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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Wts are not purohitas + 2 more


Wts are not purohitas


In the 5th part of Tattvika Diipika published in 1957, Baba puts forth a very unique definition of an acarya. Every Ananda Margii will take great interest in seeing what Baba has told about the role of acaryas.

Below, first you will find an updated version of the passage from Tattvika Diipika. Senior margiis gathered and made this updated, yet unofficial version, in the hope that it will be easier to read and understand. Thereafter is how it was originally printed / published in 1957.

Keep in mind that those early days Baba's talks were not recorded. Margiis were taking notes on what Baba spoke. The key point in all this is that Baba gives many unique ideas in this passage. Please read the below versions and the commentary that follows. For your information, the actual subheading of this passage in the book, Tattvika Diipika, is "Ácárya".

Ácárya Chapter [updated version]

Here is an elaboration of the passage from Tattvika Diipika. The aim is to provide some context so the passage is easier to comprehend.

The literal meaning of purohits [i.e. exploitative Hindu religious priests] are those who primarily contribute to others’ benefit and well-being, but if we see [nowadays] how such purohits conduct themselves in day to day life, it is clear that they place a greater priority on their own personal interests. [An example of this is that they conduct all sorts of social ceremonies (marriages, funerals, baby naming etc) for the sole purpose of making a profit.]

The purohit-dom centres round vested interest. Priestdom exploits the public in the name of religion. In contrast, the ácáryas are social workers. The social services rendered by the ácáryas constitute a voluntary duty. Ácáryas are those who teach what and how to do; and, acarya means what not to do. When there are no monetary considerations, there can be no vested interest.

Ceremonies provide the chief opportunity for exploitation. Unlike in the various religions, in Ananda Marga, in absence of the ácárya, ceremonies can be conducted by the senior man present. The presence of the ácárya is desirable since he enjoys considerable esteem. Ácárya is also more conversant. He combines esteem with efficiency.

The above version offers some description to aid readers in their understanding, all the while remaining true to the original, below text. 

Ácárya Chapter [original quote]

Here then is the original version as it appears in Tattvika Diipika part 5:

   Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Purohits are those who primarily contribute to others’ benefits, but as a matter of fact, they give priority to their own interests."
   "The purohit-dom centres round vested interest. Priestdom exploits the public in the name of religion. The ácáryas are social workers. The social services rendered by the ácáryas constitute a voluntary duty. Ácáryas are those who teach what and how to do and what to do and acarya means what not to do. When there is no monetary considerations, there can be no vested interest."
   "Ceremonies provide the opportunity for exploitation. In absence of the ácárya, the ceremonies can be conducted by the senior man present. The presence of the ácárya is desirable since he enjoys considerable esteem. Ácárya is also more conversant. He combines esteem with efficiency." (1)

Religious traders vs ideal Wts

Following are two key takeaways from Baba's teaching:
  • In the above passage, Baba clearly guides and warns us that the main way that religious traders and purohitas (Hindu religious priests) exploit the common people is by charging exorbitant fees for social ceremonies.
  • Whereas in Ananda Marga, there is no remuneration to acaryas for such ceremonies. In Ananda Marga, Baba mandates that these ceremonies can even be performed without the presence of an acarya. That is unheard of in the various religions.

Sarvatmananda’s greedy & unethical black business

Unfortunately, nowadays in AMPS, some of the so-called top acaryas are not abiding by Baba's guideline. Many are charging large fees for presiding over social ceremonies. Certainly we have many sincere Wts in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha - there is no question about that. Nonetheless it is our duty to identify and solve the problem cases and disturbing trends. For instance, see how so-called top Dadas are collecting big money on these occasions and works:

(#1) First and foremost comes the name of Ac Sarvatmananda Avt who started a black-market business of selling Mahasambhuti’s ashes. Initially, those ashes were real, and he sold a tiny bit for a huge fee / price. And later on he was just collecting bogus ashes from various Hindu cremation grounds and he sold those ashes as being from Mahasambhuti. By this way he gained millions of dollars.

(#2) To get Purodha Pramukha Dada's so-called marriage blessing, the family must pay a large fee of thousands of rupees. Failing that, they will not receive PP Dada's so-called marriage blessing. Here I use the term so-called because so-called top Dadas just created this dogma that Purodha Pramukha has the ability to bless marriages, when in fact he has no such power. It is just their bogus invention. And then they started charging margiis big money for this fake blessing. So this is a double negative: First they invented the dogma of PP Dada's marriage blessing and then they turned it into a money-making venture by exploiting the sentiments of innocent margiis.

A sin to donate blindly

Baba has directed us in the chapter on Tapah in "A Guide to Human Conduct" that if donated money is not utilized for a just and worthy cause, then the donor is also responsible for that misdeed(s). The donor will incur negative samskara - that is Baba's strict warning. Thus, always be alert that your donation does not go in the wrong hand.

