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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Ideological death of avadhuta


Ideological death of avadhuta


See how Raganugananda is worshipping the Hindu fictitious deity. Raganugananda is placing a flower at the fake goddess Saraswati’s feet. And then with folded hands he is garlanding the photo of the deity and chanting rituals in support of that Hindu dogma.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Not to call a thing what it is, but to call it something else, is known as slander. Therefore those who in the name of the beginningless, endless, formless Brahma worship idols, are indulging in deliberate slander. You must not give indulgence to this type of Mahapápa (great sin).” (1)


By this entire scene it is clear that the Hindu Fundamentalists got victory by converting Raganugananda to their harmful, Hindu dogma. Yet, this Wt is foolishly bragging on YouTube how he supported Hindu dogma at this school. By this way, Dada really became drowned in their dogma.

In Him,
Rudrapratap Singh

If you want to see other photos from this occasion, kindly write us.

~ In-depth study ~

See here above how Raganugananda visited an RSS school (Saraswati Shishu Mandir, Singrauli, M.P.) Sadly, Dada became fully involved in their Hindu fundamentalist puja. Dada’s duty was to introduce them to dharmic practices and make them into Ananda Margiis, but instead he became one of them by participating in their dogmatic, ritualistic harmful dogma. It is similar to one purodha who went to the mosque and instead of teaching them about sentient food, he started eating cow or goat meat with a mullah on the occasion of Eid Ul fiter.

In 1990 when Baba initiated many brahmacariis into avadhuta sadhana, and took oath as an avadhuta, while giving blessing to them, Baba said, "These are the newly created avadhutas who are going to all corners of the globe to propagate Bhagavata dharma.” And in many other occasions, while giving the definition of avadhuta, Baba told the audience that "Avadhutas are those who are above all kinds of degrading propensities. and have established themselves in brahma bhava. They are elevated and can be called as a second god."

1. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #18

== Section 2: Links ==

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Thursday, November 23, 2017

How one Avt. “died” + 3 more

How one Avt. “died”


For years in NY Sector, Anuvratananda had loose character. But he was never called on it. No one ever held his feet to the fire. So instead of rectifying his conduct, Anuvratananda continued having various relations with the opposite sex margii girls, wives, and mothers, allegedly. His supervisory workers never pointed him out, and his Wt peers just overlooked his shameful acts.

This is all due to a defective psychology. Those in-charges think that creating one Wt is a big job so better to keep that person in uniform and let them lead a debauched life. The fear is that the Wt will leave if they are forced to follow the conduct rules. Yet this leads to the deterioration of that worker. In result, what to say about remaining as a Wt, they become so degraded they end up leaving their Wt-ship to pursue the desires of various vrttis. So it is a double loss, Rather than rectifying that Wt and keeping him as an avadhuta, that Wt becomes a casualty, and his actions negatively affect innocent people.

Avt: sleeping with margii wife

In a recent turn of events, Anuvratananda ruined his own career as an avadhuta and also destroyed a margii family by sleeping with the wife. Through a series of rendezvous and secret alliances etc, Anuvratananda enticed that young margii wife away from her young margii husband. Anuvratananda destroyed their marriage and now Anuvratananda has disavowed his avadhutaship and has plans to marry her. So it is a disaster and loss on multiple levels.

Anuvratananda in avadhuta dress;
Possibility for rectification
Anuvratananda left his Wt ship;
Wt cadre loses member
Married Margii Sister involved in marriage
Margii Sister lured out of her marriage;
broken marital oaths etc
Married Margii Brother involved in marriage
Margii Brother devastated as Wt allured his wife away

By the above chart it is evident how Anuvratananda’s sin conduct adversely affected not only his own career as an avadhuta, but he tragically impacted the lives of married margiis. And the root cause is that Anuvratananda was not pointed out for his wrongdoings and loose behaviour. He was never forced to follow the conduct rules whereby he could have become a veritable avadhuta. Instead of getting rectified, the situation mushroomed and Anuvratananda destroyed the lives of innocent margiis.

