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Sunday, February 26, 2023

So-called didis + 3 more

So-called didis

Note: This letter is only for those who have reverence for Sadguru Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji and try to follow His Ananda Marga ideology.


I write this with the interests of our respected Didis, our WWD, and our Ananda Marga organisation at heart. By addressing such issues one can best progress spiritually, and in all the ways. For this reason, I have raised this matter. And, ultimately, I wish to see all Wt Didis advance on the path and become dharmic leaders.

When a didi has long, artificially scented, perfumed hair then those so-called margii sisters feel that the didi was raised in a good, upstanding family. They feel that didi is cultured and that she knows how to properly take care of herself. And those same margii sisters are pleased when they see that didi using all kinds of artificially scented products in her hair and on her body such as: artificially scented soap, artificially scented shampoo, and artificially-scented conditioner. This is what new and fringe margiis of Delhi sector have understood by watching the example of certain top degraded didis. Yet, Baba's teaching is that Wt didis must not use perfume or artificially-scented products; and, didis must not keep long hair.

Find out Wt Didi's hair rule

Baba's mandate for Didis is to keep short hair (1 inch or less).

Wt conduct rule states, "The hair of the head should not be allowed to grow more than one inch." (1)

Some senior didis are not following this conduct rule. Whereas the newer brahmacarini didis were strictly adhering to Baba's system and keeping short hair. The newer didis - i.e. those who completed training in the last 1 or 2 years - are keeping short hair and properly following Baba's code of conduct. After all, they recently completed and came out from TC (training centre) where they became accustomed to keeping short hair. Such junior wt didis are doing the right thing, yet they are not being appreciated. Rather they are wrongly criticised by certain new margiis and other fringe margiis. You know fringe margiis in India often means certain wealthy families who take part in AM functions, but are not committed margiis in their individual life.

So new and fringe margiis are holding a poor opinion of Didis with short hair. But we cannot say those new or fringe margiis are at fault. Rather they got indoctrinated into that perspective by being around certain senior Wt didis. Some of those top didis fell into pseudo-culture, did not follow Guru’s given conduct rules, and chose to keep long hair. In turn, those new and fringe margiis got the idea that long hair was proper and that wts didis with short hair are backwards and unstylish. That is how the myth became established.

So the whole situation is totally bizarre. Good Wt didis following Baba's system of keeping short hair are mocked and criticized; and wayward Wt didis who keep long hair are glorified and respected. The situation is backwards and upside-down.

Here is yet another piece to the puzzle: Some higher posted didis are colouring their gray hair with dyes, as well as using hair sprays and gels. They are even rubbing artificial scent on their entire body and clothes. Plus they put make-up (perfumed cosmetics) on their skin. This has become their SOP (standard operating procedure). All because they got completely caught up in pseudo-culture and blatantly stopped paying heed to Guru’s conduct rules for Wt Didis.

To allure opposite sex what some Didis

Now the main question is why do some Didis contravene Guru’s guidelines for Wt Didis / yogic nuns? What is their primary motivation for indulging in pseudo-culture beautification?

Answer: The main reason for contravening Guru's guidelines and using all such pseudo-culture beauty products, cosmetics - and taking so much time and energy - is to attract the opposite sex. Sadly, such Didis wish to increase their ability to allure the opposite sex.

Here is a list of fundamental strategies and pseudo-culture beauty techniques that some of our Wt Didis do:
(a) they grow long hair;
(b) they use artificially scented soaps and shampoos;
(c) they go to the beauty parlor to catch up on the latest fashions;
(d) they waste money on purchasing and using beauty products;
(e) they wear perfume;
(f) they spend lots of time in front of a vanity mirror etc.

So see the situation: Those didis who keep long hair and use artificially scented products are viewed as coming from highly civilised and cultured families; unfortunately, those strictly following Baba's conduct rules - keeping short hair and refraining from using fragrance and perfumes - are viewed as coming from backwards and poor families, but the truth is the opposite.

WT conduct rules for avadhutikas

To set the matter straight, here then are a few of Baba’s key teachings on this topic:

WT conduct rule says, “Perfumed oil should not be used.” (2)

WT conduct rule says, “Any medicated soap but not cosmetic or perfumed should be used.” (3)

WT conduct rule says, “The hair of the head should not be allowed to grow more than one inch.” (4)

So Baba's teachings are crystal-clear and quite straight-forward. Our Wt didis are to keep their hair short, no more than an inch in length, and our Wt didis must not use artificially scented beauty products / cosmetics. Yet, in too many cases the exact opposite is going on, and this has led to a terrible demise. The only exception to Baba’s stated mandates are particular circumstances outside India for political reasons. However, there is no excuse for any didi keeping long hair, especially in Delhi sector.

