name in the lower right corner of the article. Also see also how we have removed Baba's photo to protect the sanctity of Guru. But in the newspaper the photo was included in the space. This sin was done by avadhuta Dada DC, whose name you will see later on in this letter.

3. Yet everyone knows that newspapers in India are used as diapers when little kids pass stool, diarrhea, dysentery in their pants; and newspapers are used by poor and homeless people who stuff it inside their underwear to soak up the dripping urine / incontinence etc.

Indeed Dada Divyacetanananda is the one who has committed this sin. And this is not the first time. He is a repeat offender and each time he has been warned but this Dada is so thick-skinned and morally bankrupt that he does the same wrong again and again. We urge you to write Dadaji and plead with him to stop this.

4. For more information about this, kindly read these below letters:

Avt committed three sins

Unfortunately we have seen all kinds of avadhutas from saintly people to criminals and thieves. So, watch out-- may Parama Purusa save us from these types of muggers & thieves.

The avadhuta dada who has printed this Baba's photo and Baba’s discourse in the newspaper, has committed three sins--
Sin # 1) Lack of proper citation, i.e. date, place, book-- this is all absent. So this creates one negative trend. It opens the door for false things to get printed in Baba's name. And It thereby opens the door for adulteration in Baba's teachings. History bears testimony that the thinking of various social thinkers, spiritual leaders, Mahasambhutis has been polluted and destroyed in this way.

Sin # 2) In the article look over to the right-most column, and see at the end of that column is Divyacetanananda’s name. The way this is printed gives the reader the false notion that the author of the article is Divyacetananada (DC). DC is a thief. Internally Divyacetananada wants this, that people should think he is the writer. That is why he presented it in this way to the newspaper. This is a sign of the narcissism of Divyacetanananda. He wants to glorify himself more than he wants to propagate Baba. It is just like when tourists go to certain historical sites, then they take their own selfie photo. Their goal is to project themselves on the launchpad of those statues etc. Similarly, in the name of Baba's discourses, Divyacetanananda wants to highlight himself. If any avadhuta has this type of feeling, that is a degraded avadhuta. Because a true avadhuta is not a thief; the true avadhuta glorifies his Guru's image, and not himself.

Newspaper is used in India as the poor people's diaper

Sin # 3) The newspaper is used in India as the poor people's diaper. For more details about a similar event, please click on the below link.
For the above reason, printing Baba's photo in the newspaper is a gross violation of Baba's below teaching in Caryacarya.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “You shall protect, in all respects and at all costs, the dignity of your treasures and the sanctity of your flag, of your emblem, and of the pratikrti [photo] of Márga Guru.” (2)

In the below image of the newspaper article, please note that all of the text is straight from a discourse given by Baba. There is not a single line written by dada Divyacetanananda. Yet nowhere in this article is there any indication provided that the text is Baba's discourse. This proves conclusively that Divyacetanananda is a thief.

In any newspaper the following standards are maintained.

Many deplorable deeds of so called monk

1. In a standard newspaper article, when providing the text of someone else's discourse there must be a sentence stating, "Following is the text of a discourse given by Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji." But such an introduction is below conspicuously absent. So Divyacetanananda is a thief.
2. It is standard to inform the reader that Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji has given the discourse on such a date, in such a place, and that it is printed in such a book. This is also absent. So Divyachetanananda is a thief.
3. It is standard to place the words of another individual in quote marks. Failure to do so marks the article as plagiarism, which is a very serious offence. In this newspaper article there are no quote marks at the beginning or end of the article. So Divyacetanananda is a thief.
In the below article there are simply three columns of Baba’s unquoted discourse text, with Divyachetanananda’s name at the end. It is astonishing when one realizes he is taking personal credit for Baba's discourse.

That Baba's photo appears here does nothing to explain who is the author of the text; indeed as mentioned above (1) It is common to place the photo of one who is being written about; (2) It is highly objectionable that Baba's photo appears in a newspaper which is to be used for all manner of mundane activities such as eating food on etc, and then thrown in the street to be defecated on by animals.

In Him,
Krishná Banerjee

Where he stole it from

This avadhuta stole from Subhasita Samgraha part-23, chapter 3 (Hindi) p. 43 last line to p. 44 almost to last paragraph. Dadaji cut a section from the discourse and published it in the newspaper. And he failed to indicated that this was just a section from a greater discourse. By this way, readers will be led astray in multiple ways. Namely, this will think this article is complete unto itself. But that is not the case. Dadaji ripped this small portion out from the original discourse. ​This way he distorted the fact.

