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Saturday, June 30, 2018

Video: H group Wt beats margii lady in Ranchi


Video: H group Wt beats margii lady in Ranchi


#1: In the past you have read a few letters about H group Wts physically attacking innocent margiis in certain places. Now here is a video of a recent happening. You can see chaos unfolding at the Ranchi jagrti.

#2: For some or another reason family margiis, including Ac Candranath ji's granddaughter-in-law was beaten by an H group Wt in the middle of some program. And it has been recorded on video.

#3: You will have some sense of it although it is in Hindi. But by the noise, uproar, melee, shouting, and chaos you can guess that something nasty is going on. It is not a sentient jagrti vibration.

#4: Specifically, Vishrutananda Avt is the main culprit, as this stooge of Rudrananda has been given the green light so he has been abusing many margiis.

#5: It is obvious that before his natural death Rudrananda will utterly destroy H group. He closed almost all the training centres so no new Wts are being created and he has placed low character, spineless stooges in Centre. And on the top he is sitting and controlling everything.

#6: Already there are many cases where margiis have been attacked, So people are afraid to go close to any Wt as attacks happen in a random way - over trivial affairs. Just there is a quick, knee-jerk emotional outburst.

#7: Sadly these Wts do not do sadhana so they are very weak minded. The whole thing is very pathetic and unfortunate. Down below you can read Baba's teaching about weak-minded people and how they are very close to animals. Most probably these people are in their first human life after animal. By Baba's below quote it is very clear. 

In Him,
Dinesh Singh

~ In-depth study ~

When any incident occurs, one should be calm and use their vivek (sense of discrimination). Such persons are great human beings. Animals cannot do this - they always react hastily according to their instincts. And if a human also reacts impulsively then they are showing themselves as an animal. Those persons will yell, kick, scream, punch, smack etc. Such persons are of an extremely weak mind and very primitive, i.e. close to animal life.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “A great person is one who has complete control over the externalization of thoughts. A thought will not always be expressed physically. One may have a desire to hit someone or a desire to steal, but never actually does it due to one’s self control. A person who has such control over the mind can externalize internal ideas more vigorously than a normal person can. You may have met people who never lose their temper unnecessarily, but utilize anger with the utmost control for benevolent reasons. This is because they have control over their minds.” (1)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Imagine a scoundrel is standing in front of you. The man is such a rogue that you feel like slapping him, but do not actually do it. It is only when you decide, “Let me slap that scoundrel,” that your hands actually strike him. ” (2)

Note: The above incident occurred a few weeks ago.

Another Recent Incident

~ Courtesy of WhatsApp ~

Please find below statement of Amar ji from Purnia who has been suspended from AMPS
मैं अमर दादा/हेमा दीदी, पूर्णिया....
इस Anand Marga Global WhatsApp group के माध्यम से पूरे विश्व के मानव समुदाय को सन्देश देना चाहते हैं कि जिस मानवता के कल्यानार्थ बाबा श्री आनन्द मुर्ति इस धराधाम  पर आकर विश्व बन्धुत्व कायम करने का सन्देश दिया,उसी के पालनहार WT के निजि स्वार्थ एवं  अहंकार का हम मार्गी परीवार बाबा की भक्त्ति व sixteen points के पालन से वंचित रह रहे है। जिसके कारण मैं सपरीवार अपनी गुरुभक्ति व गुरुदेव की साधना/पुजा से वंचित  हुआ हुँ। ये हमारे समस्त गृह मार्गी के लिये अभिशाप?
द्रष्टव्य है की पूर्णिया के प्रबुद्ध एवं  वरिष्ठ साधक गुरुभाई श्री प्रद्धमन  दादा जी के (आनन्द मार्ग केन्द्रीय कमिटि रांची के मौखिक आदेश के आलोक मे) अनुरोध पर समिनार से वंचित।
~ Courtesy of WhatsApp ~

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Sádhaná, Abhidhyána and Kiirtana
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 8, Sádhaná, Abhidhyána and Kiirtana

== Section 2: Links ==

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More important letters
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Friday, June 29, 2018

Sin of Savitananda + 4 more


Sin of Savitananda

Note: A basic ingredient to understand this letter is bhakti. Devoid of bhakti this difficult letter will be unintelligible.


Bhagavan is only comprised of six attributions - which any human can attain - while Parama Purusa is so much more than that.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The combination of all these six attributes [aeshvarya, viirya, yasha, shrii, jiṋána and vaerágya] is called bhaga, and he who is the owner of this bhaga, that is, he who is owner of these six attributes, is called bhagaván. By sádhaná an ordinary man can become bhagaván – after acquiring bhaga, these six attributes.” (1)

Taraka Brahma is above bhagavan 

As we know, there are many bhagavans and it is explained in Ananda Marga philosophy that by their sadhana Buddha, Mahaviira, and Shankaracarya became bhagavan. Yet Bhagavan Buddha, Bhagavan Mahaviira, and Bhagavan Shankaracarya are not Mahasambhuti. Nor are they Parama Purusa. Bhagavan is anyone in human form who, by their sadhana and penance, gains those six attributions. They are: aeshvarya, viiryam, yasha, shrii, jina'nam, and vaera'gya.