Cause of degeneration

The basic motivation behind using beauty products etc is to highlight and show oneself in a manner based on superficial beauty. But one should not forget that the mind is one. If anyone is highlighting themselves then their entire existence is focused on their own petty I-feeling and not Parama Purusa. By that way their mind becomes smaller and smaller. That will lead them along the path of negative pratisaincara - i.e. the path of degeneration.

As one thinks so one becomes. If one indulges in their own petty-I feeling, their mind will become narrower and still more narrow, and finally & become animalistic. That is the practical science and that is what happens to those engrossed in their own superficial beauty. Giving importance to one's own self on the path of spirituality is very bad. That is why such types of activities that make the mind self-engrossed are antithetical for spiritual progress. No right-minded person - let alone some of our Wt didis should destroy their future in this way.


In the past, prior to 1990, our wholetimers were ensconced in the ideals of sadhana, service, and sacrifice. Our Wt didis were glorified in this way - that was their beauty and charm. Unfortunately, now some workers have turned to cosmetics and beauty parlors to decorate themselves to attract the opposite sex. This is the height of superficiality. This is a shocking state of degeneration. Such is the dominance and allurement of materialism that some WT didis have gotten involved in this way. Their dharmic role is to bring others onto the path of spirituality, but instead the opposite has occurred.

It is sad and tragic that a few have fallen in this way. It lowers the standard dramatically. It is our duty to save them and show the right path that running after superficial beauty leads one towards hell - only Parama Purusa is the goal.

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Lowly people aggrandise themselves

Some fall prey to the psychic ailment known as self-aggrandizement or gaorava. This is when people feel a need to present themselves as being bigger or better than what they truly are.

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "Gaorava is the second type of aham'ka'ra [ego]. It means “self-aggrandizement”. Puffed up with vanity, a person will want to project his image in an exaggerated manner. Often we hear somebody say, for example, that they have a rose the size of a balloon in their garden – whereas actually the rose may be the size of a ping-pong ball. Constant indulgence in this type of activity converts the mind into matter."
   "We have seen bulls moving about in the streets with an air of arrogance. Such a bull creates a sound expressing the idea that it is big – Ham bar'a'. But when the bull dies and ta'nt [vina string] is made out of its intestines and musicians start playing on it, the sound which is then emitted expresses the idea Tun bar'a' – meaning thereby that the bull realizes that others are big, and realizes that he has arrived at this condition because of his arrogance."
   "In fact the inculcation of gaorava leads one to the worst hell. Just as there are six layers, or lokas, of the Cosmic Mind above the crude world, so are there six types of hell, six narakas, below the physical world. The names of these hells are tala, atala, tala'tala, pa'ta'la, atipa'ta'la and rasa'tala. Another term for rasa'tala is raorava naraka – and a person indulging in gaorava will certainly go to raorava [crudest state of mind]." (5)

Our Wts have to follow different rules than family margiis.

1. Avadhutika Rules, Point #2 of 32 Points
2. #3 of 32 Rules for Avadhutikas
3. #8 of 32 Rules for Avadhutikas
4. Avadhutika Rules, Point #2 of 32 Points
5. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, Safeguards against the Defects of Jiṋána and Karma

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I am singing for You

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.

"Je gán tomáke shonái,tumi ki shono ná priya..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4471)


O’ Parama Purusa, my Dearmost, don't You listen to the song which I am singing for You? That tune which is coming from my heart, is that to be neglected? The song which expresses my innermost, heart-felt longing and yearning for You, is that to be ignored? Please tell me, Dear.

O’ Divine Entity, the flower blooms and blossoms on this earth and emanates a sweet aroma all around. But after some time that same flower is just lying in the dust crying. Then can this be overlooked - should it just be forgotten?

Baba, O’ Parama Purusa, after showering all sorts of blessings upon me, if You make me impoverished then please remember the request of that impoverished fellow sometimes. In the past we were close, but now, because of my shortcomings, You have forgotten me. Our love should be beyond all merits and demerits, so kindly don’t neglect me. I humbly request You not to forget this plea...

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Who is worthy of honour & respect

Neo-humanism states:
“To those who think for all . . .
who offer others seats of honour and respect . . .
who venerate others, instead of waiting to be venerated –
to them I dedicate this book with humble esteem and deepest salutations.” (1)
- Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
Note: In the above lines, it is obvious we should give first priority to honouring those whom nobody honours.

1. Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, Dedication page

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Non-human to superman

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Spiritual thirst is the speciality, or rather the special characteristic of human beings. And there lies the difference between man and the other animals. Where there is no spiritual thirst in a man, physically he may be like a man, but actually, psychologically, he is not a man. So this special determination of human beings should always be encouraged so that a man may develop from an ordinary human being to a superman." (1)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam -12, The Four Kinds of Approach

== Section 3: Links ==
Recent postings
Other topics of interest

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