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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Didi missed


Didi missed


In His spiritual treatise, Ananda Sutram, Baba is explaining the whole of Ananda Marga ideology, including the appearance of Sadguru. Taraka Brahma is that Sadguru - that is what our Ananda Marga ideology says and that is what every Ananda Margii has realised.

3-8 Muktya'ka'unks'aya' sadgurupra'ptih.

"Purport: When a vehement desire for emancipation wakes up in a person, he attains his Sadguru [true spiritual preceptor] on the strength of that desire." (1)

Yet one so-called Commentary Book (CB) explains sutra 3-8 by using tales about dogmatic Hindu gurus like Swami Ramananda & Totapuri as proof of how Sadguru comes before the sadhaka - as if such so-called gurus are Taraka Brahma, Mahasambhuti, and Mahakaola.

The CB states, "Then one day the master Totapuri appeared, and he became Ramakrsna's guru."

Totapuri is an ordinary guru not the Sadguru, so none can say that Ramakrsna got the Sadguru. Verily, this example from the "CB" has nothing to do with the real meaning of sutra 3-8 of Ananda Sutram.

It is just like preaching about how one gets gold, but then in confusion you end up telling how one gets cow dung. Similarly, so many are getting common, ordinary teachers, but by her explanation of this sutra, Didiji is wrongly justifying that they got the Sadguru.

Your story in sutra form

In Ananda Marga, the whole concept of Sadguru is a sublime ideal - on no other path is Brahma the Guru. Yet in Ananda Marga Brahma is the Guru. That is why our tantric path of Ananda Marga is wholly unique and has no equal. Because Brahma is the Sadguru.

In Ananda Marga, we are trying to show the world that the path of Ananda Marga is pure dharma where the Preceptor or Sadguru is Brahma.

This sutra (3-8) is not difficult to understand for any sincere margii. Because their life as well as their coming onto the path of Ananda Marga is verily the living representation of this sutra. Their account is this sutra in story form.

This sutra is your story of how you came onto the tantric path of Ananda Marga. You had the internal longing and by His grace you got the Sadguru and the path. And He is guiding and helping you reach unto the Goal. If one does not have the internal longing, they will not get the Sadguru.

Yet the "CB" is making it look like getting the Sadguru is just like getting any ordinary teacher or joining any dogmatic path. But that is like comparing pure gold with mud. The two cannot even be compared. 

Along these lines, one important point is that if the disciples of Swami Ramdeva, Asharam Bapu, Shankaracharya, Mahesh Yogi, Ravishankar, or Satya Sai Baba and all sorts of thousands of "gurus" read this text then they are bound to think that they got the Sadguru. This book legitimizes all those so-called gurus as being Sadgurus. So rather than striving to attain the real Sadguru, those innocent followers will be duped into thinking that theirs is the Sadguru.

Many problems in commentary book

It should be clear that the incorrect explanation of Sadguru is not the only problem or mistake in that so-called Commentary Book.

Unfortunately, the "CB" veers away from the truth on nearly every sutra which Baba has given by:
(a) equating Baba's divine teachings with those of Christ, 
(b) telling that following dharma twice a day for 5 minutes is enough when Baba says that dharma must always be followed, 
(c) not recognising Prout as part of Ananda Sutram when in fact Baba has used the entire 5th chapter of Ananda Sutram to put forth Prout, etc 

Indeed on nearly each and every page there are dogmatic explanations to Baba's blemishless teachings. Tragically, all these mistakes and errors are being passed onto the reader by this "CB".

If the author had merely written this book in her own name than the whole matter would be less serious. Then we could say that the numerous inaccuracies are her own fault - issue over. But she is attributing all her words to Guru - as if her explanations are really what Guru is telling in those sutras. When in fact the meaning of those sutras is something else - something dharmic. Yet the writer is just giving a faulty explanation in Guru's name. That is the main injustice in writing such a commentary book.

And that is why  this "Commentary Book" must be removed from our Training Centres and removed from our jagrti bookshelves - as soon as possible. Because this "Commentary Book" is not preaching the ideals of Ananda Marga, rather in the name of Ananda Sutram and in the name of Ananda Marga, this book is putting forth dogmatic rituals from so many religions.

Understanding Baba's high spiritual ideals is not easy - especially in this materialistic era, so the common people are apt to rely on others' explanations. Yet when people refer to "CB", they are getting something that will lead them away from the ideals of Ananda Marga - unfortunately.

Brahma appears as Sadguru not fake guru

All of Baba's teachings are sacred - especially those which talk about getting Sadguru as the Guru and coming onto the path of Ananda Marga. Because this is the most unique aspect of Ananda Marga: Brahma is the Guru. Yet the "CB" undermines this insinuating that any dogmatic teacher or so-called guru is the equivalent of Sadguru.