Parama Purusa is far, far above that bhagavan

Baba is Parama Purusa not just bhagavan. For instance, when an ordinary sadhaka proceeds and reaches a higher stage, then he becomes iishvara. And when he does more sadhana and reaches the next higher stage he becomes bhagavan. And when bhagavan reaches the next higher stage he becomes one with Parama Purusa. So here is the key point to understand. At one time there may be thousands of bhagavans on this planet, or any planet, or throughout the universe etc, but regardless of the circumstances Parama Purusa cannot be two. Because He is the Supreme Controller. So it is obvious that bhagavan is lower.
  • sadhaka → iishvara; iishvara → bhagvan; bhagavan → (merges in) Parama Purusa
Baba is Parama Purusa and far superior than bhagavan. Throughout Ananda Marga literature, Parama Purusa is the main term used to refer to the Supreme Consciousness. Here the foundational attribution of Parama Purusa is the witness-ship of everyone and everything across all time and space. He is there covert in each and every entity - everywhere. And in so many discourses of Ananda Marga philosophy it is explained that Parama Purusa is the Supreme Witnessing Entity. By His own will He takes human form to liberate others.

In Him,
Arthur Bloom

Bhagaván is lower than Parama Puruśa

Ananda Marga ideology states, “All the qualities that are present in Saguńa Brahma or Iishvara (Qualified Consciousness) are of course also present in Parama Puruśa, with some other qualities as well. So we see that Parama Puruśa is both Iishvara and Bhagaván, and something more than that.” (2)

भगवान से बड़े परमपुरुष

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, ““अब देखो, कहा गया था पहले कि ईश्वर, भगवान, परमपुरुष ये सब हैं, इसमें ईश्वर में जो गुण हैं, परमपुरुष में उतने तो अवश्य ही हैं; भगवान में जो गुण हैं, परमपुरुष में तो उतना तो अवश्य ही हैं, मगर उसके अतिरिक्त भी हैं | तो, परमपुरुष, ईश्वर भी हैं, भगवान भी हैं, और उसके अतिरिक्त और भी कुछ हैं |” (3) [S10-06 (incomplete)DMC 27 November 1971 Nagpur]

~ In-depth study ~

Baba is Parama Purusa not just bhagavan. Some get confused and think that bhagavan, Parama Purusa, Mahasambhuti, and Taraka Brahma are one and the same. When talking about Ananda Marga philosophy it is important to understand the profound nuances and differences between these terms. And if one is writing an essay or publishing a book then one should be very careful to be philosophically accurate. And verily, every sadhaka should at least know these fundamental concepts and understand how Ananda Marga philosophy uses these terms. For propagating Ananda Marga philosophy, doing pracara, and helping others onto the path of spirituality this basic knowledge is highly necessary.

The Supreme Consciousness is one singular Divine Entity - which we refer to as Parama Purusa. Then in His role as Taraka Brahma He is the tangential point of Saguna Brahma and Nirguna Brahma, and when that Entity known as Taraka Brahma wishes to come in human form He is Mahasambhuti. In a nutshell, that is the relationship between Parama Purusa, Mahasambhuti, Taraka Brahma. Baba is that  Taraka Brahma. Yet all three appellations refer to the same singular Supreme Entity, Parama Purusa. In stark contrast, the terms Bhagavan and Iishvara are completely different. This creation is thought-projection of Parama Purusa - He creates this in His mind. In contrast, bhagavan is not the Creator of this universe but rather is one of the created beings.

Parama Purusa is the Creator of this universe, and Bhagavan is not. Baba is Parama Purusa not just bhagavan.

Any person who does sadhana can become a bhagavan. For instance Shankaracarya and Buddha did like this. They had to do sadhana and undergo all sorts of penance in order to achieve their status of bhagavan. In contrast Parama Purusa is Parama Purusa; He is the Creator of this universe. He does not need to do any sadhana. So it is obvious that bhagavan is inferior to Parama Purusa. Parama Purusa is the Supreme Witnessing Entity. He is beyond all the bondages.  So it is clear that bhagavan is beneath Parama Purusa.
  • sadhaka → iishvara; iishvara → bhagvan; bhagavan → (merges in) Parama Purusa
Baba is Parama Purusa, calling Him as bhagavan is sin. This sin has been committed by Margii N and Dada Savita’nanda, or Savitananda.

Who did this sin

The person who wrote the grossly misleading book "Bhagavan Anandamurti" is Narada Muni of our SUVA sector. He is the one whose faulty writing undermines and limits Baba's Supreme status, thereby exposing brother N's lower level of bhakti and poor philosophical understanding. Indeed, this book reveals brother N's overall psychic standard. Shockingly in the many years since it was first published he has never corrected or rectified this gigantic problem.