Sadguru says in His discourse entitled Conduct of Acarya: "Those who have the responsibility to show the path to others should be of superlative character with the most refined conduct. They and their followers must move constantly towards all-round development and shreya [ultimate spiritual attainment]. Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácáryas." (1)

Sadguru says in His discourse entitled Conduct of Acarya: "Bear in mind that people may be harmed or misled by even a small weakness or defect in the conduct of an ácárya. Just as it is the duty of a father to educate his children properly by his good conduct, an ácárya or ácáryá should always instruct by his or her exemplary actions and words." (2)


The central idea is that when any margii or wt is not following 16 points and conduct rules etc then we should point them out and create the circumstances to mend their ways. We are followers of bhagavad dharma not the outdated, rotten, religious codes. In the various religions they say, “Do not point out anybody.” Some carry that religious dogma into AMPS. By that old habit of not pointing out wrongdoers, they hurt AMPS. In the case of Anuvratananda, that is exactly what happened. When he was moving fast on the negative path nobody wanted to point him out. Rather some members hurled stones at those margiis who tried to point him out. Many so-called blind followers of POB (NY sector) group became furious and blindly attacked those whistleblowers. And a similar thing happened with Tiirthananda. And now it is going on with Anuvratananda. Both are the living dead because they have died as avadhutas. We should obey our Guru’s teaching and try to protect the wrongdoer by pointing them out and making them clean. Still we have time to save those moving fast towards the cliff. If we do not act quickly, we will soon hear more have died. In the human body, the sex instinct is most strong - so watch out.

In Him,
Arvind Morales

This incident stands as yet another example of the importance of strictly holding Wts accountable for following the conduct rules. Unfortunately in today’s organisational climate, Wt’s are given “free rein.” That means they can essentially do what they want, when they want, so long as they pay their supervisor / Wt.  By this equation, material wealth not conduct becomes the modus operandi of Wt life. Yet by this way, things can spiral out of control. And, sadly, that is what happened here.

~ In-depth study ~

Who is who in this tragedy

  • Anuvratananda: Anuvratananda was previously known as Dada Arddhvendu Brc, or Dada Arddhevendu Maolii Brc. Sadly, Anuvratananda is the one with perpetual loose character who finally succumbed to his animalistic desires and had secret dealings with a young margii wife. Now Anuvratananda has given up his dress and he will marry this margii sister after she annuls her current marriage.

  • Margii Sister: This is Shanti. Originally from Mexico, she was living in the US with her margii husband where they ran a business and she became a US citizen etc. Sadly, Anuvratananda allured her away from her husband.

  • Margii Brother: This is Nirmal. He was living with his wife Shanti in NY, where they ran their business together. But ex-Anuvratananda took away his wife.

Note: When Anuvratananda does marry it looks like he will aim to stay in the US. But since this was the sector in which he was posted and where he committed his crime, he should have to return to his country of origin (Colombia).

Wt conduct rules

Here are Sadguru Baba’s guidelines for all wholetimer Dadas and Didis of the Marga.

- WT Conduct Rule: "You will protect yourself from sexual weakness and luxury." (WT Conduct Rules, Fourteen Points, pt #12)

- WT Conduct Rule: "One should not look at the face of the opposite sex except at the time of nursing [administering medical care]." (37 Workers Rules, pt #15)

Note: The above conduct rule contains an exception. Here is the explanation. Suppose there is an accident and the injured party is of the opposite sex; the patient has a wound on their face, and a Wt is on the scene to help. When serving the patient of the opposite sex and tending to their wound, that Wt will have to look at their face in order to offer the requisite care needed. Outside of this circumstance, there is no need for any wholetimer to look at the face of the opposite sex. That is why the rule is that if a Wt is talking with the opposite sex then they will look towards the ground and not the face of the opposite sex.

- WT Conduct Rule: "Avadhuta / Avadhutika shall treat every woman of the mother." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, pt #11)

- WT Conduct Rule: "Avadhuta / Avadhutika must not remain in a lonely place with any female." (32 Rules for Avadhuta, pt #13)

- Wt conduct rule: “Under no circumstances should the purity of the mind and body be polluted.” (32 Rules for Avadhutas, point #30)

- WT conduct rule: “Avadhuta must not engage his ears in hearing obscene language or song, touch any rajasika articles, see any depraving entity or picture, or go through any story, novel or picture having even a slight bit of sexual importance... All avadhutas should learn this mantra by heart: O Bhiks´u, O monk. Control your eyes, hearing, smell, tongue (taste), body, lips (speech) and mind. You should have all-round restraint, then you will overcome all pain (32 Rules for Avadhutas, point #32)

Ananda Marga philosophy warns how improper leadership brings terrible harm to society.