We have all come onto the path of Ananda Marga due to His infinite love and compassion and here below, in a phrase, Baba graciously describes this unique and wonderful event of coming in contact with the Sadguru.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "It is the special grace of Brahma to appear as Sadguru and teach spiritual practice to human beings. Is it not His special grace when Brahma attracts a person?" (1)

Surrendering to Baba - the Sadguru,

Who wrote this "commentary book"

This so-called Commentary Book CB) was written by Didi Ananda Mitra. The actual name of her "CB" book is, "The Spiritual Philosophy of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti: A Commentary on Ananda Sutram". The book has been printed twice: 1981 & 1998. Unfortunately, in that 17 year gap between the first and second printings, not a single mistake was repaired.

And now another 20 years have passed and still these same faulty teachings have not been repaired. Needless to say there has been ample opportunity to fix these errors, but it it reported that Didiji is not interested because she does not make any money from this book. So she does not want to bother with it, even though many good margiis have pointed out the defects of her so-called analysis.

All in all, Didiji initially tried hard to write a decent book, but the topic is just beyond her capacity to explain. Ananda Marga philosophy is deep and she could not manage. Her attempt is akin to a cat trying to swallow a massive pumpkin. The cat simply lacks the capacity. Same is the case with Didiji in her attempt to explain Ananda Sutram.

Her approach is pramatta - bad from beginning to end

Even though this "Commentary Book" has been used in our WT Training Centres, and in so many other places for years and years, now more and more are now realising that this "Commentary Book" is not what it purports itself to be. Here Baba perfectly describes what happens when someone of lesser calibre attempts to explain His divine teachings.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The scriptures should always be interpreted by qualified scholars, competent philosophers, and penetrating thinkers. If one tries to interpret a profound scripture with superficial knowledge, the interpreter appears ridiculous and the audience is confused."

"There are some people who are neither scholars, nor philosophers, nor penetrating thinkers, but merely wander about interpreting scriptures as a means of livelihood. They utterly fail to present the proper matter in the correct perspective before the audience...[and] do more harm than good to the society."

"[They] interpret the scriptures just to exhibit their intellect - to procure for themselves a certificate of erudition. They remain far from the living spirit of the scriptures." (2)

There are some like Didiji whose livelihood may not come from direct economic gain but rather from social gain. Didiji did not make a lot of money from her book, but she did gain a high degree of social status. And with that enhanced social status she garnered respect, land grants, and large financial donations etc. And by this faulty approach she tried to interpret Ananda Sutram, but, needless, to say she fell far short of the mark. She could not scratch the surface; rather she preached dogma. 

For their welfare

This letter has been written with everyone's welfare in mind. Those sincere seekers looking for proper guideline about Ananda Sutram will gain the proper understanding of sutra 3-8, and related topics. Didiji herself will be benefited because by this way she can improve her own standard. She will then be able to serve others better. In contrast, if nobody points out Didi and she does not face any healthy criticism, then she will not grow and she will be a burden to the society by disseminating wrong teachings etc. With this healthy criticism, Didi Ananda Mitra will became an asset to the society. It is with this positive feeling in heart and mind that this letter has been written.

If you want more

If you are interested in receiving more postings which clearly delineate the defects of Didi Ananda Mitra's Commentary Book, simply email the editors of this network and they will gladly send you some of the many letters on this topic.

1. Subhasita Samgraha-1, The Call of the Supreme
2. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Important Teaching ==

Two unique points on human life
Note: Baba’s guideline appended below gives two very significant teachings:

(a) When you arrived on this earth you came empty-handed. Everything belongs to Parama Purusa because He has created this universe. To think, “Something is mine” is a misguided notion. Your house, your family, and whatever else you think to be yours, after 150 years you will not have those things / relations. What to say of 150 years, even after one minute you may not have them. So one is just a pseudo-owner; the real owner is Parama Purusa. But this mistaken sense of personal ownership is the effect of avidya maya. Because avidya maya does not allow human beings to gain this simple awareness that everything belongs to Parama Purusa. Only when the veil of avidya maya is removed a little do people then start talking about this idea. Otherwise, there would not be any need to even raise this matter. The day when avidya maya is fully eradicated one will become Parama Purusa. 

(b) The second teaching is that as humans we have special power, i.e. one’s I-feeling. Because of this a person can do sadhana and become one with Parama Purusa. Other jiivas do not have such a clear I-feeling, and they cannot do A-grade sadhana. That is why we should use our potentiality by (#1) not having the vanity of taking another’s property as our own, and (#2) utilizing the psychic potentiality for spiritual practice. 

For more understanding read Baba’s below teaching: 

Ananda Marga ideology states, “On a deeper analysis, it is found that human beings have nothing to call their own. They may boast about their intellect, intelligence, power and influence but the real owner of these is Parama Puruśa. By His grace, alone can one utilize or enjoy objects. If Parama Puruśa so desires. He can snatch away all these possessions from humans, And the humans will be unable to do anything about it. After realizing the Supreme truth intelligent people should endeavour to realize Parama Puruśa with the power He has given them. This realization of the Supreme also depends on His grace. In order to merit Parama Puruśa’s grace, unit beings will also have to do something. Their duty is to contemplate or ideate on Him.” (1)

1. Ananda Philosophy in a Nutshell - 4, Bhakti and Krpá

== Section 3: Links ==

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