In a similar vein, Dada Savitananda has written a book in Hindi titled “Baba Bhagavan.” That is also sinful. He should have titled it as “Taraka Brahma Baba” or “Parama Purusa Baba”. As we know Dada Savitananda and Narada are both human beings so if we write that Dada S and Narada Muni are animals then that is denigrating to them. In that same way all know that Baba is Taraka Brahma and Parama Purusa so calling Him as bhagavan is denigrating His stature. It is so simple to understand. Of course I am not going to denigrate Dada Savitananda and Narada by calling them as animal. Although certainly Dada Savitananda and Narada denigrated Baba and that is most unfortunate, shocking, and sinful.

Most probably they committed this sin due to their sheer and utter lack of understanding of Ananda Marga philosophy. Various types of margiis and Wts have written about Baba with different motives. Some wrote with pure bhakti to glorify Baba and others wrote Baba stories as a means to boost their own image as being a great sage. If you read their books carefully, you will see that both Narada Muni and Dada Savitananda fall in this second group, i.e. this group of hypocrites that aim to glorify themselves.

Bhagavan is not Taraka Brahma

In a discourse from the book Namami Krsnasundaram, it is clearly explained that bhaga means the combination of six attributions: aeshvarya, viirya, yasha, shrii, jina'nam, and vaera'gya. So first that discourse illustrates what is meant by the term bhagavan - i.e. anyone who achieves the aforementioned six qualities. Then in a grand comparison, it gives an example how Taraka Brahma Parama Purusa is much more than this.

Suffice to say here that this type of divine guarantee of freeing one from sin cannot be given by those who are merely bhagavan. Such a proclamation guaranteeing the liberation of one's sins can only be given by the Parama Purusa Himself.

Only Parama Purusa can free you of sin

Here Ananda Marga philosophy is announcing the fact that Parama Purusa is not just a bhagavan. Because only the singular entity Parama Purusa can save people from their sins. No bhagavan can do that. Please read below.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Only Parama Purus'a can assure jiivas so unequivocally. This goes to show beyond any shadow of a doubt that He is not bhagava'na, but the veritable manifestation of divinity." (4)

Taraka Brahma is Supreme

Taraka Brahma is greater than all those other lesser entities like bhagavan.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "A Maha'kaola is one who makes others kaola by his infallible spiritual guidance. But Ta'raka Brahma is a different Entity, a unique Entity for He is the spiritual preceptor, social preceptor, Kaola, and Maha'kaola, all in one. He is also something more: He acts as a compass in every stratum of society." (5)

As His disciples we are to propagate His divine stature and greatness.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The one formless, beginningless and infinite Parama Brahma (Supreme Consciousness) is the only entity to be attained by living beings - That alone is Jagat Guru (the Supreme preceptor), That alone has revealed Brahmavidya (intuitional science) to us through the medium of the name and form of Anandamurtijii. Unit beings must be made to appreciate Its majesty." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Only Parama Purus'a can assure jiivas so unequivocally. This goes to show beyond any shadow of a doubt that He is not bhagava'na, but the veritable manifestation of divinity. He cannot be compared to either khan'da'vata'ra, am'sha'vata'ra or kala'vata'ra. They may be bhagava'na due to their possession of the six qualities, but none among them is the Supreme Entity." (7)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, “The combination of all these six attributes [aeshvarya, viirya, yasha, shrii, jiṋána and vaerágya] is called bhaga, and he who is the owner of this bhaga, that is, he who is owner of these six attributes, is called bhagaván. By sádhaná an ordinary man can become bhagaván – after acquiring bhaga, these six attributes.” (8)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The word bhaga plus the suffix matup gives us bhagavata; and the first person singular form of bhagavata is bhagaván. What does the word bhaga mean?”
Aeshvaryaiṋca samagraiṋca viiryaiṋca yashasah shriyah;
Jiṋána vaerágyayoshca tu śańńáḿ bhaga iti smrtam.
[Bhaga is a collection of six attributes: aeshvarya, viirya, yasha, shrii, jiṋána and vaerágya.]

The word bhaga implies six divine powers or abilities, or a collection of six kinds of Tantric powers or manifestations.“ (9)

Parama Purusa is Mayadhiisha, i.e. the Controller of maya, not mayadhiish, i.e. bound my maya. Only Parama Purusa lords over maya, while all those various bhagavans are firmly under maya's rule and control. So the infinite glory of Parama Purusa towers far above the position of bhagavan.

He is beyond comparison

Here it should be understood that Baba is Parama Purusa; He is the Taraka Brahma. His infinite Personality is infinite and beyond comparison. So why should one belittle Him by labeling Him as being just a bhagavan. When in clear-cut language Ananda Marga philosophy explains that His qualities go far beyond that of only bhagavan. Being the Parama Purusa certainly He possesses those few attributes of the limited stance of bhagavan, but He also has much more than that. So no one can say that He is just a bhagavan.