Ananda Marga ideology says, “Today there is catastrophe and misery in human society and there is one reason: the defective leadership of society. People blindly follow even unintelligent leaders. The leaders hypnotize and attract thousands with their tall talks, gestures and other dramatics. Understand that the poverty and misery of any people in any country are the sins of the leaders. True leaders should always be vigilant and think how to work best for human society: they must be ever cautious that under their guidance the people are not led to darkness, death and immorality.” (3)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, Conduct of an Acarya

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Repentance of a wt - group leader of AMPS

Prabhat Samgiita Intro: This song depicts one person who was very good in the remote past, but then became very bad - sinful - and committed many heinous crimes for a long period. Now that same person feels repentant for all those wrongs. That is what is expressed in the below song. In contrast, this song is not for those who did demonic work and do not have any repentance.

"Ámi, tomáy bhúle ándhár tale, taliye kothá giye chinu,
tumi dáo ni keno bádhá more..." (Prabhat Samgiita #1050)


O’ Divine Entity, forgetting You, I became deeply immersed in the filth of the bottomless dark chasm. I started propagating isms based on geo, socio, and linguistic sentiments. I turned away from the path of dharma & neo-humanism and did the opposite of what You taught me to do. I tried to befool people infusing dogma, groupism in order to cultivate the greatness of my land. To that end I created various tiirthas - i.e. so-called holy lands. O’ Parama Purusa Baba, why didn’t You stop me from doing sinful deeds.

Baba, I lost all my tenderness and kindness and became a cruel demon, a monster. I harassed, abused, threatened, harmed, and expelled so many of my innocent brothers & sisters. I lost my basic humanity. I gave up all those values which You instilled within me and I followed the path of sin. Baba, how could You tolerate this so calmly?

I was not focusing on the supreme effulgence of Parama Purusa, nor was I following the path of rationality. Due to deep infatuation with power, post, and prestige etc, in my vanity and blind ego, I was thinking, “I am extraordinary and can do no wrong.” I tried to destroy those who opposed me. I wholly ignored the rational objections of others. Rather I tortured them. I went against all Your given codes of morality and ethics. I was wholly absorbed in my own vanity and ego; I was cast under the spell of infatuation like a blind person. Baba, why did You not prevent me?

Baba, O’ Parama Purusa, I did not try to rectify my own sin. Deliberately I went on committing more and more misdeeds. I thought that I was above all codes of morality. I justified to myself that I was within the bounds of dharma. I felt that no matter the degree of my damaging and actions, it was all approved. My feeling was that I was beyond reproach and could commit no sin. In my shoddy state I thought I could do anything - even kill others for personal gain and my devilish interest. I arrogantly justified that it was all dharmic. I spoke ill of others for their errors and wrongdoing. I ridiculed, criticized, and lambasted them and magnified their small mistakes as being very big. But I did not try to rectify my own sin. Baba, why did You not stop me from committing such crimes?

Baba, forgetting You, I became engrossed in wretched behaviours and slipped into the deepest depths. Baba, how could You allow this to happen to me...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

How even the most powerful weapons become useless

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Yes, it is true that all weapons can destroy a certain number of people – some kill a hundred, some a thousand, some a hundred thousand. That is how the lethal capacity of a weapon is measured. But however terrible a weapon might be, one day all its might will vanish into the void. There was a time when human beings were frightened by bows and arrows; today’s humans, when they hear of battles with bows and arrows, simply laugh. This shows that however great might be the strength of weapons in a war of any age, or however powerful their controllers might be, their grip will one day be loosened, and the structure will decay into dust – just as the plaster on the wall gradually crumbles into the ground." (1)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

== Section 4: Links ==

Read Another Section on this Topic
Other topics of interest
More important letters

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This email contains four sections:1. Posting: How one Avt. “died”
2. PS #1050: Repentance of a wt - group leader of AMPS
3. IT: How even the most powerful weapons become useless
4. Links

Friday, November 17, 2017

Vimalananda preaches false things: Prout


Vimalananda preaches false things: Prout


Recently, one Prout program was organized to educate the public. One drama was displayed on the stage. The drama was on the theme of Prout under the direction of Vimalananda dada. Those who participated as characters in the drama, their performance was very good indeed. But the flaw was from the side of Vimalananda.

Due to serious blunders and flaws in the theme, the drama only did a disservice to the public. Because the wrong teaching was propagated. Here I am enlisting the serious blunders:

Flaw #1: Vimalananda displayed false things—Early humans were carnivorous.

