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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Debased Wt


Debased wt

Note: This should be read according to the purview of Ananda Marga ideals.


Our Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji has taken advent and blessed this world with the divine teachings of tantra yoga: The highest and purest form of yoga that brings the practitioner up to the supreme rank. The path of Ananda Marga is pristine and pure and stands as the perfect expression of yoga.

The sensual nature of fake yoga

In stark contrast, fake yoga abounds everywhere nowadays. Many have seen it - in the ads, on the streets, in the studios, and on the scene. In fake yoga, the most striking quality is how it is sold using the glamorous display of the exposed female body. Fake yoga agents have used sensual allurement as the main appeal to attract the public and earn money. There is more to say about the contemporary fake yoga movement, but surely all will agree that the sensual female body is one of the main selling points. We should decide whether Hiranmayananda’s book follows the straight, sentient path of Ananda Marga yoga or if he appeals to the sensual approach of fake yoga.

By putting Baba's name throughout this fake yoga book, the avadhuta author makes it look like Baba appreciates this type of style and presentation. The common public is surely going to assume this about Baba when they see this publication. Because after all there are many degraded gurus who advocate open sex etc, then the common public will think that our Guru is an advocate of these lustful photos. This is the unfortunate conclusion the public will form due to the off-colour presentation of Hiranmayananda's so-called yoga book. And this is the real tragedy.

Sanctity of Baba's teachings

Baba is the Dharma Guru and He is also the champion of human rights. Baba condemns degrading literature, and He always guides us to uphold the dignity of women.

Ananda Marga Shabda Cayanika says, "We must pay due honour to women as mothers and help them to live long lives." (1)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "It is a matter of great regret that a class of modern artists, in the realms of poetry, novels, cinema, drama, etc., employ all their artistic talents for the sole purpose of kindling people's crude sensuality, instead of portraying human propensities with the idealistic outlook of a true artist - what to speak of portraying their subtle human feelings. Without giving indulgence to conservatism, I would say that this class of artists is truly a blot on society." (2)

Baba's teachings are 100% sentient and He wants His disciples to follow accordingly. But by his actions, it seems Hiranmayananda has fallen from the path.

Toss fake yoga book into the ocean

That is why margiis are rejecting Hiranmayananda’s degrading, fake yoga book and tossing it into the dark, depths of the ocean. And if it is decided that Hiranmayanand is not of the proper calibre to write such a sentient yoga book then someone else should come and take on the task.

All told it is sad that Hiranmayananda got caught up in the degrading trend of yoga from the general society. The only other reason for this mess-up is if Hiranmayananda has fallen from his sadhana practice. Then the mind gets degraded and one is likely to do anything. But in all likelihood Hiranmayananda simply got swept up into the wave of fake yoga, in which case with a little guidance from others he can probably do better. Fake yoga books, like the one which Hiranmayananda made, contravenes Baba's below guideline. That is why Hiranmayananda's book will just invite lustful thoughts and negative microvita.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Good company, good books, good literature, good songs, kiirtanas (devotional chanting) elevate the mind and the mind becomes sanctified. That is why negative microvita do not get much scope to touch the mutative and sentient portions of the structure."  (3)


Baba has given the secret to giving respect to women and bringing joy and dignity to all sectors of society.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Each and every member of the human society should enjoy equal rights as members of the same family, but there is disparity and it is the duty of the Renaissance movement to dispel the disparity and bring about equality, equilibrium, and equipoise amongst human beings." (4)

Tragically, Hiranmayananda’s yoga book grossly contravenes Guru’s tenet.

In Him,

Stand up against female exploitation: Prout rally in Patna

There is the well-known story from Patna. When Baba was living there then He gave the program to take strong opposition against the capitalist agencies at work that were publicly degrading the standard of women. Margii sisters planned to tear down all the negative advertisements exploiting females as sexual objects. So step by step Proutist margii sisters and revolutionary-minded students went around and tore down and splashed black paint over all those advertisements. And when the report was given to Baba about the grand success of this revolutionary program to save the dignity of women, Baba became extremely happy and He smiled broadly. This is the well known incident that many senior margiis are aware about.