Indeed the limited nature of the term bhagavan is insufficient to encapsulate all of Baba's greatness. It falls far short of the mark. The bhagavan term utterly fails to represent Baba.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Those accepting Me as their final refuge, I will free from the bondage of sin. Their future is certainly glorious. No one need worry about their past. It is senseless to worry about atonement for past misdeeds...." (10)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, Blind Mind and Conscience
2. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 11, Parama Puruśa and His Creation
3. S10-06 (incomplete) DMC 27 November 1971 Nagpur
4. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24)
5. Namami Krsnasundaram, 'Vraja Krśńa and Sáḿkhya Philosophy
6. Caryacarya - 2, Sadhana, Point #1a
7. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24)
8. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 34, Blind Mind and Conscience
9. Discourses on Krśńa and the Giitá, Svadharma and Paradharma – 2
10. Namami Krsnasundaram, Párthasárathi Krśńa and Pariprashna (Discourse 24)

Savitananda, Saviitananda, Sawitananda, Sawiitananda, Narad Muni, Narada Muni, Narada Munii, Paul Alister, Mr Alister

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Baba: make my heart full of bhakti

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart.

"Ámár jiivane ámár paráńe, nrityer táler eso go, tumi..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0313)


O’ Parama Purusa, please come in my life and in my heart with the tempo of dance. Leading the path of materialism, my life is full of sadness. Kindly manifest Yourself in my existence and fill my heart with joy, happiness, and bliss. O’ Supreme Entity, Baba, affectionately flash Your world-captivating, mind-intoxicating, heart-satiating, and charming smile, so I can forget everything and become ensconced in Brahma bhava.

O’ Parama Purusa, You are the touchstone. By Your wish, please transform my black, crude, aspiritual life into gold, full of bhakti. Be gracious and remove all my bad samskaras and make my being pure.

O’ Parama Purusa, Baba, I request You to flood my stagnant dirty pond with the flow of a distant, divine fountain. My mind is filled with a narrow, limited outlook - isms and dogmas; O’ Lord, please drench me with universalism and neo-humanism. By showering the spiritual flood of refulgence and eradicating all the dark miseries, dye my mind in Your exquisite, crimson radiance. Baba, inundate my heart with parabhakti - highest yearning for You.

Drowning in materialism, my life has lost all its charm; it is full of misery and sadness. Please come in my existence and make my life meaningful…

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Ananda Marga ideology is on numerous planets

This is a brief English summary of the below Hindi teaching:
You should depend on the force of spirituality. That is what an intelligent person should do. And since the beginning that is what we have done. The “nucleus” [of Ananda Marga] is a small town and that nucleus remains the same, but the circumference is no longer limited to Jamalpur; it has spread not only across the entire globe but throughout various planets. And it is spreading more and more. Now remember that this Ananda Marga was made not by one or two but by thousands of righteous persons. From this DMC I [Baba] am bestowing Ananda Marga to the common people. 
The above is a brief English summary of Baba’s below Hindi teaching.

Here is the Hindi “as-is” transcription:

Ananda Marga ideology states, “तुम उस पर निर्भरशील बनो | वही तो बुद्धिमान का काम होगा | और, हम लोग शुरुआत से वही किए थे | इसलिए जहाँ एक छोटे-से शहर में [आनन्दमार्ग का ] छोटा-सा एक ‘nucleus’ था, वह nucleus तो उतना ही रह गया | मगर दायरा अब छोटा-सा शहर नहीं; समूचा दुनिया और सिर्फ़ यह नहीं, अब तो यह ग्रह-ग्रहान्तर में भी फैल गया है | फैल रहा है | फैलता जाएगा |”
[मार्गियों की गूँज  "बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"]
“अब केवल याद रखोगे कि यह जो आनन्दमार्ग, यह साधु-बुद्धि सम्पन्न, एक-दो नहीं, हज़ार-हज़ार मनुष्यों ने बनाया है | हम इस महाचक्र में आनन्दमार्ग को जनता के पास समर्पित कर दिए |” (1)

1. Spiritual Truth Surpasses Everything, V7-14 (E), MGD 3 January 1979 Patna

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings Other topics of interest
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This email contains four sections:
1. PS #0313: Baba: make my heart full of bhakti
2. Posting: Sin of Savitananda
IT: Ananda Marga ideology is on numerous planets
4. Links

Friday, June 22, 2018

Kleptocracy of Rudrananda: AMPS

Kleptocracy of Rudrananda: AMPS


1. Rudrananda has gone to NY sector and as we speak he is sitting in NY sectorial office. Rudrananda’s very hush-hush arrival was on 18 June and slowly, little by little, people are finding out about it.

2. Some other Dadas have also since gone to NYSO to see what is going on and gain some plus points.

Vimalananda: tossed like trash by the roadside

3. But one thing is certain. The former NYSS Vimalananda will not be on hand. Rudrananda has essentially feasted on Vimalananda’s bones and has since spit him out. Rudrananda had use for Vimalananda while Dada V was in NY and selling land and giving big money to Rudrananda. Now that Vimalananda has been switched to India, Rudrananda has almost no use for him and keeps Vimalananda at arms distance. Their relationship is grounded in pure selfishness - nothing more than at. Just like how a businessman has only one use for a mistress. And when that use is fulfilled that businessman will never call on that mistress just to say hello etc. So Vimalananda is just dried up at this point.