The name of the discourse is Manavatva Aor Devatva. Dadaji is so devious that he removed all Sanskrit shlokas and other poems that Baba referred. And he did this with the purpose to belittle Baba. This newspaper article was printed in Hindi and any dharmic article is respected more if it has Sanskrit shlokas. Then people form a positive opinion that it is supported by the sages. Due to his dirty mindset, Dada removed those intentionally. You can go and confirm by this book SS-part 23-3 (Hindi Edition) p.43, last line to p. 44 almost to the last paragraph. And the name of the discourse is Manavatva Aor Devatva.

Note 1: If you would like to receive the newspaper article in larger font, let us know.

Note 2: Sometimes the word ‘thief’ is used in the sense of one who plagiarizes. Because some non-English readers may not have familiarity with the term ‘plagiarize’, so the common term ‘thief’ has been used.

Only great bhaktas can understand

This avadhuta is announcing the death day anniversary (so-called mahaprayan) of Baba as 21st Oct. We know that Baba is the ever-present Sadguru yet here on a massive public platform this avadhuta is declaring to the world that this is Baba’s death day. If a non-margii writes like this what can we say as they do not do sadhana. But here we are talking about one of our prestigious avadhutas who knows very well that Baba is his Guru and he preaches to other sadhakas also that Baba is watching. But in his hypocrisy this avadhuta is declaring that 21 Oct is the Death day. This is preposterous and unfortunate.

Who did this

So this is just one thief and lowly avadhuta who has done this. Everyone is hereby requested to write to Dada Divyacetanananda about this:

1. "Treasures of Ananda Marga," Ananda Marga Caryácarya Part 1
2. "Treasures of Ananda Marga," Ananda Marga Caryácarya Part 1

Divyacetanananda, Divyachetanananda

== Section 2: Comment ==

Re: In WhatsApp: false propaganda in the name of Baba

Namaskar to all,

i want to say to  Respected Arun Aggrawal ji,

we all are members of my beloved BABA's Universal family. No one is inferior or superior.

Ananda Marga ideology is exceptional because of practical approach of Universal Brotherhood. And reflects the idea of  "Vasudhaev Kutumbakam".

If anything happening  wrong ideologically, its our duty to inspire anyone or everyone and take measure ideologically without hatred and prejudice.

In this spiritual path everyone has right to love BABA and serve the humanity. Let's no one lags behind. No one feel inferior.

अपनों की बुराइयों की चर्चा करने में इतने मश़गूल हो गए के अपने ही बुरे
बन गये. अपने आप को ही पराया बना दिया.
अगर सचमुच आप एक तटस्थ उदाहरण पेश करना चाहते हैं की आनंद मार्ग के
कार्यकतां कैसे हों   तो अपने को या घर में  बेटा, बेटी, बहन, भाई को
whole timer   बनने के लिए प्रोत्साहन करें ।

Let's begin charity from home.

Action speaks more than words.

with regards
Acharya Premendrananda Avadhuta

Here is a link to the initial letter on this topic: In Whatsapp: false propaganda in the name of Baba

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This email contains three sections:
1. Posting: Thief avadhuta - 2
2. Comment: Re: In WhatsApp: false propaganda in the name of Baba
3. Links