  • In the PROUT drama, Vimalananda has displayed that early humans were carnivorous. But that is fundamentally wrong according to Ananda Marga philosophy. Human biology, structure, and the whole entire human biological machinery is vegetarian. In so many discourses Baba has narrated this idea. On this point, various books are also available. So this is a serious blunder. (For proof see note 1,2)

Flaw #2: Good qualities of vipras left out

  • In the drama, during the kśatriya yuga both the good and bad qualities of kśatriya leaders were displayed. After that, when the vipran era was enacted, therein only bad qualities of vipras were displayed. That created a misleading scene, in which it appeared that the vipras do not have any good qualities. (For rebuttal see note 3)

Note: Those who wish to see Vimalananda’s video on this very issue, please write us to receive the link.

Flaw #3: Shúdra age will not come back

  • The way the drama is presented, it gives the picture that the social cycle is not cyclical but linear. That is, it gives a subtle message that the shúdra and kśatriya yugas will never come again. That is false.

Conclusion: when SG Prout Vimalananda is blind

Baba guides us that we should propagate our philosophy with various types of art, drama, poetry, song, dance, films, discussion, debate, and various other media. But those themes should be proper—they should move according to PROUT philosophy. If anything is done devoid of that link with Prout philosophy, then it goes against the spirit of Prout. That is what happened here, and it is harmful. Vimalananda dada, while thinking about PROUT, misguides others interested in Prout.

We should always be alert—if we see something being portrayed wrongly, then it will take double the effort to rectify it. So the teaching should always be given properly, flawlessly.

Otherwise if the audience is given something else in the name of Prout, the wrong teaching will be propagated. And it will be very difficult to withdraw and correct the thread. So in the initial phase, before performing any dramatization of Baba’s teachings, it should always be viewed beforehand and comment made as to whether the substance is worthy or not.

It is unfortunate that these days improper, unqualified people are running Prout. So we should be careful that whenever we see something wrong, we should try to identify and fix those things.

In Him

Note: Those who wish to see Vimalananda’s video on this very issue, please write us to receive the link.

~ In-depth study ~

Flaw #4: Vimalananda misguides

  • In the beginning of the drama, the narrator has stated many times “kśudra yuga” (क्षुद्र युग)—which means "mean age, lowly age". They did not say “shúdra yuga” (शुद्र युग). And that is a big mistake.

Flaw #5: In Prout drama

  • In this PROUT drama, Vimalananda ends the second video with negative feeling—that "there is nothing beyond capitalism; there is nothing we can do." The end of the second video is quite depressing. The third video is still not produced.

  • Regarding this second video I will add that no such video should end in a negative message. Because those who watch youtube may view only one part of the series and not another. So every video must have a positive message in the end. But that has not been done especially in the second video.

Flaw #6: In Prout drama

  • In the first video, at the beginning the announcer says “racayitá” (रचयिता) of PROUT. But that is wrong. This word “racayitá” (रचयिता) is usually used for songs and poetry, not for prose. In Hindi we cannot say "PROUT racayitá (रचयिता)”. We have to say "PROUT prańetá (प्रणेता)”.

  • Vimalananda should  fix these blunders; otherwise in this video he is doing a disservice. So these flaws should be fixed.

Besides these mistakes, whatever drama has been portrayed, is good. The concept is good; it will be quite effective once these errors are fixed.

Human beings are not carnivorous

  • Note 1. Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “According to the laws of nature, human beings are not carnivorous. So, if they eat meat they will catch numerous diseases. Vegetarians generally suffer from fewer diseases than non-vegetarians because they are more habituated to following natural laws. You must have noticed that those who violate the laws of nature and become non-vegetarian, even though they do not possess canine teeth, have peculiar eating habits. Sometimes it even seems as if non-vegetarians eat like dogs. Non-vegetarians have trouble chewing meat properly because of the absence of canine teeth.” (1)

  • Note 2. Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Human beings, are not carnivorous but graminivorous by birth. With increased intellect, they began to fight using the intellectual sphere more than the physical. People could not fight a lion or a tiger with their physical bodies, their hands and feet. They had to invent weapons. Some undeveloped animals possess certain weapons. It is not that they have no weapons. But of course their weapons are less effective than those of human beings.” (2)

Great contribution of vipra leaders

Note 3. Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, “Those who first discovered how to make fire by friction, providing comforting warmth to the human body when it was chilled by cold winter nights, came to be viewed as the greatest people, not because of their physical strength, but due to their merit and intellect. Society hailed them as rśis [pioneers of human welfare].” (2)
“In the following age human beings made food palatable and easily digestible by roasting it over a fire. Those who first taught this use of fire to others were also acclaimed as rśis; they were the successors of the previous rśis. Those who first invented the art of weaving cloth to cover the naked human body, those who first taught animal husbandry and the use of cow’s milk to feed babies deprived of their mother’s milk, and those who first solved the problems of transportation by inventing the now-outmoded bullock cart, were all rśis, the original benefactors of humanity. They were all the ancestors of the human race, hence they were all worthy of being remembered and revered. Those rśis, the messengers of the new, were naturally held in the highest esteem by kśatriya society. They were known as vipras and given unstinting respect.” (2)