Rudrananda’s tour agenda in NY

4. Since Rudrananda is in NY then like last year he may attend some fake yoga event and try to rub shoulders with some so-called worldly elites to gain some prestige.

5. Another point on Rudrananda’s agenda is to promote himself as being the great, super saviour of the organisation. Those with eyes to see will never get befooled.

Solution: In ideal circumstances, all those in Centre will be true dharmikas, in which case when a representative of Centre goes to one of the nine sectors like NY sector etc, that central Dada will be vigilant in ensuring that the sector is being run in an ideological manner. The central representative will review reports on accounting, finances, properties, schools, pracara work, and Prout etc. That Central representative's visit will be of real value and not just a token photo op, nor a ploy for some selfish agenda. Sadly, what is happening these days falls far, far short of the mark.

6. There in NY sector the summer retreat is on the near horizon at Ananda Kanan. That is Rudrananda’s chief destination. Actually, they adjusted the retreat start date to July 1 because the Ranchi side is expecting very less people this year and they are actively trying to lure participants from the third front retreat in Round Top, NY which ends on July 1.

7. The Wt morale of Ranchi workers in NY is quite low and many are getting fed up and disillusioned with SS Abhiramananda. But outwardly general Wtst keep mum due to fear of retaliation. Abhiramanadna is firmly seated in Rudrananda’s corner so Abhiramanada can easily issue a punishment posting to any Wt for any reason. That is why that despite the fact that morale is so low still Wts are mostly keeping silent.

Solution: In ideal circumstances, the SS Dada will strictly adhere to Baba’s following conduct rule.

Wt conduct rule: “Supervisory workers will have to take proper care of each of their supervised stuff in all respects.” (1)

When the above rule is in vogue then there is no question of low worker morale. Every Wt will feel cared for and valued, and steps will be in place to ensure all Wts are progressing on the path and not falling away from their dharma sadhana etc.

Dhruva’s take

8. Dhruva (Clark Forden) remains a key cog in the H group machinery and while Dhruva himself could never gain a career he has become a professional stooge of H group and that pays handsomely, both in terms of prestige and financially. Dhruva’s main duty is to act as a quasi legal advisor which means that Abhiramananda and SOS Diiptimanananda travel down from NYC to WDC each month to strategize about money-making endeavours. Dhruva is like a stock broker - no matter what happens with any particular deal he takes a cut. So Dhruva always takes something to the bank for his own gain and he could not be happier, just like any leech. 

Solution: In ideal circumstances, positions of leadership in AMPS will be given on the basis of one’s dharmic qualities and not based on how much of a stooge they are.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The responsibility for leading society can only be entrusted to the sadvipras because they are well established in Yama and Niyama – they are imbued with Cosmic ideation.” (2)

About Rudrananda’s medical leave

9. Rudrananda flew to NY alone from India. When in India he keeps some security detail with him but when he travels overseas he tends to go by himself rather than with a big entourage. Being Rudrananda means trusting no one - so when he can he goes alone.

10. Top of all Rudrananda is extremely please with his current status. Since last October he has been on “medical leave.” In most circumstances being on “medical leave” means being on bed rest or checking into a hospital or medical clinic etc. But for Rudrananda, “medical leave” means freedom. Now he can go where he likes and nobody can blame him for not having a post. Rudrananda gave away his post to his top stooge Mantrajapananda, while he (Rudrananda) just travels the various sectors of the globe. Rudrananda has filled all the top spots with his hand-picked stooges so he can relax and control things without holding any post. So for Rudrananda, “medical leave” is just one alibi, nothing more.

11. So now Rudrananda has gone to NY for their summer retreat. In the past, there was a discussion over who would be the central representative at the various overseas sectorial retreats. But that process is also gone and as this entire Ranchi administration is Rudrananda’s toy, he just decides everything - where he would like to be and when he would like to be there.

How Mantrajapananda climbed the ladder

12. All in all, Rudrananda will remain there in NY for around one month total from start to finish. Then he will fly to Europe for the summer retreat in Berlin sector at Madhu Karuna. There he will meet up with his top stooge Mantrajapananda who is arriving from Manila sector. Though there remains the possibility that Mantrajapananda will first go to NY sector in which case they could travel together to Berlin sector. These days the two of them are very close since Mantrajapananda has sold maximum AMPS properties etc in the Philippines and thereby funded Rudrananda’s personal palace in Varanasi.

Solution: In ideal circumstances the leaders in our AMPS will be great moralists and sadvipras. Sadly, Rudrananda keeps only debased and depraved persons like Mantrajapananda in the post so he (Rudrananda) can control him. The day is not far when Sixteen Points will be the measuring rod and only dharmikas will occupy the top posts. Then when those top Dadas visit a sector there will be a positive impact, devoid of any self-interest.

