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Monday, February 13, 2023

Story: going back + 5 more


Story: going back


Every sadhaka is aware that Baba brought everyone near—only He did mock expulsions whereby all were aware they were not really expelled. Nowadays, group leaders use expulsion as a weapon to harm and shun others, while Baba lovingly performed mock expulsions for a sadhaka's growth and welfare. The below account speaks perfectly to this point how Baba always keeps His devotees engaged in dharmic works, never allowing them to stray.

Strong penchant to return to his laokika family’s home

As some may remember, in the 1980's Baba performed a dummy expulsion with Dada S. This account is cited further down in this email. Prior to giving the account, it is important to mention here that there is a prior history. Since long, the problem was that S. had a strong penchant to return back to his laokika family's home. In the 1970's he felt this way and Baba saved him, and in the 1980's Dadaji suffered from this weakness until Baba graciously cured him. Here are all the details.

Dada S wanted to leave but he could not

Back in 1975 during the Emergency, Dada S. left his Wt-ship, went underground, and returned to his laokik home. That was Dadaji's way of dealing with those turbulent times. Many courageous workers and margiis held firm to the principles and fundamentals of Ananda Marga. But S. Dada took a different route—he went back to his laokik home.

Once there, he was arrested as a general Ananda Margii, taken into custody, and put in jail. That was exclusively Baba's grace because he was placed in the same jail along with so many other Dadas; and, there S. again joined up as a Wt. This all happened because of Baba's special grace and care. In contrast, those other Wts who left during Emergency and went back to their laokik families, for the rest of their lives they missed out on the dharma of Ananda Marga. Due to their samskaras and poor choices, they remained far.

So it was Baba's special grace on Dada S. that even though Dada wanted to leave he could not. During the Emergency period in the 1970's, Baba saved him from mundane, worldly life and brought him back as a Wt worker. And Dadaji was very grateful.

Dada's negative samskara for worldly life

But even then, S. had a samskara for worldly life that was not completely finished. Because again in the 1980's he had a strong desire to return back to his laokika family. Dadaji was thinking about this again and again. Dadaji knew that going back to his ancestral home was a violation of WT life, but he could not control his desire.

WT conduct rule states, "No relationship should exist with worldly family." (1)

To resolve the situation and free Dada of his negative desire, Baba graciously scolded S. on this matter and ordered that he be "expelled." This was just all part of Baba's divine liila. It was a dummy expulsion done only for Dadaji's welfare.

Here is that event that occurred in the 1980’s

So here are the details: Ac S. Avt was “mock expelled" by all-loving Baba. Verily, Dadaji was disrobed, and in a mock way instructed to go back to his laokika home. S. either could not understand the mock way, or due to avidya maya Dadaji went back to his laokika home state of Maharashtra. But without telling anyone, he opted to stay at his laokika friend’s house in Mumbai, rather than go back to his laokik family's ancestral home. Subsequently, within ten hours Baba enquired about S.. Upon hearing that Dada S. had left for his hometown, Baba scolded dada S.’s higher authority.

Baba told, "I ordered his expulsion. But it doesn’t mean his higher authority shouldn’t plead for having him back. It is very difficult to create a WT." In this manner, Baba lovingly scolded that dada who was the boss of S..

Order was given to bring Dada S back

Then all-knowing Baba disclosed the whereabouts of Dada S. & instructed GS dada to send one dada to the address of the laokik friend's house in Mumbai where S. was staying. The order was given to bring S. back. When the appointed Dada reached the house where Dada S. was staying, then Dada S. was quite surprised and asked how this Dada knew where he was. Because he himself (i.e. S.) hadn't told this address to anyone.

The messenger Dada replied that Baba had given the address and told them where to go; and, moreover, Baba had given the instruction to bring Dada S. back. Baba's order was to bring him (S.) back to Tiljala—immediately.