Short history of shúdra, kśatriya, vipra, vaeshya ages

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, “When the first human babies evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago in the process of the Cycle of Creation, those humans did not find the world such a safe place to live in. There were dense forests infested with wild, ferocious animals and venomous reptiles. Gigantic carnivorous creatures with huge protruding teeth prowled everywhere in search of prey. The first human beings were not blessed with a sweet, homey environment to protect them from violent storms, terrifying thunder and lightning, and falling meteors. The scorching rays of the midday sun threatened to destroy the lives of those babies. Such was their condition.” (2)

Shúdra age

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, “How little scope the human beings of that age had to develop their contemplative power, to explore the pathways of their inner world. People spent all their energy on survival, fighting ceaselessly against the ruthlessness of nature.” (2)

Kśatriya age

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, “During that age of struggle in that primitive human society, what counted most was brute force – sheer physical strength. In that distant age people lived according to the maxim "Might is right." When they realized that the forces of nature were hostile to them, they did not think it wise to live separately in an isolated, scattered way. Thus they began to come together and to form many small groups, gotras [clans] or tribes, with the sole purpose of surviving through collective struggle. In that age of physical might the strongest person became the leader of the clan and was worshipped by society as a hero. In this way the kśatriya social structure first developed in the ancient world. (2)

Note: Those who wish to see Vimalananda’s video on this very issue, please write us to receive the link.

Vipra age

Ananda Marga philosophy teaches us, “The world continued to evolve. The social structure developed by those primitive people could not maintain its status quo. Society began to understand that mere physical strength was insufficient; it required the support of intellect. That intellect would control and direct physical might and point the way to real prosperity.” (2)
“Those who first discovered how to make fire by friction, providing comforting warmth to the human body when it was chilled by cold winter nights, came to be viewed as the greatest people, not because of their physical strength, but due to their merit and intellect. Society hailed them as rśis [pioneers of human welfare].” (2)
“In the following age human beings made food palatable and easily digestible by roasting it over a fire. Those who first taught this use of fire to others were also acclaimed as rśis; they were the successors of the previous rśis.” (2)
“Those who first invented the art of weaving cloth to cover the naked human body, those who first taught animal husbandry and the use of cow’s milk to feed babies deprived of their mother’s milk, and those who first solved the problems of transportation by inventing the now-outmoded bullock cart, were all rśis, the original benefactors of humanity. They were all the ancestors of the human race, hence they were all worthy of being remembered and revered. Those rśis, the messengers of the new, were naturally held in the highest esteem by kśatriya society. They were known as vipras and given unstinting respect.” (2)

Vaeshya age- 1

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Time passed. Human beings came in closer contact with the external world and learned better how to use various material objects, or learned the necessity of rendering those objects fit for use.” (2)
“Naturally some people had to be engaged in producing mundane commodities. The class that was thus engaged was called the vaeshya class.” (2)
“As the result of a natural process, the kśattriyas and vipras gradually became subservient to the vaeshyas in order to maintain their mundane existence. In the absence of farmers no food could be produced; without weavers no clothes could be made – blacksmiths, potters, cobblers, etc., were also indispensable. Thus gradually the vipra society had no alternative but to accept the supremacy of the vaeshyas.” (2)

Vaeshya age- 2

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Those who were devoid of the qualities of the kśattriyas, vipras or vaeshyas had no option but to become their obedient servants. They were exploited by all three classes in the same manner – ruthlessly.” (2)
“The world advanced still further, and along with this the social structure also underwent changes. As a natural consequence of the flow of creation, human beings invented money. Gradually money itself became a source of pleasure. People scrambled among themselves, because the more money one accumulated, the richer one became; one could become the owner of as much land as one wished or as many luxuries as one desired. In the vaeshya-dominated society the vaeshyas were undoubtedly the most affluent; the other classes, for their subsistence, were totally dependent on the favours dispensed by the vaeshyas. This vaeshya-dominated society continues even today.” (2)