13. Last but not least, Savitananda has also taken the opportunity to go to NY - for the sole motive of gathering donations. When he reaches 20,000USD then he will turn around and go back.

Solution: In ideal circumstances, only Dadas with an approved tour program will visit an outside sector. And their aim will not be greedy, personal fundraising for their own private bank account, but rather the welfare and all-round development of the sector.

Solutions: moving forward

Seeing the state of affairs in our AMPS, things might seem quite unsightly. However there are some very practical steps that can be taken to right our ship.

(A) First and foremost the tantric path of Ananda Marga is a man-making mission. Every Ananda Margii, whether they be family person or a Wt, should be held strictly accountable for adhering to Sixteen Points. This will greatly benefit every sadhaka and the entire climate of the organisation.

(B) Circumstantial pressure should be applied to those in power who fail to abide by the conduct rules. That means financial donations should absolutely be withheld. Do not give money to any Wt or family margii if they are of bad character or irresponsible in financial dealings etc. Silent action and other measures can also be taken.

(C) There should be strict vigilance that no organisational properties are sold - not for any reason. Rather than allowing top Wts to sell AMPS properties to fill their personal bank accounts, we should aim to do more and more pracara and fill those properties with sadhakas, LFTs, LPTs, and new Ananda Margiis etc. That is the best way to protect land holdings and simultaneously build up our Marga.

(D) Remember, this is the transitional period and maximum people are looking for a new way. If we exemplify the ideals of Ananda Marga as given by Sadguru Baba then those sincere seekers will take notice and flock to our doorstep. There will be a veritable renewal and revival in all the sectors due to our collective dharmic conduct and His grace.

Sadguru Baba says, “Remember, Ananda Marga is a man-making mission. Both quantity and quality are important. Everyone should be free to join Ananda Marga, to take part in social functions, etc., but only those established in Yama and Niyama may be given any position to work in society. Just to satisfy someone and compromise [with] sin is unthinkable. We can in no case ever compromise with injustice.” (3)

In Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Those who have the responsibility to show the path to others should be of superlative character with the most refined conduct. They and their followers must move constantly towards all-round development and shreya [ultimate spiritual attainment]. Persons who teach such well-regulated behaviour to others by their own conduct are called ácáryas.” (4)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The characteristic of good people is to fight against injustice, to firmly adhere to truth and righteousness, to protect the helpless and fight against all evil persons. Those who are merely simple and are of a meek and goody-goody nature are not good people.” (5)

Ananda Marga ideology states,  "From the social or human viewpoint, everybody has the right to correct the behaviour of everyone else. This is the birthright of every human being. No scholar can dispute the right of people to correct the shortcomings of those with whom they come in contact. The recognition of this right is indispensable for the health of society. " (6)

1. Six Additional Rules, Point #2
2. Problems of the Day, Point #34
3. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 31, The Conduct of an Ácárya
5. A Few Problems Solved Part 5 – Shravanii Purnima
6. Human Society - 1, Justice

== Section 2: Links ==

Recent postings

Other topics of interest

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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Ask something vs nothing + 3 more


Ask something vs nothing


In our Ananda Marga scriptures it is said: Bhakti is service to Parama Purusa. But if you want to serve someone you cannot do that from a distance. For instance, if you are sitting on the North Pole and you want to serve someone on the South Pole, then you must go to the South Pole. When in their physical proximity, then you can serve them. The same applies to spiritual life as well. One must go close to Him in order to serve Him. That is the essence of bhakti.

Communicating brings intimacy

And then when you are close to Him then the next step is to communicate with Him as well. Because how is it possible to truly serve someone if you are not communicating with them and understanding what they want. For instance, if you are physically close to someone then by speaking with them you can understand  better what they need: Such as if they need food, or water, or something else. In that case you can best serve them. And same is the case in the devotional sphere as well. By communicating with Parama Purusa one can better understand is His desire, by His grace. Communicating with Him brings greater feelings of closeness and intimacy.

So we have to acquire bhakti and bhakti is service to God; and, in order to serve Him, we have to go close to Him. And then comes the point of communicating with Him. And the way to do this is through sadhana. By repeating your mantra with deep yearnings or sharing your heart-felt feeling Him, one is verily communicating with Him. Thus there are various lessons in Ananda Marga sadhana by which to directly communicate with Him.

Parama Purusa listens & responds

At the outset, some new sadhakas may feel that this manner is mechanical or merely a one-way communication. Because, initially one may not feel that any response is coming and that one's requests are not being heard. This is the common way people think. But with continued, regular, and sincere practice in sadhana etc, one will experience how this style of communication is real and that Parama Purusa hears all that you are sharing and He gives a response too.

And that gives rise to warmer, more tender, and more loving feelings towards Him. These are some of the various stages. And when that closeness reaches a certain threshold, then bhaktas may ask something of Parama Purusa also. When the mind is not developed then people ask for mundane objects etc. And when one is a properly developed in the devotional plane, then they do not want anything from Him, but rather they want He Himself.

