Anti-AM work by Gurukul
Sadguru Baba clearly guides us that we should create a maximum number of primary schools before starting any high schools.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “We must start primary schools throughout the entire world to create a spiritual urge amongst the little pupils. I am not in favour of starting colleges; I am in favour of starting primary schools. In the entire world we have got one degree college at Ananda Nagar and thousands of kindergarten schools. That is why it is desirable in the first phase to start many primary schools instead of colleges. Merely opening high schools and colleges without a proper system of education will not serve the purpose. Rather, thousands of kindergarten and primary schools must be started with this new system of education, to create a spiritual urge amongst children throughout the entire world.” (1)
Wrong to open high schools
Unfortunately, in the Gurukula magazine (Issue 49, page 35), they are touting the creation and expansion of AM high schools. But this contravenes Saguru Baba’s stepwise approach. First and foremost, our duty is to establish primary schools all over the globe. And only when we have dotted the landscape by opening primary schools in each and every district and block, then we may turn towards creating high schools etc - not before.
But look how the Gurukula magazine is highlighting the renovations and upgrades to two AM high schools - one in Choupal and the other in Kulu. This is clearly against Baba’s stated guideline.
Baba has given us a clear road map for making a new system of education. As His disciples, our duty is to adhere to His guideline, not follow our own whims and penchants etc. So when all-knowing Baba has clearly delineated that we are to first create primary schools all over the globe then that should be our objective. It is quite disheartening and astonishing to see how our Gurukula magazine is moving in a different direction, not in accordance with Baba’s teaching.
In Him,
Benefits of creating primary schools
In various discourses, reportings, and talks, Baba has clearly explained why it is so important to first open AM primary schools.
#1: When children are young, that is the time to inculcate neo-humanistic values and outlooks that will last a lifetime. At that tender age, the child’s mind is like a sponge, ready to soak up and embrace all kinds of new ideas. In contrast, in high school, those adolescents have already formulated their ideas on the world and it is not easy to direct them in a new, sentient direction.
#2: Opening a primary school does not demand a big budget or a huge number of resources. It is relatively easy to do, and the effect on the child will be great. Alternatively, opening a high school is a much more complex operation and demands huge funding. For the same amount of money, dozens and dozens of primary schools can be established.
#3: The specialty of Ananda Marga is our neo-humanistic, spiritual ideals. And the time to implement this is early on in life. We have to awaken within the child values that embrace universalism. And opening primary schools that feature a neo-humanistic curriculum is the best way to achieve this. Once children have been raised in this manner, then they can go just about anywhere to get their technical high school education (biology, geometry, literature, physics etc), and they will maintain their base of a neo-humanistic vision of the world.
1. Discourses on Neohumanist Education: Prama - 4
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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.
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== Section 2: Important Teaching ==
Way to choose Prabhat Samgiita songs
Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "In the case of human beings, when they move around Parama Puruśa, one person moves, one person dances, unknowingly, another person knowingly. Those who are dancing, those who are moving, knowingly, always try to lessen the length of their radii." (1)
Every human being is unique, with their own radius to Parama Purusa - some are closer and some are further. Thus, what is a high degree of bhakti for one person may be a lower degree of bhakti for another. It depends entirely upon one's feeling for Parama Purusa. And even then, one's individual degree of bhakti may change from day to day - sometimes the mind is high, and sometimes one feels dry.
This is all to say that one cannot select a Prabhat Samgiita composition for anyone else. Best is for every aspirant to learn and study various songs, and then when they wish to listen they should select a song that feels most appropriate for them at that time, based on their mental feeling. Side by side, one should always try to learn new songs to expand their library and experience. This is the universal approach that every sadhaka should take with regards to Prabhat Samgiita.
1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 12, Shortening the Radius
== Section 3: Links ==
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