Overwhelmed by Baba's love

Hearing thus, Dada S. couldn’t control himself. He was completely overwhelmed with joy, and tears rolled down his cheeks. Dadaji called out, "Baba...Baba...Baba." He mentally thought of Baba & prostrated before Him. Then S. immediately made the trip back to Kolkata. Since that time, Dada S. ji has been committed as a whole-time WT—for His mission.

Baba burns dada's samskara

All-knowing Baba knew that this mock expulsion would permanently finish Dada's samskara and longing for his worldly family. That is why since that occasion in the 1980's, Dadaji has been a dedicated WT worker.

Under such circumstances, i.e. mock expulsions by Baba, most Dadas would just remain around and in due course Baba would graciously reinstate them as a Wt. And indeed on that very occasion, various other WTs were also mocked and expelled, but they did not go back to their families. They understood Baba's liila, felt repentance for their wrongs, and waited for Baba to accept them back—which He did.

But since Dada S. really had a desire to leave, that is why he went back to his ancestral area. Yet, all-loving Baba graciously brought him back, thereby extinguishing that samskara forever.

We do not exclude anyone

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Our social life includes all; we do not exclude anything or anyone, nor will we do so in future, because we want to utilise the services of all. Thus we have been able to unite the entire humanity under one banner, and in the future we will perhaps be able to do this in a still better way." (2)

in Him,
Na’ra’yan’a Deva

From time to time Wts been expelled by puppet PP by the order of his master snake charmer Rudrananda.

~ In-depth study ~

In Ananda Marga no one can be outcasted

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Ananda Marga has formed a society which frames its laws on the basis of common ideals in order to develop the idea of one-ness of all humanity. This society is radically different from any existing society, for it provides a society with a common bond where there is no distinction between class or sex, where no one is declared an outcast..." (3)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Harsh social punishment such as creating not find any place in our society." (4)

In Ananda Marga all are welcome

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Ananda Marga keeps its gates open so that each and every man and woman may enter. Anybody may join, anybody may sing in chorus with the rest. The united march of the people is a march of victory. Ananda Marga states this in unequivocal language." (5)

Unify not divide or fragment society by expulsion

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Suppose somebody is suspended from his job. In his mind the seeds of revolt germinate. He files a court case, contacts so many people, organizes a demonstration, etc. That is the natural reaction to suspension." (6)

AMPS: political revenge & expulsion

Baba's below teaching highlights how those who opposed dogma in the past, like Máládhra Vasu and Krttivása Ojah, were expelled for reasons of political gain. Since 1990 we have seen this same scene unfolding in our AMPS—and still today certain group leaders are lobbying to continue this unholy tradition of expulsion. This is their wicked weapon of political revenge.

Expelled for translating scriptures

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "It was considered nothing short of blasphemy to translate the religious scriptures from Samskrta into Bengali. The Nabab Hussein Shah personally tried to develop the Bengali language. With his active support Krttivása Ojah translated the Ramayana, Káshii Ram Dash translated the Mahabharata and Máladhra Vasu translated the Bhágavata from Samskrta to Bengali. This caused a furore among the community of scholars. They tried to brand Hussein Shah as a saboteur of the Hindu religion because, according to them, to translate the holy scriptures into Bengali was to defile the Hindu religion. Máládhra Vasu had to bear the stigma of being a Muslim convert and was widely ridiculed as Guńaranjina Khan. So incensed were the Samskrta scholars over the translations of Krttivása Ojah that he was declared an outcaste for committing an act of sacrilege. All this took place only 450 years ago." (7)

Everyone is aware that Baba only did mock expulsions and that His aim was always to bring people close. He never expelled anyone. Guru is Guru—He can do per His wish and always He is acting for the welfare of the individual. In contrast, these present dadas want to use expulsion as a political weapon for their own selfish purposes. For this reason they are trying to dig out this "Baba did expulsion" campaign. This is how falsified tales and bogus myths get started. Do not give an ounce of credence to such things.