Top grade bhaktas ask for what

They request, "O' Parama Purusa, I do not want anything from You, only I want to hold You very close. I want You to be mine." This is the type of request that A-grade bhaktas make.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "An intelligent spiritual aspirant will say: “I do not want anything from you, I want you.”...“I do not want anything from You. Everything cometh from You, so You be mine.”" (1)

This type of request is not of a worldly nature because the bhakta is not asking for anything mundane or material. It is purely devotional longing that is being expressed. They want Him and that is the highest devotion.

We all know that in Ananda Sutram (3-11) Baba guides us not to ask for anything mundane from Parama Purusa. That means we should not ask for money, worldly things etc.

While in spiritual life we are to request Him for devotion. Every aspirant yearns for Him and must ask Parama Purusa for devotion. A true sadhaka has an internal longing to express their heart feeling with Him. And in that communication one requests the Lord for devotion: To have His proximity in a more intimate and loving way.

To create personal connection

As every sadhaka knows, bhakti itself is based on the idea of creating a link with Parama Purusa. To create this personal connection, communication is needed. Because in the process of growing more close, one naturally desires to express their feeling by asking for His grace. That is the genuine expression that arises.

A similar thing happens in worldly life. One will certainly ask their friend to come over and talk when going through a difficult time in life. Or upon hearing great news, one will call their best friend and request them to stop what they are doing and come over so they can tell them all about it. Or in the case of a spouse, one will certainly talk about any problems and ask for their support and advice. This is quite natural. Likewise, a baby will always reach out to mama and place their requests - whether it be for food, love, or attention.

So in all social relationships where there is a strong bond of love, one will always make a request and ask for help and support. That is the inherent quality of love. By that way, the relationship deepens and grows. In contrast, if there is a neighbor down the street with whom you feel distant, you will never ask for a deeper loving connection from that neighbor. Thus, this desire to ask to be more close is a special characteristic of feeling intimate with someone.

Loving relationship: bhakta & Parama Purusa

Devotional life is no different. There is love - there is yearning - and there is an inherent desire to be more close. And the way to satisfy that desire of closeness is to request the Lord to grant me more and more devotion.

Indeed, the entire platform of Prabhat Samgiita is based on this loving relationship between bhakta and Parama Purusa, wherein the bhakta asks Parama Purusa to come more close. The bhakta wants to express to Parama Purusa his inner heart feeling. This is the natural internal urge that arises in love with Parama Purusa.

Rather, we are to open our heart to Parama Purusa and request His grace and love. This can occur either in dhyana or at any time during the day or night. The only prerequisite is that the request be sincere.

If one is not feeling love for Parama Purusa - if one is not feeling close - then that person will have no desire to request bhakti from Baba. In their ignorance, they will feel content with their petty material gains etc.

But bhaktas are intelligent. Every bhakta understands that they are to ask Parama Purusa to bless them with devotion. They say, "O' Lord please grace me, please fill me heart with bhakti so my sadhana will be better."

Engaged with Parama Purusa in good times & bad

The following is an English summary of Baba’s below Hindi teaching:
Think about Him-- that Parama Purusa is mine-- I belong to Parama Purusa. Parama Purusa is with me. At any cost I am not alone. In my happiness He is with me and He is also with me in my sorrow. If I call Him in my pain and do not call Him in my pleasure and joy, that will not do. Just as I call Him in times of sorrow similarly I will call Him in times of happiness. In my state of sorrow I tell Him, O Lord, I am in misery. Please come and remove my sorrow and pain. Likewise in times of happiness I will request Him, O Parama Purusa I am ensconced in a wonderful feeling of happiness, please come and enjoy that sweetness with me. You should call Him always-- both in moments of sorrow as well as in times of joy and happiness. (English summary)
Please find a word for word transcription from Baba's original discourse below:

Ananda Marga ideology states, “तो, “तत्वभावात्‌ |” उनके सम्बन्ध में सोचो कि—

“परमपुरुष हमारे हैं | हम परमपुरुष के हैं | परमपुरुष हमारे साथ हैं | हम किसी भी हालत में अकेले नहीं हैं | परमपुरुष हमारे सुख में भी हैं, दुःख में भी हैं | हम दुःख में उनका नाम लिए और सुख में नहीं लिए, सो नहीं कर सकते हैं | दुःख में भी नाम लेंगे, अवश्य लेंगे; सुख में भी लेंगे | दुःख में भी उनसे मदद माँगेंगे, सुख में भी माँगेंगे | हाँ | दुःख में भी बोलेंगे—”परमात्मा ! मैं दुःख में हूँ, तुम आ जाओ, दुःख को दूर कर दो |” सुख में भी बोलेंगे—”परमात्मा ! मैं सुख में हूँ, तुम आ जाओ, मेरे साथ बैठकर मिठाई खा लो |”

[मार्गी लोग—"बाबा, बाबा, बाबा !"]