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Tapah devoid of knowledge is bound to be misused. The opportunists will misuse your energy by extracting work from you to serve their selfish ends, and at the same time this will deprive the real sufferers of their due services from you. A rich miser approaches you with a tale of woe and entreats you to give him relief. Being moved with pity, if you do what is needed to relieve him of his suffering, the very purpose of tapah will be defeated, as it is without any knowledge or reasoning. The end result of your service will be that the rich man whom you have served will become more miserly and more selfish and will, in the future, try to deceive in a greater way people who dedicate themselves to the service of humanity. Secondly, as you will, to some extent, know his inner motive, you will become mentally depressed and you will also develop a hostile attitude towards him. Therefore, while following the principle of tapah you should ascertain fully well whether the person you are going to serve, really needs your service. Only then should you engage yourself in service...Therefore, you will have to ascertain with discrimination where your responsibility lies and to what extent; otherwise all your time, energy and labour employed in tapah will be in vain...because in such cases you do not make the proper use of objects." (2)

We should all pay heed to Baba's above guideline about tapah and serving others. If our donations do not reach the right person or party, and instead some Dada or Didi is using those funds for superficial beauty appointments etc, then we ourselves are to be held accountable. If we fail to ensure that our donation is used to serve those in need, then that service or donation is meaningless. With a good heart many in Ananda Marga wish to serve those in need, but unfortunately their efforts will be in vain if their donations do not reach suffering humanity. Verily those kind-hearted donors are responsible - in part - for this impropriety. That is Baba's warning.

How Wts cajole margiis to “pay” for social ceremonies

(#3) Various acaryas also take in maximum dollars for performing marriage ceremonies. This is big business and a lucrative enterprise for some of our dadas - and perhaps some didis too. In that sense, they are carbon copies of those opportunistic purohitas (Hindu religious priests).

When Wts know that an upcoming ceremony is going to take place then they cajole and “inspire” those margiis to donate and give money. Here is how they do it. Those Wts say: “Look this is not an ordinary day, rather this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Your daughter only gets married once. To commemorate this special day you should consider giving something." Or they say, "This is the birth of your first son or grandson. Something extra should be offered to make it a momentous event." Or they say, "It is not everyday that your father dies. So you should do something to contribute to our Ananda Marga social service projects etc.”

Next those Wts give their bogus logic, “Look, if you were not an Ananda Margii and were instead part of one of the religions, then surely you would have to give large payments or tithes on this monumental occasion. But our Ananda Marga is not like that. You are having this ceremony performed free - at no cost. So you should at least think of how you can give back and contribute something to the jagrti or our service projects. Margii Raju gave xyz amount, surely you can give something.”

And those Wts will further justify that, “Whether you give me money or not, certainly I am going to do the ceremony for you - whether you donate or not. So do not think that I am asking you or that this is some sort of requirement. Just think of it as a way for you to give back to Baba’s mission.”

All these things Wts say to margiis in order to get them to give money. Those Wts know that those margiis are committed to Ananda Marga. So those Wts view those margiis as hostages in that they are never going to leave the path of Ananda Marga. For this reason, those Wts do all kinds of psychological warfare in order to get those margiis to give money at the time of those social ceremonies. But those same Wts will not do this with new sadhakas when teaching sadhana lessons or initiating new people. Then those Wts do not do such tricks to turn a profit. Because those are new people and they may just react and leave, in which case not only did that Wt not get any money, but they lost a potential earning source for the future as that person is now gone.

Danger: Wts end up "marrying themselves"

And that is not all that our acaryas do. Unlike those religious purohitas, various Ananda Marga acaryas involve deeply in arranging marriages, i.e. finding a good match for people of marriageable age. This too they have turned into a business. They charge high fees and take commissions. Here again they completely exploit the sentiments of margii families. It is a shame and a sham.

Even then the story does not end there. Such acaryas involve so deeply in arranging marriages - carrying around photos of eligible candidates and whispering and talking etc - that their mind gets fully coloured in that desire. Until finally, they end up in some sexual escapade or get married themselves. This is an ongoing problem.

That is why Baba's expressed system is that during reporting He would ask Wts how many Wts did they create. And Baba would ask family acaryas how many family acaryas did they create. And with family margiis Baba would ask them about how many people did they inspire to have a revolutionary marriage.

Baba's system: Wts not involve in marriage-making

Baba's approach is that family acaryas and family margiis should handle all aspects of arranging marriages and performing the ceremonies. Dadas only had to ensure that family margiis were actively engaged in this endeavour. Beyond that, dadas were not to get involved in the particulars. That was Baba's system. And that was for the protection and well-being of all: acaryas, family people, and the bride and groom. If you see videos during DMC etc then it is quite apparent that family acaryas were the ones performing all the marriages - not Wts.

But after 1990 the whole system was torn down and Wts jumped into the marriage making business in order to earn money and excite their lower vrttis.

