Please look into this very important issue which aims to bring awareness about the kinds of nasty activities going on in our organisation. The evil-minded Rudrananda has pressured PP Dada to award purodhaships to various philanderers and libidinous people. The Nigamananda group has printed and published newsletters in Hindi that exposes their nefarious activities. Herein please find the latest from the Nigamananda group.
So to date there has been two letters from the Nigamanada group. This is the third installment. The second was titled, "N group's circular: demand for margii participation on all boards etc." A link to that letter has been appended below.
One of the main leaders of the Nigamananda group has been demoted but he has created his own What's App forum to communicate with margiis. You can join directly also if you wish.
The following is an abbreviated summary of the below Hindi message from one of the Nigamananda group leaders:
1. The letter accuses Rudrananda of being a CBI agent.
2. It states that Rudrananda's chief central purodhas are mostly debauched. They are involved in all kinds of nasty relations with opposite sex.
3. It responds that Ranchi group has spread false propaganda about one of the main Nigamananda group leaders stating that he has left. Butt the truth is that this leading Dada of N group is in his field of his posting and from there he is writing everyone.
4. The leader is telling and threatening that if his demands are not fulfilled he will come to Ranchi and give a press conference to the leading newspapers about all his grievances, including accusations related with sexual scandals of senior purodhas.
5. It also reiterates the point given in circular #2 that in every AMPS activity, margiis should have 50% share in the managing and running ofit. AMPS religious exploitation should be eliminated.
These are the basis demands of the below Hindi letter by N group leader. For details please find someone who can directly read the Hindi for you.
in Him,
N's group revolt against Rudrananda
and his alleged philanderer purodhas #3
and his alleged philanderer purodhas #3
Please look into this very important issue which aims to bring awareness about the kinds of nasty activities going on in our organisation. The evil-minded Rudrananda has pressured PP Dada to award purodhaships to various philanderers and libidinous people. The Nigamananda group has printed and published newsletters in Hindi that exposes their nefarious activities. Herein please find the latest from the Nigamananda group.
So to date there has been two letters from the Nigamanada group. This is the third installment. The second was titled, "N group's circular: demand for margii participation on all boards etc." A link to that letter has been appended below.
One of the main leaders of the Nigamananda group has been demoted but he has created his own What's App forum to communicate with margiis. You can join directly also if you wish.
The following is an abbreviated summary of the below Hindi message from one of the Nigamananda group leaders:
1. The letter accuses Rudrananda of being a CBI agent.
2. It states that Rudrananda's chief central purodhas are mostly debauched. They are involved in all kinds of nasty relations with opposite sex.
3. It responds that Ranchi group has spread false propaganda about one of the main Nigamananda group leaders stating that he has left. Butt the truth is that this leading Dada of N group is in his field of his posting and from there he is writing everyone.
4. The leader is telling and threatening that if his demands are not fulfilled he will come to Ranchi and give a press conference to the leading newspapers about all his grievances, including accusations related with sexual scandals of senior purodhas.
5. It also reiterates the point given in circular #2 that in every AMPS activity, margiis should have 50% share in the managing and running ofit. AMPS religious exploitation should be eliminated.
These are the basis demands of the below Hindi letter by N group leader. For details please find someone who can directly read the Hindi for you.
in Him,
अभी तक रांची प्रशासन का सदस्य हूँ मैंने दी गई पोस्टिंग ZO - धारवाड़ में
ज्वाइन कर अपने चीफ सेकेट्री को एवम सेंट्रल ऑफिस सेक्टरी आचार्य
रमेन्द्रानंद जी को फोन के द्वारा सूचित कर दिया है और मुझसे
सेन्ट्रल ऑफिस सेक्टरी ने स्वयम
फोन पर बात भी की।
CBI एजेंट रुद्रानन्द अपने चरित्र हींन पुरोधा नाभातीता नन्द के द्वारा यह
प्रचार करवा रहे है, कि मंत्राचेतना नन्द संस्था छोड़ दिया है। ऐसी ग़लती न
करे। रांची संस्था के पास ऐसी कोई पावर नहीं जो मुझे भगोड़ा या एक्सपेल
घोसित कर दे।
नहीं तो मुझे मजबूरन रांची में आकर ओपन प्रेस कन्फ्रेस
CBI एजेंट एवम उसके चरित्र हींन चमचो को एक्सपोज़ करने की जरुरत पड़े।
तब दुनिया को पता चलेगा कि बहार तो एक आसाराम है और रुद्रानंद कई आसाराम
जैसे लोगो को पाल पने षड़यंत्र द्वारा इस पवित्र संस्था को समाप्त करने की
कोशिश में लगा है
मैं यह भी बताना चाहता हूँ हाई
कोर्ट के कोस्टेटस मिलने के बाद संस्था को पुरोधा बनाने का अधिकार ही नहीं
है। जितने भी इस जजमेंट का बाद जितने भी पुरोधा रांची प्रशाशन ने बनाये है
वह सब अवैध है ।
मै मार्गियो भाईयो को एडवांस में सूचित करना चाहता हूँ इसका दोष मुझे न दिया जाय। की
प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस कर के सँस्था को नुक्सान पहुंचाया। रुद्रानन्द एवं उनके
चरित्र हींन चमचो को इनवाइट करता हूँ कि प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस में आकर अपने भी
विचार रखे।
यह STO फोरम इतना ही चाहता है जिनके
चरित्र पर दाग है वोह पुरोधा पद को सुशोभित कर पवित्र पुरोधा पद को बदनाम
न करे, क्योकि इससे बाबा एवम उनकी संस्था बदनाम होती है। और ऐसे चरित्र
हिन् लोगो को CEC का मेंबर न बनाया जाय।
ग्रही मार्गियो को भी संस्था के संचालन में 50- 50 प्रतिशत की हिस्सेदारी मिले।
WWD डिपार्टमेन्ट को
सन्यासी दीदियों का संचालन करने का अधिकार मिले।
ओवरसीज वर्कर एवम मार्गियो को बुलाकर उनकी समस्याओं का भी समाधान निकालने की कोशिश की जाय।
यदि फिर भी समस्या का समाधान नहीं निकला तो रांची कैंप HQ के बहार अनिश्चित कालीन भूख हड़ताल शुरू करेंगे।
अब ये रांची के प्रशासन पर निर्भर करता हे कि वह समाज में रुद्रानंद को एस्टैब्लिश कारन चाहता है या बाबा के मिशन को।
Here is the link to the 2nd N Group circular
Recent postings
Other topics of interest
More important letters
== Section 2:
Links ==
Here is the link to the 2nd N Group circular
Recent postings
Other topics of interest
More important letters