Ugly way of Vimalananda
As we all know, fake yoga which prizes superficial, showy things like quasi-gymnastics, contortions, group poses, and human pyramids etc, rather than the true system of yoga asanas. Now see the type of yoga Vimalananda is putting on display at our seminars.
Fake yoga at seminar
About the above display at our AM seminar:
(a) Four boys at the bottom are doing shoulderstand, but instead of being straight up and down, they are doing the pose in the wrong way at an angle in order to create a particular design.
(b) Then they placed a smaller boy in lotus posture on top of everyone’s feet.
(c) But all this is a bad example of AM yoga.
(d) By this way: some might think they need to meditate in the sky to get success; youths get indoctrinated into doing bogus yoga; and, worst of all, it makes it look like AM supports this fake yoga display.
(e) It is extremely dangerous to perform these stunts on a cement floor. There is no protection, and a fall can cause a serious head injury or even death.
(f) Baba’s photo is also present on the stage. That gives the faulty message that Baba advises us to do like this.
(g) So from top to bottom, this is an entirely fake yoga display in the name of Ananda Marga. By seeing this, youth are led astray and generations more will get misguided.
Senior avadhutas in AMPS like Vimalananda should be strict in promoting AM ideals at our seminars, not fake yoga. We should strongly oppose this lest (a) our youths be led astray and (b) good people turn their backs on AM in search of an authentic and dharmic approach to yoga.
In Him,