Monday, October 17, 2016

In Whatsapp: Arun Aggrawal propagates false things in the Name of Baba

In Whatsapp: Arun Aggrawal propagates false things
in the Name of Baba
Some people are propagating false things in the name of Baba. And when others challenge them, then they offer the lame excuse that "xyz told this thing". So for details of the current case, please read below.
First we have to understand the context of the events.
A person is falsely propagating that before recruiting any wt, their family background, status etc should be checked. To understand the depth of this, one should know what is going on around India. In the Hindu religion, not everyone can become a sannyasii. Only the so-called upper class people are qualified to join. Others will not be accepted.
Disease of casteism chopped off his thumb
Here one must not forget the dirty history of the Mahabharata: the pseudo-guru Dronacarya did not like to accept his so-called low class disciple Eklavya. And in fury and deception he destroyed the talent of Eklavya by making him chop off his thumb. So that he would be handicapped forever. And the things poor Eklavya wanted to do, he would be forever unable to do. For the entire remainder of his life, Eklavya could not practice archery in result. This all happened due to the disease of casteism.
And the second example is Parashurama, who severely punished his disciple Karna when he found that Karna was not Brahmin. But instead, Karna was so-called low caste.
So these are a few historical examples of how a human society was destroyed by so-called leaders of the society in that era. To destroy their power, Lord Krsna arranged the Mahabharata. And after that, for a few thousand years things were ok-- there was no caste. But later on after the arrival of Adi Shankaracarya, he again introduced the superiority of caste system, and the superiority of so-called Brahmins.  
Since then, most of the major groups of the Hindu religion have followed a strict code, that only so-called Brahmins will be accepted for monkhood. And it is going on since then. There are some sects in the Hindu religion which have made a small concession, that so-called Ksatriyas etc can be selected for monkhood-- but not so-called castes lower than that.