Shúdra domination

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Due to exploitation, the kśattriyas and vipras are gradually degenerating to the level of shúdras. It is a natural law that the affluent cannot be in the majority in any society; only the shúdras can be the majority. Now these shúdras collectively want to destroy the dominance of the vaeshyas and annihilate them. That is why shúdra domination is emerging in society today. But is shúdradomination the final stage? If the control of society slides into the hands of the shúdras, will not the mundane prosperity and spiritual progress of humanity suffer a set-back? As the shúdras’ struggle to gain domination continues, people are gradually realizing what form of society is most conducive to real human welfare.​” (2)

The motive of this PROUT drama was to propagate Prout philosophy, especially about how the social cycle moves from one age to another age. In this way it reached from the shúdra age up to now the vaesha age. In so doing however, it portrayed the process as a linear one culminating in the vaesha age, rather than as a cyclical one which one again return to shúdra domination and start the cycle anew.

In this Prout drama, it was wrongly displayed that human beings are by nature carnivores.

Note: Those who wish to see Vimalananda’s video on this very issue, please write us to receive the link.

1. A Few Problems Solved Part 4, Plants, Animals and Human Beings
2. Prout in a Nutshell Volume 1 Part 1, The Evolution of Society

== Section 2: Links ==

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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Fake wt : self-publicity + 3 more


Fake wt : self-publicity

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to learn and follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


Ananda Marga ideology says, "Whether one be a philanthropist or a star athlete, one desires to see what is written about them in the newspaper. This means that in trying to do some good work, what are they really doing? They are falling under the sway of one propensity, the propensity of greed...The propensity of greed increases." (1)

Self-praise is bad for sadhakas - 1

Baba says: Who does "Meow, meow"? "You did a little work and propagate; 'I have done , I have done .'  "I have done this, I have done that". People praise themselves too much saying 'I', 'I'. Oh, why would you say that much I, I. Oh, why would you say "Meow, meow"? If anyone does "Meow, meow, meow" it is a cat. (*) (Laughter) What do you think? Who does "Meow, meow"? The cat. Yes.

Man does a little, (showing with the two fingers and thumb of His hand) this much, and expresses (showing by expanding both the hands to max) this much. Don't do like this. Continue to do work with His thought in mind. No need to tell anybody about it. Parama Purusa is doing every work of the entire universe; does He talk about it? No He does not. Niirav karmi bano, Be a silent worker." (2)

(*) The cat makes the sound “meow, meow”, and that sound is very similar to the Hindi word for “I” or “oneself.” So according to Hindi, it sounds like the cat just moves around all day glorifying itself - meow meow. So Baba is making a joke that human beings should not glorify themselves all day long (“I did this”, “I did that”) like the cat - meow, meow.

Watch out - you may come across some Wts whose behaviour is similar - they praise themselves and say, “I did this and I did that.” As they are our family members, we should politely tell them not to praise themselves but sing the glory of Parama Purusa - not self-glorification.

Here above is the English summary or gist of Baba’s below Hindi teaching.

Self-propaganda & fake service

See below how this so-called avadhutika is completely enamoured with ​self-publicity - just he is ​looking at the camera. Although outwardly it looks like he is ​doing service work / food distribution, ​but ​inwardly she is doing business. She is doing this to get prestige. Self-publicity is the gain from her business.

Whereas service is something completely different. When you serve by giving to the beggar then you do not take anything in return. You are not  concerned about any prestige etc. Because your service work is due to the inspiration and energy of Parama Purusa.

But this fake Wt is doing so-called service. Just she is posing to have an excellent photo for the newspaper. After the photo shoot, she walked away and others took over the job. But this fake Wt put her photo up on Facebook. And when her grand photo appeared and everyone had seen it on Facebook, then she showed everyone, "Look, I did a great job." But that is just her hypocrisy.

All along her mind was ​wholly focused and involved in ​self-propaganda. The proof is that Didi ji is not even looking towards the person to whom she is distributing the food. Just Didi ji is fully engulfed in getting herself in the photo. Take a look below.

In the above photo this Didi ji is completely enamoured with ​self-publicity - just she is ​looking at the camera. Although she is ​showing to others that she is ​doing service work, ​but her mind is ​wholly focused and involved in ​self-propaganda. The proof is that Didi ji is not even looking towards the person to whom she is distributing the food. Just Didi ji is fully engulfed in getting herself in the photo.

Doing for self-satisfaction means that the mind is wrapped around its own ego and it is getting smaller and smaller as one thinks only about their own petty self. It is very constricting and goes directly against the entire ethic of Ananda Marga  which stands for psychic expansion.