Sadly, today's group leaders are following in the negative path of old where those at the helm would expel dharmikas for purposes of political expediency. In the days of old, the existing dogma was that Samskrta should not be translated into other languages. In the face of that edict, Máládhra Vasu and Krttivása Ojah bravely came forward and translated various Samskrta scriptures into Bengali so the common mass could get the benefit of those teachings. Those at the helm—i.e. the status quo—became furious and in their contempt they humiliated and expelled both Máládhra Vasu and Krttivása Ojah. The same thing is going on nowadays in Ananda Marga. Those at the helm have implemented various dogmas in support of their own selfish agenda and if anyone tries to oppose those dogmas, then they become infuriated and expel them.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "If punishment kills or prevents one from progressing along life's path, it may be treated as vice...Instead of hating anyone, the sadvipras will encourage everyone to build good careers. This will be the sadvipra's principle duty. None should feel that they have been doomed forever." (8)

Lullaby of group leaders

Today some group leaders claim that since Baba "expelled" Wts like Dada Maheshananda , therefore they [group leaders] can also expel people. But we know that this is just their lie. Such group leaders want the option to expel people. But expulsion is not allowed in our Ananda Marga. Baba's divine plan of doing dummy expulsions was done for wholly benevolent purposes as explained below.

Various reasons behind Baba's mock expulsion drama

Baba's divine and wholly benevolent plan of doing mock expulsions was done for various reasons.

(a) Life is monotonous—day to day living is boring. So in His grand manner Baba would make all kinds of dramas to entertain us & in particular by this bitter-sweet drama of mock expulsion people would learn that they should be more sincere in their duties and responsibilities to serve the society.

(b) Life is short and Baba's drama of dummy expulsion was aimed at those lethargic people who were not utilising their potential. By this way they understood that their energy not remain forever and they should jump into action and serve.

(c) Sadguru does one particular action—like mock expulsion—and it has such a dynamic and positive effect in all realms of life. By this way, so many became activated and energized to do for the great cause of dharma. Such was the great outcome of His mock expulsions.

Now they are facing their samskara

But today's opportunists could not understand and in result they twisted the expulsion issue into a completely different direction and used it for their own self-serving and political interests. Now those very same opportunists are facing the reaction of their sinful deeds.

For such opportunists, their energy should have been used for social service, but instead they did everything for their own power. So they passed their days in infighting, paying lawyers, battling each other. All we can say is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

1. 32 Rules for Avadhutas, point #9
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 14, Genius and Technician
3. Prout in a Nutshell - 11, Building a Healthy Society – Excerpt B
4. A Few Problems Solved - 7, Building a Healthy Society – Excerpt B
5. A Few Problems Solved - 2, 'Spirit of Society'
6. Ananda Vacanamartam - 3, Superstitions about Death
7. A Few Problems Solved - 2, Human Society Is One and Indivisible - 2
8. Prout in a Nutshell - 7, Social Values and Human Cardinal Principles

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I could not recognise You

"Sukhe ele na'ko, shoke sa'ntvana' dite ele..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3091)


My Parama Purusa, when I was feeling happy and content, You did not come. Those days I was singing my own glory and did not even think to call You. So You did not appear before me. But when I lost all that joy and become drowned in my sorrows of self-pity, wallowing and overwhelmed by various problems, then You immediately came and consoled me. In that desperate moment, You compassionately relieved me of my grief. In the past I did not ever feel that You are mine. In this life I was always suffering from the vanity and ego of my own I-feeling. Those days I was thinking that, “I am everything.” Due to my arrogance, I did not accept You as the Supreme One or embrace You as that most loving Entity who can solve all my problems. I could not surrender at Your feet. Baba, even then, by Your mercy, You came deep inside my heart and became mine. Now I understand that You are ever-merciful and remain with me always.

Parama Purusa, those days when I was burdened by that severe agony, I did not outrightly tell You about my problems. I remained silent and refused to express my pain to You. As You are ever-present as the eternal shelter in my heart, with Your infinite kindness You fully understood the desperate state of my mind. You knew my sorrow and instantly poured Your endless sweetness and love.

