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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Lowly or great

Lowly or great


All know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS) and our AM way of life. This naturally pertains to our AM marriages and marriage system. So when one highly regarded margii is openly flaunting and violating our revolutionary marriage system as given by Sadguru Baba, then that is a case study that demands our attention and should stand on record for everyone’s learning and betterment. In this regard, please read this below letter as an historical account which was first posted ten years ago on an earlier incarnation of this very network.

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators



Once, during seminar in Tadepalligudem, I asked Sushil G., who has a nephew-uncle relation with Sanjay G., why he had come to the seminar on the third day. Why did he not come earlier for the start of the seminar.

Note: Here it should be understood that Sushil G. runs the family business in Hyderabad. Yet he comes to Tadepalligudem fairly regularly as OP G. runs the factory there. Thus it was expected that Sushil would be present for the entire seminar as it was in his known area. That is why I asked why he had been absent the first two days.

Sushil G. replied, "I have been in Delhi to attend the marriage of the daughter of one margii named Vijay Agrawal."

Note: Vijay Agrawal is a well-known and respected margii and according to G. he belongs to the same community, i.e. marwarai business community of India. As people learn more about Agrawal ji's actions, they may reevaluate how much respect he truly deserves.

I inquired, "Was it a revolutionary marriage?"

"Dada, in our community, no such marriage is allowed." That was the reply uttered by Sushil G..

It then became quite clear how far he follows Ananda Marga ideals.

Boldness of Sanjay G.

Why was it so clear? Because it is only when people feel extremely comfortable with their manner and ways that they will overtly tell things about their own life that others might find to be improper or even despicable.

For example, those in the mafia will openly brag about killing and murdering common citizens because those mafia men are very comfortable with the fact that they murder other humans. They are so involved and accustomed to killing that they do not care what others think about this. So they would openly tell others about it.

Similarly, because of his strong allegiance to caste (racism) dogma, Sushil G. was very frank in telling that he and his family totally shun Baba's system of revolutionary marriage.

Here the whole point is that only someone very comfortable with caste dogma can openly and shamelessly proclaim his strong allegiance to caste marriage to a fellow Ananda Margii. Such is the lowly psychic status of Sushil G. on this matter. The man has not an ounce of shame about this - only pride.

Furthermore, Sanjay G., with whom he has uncle-nephew relation, overtly supports caste marriages for his entire extended family. Sanjay G. Dada knowingly and unflinchingly contravenes Baba's explicit guideline. As a senior member of the family, it is Sanjay G. Dada who has perpetuated and approved this dogma of caste marriages. Indeed he is more wedded to his dogmatic so-called caste than to Baba's dharmic and divine teachings. Yet this same Sanjay G. was awarded the "Best Bhukti Pradhan" prize at the January 2011 DMS.

It is also known by many that Sanjay G. is not very involved in AM teachings or activities. Just he mingles with margiis on occasion. So here again it is most surprising that this same Sanjay G. was awarded as "Best Bhukti Pradhan" in front of one and all at the January DMS.

And really, this point of blatantly disregarding Baba's system of revolutionary marriage is too much.

History: margiis faced backlash due to RM

As we know Baba has taken great effort to wipe out the dogmatic caste system / racism. And one of the main techniques Baba has prescribed is inter-caste marriages. In those early days of Ananda Marga, the Hindu establishment strongly opposed Baba and destroyed the land and personal property of countless Ananda Margiis who strictly adhered to Baba's system of revolutionary marriage. There are countless tales of struggle and strife in this regard.

So rooting out an age-old dogma is not easy. It takes the advent of a great Personality like Taraka Brahma to guide society and wipe out such dogmas. Without that, harmful dogmas like the so-called caste system continue on for centuries. Baba has graced humanity by opposing and eradicating this heinous dogma.

Yet now, people from the G. family are following this dogma under our very eyes. They are more concerned about the their prestige and the so-called purity of their own caste / race, i.e. marwarai business community of India, than they are about adhering to and following Baba's dharmic ideals. That is why Sanjay G. and his whole family openly disregard Baba's revolutionary marriage system.

Then, this very same Sanjay G. is awarded the prize of "Best Bhukti Pradhan." How does this work? Such people are not ideal in Ananda Marga yet they are treated as class "A" margiis. Their behaviour is not A-grade yet they are given the top prize. What message are those at the helm trying to give to margiis.