Self-propaganda is antithetical to spirituality

Here below Baba clearly demonstrates the mindset of such ​fake wts who perform actions​ solely for their own name and fame, not to selflessly serve others.

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Suppose a certain man donates one thousand rupees to a particular institution. The next day he looks anxiously for his name in the newspaper. If his name does not appear in the paper, then with an air of conceit he brags amongst his kith and kin. “I have donated a thousand rupees, but I do not desire recognition and therefore I have not published my name in the paper.” The desire for fame exists in a concealed form in that man’s mind. Clearly, he did not make the donation with the spirit of service." (3)

Baba ​clearly guides us that this approach is devoid of the real spirit of service. Unfortunately, that is the overall approach nowadays. People are dominated by ego satisfaction, tragically. And it looks like some this Wt has adopted this very tactic.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Is reborn as a cat​

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Which animal is the greediest among the animals with which we are all very familiar? It does not like to give up greed in spite of ill treatment and humiliations. It is the cat. Yes, after moving a few steps ahead, the cat forgets that it was beaten. So, that particular person is reborn as a cat after death, because that body affords an opportunity for the satiation of their greed. When the housewife looks around inattentively, the cat sneaks into the kitchen through the small opening in order to reach the milk or fish in the kitchen. So in order to exhaust the saḿskáras one needs an appropriate body. Some people obtain a new body immediately after death and others obtain it later. But one has to obtain it somehow." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "One who is doing philanthropic work today, tries to find out tomorrow whether or not their name appeared in the newspaper. They have no desire to read the other news. They read the news that relates to themselves twenty times but do not go through the other news with much enthusiasm. If someone asks they might say that today there was only one important piece of news, nothing else. That is how a person comes under the sway of a propensity and remains subject to the cycle of birth and rebirth." (5)

Due to the mass propagation of the self-centered philosophy of materialism, there is an increase in an ego-oriented outlook. This is evident with so-called Wts. ​Fake wts often act out of extreme self-satisfaction - for the sake of boosting their own ego.

Afterwards they may brag about their own "greatness". They announce to others about how they did top-level social service​. But that is their hypocrisy. They did solely for their own self-propaganda and getting their face in the newspaper. This is the on-going​ dirty ​trend amongst fake Wts.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Whether one be a philanthropist or a star athlete, one desires to see what is written about them in the newspaper. This means that in trying to do some good work, what are they really doing? They are falling under the sway of one propensity, the propensity of greed. Now if this act is encouraged by the society, that is, if the newspapers dedicate a lot of attention to such news, or if people in general say, “Sir, whatever you are doing is unparalleled in history. Sir, we are not eulogizing you. We are simply telling the truth” – if they praise such a person in this way and then try to extract some money from them (there are such intelligent people around) – then what does it amount to indirectly? The propensity of greed increases." (6)

Self-praise is bad for sadhakas - 2

बिल्ली करती है

छोटा-सा काम कर दिए, और कहते हो—“मैंने किया, मैंने किया |” “मैंने यह किया, मैंने वह किया |” “मैं, मैं” करके मनुष्य परेशान हो जाते हैं | अरे ! तुम उतना “मैं, मैं,” क्यों करोगे ? “मैं-मैं, मैं-मैं” करेगी तो बिल्ली | [हँसी]

क्या जी ? “मैं, मैं” कौन करती है ? बिल्ली करती है | हाँ | तो, मनुष्य इतना करता है—

[बाबा ने हाथ की दोनों अङ्गुलियों को नज़दीक लाकर इशारे से बताया कि मनुष्य छोटा-सा काम करता है |]

छोटा-सा किया | इतना बोलता है |

[बाबा ने अपने दोनों हाथों को दूर तक फैलाते हुए बताया कि मनुष्य अपने छोटे काम को बढ़ा चढ़ाकर बताता है |] |

सो नहीं, काम करते रहो | और उनको सोचते रहो | बोलने की कोई ज़रूरत नहीं है | परमपुरुष विश्व-ब्रह्माण्ड का हर काम करते हैं | बोलते हैं ? नहीं बोलते हैं | नीरव कर्मी बनो | Be silent worker | (7)

See below how this so-called avadhuta is completely enamoured with ​self-publicity - just he is ​looking at the camera. Although outwardly it looks like he is ​doing AMURT work, ​but ​inwardly he is doing business. He is doing this to get prestige. Self-publicity is the gain from his business.

Whereas service is something completely different. When you serve by giving to the beggar then you do not take anything in return. You are not  concerned about any prestige etc. Because your service work is due to the inspiration and energy of Parama Purusa.