My Supreme Guide, due to my pride and narcissism I could not recognise You or feel the immense karun’a’ and how You were showering causeless grace on me. Just I thought that it was due to my own qualities that everything was happening. In those happy times I could not see You. Only did I begin to perceive You in my times of distress. Baba, in my state of terrible trials and tribulations, when the mountain of misery started falling on my head, all my friends left me. I was all alone. In my good days, they were along with me, but when I became lost in my own misery all those companions disappeared. You are the exact opposite. When I was sunk in woe then You immediately came and removed all my torments and troubles. Baba, You bathed me in Your infinite love. Filling my I-feeling with Your bliss, You surrounded me each and every second. 

Baba, You are love Personified. You have done everything for me. I surrender at Your altar...

== Section: News of Dada N ==

Please open the eyes of Dada Nityashuddhananda

 Ananda Marga scripture says, "The more microcosms advance along the path of Pratisaincara, the more developed they become, and the more freedom they are granted to act independently. Of course they can only enjoy as much freedom as the Supreme Authority chooses to give them. The amount of suffering caused by reactive momenta depends upon how microcosms use or misuse this freedom. It serves no purpose whatsoever to blame the Supreme Entity for this suffering. After all, you have been given the freedom, the full liberty, to perform the original deeds as you think fit. Since every action contains a seed of reaction you will have to undergo the reactions of your actions. These seeds or reactive momenta are expressed through your non-original deeds (sam'skára múlaka) over which you have no control."
   "A person is reborn in a physical structure and physical environment which are congenial for the expression of the unrequited sam'skáras. The Cosmic Mind directs the disembodied soul to that particular environment where it will get the maximum opportunity for the expression of its latent sam'skáras. That's why some people live miserable lives in squalid conditions and suffer from poor health while others lead joyful, healthy, and worry-free lives in a comfortable environment. Yet no matter what circumstances one finds oneself in, one must realize and accept that no situation is without hope. For one’s psychic expansion, one will have to keep one’s mind fixed on the Supreme Entity, one will have to advance towards that Absolute Entity while removing all obstacles from the path." (1)

"...It serves no purpose whatsoever to blame the Supreme Entity for this suffering. After all, you have been given the freedom, the full liberty, to perform the original deeds as you think fit. Since every action contains a seed of reaction you will have to undergo the reactions of your actions." (1)

Open the eyes of Dada Nityashuddhananda - 2

Note: Wherever Dada Nityashuddhananda goes he pollutes the mind of margiis by wrongly telling them that whatever suffering they face is Guru's test. Dada says this in the name of telling Baba stories. So Dada blames Guru and says that Guru is at fault - and that you margiis did not do anything wrong. This is just Baba's test whether you will stay in Ananda Marga or run away. This type of idea Dada Nityashuddhananda preaches - this is the theme of his stories. Dada's stories vary from place to place but this is the overall idea.

The basic aspect of Ananda Marga philosophy is that if anyone commits any sin then they will have to face the reaction and suffer. Suppose you kick an innocent, hungry beggar on the roadside and he fell down and in desperation drags himself away. You may think that nobody saw what you did but you will have to suffer the consequences. And in punishment, prakrti makes you fall down in the ditch and you broke your leg . That was due to the reactive momenta of sin which you got from kicking the innocent beggar. So you kicked the beggar and in return you are suffering.

By the way if Dada Nityashuddhananda saw you in dharmacakra, then by seeing the cast on your broken leg, he will come to you and it is is almost 100% certain Dada Nityashuddhananda will misguide you and say it is not your fault. Dada Nityashuddhananda will say that Guru broke your hip because Guru is giving you a test for fun. But the fact is you are suffering due your sin of kicking the innocent beggar. In this way Dada Nityashuddhananda misguides people wherever he goes.