If caste & race believers, then no faith in Parama Purusa

Here Baba strongly condemns any and all who follow caste dogma and disregard the revolutionary marriage system. Such persons "do not believe in Parama Purusa"  - those are Baba's exact words. Please read His following guideline.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Everyone on this earth is a child of Parama Puruśa; no one is big or small. All are related as brothers and sisters. As far as castes are concerned, no one is high or low. How can the children of the same Father be of different castes? All people are of the same caste. Everyone is by birth of the same caste as their father. So keep away from those who discriminate in terms of caste; keep far from the reach of their noose. Why? Because those who believe in caste, do not believe in Parama Puruśa. If five people are of five different castes, then what is the caste of Parama Puruśa? Can He be of five castes? No, that is not possible. So bear in mind that those who believe in caste, do not have genuine belief in the Supreme Father. How can people of five hundred castes have one and the same father? So I say those who believe in caste, do not believe in the Supreme Father, and those who believe in the Supreme Father do not believe in caste." (1)

In clear-cut language, in His above teaching, Baba definitively guides us that those following Hindu caste dogma do not believe in Parama Purusa. There is no middle ground. Where there is casteism there is no belief in Parama Purusa. That is Baba's exact teaching, nay warning. Thus one should keep oneself millions of miles away from the dogma of casteism.

Here following is Baba's fundamental teaching from Caryacarya about marriage. Once again, one is not to pay heed to caste dogma in the case of marriage.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "While arranging a marriage [in the case of that kind of marriage], the guardians should not consider the caste or nationality of the bride and bridegroom." (2)

Baba's stand is perfectly clear. Yet, the G. family, like Sanjay and Sushil, is pointedly committed to making caste marriages. It is a shame.


Baba has blessed us with all the practices to lead a dharmic life. So it is not at all appreciated if one family - like the G. family - follows their caste dogma with regards to marriage and totally ignores Baba's revolutionary marriage system. More about this is written below. But already you have the essence of the story. Sanjay G. has blatantly overlooked Baba's marriage system yet still he gets huge respect and wins the award of "Best Bhukti Pradhan". Rather the prize should go to the one who sincerely follows Baba's grand teachings in all realms of life. That is Baba's distinct teaching.

Ananda Vanii says, "It is action that makes a person great. Be great by your sádhaná, by your service, by your sacrifice." (3)

Ananda Vanii says, "Your ideal is represented by your conduct. Your learning, your social or economic status have nothing to do with your ideal." (4)

in Him,

Many of you may recall the story of Sanjay G. and how he was undeserving of and wrongly awarded the prize of "Best Bhukti Pradhan" at the January 2011 DMS. A link to that letter of 26 Apr 2011 is appended below for your easy reference. Now here is more news about that same Sanjay G. and his family. This letter is also quite revealing about his "dedication" to Ananda Marga ideals and how far he was deserving to get the prize of "Best Bhukti Pradhan."

~ In-depth study ~

History of "great" margii

Within the entire Goenka family, their sons and daughters are all initiated in Ananda Marga sadhana. But they perform non-margii marriages. They marry their children into their marwarai business community. And then only after the marriage is performed, the non-margii bride is initiated into Ananda Marga. This is their method of not paying heed to Baba's system of revolutionary marriage (RM). Yet such persons hold themselves to be the vanguards of Baba's holy teachings.

They preach the intercaste marriage system to others, but they themselves do not follow it.

They want to be looked upon as being ideal - and some naive margiis believe that the Goenka family follows all Baba's guidelines perfectly. But rational margiis have a different understanding.

Up till now the Goenka family has not done any RM, and they have no plan to do so in the future either. 

More facts on Goenka / Agrawal family

Here is another key fact about the Goenka / Agrawal family:

They are moving towards love marriages and engaging in so-called different castes, and it is unthinkable for them to follow our AM marriage system. This is the story up to 2011.

Fake samadhi

It is generally known that Sushil Goenka is basically a goody-goody margii. Many may recall that when Sushil Goenka comes to dharmacakra or akhanda kiirtan, then he cries and weeps loudly. That itself is a sign of a weak mind according to Ananda Marga ideology, chapter "Vibration, Form, and Colour". There Baba says that if the sadhaka is not strict in Sixteen Points, then with that weak mind they cannot tolerate even a small sentient vibration. By participating in dharmacakra or kiirtan, they cry. So if someone is not strict in Sixteen Points and they cry it means that this person is weak. If someone else is very strict and an ideal margii and if he cries then it is understood that he is in a high, exalted state. Baba also describes this in A Guide to Human Conduct. So one should carefully assess the situation. Because Sushil Goenka is not strict,that is why it is obvious that he goes into a stupor.

Link to earlier letter about best BP award

1. Discourses on Krśńa and the Giita, "Mucyate Bhavabandhanát"
2. Caryacarya-1, Marriage Ceremony
3. Ananda Vanii #20
4. Ananda Vanii #13

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