~ In-depth study ~

Nowadays in the general society, the name 'yoga' has come to the fore and has become a multi-billion dollar industry. So countless fake yogas have sprouted up. This email is related with one fake yoga publication by Hiranmayananda that has been circulating from sector to sector. By reviewing the graphic nature of its contents we should decide if it is a real yoga book in the spirit of Ananda Marga, or a fake yoga book that is littered with the pseudo-culture of fake yoga.

Everything has its own expression

Good or bad, everything in this universe has its own distinct expression. Or to say it in slightly less poetic terms: Whatever is inside oozes outside. And by this process we can understand the nature of that thing - be it sweet or foul etc. By seeing anyone's poetry, art, or writing, we can quickly understand the internal nature of the person behind that expression. So when Hiranmayananda has jumped into the publication business with his spiffy, shining yoga book, then we can all get a peek into Hiranmayananda's inner self as well as check to see if his book is yoga - or fake yoga.

Lowly depiction: her silken underarms

In Hiranmayananda's fake yoga book, it is clear that he practiced and researched carefully how to ensure that the female's whole body got shown in full view-- from her chest to her toes including her underarms. Because, for example, her skin-tight outfit was cut off right before the shoulder so that section of her body including her shoulder is exposed - just bare skin.

And to follow public fashion, the female model in the book has completely shaved all the hair from her underarms. Because this is the sensual way for females to display themselves. So the avadhuta author did this same sensual display in his book; and he forced the female model to shave her underarms etc. Or he chose a female model who is already looking like that. But such an approach is not at all sentient and against Ananda Marga teachings:

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Never cut the hair of the joints of the body." (5)

So by seeing the debased pictures in the book the common mass will be misled. Males will get negatively attracted and women will think that they should also shave their underarms to become the sex toys of males etc. Or they will think that yoga is just one sexual type of activity. So this misguiding example of a delicate part of a female's body to be rudely depicted is completely wrong - harmful.

But to allure the common public, Hiranmayananda forced his female model to go against Baba's above guideline so he made her show herself in an erotic way. And thus increased the sale of his fake yoga book to the  public. Of course in no case should females' underarms be openly exposed in a sensual manner in any book-- whether the female has underarm hair or not. For medical texts that part of the body can surely be captured in a neutral way. But any popular book that does it just as a display is nothing but junk literature or a trashy publication. Unfortunately Hiranmayananda's book falls in this later category.

Duty of males

Here Baba calls upon males to come forward and uphold the dignity of women.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Men...should always endeavor to save the prestige of women. As the mothers of men, women can claim this much as a right." (6)

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Candidly when there is no question of women's rights having been snatched away, it hardly calls for an agitation reminiscent of the trade union movement. Whatever responsibility there be on this account, it is entirely men's own. If any agitation is called for at all, the initiative  must come from the men themselves. Today, having realised the necessity of women, it is now the responsibility of men to gradually restore rights to women, which one day women surrendered to men in a weak moment of helplessness or in response to their heart felt sentiments." (7)

Unfortunately Hiranmayananda could not rise to this stand, rather he fell into the dark, depraved chasm of fake yoga with all its sensual allurements and negative depictions of the female body.

Here Baba proclaims that going against the dignity of women is one of the most serious crimes according to AM teachings.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Activities harmful to the Marga, cheating, theft, and the persecution of women are the greatest crimes." (8)

Rich countries impose vulgar cinemas and dramas on others

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “As you know, the mind has a natural tendency to degrade itself; it flows more easily downwards than upwards. So if some people, by virtue of their wealth, impose vulgar cinemas and dramas on others, this will break the latters’ spines and they will become paralysed. And those paralysed, spineless people will thenceforth never be able to stand unitedly against cultural or any other kind of exploitation. They will never be able to do so, because mentally they will be completely dead – their capacity to raise their heads in protest will have been crushed forever. How can they raise their heads again?” (9)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “This exploitation in the cultural sphere is accomplished by the propagation of pseudo-culture. Every honest, virtuous, rational person must fight against this pseudo-culture, and inspire others to do the same. If this is not done, the future of humanity will be sealed. It is proper for human beings to struggle for political freedom, for social emancipation; but if their cultural backbone is broken, then all their struggles will end in nothing – like offering ghee into a fire that has died out.” (10)