Dada Nityashuddhananda tells all this in the fancy words that Guru gives tests. Such senior avadhutas are so ignorant that they never read Baba's books and they never cared to know the action / reaction of Ananda Marga. Due to a lack of knowledge they are ignorant. But they pose themselves as a knower of all of Ananda Marga philosophy. Wearing saffron robes they are doing disservice to humanity in the name of Ananda Marga. Our duty is to save innocent margiis from Dada Nityashuddhananda.

Conclusion: Guru never gives tests. 
  • Please forward and convey this quote to Dada Nityashuddhananda so the twist in his mind can be straightened out.
in Him,
Dayal Ghosh

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 7, Form and Formless

Now Dada Nityashuddhananda is somewhere in the western part of the US.

== Section: Prabhat Samgiita ==

उस स्वप्न के देश में

"एक स्वपनेर देशे आमी, माया भरा ज्योत्सनाय ..." (प्रभात संयोगिता #1455)

नोट :- कोई जो दूर है तो उसका ध्यान आकर्षित करने के लिए  ‘हे’ बोलकर उसे पुकारते हैं, जैसे “हे, रामू”। लेकिन अगर कोई मेरे सामने है और मेरी तरफ़ देख रहा है उसे  ‘हे’ बोलकर सम्बोधित नहीं किया जाता है। परमात्मा सदा साथ हैं और हमको लगातार देख रहे हैं इसलिए उनसे बात करते समय “हे, बाबा!” बोलकर भक्त कभी सम्बोधित नहीं करता।
भावार्थ :-

हे 'परमपुरुष, मैं एक स्वप्न के देश में था - जो पूरी तरह से आकर्षक चाँदनी से परिपूर्ण थी । वहाँ उस समय एकांत में तुमको मैं प्यार का गाना सुना रहा था। नव्य मानवतावाद की उस भूमि में आनंद ही  आनंद है।

बाबा, उस आध्यात्मिक जादुई भूमि में, न कोई दरिद्र है और न ही भूख से मरता है। वहाँ अज्ञानता, हठधर्मिता या अंधविश्वास भाव-जड़ता डोग्मा नहीं है; न तो वहाँ मूर्खता की कोई लहर है। नव्य मानवतावाद की उस भूमि में, सभी मनुष्यों का अन्य मनुष्यों के साथ एक प्यार का  रिश्ता है। और प्रत्येक मनुष्य अन्य जीवित प्राणी के लिए प्यार का गहरा संबंध रखता है। वहाँ वे एक दूसरे को उसी सार्वभौमिक परिवार का हिस्सा मानते हैं। वे निर्दोष मनुष्यों या जानवरों आदि पर हमला  नहीं करते। वे छलकपट व हत्या नहीं करते हैं। वे एक-दूसरे का नरसंहार करके रक्त की नदी नहीं बहाते हैं।

बाबा, हे मेरे बन्धु, उस स्वर्णिम संसार में, मानव की बुद्धि में डोग्मा भाव-जड़ता नहीं है। वहाँ नव्य मानवतावाद की उस भूमि में विवेक, तर्क और तर्कसंगतता को गले लगाया जाता है, और अंतर्ज्ञान बोधि को मान्यता दी जाती है। नव्य मानवतावाद की उस स्वप्नभूमि में उस मनमोहक चांदनी के बीच था जहाँ कोई भी घमंड  से अंधा होकर  दूसरों को कुचलता नहीं । नव्य मानवतावाद का वह समाज पापियों के  शोषण से मुक्त है। वह नव-मानवतावाद की भूमि थी जो मैंने अपने सपने में देखी थी।

बाबा, मैं उस करामाती, आनंद की पूर्णिमा से जगमगाती  दुनिया में तुम्हारे साथ था …
गोपी Gopi

== Section: Topic ==

Margii exploitation in AMPS

~ The below is courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~



What happened in 1990, 91, 92 & 93 in such a special manner which created a wind of change to topple the ruling class at center ?
What were the reasons which instigated the removal of Incharge Dada from his position ? This was a successful event.