But this fake Wt is doing so-called service. Just he is posing to have an excellent photo for the newspaper. After the photo shoot, he walked away and others took over the job. But this fake Wt submitted his photo to the newspaper and put it up on Facebook. And the next day when his grand photo appeared in the newspaper, and everyone had seen it on Facebook, then he showed everyone, "Look, I did a great job." But that is just his hypocrisy.

All along his mind was ​wholly focused and involved in ​self-propaganda. The proof is that Dadaji is not even looking towards the person to whom he is distributing the clothing. Just Dadaji is fully engulfed in getting himself in the photo. Take a look below.

~ The above Dada (right) is Ac Nabhatiitananda ~

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer
2. Trans Dr. T.R.S.
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Yajiṋa and Karmaphala
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 10, The Supreme Entity – the Non-Doer
7. DMC 4 March 1984 Jammu

== Section 2: Letter ==
Hypocrisy unmasked

Note: In their elitist announcement, two B group Dadas wrote - "killing of 17 Ananda Marga Sanyasis and Sanyasini on 30th April 1982 at Bijan Setu" - as if only sannyasis were murdered that day. So brother Rajeshji unmasked their hypocrisy and rightly raised the point that family margiis were also killed, namely Shrii Ram Raghuvar Agrawal of Jaipur (Rajasthan, India). Unfortunate that name was omitted from B group's list because he was a family man.
Shrii Ram Raghuvar Agrawal was a BP and fully dedicated to Sadguru Baba's ideals. On that fateful afternoon Ram Raghuvar was riding in a taxi. The cab was stopped and raided. Those communist attackers saw Ram Raghuvar's long hair and long beard. So they brutally murdered him then and there in the street. It was an absolutely horrific scene.

Not only that, 
Shrii Vanshidhar Parikh, also of Jaipur, was riding in the same taxi. Vanshidhar Parikh was beaten mercilessly but somehow he survived. Yet Shrii Vanshidhar has worn the gruesome scars from that incident all these years. It is a gory reminder of the horror that took place that day. So this a glaring example of the sacrifice of family margiis for the great ideology of Ananda Marga. But B group neglected to mention these facts, unfortunately.

Here below brother Rajesh points out the hypocritical manner of these two B group dada

Ravishanandji, Namaskar

I strongly protest for misleading and manipulating the Bijon Setu Massacre fact. On fateful day of 30th April, 1982 along with 14 WTs, 2 Didis (Didi Anand Pracheta and one unknown) one Grihii Margii of Jaipur, Sri Ram Raghuvar Agarwalji was also killed.

Its shameful on your part that you intentionally avoided to recognize the sacrifice of Grihii Margii.

I have seen politicians playing dirty politics on deaths but you people have stoop so low, worst than the politicians.

Shame!!! Shame!!!! Shame!!!!!!

I condemned your shameful act with strongest possible words and demand public apology with immediate correction of facts.

Regards, Rajesh Singh
Mobile- 09811426644

Brother Rajeshji is responding to the below excerpt by these two B group Dadas who wrongly claim that only sannyasis were killed that day:

The brutality of CPM goons can never be forgotten by humanity at large. The beastlike killing of 17 Ananda Marga Sanyasis and Sanyasini on 30th April 1982 at Bijan Setu has made an impression so deep on human psyche that CPM will always be equated with brutality and animality.



Ac. Raviishananda Avadhuta

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Knowing about previous life

   Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Forgetfulness is a providential decree. Usually human beings forget their past lives. Is this forgetfulness a blessing or a curse? It is a blessing because human beings feel burdened by the weight of one life. It would be impossible for them to carry the burden of many lives together."
   "The human mind is sentimental – full of love, affection, camaraderie, etc. People have a deep attraction to this world; they remain preoccupied throughout their lives with fears and anxieties for the safety of their families. So many problems have to be confronted. The problems of one life alone are enough to make people restless. If they had to face the problems of several lives, they would be unable to lead a natural life. The problems of the past lives, compounded by the strife of the present life, would drive them to the brink of insanity. Secondly, it is difficult for people to be detached from love and attachment for one life. So much effort is required to overcome the bondages of attachment and march towards Parama Puruśa. If the memory of the past lives is revived, the bondage of attachment will tighten its grip, putting a halt to spiritual advancement. One will be caught in the grip of worldly attachment. Thus the decree of merciful providence is, “Let human beings be oblivious of their past lives.”" (1)

1. Ananda Marga Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Cerebral and Extra-Cerebral Memory

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