(#4) Some Dadas are also collecting large fees from margiis as those margiis want them to come to akhanda kiirtan programs. Here we are not just talking about paying for a dada's travel arrangements etc. Rather those Dadas collect a grand fee just for showing up.

(#5) In addition, some acaryas are charging big money for conducting baby naming ceremonies, house blessing / house entrance ceremonies, and for all kinds of normal social functions like shraddha (death) ceremonies, birthday ceremonies, even the tree planting ceremony.


Some acaryas have became grand exploiters surrounding social ceremonies. In that case, what is the difference between some of our acaryas and those purohitas (religious priests)? They both seem to be operating in the same way. This is clearly in opposition to Baba's mandate for acarya life.

It is the duty of margiis and sincere wts to put a stop to this - if you see such things going on (i.e. taking money for marriage blessings etc) then please report the matter.

Sastaunga Pranam to Baba,
Ramesh Deva

We are horses & margiis are grass

This is the deceptive rhetoric that some Dadas employ in order to procure donations from margiis during such social ceremonies like the death ceremony or marriage etc. In the face of this, margiis feel helpless and can only say, “Please Dada take pity on me.”

If any sincere margii asks that Dada why you (Dada) are manipulating poor margiis in this death ceremony then that Dada will reply, “What is wrong, these margiis are already wasting their money on so many types of activities. So then what is wrong if I take from them at the time of death or marriage etc. After all, their duty is to give and my duty is to accept their offering. So this is a “dharmic approach.”

And if any proper Wt questions that Dada about why he is charging a marriage tax or death tax which is against Caryacarya, that Dada will reply, “Look, my situation is like a horse, and the margiis are grass. If a horse does not graze on the grass it will die. The horse lives off of the grass. So the way I am collecting money from margiis is ok. You should also do - do not feel guilty.” This is the type of wolf psychology that dominates some Wts.

1. Tattvika Diipika, Part 5
2. A Guide to Human Conduct, Tapah

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are doing everything

Prabhata Samgiita Intro: In this below song, Baba is talking about the sound of omnkara (muralii dhvani) and how the whole universe is filled with this divine music. Those who don't do proper sadhana thay can't understand this song.

"Ga'ne bhara' ei vasudha'y kon aja'na'y man bhese ja'y..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2684)

O' my Parama Purusa, in this song-filled universe, my mind is floating towards one unknown divine land. By Your Cosmic grace, it is ensconced in Your exquisite flow, does not pay heed to any walls of obstacles of dogmas, nor does it listen to the hindrances of staticity created by the degrading forces. Because of Your irresistible attraction, Baba, my entire being is rushing headlong towards Your infinite Self.

O' Parama Purusa, the extraterrestrial trumpet of the distant spiritual land is resounding on and on; the cosmic call echoes in all directions. Due to inner beauty, all are unified. Because of the sonorous music of the eternal omnkara, everyone's heart is throbbing with ecstasy, and they have forgotten their differences. Now, all are moving forward in unison in the spirit of samgacchadhvam towards that singular goal: Parama Purusa. The language of all flows in the same feeling due to Your infinite compassion. Everyone is engaged in the welfare of humanity.

O' Parama Purusa Baba, whatever existed in the past, and that which has been lost, best is to just forget about those things. Leave behind all the losses and gains of the past; they are immaterial. Now whatever I am going to do and think today, the Cosmic trumpet tells us through the colour of songs. All my thoughts and actions are guided by You. Baba, from morning till night, and from birth to death, Your resplendent vibration guides me each and every moment. With Your eternal tune and blessing, You are showering Your causeless grace and pulling me towards You. You are doing everything...

Note for Prabhat Samgiita #2684:

[1] This below teaching describes how a sadhaka gets pulled headlong towards Him once they hear that divine sound. It is all due to the grace of the Supreme.
Ananda Marga ideology says, "The spiritual aspirant hears the various sounds of onm'ka'ra or pran'ava At various stages, during deep sa'dhana', during sweet sa'dhana'. The sound is called muraliidhvani. The sa'dhaka becomes mad because of this sound and goes deeper and attains Ra'dha' bha'va more and more, and rushes headlong forward."

Chot'e ye jan ba'nshiir t'a'ne
Se ki ta'ka'y pather pa'ne?

"At that time one does not think at all about what people will say. One knows only that 'I and my Is't'a exist'." (1)

1. Discourses on Krsna & the Giita, 15 January 1980, Kolkata

== Section: Comment ==

CDC warning to LGBT people


Here is a warning from the center of disease control:

"Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been rising among gay and bisexual men, with increases in syphilis being seen across the country. In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men often get other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections. HPV (Human papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Some types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancers. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who do not have HIV to get anal cancer." (Courtesy of CDC)

in Him,

- Here is link to the initial letter on this topic: Health & rectum

== Section 3: Links ==

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