AA’s False claim : check family background before making them wt
To destroy their nasty spider web, Baba created Ananda Marga. And Baba treated all human beings as the same. Under Baba’s guidance, there is no differentiation. And before recruiting anyone as a wt candidate, there so-called caste etc is not asked. Rather it is completely prohibited to talk about that or keep any accounting of such things. While making a list of Margiis also, no column to record their caste is permitted.
So it is shocking to see, that Arun Aggrawal ji is expressing his frustration that these days before accepting a person for wt training, family background is not checked due to which people are getting recruited from unqualified families-- which he says is wrong. If he had written that it is his dogmatic mindset, then we would have ignored it. But he is propagating that Baba has made this system to check the background of the family before accepting a candidate for wt training. So what Arun Aggrawal is expressing is a sort of preposterous propaganda.
This story does not conclude here. When in Whatsapp another person challenged him, even then he did not accept his mistake, rather he started making a lame excuse to justify the claim. This type of negative propaganda in the name of Baba must be opposed while it is in the beginning stage. Sadly, those participating in Whatsapp, were improperly fed one bogus, false things.
Some may be surprised to know
I know there are many Margii families, in which the parents and grandparents did not allow Ananda Marga wts to enter in their home because of the reason of untouchability. So Margiis used to take food from the house and feed dadas outside under the shade of trees, etc. Mostly that generation is now gone from this world, or if they exist somewhere then they are a very extreme minority.
Since Baba has created this new vibration by establishing AMPS in 1955, in the general society a vast change has come across the planet. So when I read this preposterous claim which is documented in the below image, then I was very surprised that still some confused and narrow-minded people exist on this planet. And unfortunately they are in Ananda Marga also. Those who can understand Hindi script, for them this image is enough to understand what false things this person is propagating.
Ananda Marga social code states, “If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing out your fault and ask for punishment.” (1)
It is unfortunate that over the course of history, the teachings of the first and second Mahasambhuti were completely ruined. In place of those, only dogma is getting propagated. If every sincere sadhaka is not careful, then the same fate will befall the third Mahasambhuti also. So it is the moral responsibility of every sincere Margii and wt, that if they see anybody falsely claiming that Baba said this or that, then they should challenge the person immediately to give proof. If they cannot provide proof, then they should be condemned for telling false things in the name of Baba. In this way, no hearsay will be propagated in the name of Baba. If we fail to do this, then we will be betraying Guru as well as the future generations.
In Him
(Justin Saunders)
Family background should be checked?
Although whatever Arun Aggrawal has written, directly he is not writing that only so-called higher caste people will be recruited as wts, and he may try to justify whatever things he has in his mind. But when one person challenged him to explain what does it mean that the family background should be checked, at that time Arun Aggrawal dodged the question. Now it is left to the readers to decide whatever they understand. And when throughout India this caste dogma is so prevalent, and in Hindu religion only so-called higher caste people are allowed to become wt, then readers will get only this message, that Baba is only externally propagating neohumanism, but internally Baba made the rule that only so-called higher caste people will be recruited to become wts.
Ananda Marga social code states, “If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing out your fault and ask for punishment.” (1)
Please pay attention to this below scan. It has two sections. The upper section is the preposterous claim of Arun Aggrawal. In the section below the asterisk, another person is challenging Arun Aggrawal. The highlighted yellow and orange sentences together mark the key points to understand.
For English readers, there is one sentence from the below, which gives a clear idea of what is going on. The writer Arun Aggrawal falsely says, “It is Baba’s instruction that to look and check family background while making any WT.”
Ananda Marga Philosophy teaches us, “You shall, therefore, preach only Satya. Explain to them whatever you have done with reasons thereof. Also, make it clear to them what you want to do and why you want to do.” (2)
Harrowing history and inhuman treatment by the demonic teacher Parashurama
From “Discourses on Mahabharata”-- “Karna's teacher was Parasurama. One day Parasurama and Karna were engaged in a conversation. Parasurama for some reason or other was tired, and he fell asleep, laying his head on Karna's lap. At that moment a deadly insect gave a sharp bite to Karna's thigh, and it started bleeding profusely. Karna was in great pain, no doubt, but he neither made any sound nor moved his legs even in the slightest, lest it should disturb the sleep of his guru. ….Later, when Parasurama woke up, he wanted to know why there was so much blood. Karna said, “This bleeding is due to the biting of a deadly insect on my thigh.” Parasurama asked him, “Then why didn't you make any sound, or move your legs, or even wake me up?” Karna said in reply “I didn't do all those things because it would have disturbed your sleep. To disturb my guru's sleep would be a sacrilege on my part. Hence I refrained from doing anything like that.” (3)
Continuing, from “Discourses on Mahabharata”-- Then Parasurama said to him, “Since you have so much power to endure pain, certainly you were not born in a vipra family.” Parasurama was under the mistaken impression that Karna was a vipra by birth. “Usually a vipra lad is not endowed with this sort of power of tolerance, so you must have been born in a non-Brahman family” said Parasurama. Karna said in confirmation, “Yes, I was born in a charioteer's family.” (3)
Hearing this, Parashurama became very much frustrated and angry, and he cursed Karna, saying “Whatever you learned from me, you will forget when there is a crisis in your life,” and kicked him out from his ashrama.
All this grotesque behavior which Parashurama exhibited against Karna, he did in the name of his misguided Hindu religion. To destroy such types of demons, Lord Krsna created the Mahabharata.
Below are more teachings of our Guru, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, where He teaches us what to do in the above circumstances. Or in other words, how to deal with wrongdoers.
Ask for punishment
Ananda Marga social code states, “If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing out your fault and ask for punishment.” (1)
If Arun Aggrawal is not 100% fake, then after reading this above quote from Caryacarya he will keep quiet and refrain from committing similar sins in the future.
Habitual exhibitionism is one of the mental diseases
This below teaching is from NSS book, chapter Shivokti 6.
Ananda Marga Philosophy says, “Habitual exhibitionism is one of the mental diseases of humanity. The root cause of this disease is the psychology of inflating one's personality so that others are confounded, stupefied and overawed – they become speechless and gape with wonder at that inflated personality. Leave aside the person who has some merit, some capacity – even those without the least wealth, from whom you cannot expect a single penny even if you do seven hundred sit-ups and push-ups before them – even such people seek to exhibit themselves like fools or pandits. They never even care to know whether anyone has detected them or not, or whether others are actually laughing at them behind their backs: they remain totally obsessed with themselves. They even tend to forget that the Operative Principle, which is responsible for all actions, big or small, benevolent or malevolent, is absolutely dependent on the witness-ship of the Cognitive Principle. Those who have meagre intelligence may not be able to grasp this philosophical idea, but those who claim to have some intelligence, although they understand it, want to forget it. And behind this, the same psychology predominates – the psychology of exhibitionism, the psychology of self-display.” (4)
Analogy of snake: how to deal with wrongdoers
Guru’s following teaching about the danger of having a snake inside the house perfectly suits this incident.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, “अपना आदमी हो, घर का आदमी हो ; कोई सत्य से इधर-उधर हट गया, sincerity की कमी जिनमें है—उसका विरोध करो, बर्दाश्त मत करो | अपना आदमी है तो क्या है | अपना आदमी अगर असाधु है, insincere है, तो, और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | क्यों ? बाहर में अगर साँप रहा, वह जितना ख़तरनाक है, घर में अगर साँप घुस गया तो और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | इसलिए, और भी, उसका अधिक विरोध होना चाहिए |” (5)
"If our own person or relative deviates from the truth or is lacking sincerity, oppose him, do not tolerate him. It does not matter if he is our own relative. If our own person is dishonest and insincere then he is more dangerous. Why? If there is a snake outside it is dangerous, but if a snake comes inside the house it is more dangerous. Therefore he [our close person] should be opposed more strongly." (5)
In His above teaching, Sadguru Baba explains that bad elements in society are dangerous, but bad elements inside your house - inside your organisation - are more dangerous. Do not tolerate them - oppose them. Thus when Margiis, wts, are spreading false propaganda in Baba’s name, there is no question of sitting idle. They must be opposed.
In A Guide to Human Conduct it is written, “All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly.” (6)
1. Caryacarya part 2
2. Táttvika Diipiká (Dvitiiya Parva)
3. Discourses on Mahabharata
4. NSS, Shivokti 6
5. Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD 25 November 1978 Mumbai
6. A Guide to Human Conduct