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If one’s spine is shattered, it is impossible to hold one’s head erect. Can those whose necks and backs are crushed under the weight of pseudo-culture, be expected to hold their heads high in any sphere of life? Hence it is the bounden duty of every rational person to save innocent people from pseudo-culture.” (11)

~ From Dada Hiranmayananda's Book ~

Fake yoga in action: "Cure Yourself with Yoga" by Ac Hiranmayananda Avt

On the cover of his glossy book, Dada Hiranmayananda boldly proclaims that this is "A complete guide to the modern science of an ancient art" and that there are "200 colour pictures" inside. The hope was that Hiranmayananda would undo the negative sensual female stereotype that got infused by fake yoga. However, to our heart's dismay what we found was something totally different. Warning: The following paragraph is graphically worded due to the extreme nature of the photos in Hiranmayananda's book.

When one opens  Hiranmayanandji's "yoga" book, they immediately see each that the book is filled with photos of a half-naked, alluring female wearing skin-tight lycra over her bosoms, with it tightly stretched across her private part such that everything gets exposed. From page 52 to page 101, this half-naked female is bending in every possible way. By this exposé, instead of displaying any sentient aspect of yoga, all that gets revealed are the swivel and grooves of this female's body.

True margiis have taken strong objection to Hiranmayananda's "yoga" book. The sensual nature of the pictures is enough to demand that it be taken 'off the shelf' - i.e. not available for sale. Even worse is that Hiranmayananda has done all this in the name of Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. Because Baba's name is printed throughout the book - often side by side those debased photos of the young female. This is probably the worst aspect of the book.

So not only is this half-naked female depicted in a seeming unending array of pages in so many revealing positions, but to sell the book Hiranmayananda also photographed her figure on the very first page of the book - one page directly before the Dedication to Guru. By this procedure, one gets the sense that the author gives higher praise and stature to the alluring qualities of this female's form than to the purity and sanctity of Guru.

By putting Baba's name throughout this fake yoga book, the avadhuta author makes it look like Baba appreciates this type of style and presentation. The common public is surely going to assume this about Baba when they see this publication. Because after all there are many degraded gurus who advocate open sex etc, then the common public will think that our Guru is an advocate of these lustful photos. This is the unfortunate conclusion the public will form due to the off-colour presentation of Hiranmayananda's so-called yoga book. And this is the real tragedy.

Sarvatmananda: Tiljala Publications & supporter pseudo-culture

Below is the photo of Sarvatmananda who is very influential within Tiljala publications. Dada is responsible for condoning this degraded book as he has given his stamp of approval for selling this book through Tiljala Publications. So Sarvatmananda too is an agent of pseudo-culture.

== Section: Topic ==

Sad to see didi avadhuta teaching fake yoga


It is so unfortunate that one of our avadhutas who should be preaching the tenets of dharma and guiding aspirants in sadana is instead indulged in silly, fake yoga poses with younger members of the opposite sex. Firstly, he should refrain from doing such fake yoga postures, and secondly he should not teach the females, of any age.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “Some people think that Yoga means a particular exercise, No, no, no: Yoga does not mean exercise. Yoga means unification. It is the Supreme definition of Yoga.” (Ananda Vacanamrtam - 14, What Is Yoga?)

Ananda Marga ideology states, “True leaders should always be vigilant and think how to work best for human society: they must be ever cautious that under their guidance the people are not led to darkness, death and immorality.” (AV-31, The Conduct of an Ácárya)

Wt conduct rule, “Avadhuta will always keep himself engaged in service of Gurudeva with sincerity and devotion in thought, word and deed, in subtle and crude spheres, in inner and outer expressions of life.” (32 Rules for Avadhuta, Point #28)

1. The Awakening of Women, Advice for Pregnant Women
2. Prout in a Nutshell - 10, The Practice of Art and Literature
3. Microvita in  Nutshell pg. 79-80
4. Prout in a Nutshell - 9, p.43
5. Caryacarya part 2, Point #3 of 16 Points
6. Caryacarya, '95, part 1, p.49
7. Human Society - I, '87 ed., p.30
8. Caryacarya - 2, 'Society' chapter, pt. #29a
9. Neo-Humanism & Liberation of Intellect: Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture
10. Neo-Humanism & Liberation of Intellect: Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture
11. Neo-Humanism & Liberation of Intellect: Exploitation and Pseudo-Culture

== Section 2: Links ==

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