Actually, the ideological movement started in November of 1990 itself :-

90 - Voice against distortion of scripture,

90 - Control on Margis (WTs/Grihis) became visible,

91 - People started to oppose MPD

91 - Monks and Margis were completely against the torture (beating), unideological punishment and air of hate towards pious and junior WTs was rampant,

A revolt started against the above in 92-93 itself,

Incharge ( I ) Dada ji was being blamed for Bangalization of organisation, activities and scripture.

He was also blamed for supporting Bangla speaking workers and he opened a new system to sideline the good and non-Bengali workers with the help of Hindi speaking Margis (HSM - WTs & Grihis) also.

Still many HSMs are his supporters because of various reasons.

Dada I ji neglected the development of non-Bangla areas and became busy in only promoting the work in Bangala speaking areas.

Bangalization was his main tool to propagate his dream to suppress others and to establish his glory or Bengali superiority.

It was ironic that many non-Bengali senior & intellectual workers and Grihi Margis forgot their BELOVED SADGURU. These people could not smell the crooked motive behind Bangalization issues. They fell into the line of his unideological activities.

Gradually our above mentioned Dada started to break Margi institutions. He dismantled BP, ACB, LFT and PKB structures. Each institution has unique qualities. Present Hindi group leaders also helped him with full energy.

In between some bhaktas (whistleblowers or whistlers) were busy to oppose these PoD's (Pirates of Dharma's) activities and they were educating General Margis about the righteous path.

This group of ideological devotees were branded as terrorists, traitors and Gurudrohi by selfish Pirates of Dharma and their elite Margi friends. This elite group members or stooge were gradually sidelined, but still many may be active.

The opportunist leaders were pushing dharma towards the ditch on the shoulders of selfish or ignorant Margis.
Then the second lot of leadership captured the throne progressed on the path of Dada I, but with a higher speed. The second group (of Dada II) is moving with more speed to the ditch. The ideological issues have been sent to dustbin.

This great brother has brought a new edition of Gurudroh.
Now, the chariot of Gurudroh has many arrogant horses - Bangalivadi, scripture destroyers, land grabber, characterless workers (more active in B group)
and many more cunning activities.

In between we are observing that many sycophants are being insulated by leadership. Due to this, these insulated sycophants ( converted Vikshubddh Shudra ) started criticising their bosses. Now, what is happening ? The leaders are using the age-old, time tested tactics to tame their disgruntled slaves - SAM - DAM - DAND - BHED.

Can anyone dare to ask about BP rights in K ?
Can anybody shake the Indrasan of Dada I & Co. ?

Has he changed his attitude of distortion of scripture ?

Has his evil motive against Charya'charya, BP rights, MPD, Tomb, Ash puja reversed ?

Tirtha, Ash puja, Tomb parikrama and MPD are Gurudroh.

He (still) is standing strong on the fake concept of translation from ORIGINAL BANGLA.

The SUPREME FATHER, the CONTROLLER of Universe has been limitized to be a Bangala speaking. BABA spoke only Bangla. What a blasphemy ?

Still, at the end of his spiritual life, Dada I ji is the same. New group leader Dada II should be cautious of selecting wrong path or they will be toppled by Prakriti or Bhaktas or by Both. What his stooges will do after falling of their boss.
Finally, what was/is the fault of the early whistleblowers who fought to save BABA's mission ? Why they were punished for zero fault ? Those who were tool to torture early whistlers will meet their WATERLOO.

Every point of the above writing can be explained in detail.

It is not the duty of PARAMPURUSH (only) to save own ideology, mission and properties. It is our duty to do so. HE will provide us all round help.

In Him,
Ashok Priyadarshi

~ The above is courtesy of WhatsApp Forums ~

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Baba Loud Wailing Namaskar, Here is the announcement of the mahaprayan of President Hugo Chavez, a communist leader and ...

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