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Thief Thief: Cheats in Whatsapp Pose as Intellectuals

Thief Thief: Cheats in Whatsapp Pose as Intellectuals
These days in Whatsapp and social media forums, cheats are copying from Baba's books, and changing a few words here and there, and sticking their own name as though they were the real writer. But the fact is that it is just dirty plagiarism: they copy the whole thing from Baba's books, change a few words here and there, and stick their name in the end. Here below is one such example.
See here below, this green section is from the discourse Mantra Caetanya, 28 May 1967 DMC, Allahabad, printed in Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 10, Electronic Edition 7.5.
Baba says--“Everything in this manifest universe is vibrational. Creation is also vibrational. And the first and subtlest expression of the vibrational flow is shabda. As shabda is the first vibrational expression of Brahma...
A mantra is a collection of a few particular shabdas - not each and every shabda. Mantra means “that collection of sounds meditation on which leads to liberation”...
Every mantra is thus sonic or vibrational and is vibrating simultaneously in the Cosmic system and in the unit body. When, with the help of a mantra, a person finally establishes the parallelism of the unit ectoplasmic vibration with the Cosmic vibration, that person gets mantra siddhi.” (1)
This above green para from an AM book, one person Madhurima Hariharan has copied and changed a few words, and she has put her name as the writer. See the below scan is the proof of her black deed.
Madhurima Hariharan is cheat and plagiarizer
See below scan-- Madhurima Hariharan's letter in Whatsapp. It is the example of thievery --