“क्या जी ? ऐसा करते हो, नहीं करते हो ? दुःख में बुलाते हो और सुख में बुलाते नहीं हो | न्योता नहीं देते हो |”


“सुख में दावत देते हो परमात्मा को ? नहीं देते हो | दुःख में दावत देते हो | हाँ | सुख में, दुःख में, दोनों अवस्था में बुलाओ |”

“तो, यही है “तत्वभावात्‌ |” तत् माने है—”that, वह |” अर्थात्‌ उनकी भावना | हमेशा उनकी भावना लो | हाथ-पैर से काम करो और मन में उनकी भावना लो | जो हम लोगों का गुरुमन्त्र, जिसे हम लोग कहते हैं |” (2)


All should aim for this type of bhakti and that is the key theme of this letter. Because by this way Every sadhaka understands that the most important and cherished ideal is their personal relationship with Parama Purusa. This is the top phase of devotional life.

While there are many important aspects to creating a more intimate relation with Parama Purusa, this letter focuses on only one: the idea of asking Parama Purusa for devotion.

In Him,

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 2, Krśńa, the Nucleus of the Universe
2. Subhasita Samgraha part 16 Hindi Edn (sixth chapter), DMC 29 Jan 1984 Gorakhpur

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *
== Section 2: Main Topic ==

You are are here before me today

"Tumi je esecho álo sáthe enecho, sabár maner kálo dúr karecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2201)


O' Parama Purusa, You have come to me with grand, divine refulgence. By Your august presence, all are in spiritual bliss and their blackness has been removed from the mind. You have wiped away the staticity and cimmerian darkness from all existence. Now people have become neo-humanists, leaving behind their narrow and group sentiments. O’ Supreme Entity, You never give credence to desha’ca’r or loka’ca’r and never pay heed to worldly protocol and or the traditions of reception. Overlooking those things, You have come to me and showered Your grace. Baba, You love all - good and bad, sinners and sadhus - equally.

O' Parama Purusa, in the vast, infinite spiritual sky You are that single, shining star that attracts every person. O’ the Cosmic Nucleus of this entire creation You are that singular and unparalleled Entity. The entire creation dances around You in Your sublime rhythm. The ekta'ra' (one-string instrument) of each person's mind is being played to fully satisfy and satiate You. Baba, You have filled each-one’s mind and heart with hope.

O' Parama Purusa, please come closer and closer in new and newer form, colour, and adornments. O' Nutan, the ever-new, You have given a voice to those who are helpless and dumb - unable to speak and incapable of protesting or fighting against exploitation - and have given everybody the right to sing and chant the glories of the Supreme Entity, which they did not have in the past. You have blessed one and all.

Baba, O' Parama Purusa, Your greatness and magnanimity are beyond all imagination. Please remain eternally in my heart...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2201

[1] Desha'ca'r & Loka'ca'r: The particular traditions of an area, country, or land are known as: desha'ca'r; and the popular and commonly followed customs of the people are known as: loka'ca'r. As we have all seen, in various countries and places there are so many social norms and rules which govern the social life. Some of those codes are just and some are exploitative. For example in some areas, the so-called low caste, the females, and the people of colour do not have the right or privilege to go to the temple, or learn meditation, etc. They are forced to live as second-class citizens and denied the opportunity to participate in spiritual practices. All these various customs and traditions fall within the dual categories of desha'ca'r and loka'ca'r. But Parama Purusa never pays heed to such things. He never cares about those dogmatic codes and rules. By the loving heart of the bhaktas, He gets pulled towards them. In that way He comes in the abode of the bhakta.

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Remedy from unconscious mind

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The remedies for illnesses or answers to questions that a person receives at the shrine of different gods and goddesses is not due to the greatness of those gods and goddesses. As a result of sincere longing a state of one-pointedness arises in the mind and if, at that time, that person falls into deep sleep because of physical tiredness then the answers to his or her questions may descend from the unconscious mind into the subconscious mind. There the person receives the answers to his or her questions about illness or other questions according to his or her mental conceptions and beliefs. The person thinks that he or she has perhaps received these answers due to the grace of such-and-such god or goddess. Actually, thanks to the grace of the Supreme Consciousness, his or her unconscious mind is the hidden repository of infinite knowledge. Due to one-pointedness, the person has been able to temporarily submerge part of his mind within the boundaries of that profound knowledge.” (1)

1. Shabda Cayanika - 2, Indukamala to Iyatta (Discourse 7))

== Section 4: Links ==

Recent postings Other topics of interest
More important letters

Legal Notice: ©2018 Ananda Marga Universal Forum. All rights reserved. Ananda Marga Universal Forum content is the intellectual property of Ananda Marga Universal Forum or its third party content providers. Ananda Marga Universal Forum shall not be liable for any errors or delays in content, or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Any copying, republication or redistribution, part or full, of Ananda Marga Universal Forum content, including by framing or similar means, is against the court of law and expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Ananda Marga Universal Forum.

This email contains four sections:
1. PS #2201: You are are here before me today 
2. Posting: Ask something vs nothing
3. IT: Remedy from unconscious mind
4. Links

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