See the above scan-- Madhurima Hariharan's letter in Whatsapp. It is the proof of her black deed. It is the example of thievery --
Example of quacks and rotten intellectuals
Smt. Madhurima Hariharan has copied from an AM book, changed a few words, and she has put her name as the original writer. It is the example of thievery --
By doing this thievery or plagiarizing, she has committed a double sin.
1) She did not cite the name of the original writer, who is Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji.
2) The second sin is that in order to hide the first sin, she changed a few words here and there.
She is devious, not a simple thief. Just see-- from Baba’s discourse Mantra Caetanya, she selected a section of around 1000 words, and started by taking two sentences from the beginning of it. Then she skipped a few hundred words, then copied two sentences. Then again skipped a few hundred words, then again copied two sentences. Like this she did several times.
Her deviousness does not end there. This is not the first time she has done this. To hide her negative act more securely, she misspelled a few words here and there, to prove that she is the author and this is not copied from some other source.
This deception is the expression of a very degraded mindset
Here are the steps behind this dirty deed--
A) First she copied from an Ananda Marga book.
B) She took many steps to hide her crime.
She is black inside and out. An honest person will never do such things. And she did this with the sole motive to get recognized among innocent margiis, as a great intellectual. But this deception is the expression of a very low and degraded mind set. Such thieves and cheats are a slur on Ananda Marga. They are an example of quacks and rotten intellectuals. It is the duty of every sincere Margii to keep a watchful eye. And wherever they discover this type of hypocrisy, then unmask the culprits before everyone.
Ask for punishment
Ananda Marga social code states, “If there is even a little fault in you, you should keep your mouth closed and accept it all, and you should thank the person for pointing out your fault and ask for punishment.” (2)
If she is not 100% fake, then after reading this above quote from Caryacarya she will keep quiet and refrain from committing similar sins in the future-- i.e. plagiarizing.
In Him
(Karen Schwartz)
Below are various teachings of our Guru, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, where He teaches us what to do in the above circumstances. Or in other words, how to deal with thieves, cheats, and plagiarizers.
Habitual exhibitionism is one of the mental diseases
This below teaching is from NSS book, chapter Shivokti 6.
Ananda Marga Philosophy says, “Habitual exhibitionism is one of the mental diseases of humanity. The root cause of this disease is the psychology of inflating one's personality so that others are confounded, stupefied and overawed – they become speechless and gape with wonder at that inflated personality. Leave aside the person who has some merit, some capacity – even those without the least wealth, from whom you cannot expect a single penny even if you do seven hundred sit-ups and push-ups before them – even such people seek to exhibit themselves like fools or pandits. They never even care to know whether anyone has detected them or not, or whether others are actually laughing at them behind their backs: they remain totally obsessed with themselves. They even tend to forget that the Operative Principle, which is responsible for all actions, big or small, benevolent or malevolent, is absolutely dependent on the witness-ship of the Cognitive Principle. Those who have meagre intelligence may not be able to grasp this philosophical idea, but those who claim to have some intelligence, although they understand it, want to forget it. And behind this, the same psychology predominates – the psychology of exhibitionism, the psychology of self-display.” (3)
They lose interest in learning anything useful
Ananda Marga Philosophy says, “There is a story for children about a certain king who had an iron safe where he kept his gold coins. These coins, because of long disuse, became mouldy. One day the king spread the gold coins in the sun to dry, and a frog picked up one of the smallest pieces. At this its belly puffed up and its throat swelled up, and it began to announce in its characteristic rasping voice,.....At this, everyone came and asked the frog, “Well, sir, what wealth do you actually have?” Then the frog spun that little coin around at least seven hundred times, saying, “Am I less than the king?” This is an example of the psychology of exhibitionism...” (3)
Ananda Marga Philosophy says, “People with this mental defect lose their power of discrimination. First, they think that since they are so great, there is no need for them to learn anything from others. As a result of this, their further progress comes to a halt. Secondly, the arrogant attitude of this asmitá banishes from their minds the humble psychology of the learner. They lose interest in learning anything useful; so not only in the world of knowledge, but also in the world of practicality, they become misfits in life because of their mountainous accumulated ignorance. It is not that arrogance of this sort simply obstructs their progress.” (3)
Analogy of snake: how to deal with wrongdoers
Guru’s following teaching about the danger of having a snake inside the house perfectly suits this incident.
अपना आदमी हो, घर का आदमी हो ; कोई सत्य से इधर-उधर हट गया, sincerity की कमी जिनमें है—उसका विरोध करो, बर्दाश्त मत करो | अपना आदमी है तो क्या है | अपना आदमी अगर असाधु है, insincere है, तो, और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | क्यों ? बाहर में अगर साँप रहा, वह जितना ख़तरनाक है, घर में अगर साँप घुस गया तो और भी अधिक ख़तरनाक है | इसलिए, और भी, उसका अधिक विरोध होना चाहिए |” (4)
"If our own person or relative deviates from the truth or is lacking sincerity, oppose him, do not tolerate him. It does not matter if he is our own relative. If our own person is dishonest and insincere then he is more dangerous. Why? If there is a snake outside it is dangerous, but if a snake comes inside the house it is more dangerous. Therefore he [our close person] should be opposed more strongly." (4)
In His above teaching, Sadguru Baba explains that bad elements in society are dangerous, but bad elements inside your house - inside your organisation - are more dangerous. Do not tolerate them - oppose them. Thus when Margiis, wts, are resorting to theft and plagiarism, there is no question of sitting idle. They must be opposed.
Baba says, "It is not possible to guide others merely with cheap, superficial knowledge, like a half-baked pandit who reads a half-a-dozen books and then spouts a few mouthfuls of grandiloquence, and who has obtained a doctorate degree by plagiarising others’ works." (5)
In A Guide to Human Conduct it is written, “All Ananda Margis, when they see other Margis acting against the principles of Yama and Niyama, must make them shun this habit either by sweet or harsh words or by dealing even more strictly.” (6)
1. Mantra Caetanya, 28 May 1967 DMC, Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 10
2. Caryacarya part 2
3. NSS, Shivokti 6
4. Sa’dhana’ kii Mukhy Ba’t – Satya’shraii Bano, EGD 25 November 1978 Mumbai
5. Prout in a Nutshell, vol 1, The Practice of Art and Literature
6. A Guide to Human Conduct

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