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Thursday, May 7, 2020

Evidence: Bengalization of NKS Hindi + 2 more


Evidence: Bengalization of NKS Hindi


Overview: In giving His discourse, “Vraja Krśńa and Dvaetavada” (1), Bábá spoke the below yellow paragraph in Hindi. However, in the printed Hindi edition (1996) of this discourse, our Tiljala Publishers did not print Bábá’s original Hindi words; instead, they printed their own highly edited, concocted text.

Proof of Bengalization

The following yellow para is the As-Is transcription of Bábá’s Hindi discourse, “Vraja Krśńa and Dvaetavada”. So this yellow section is what Bábá actually spoke when He delivered the discourse on 14 December 1980 in Kolkata.

Pure transcription of Bábá’s original audio: “पानी चन्दन के पास पहुँच रहा है | तो, उसमें चन्दन की खूबियाँ आ रही हैँ—और वह पानी नहीं रहेगा | इसमें दो बातें हैं, एक चन्दन के पास पहुँचते ही क्या होता है ? चन्दन की खूबियाँ फ़ौरन आ जाती हैं | वे चाहें चाहे नहीं चाहें, चन्दन के प्रति अगर उनके दिल में मुहब्बत हो, तो, चन्दन का असर पड़ जाएगा | नज़दीकी का असर पड़ जाएगा, इसलिए वह खुद चन्दन बन जाएगा | और यहाँ दूसरी बात यह भी होती है, वह क्या है ? साधक चन्दन के पास, चन्दन के नज़दीक जितने पहुँचते रहेंगे, वे खुद को, स्वयं को शुद्ध बनाते रहेंगे | और, शुद्ध बनाते-बनाते जब वे चन्दन के पास पहुँच गए, तब देखेंगे क्या ? वे पानी नहीं हैँ | वे अपने को खो डालेंगे | वे अपने को चन्दन में खो डालेंगे |” (1)

So the above is what Bábá actually spoke; it is an exact, pure word-for-word transcription of what Bábá said.

But due to Bengalization, our Tiljala Publishers adulterated and distorted this para. And the proof is that if you look at the printed discourse #17 in the Hindi edition of Namami Krsnasundaram, you will find something vastly different, i.e. distorted text. Bábá’s original sentences were changed. Sadguru Bábá’s original Hindi discourse was grossly distorted in the Hindi printed edition.

The question is: Why did our Tiljala Publishers (TP) not directly print what Bábá originally spoke in Hindi?

Sadly, due to their chosen policy of Bengalization, TP ruined Baba’s original discourses. For proof, please go and check for yourself. Compare discourse #17 of the printed edition of Namami Krsnasundaram (scan below) with the above yellow highlighted pure transcription. And you will find that TP’s printed edition is completely altered. This is called Bengalization-- i.e. ruining the discourse.

Distorted printed Hindi edition by Tiljala Publishers

Here below is a scan of TP’s 1996 Hindi Edition of NKS, pages 125 and 126. The section marked by the red line in the sidebar is a complete and utter distortion. The above pure yellow paragraph should have been printed in this spot in the Hindi edition. But instead something else was done. They did not print what Baba originally spoke in Hindi. Instead TP mangled the discourse and inserted these words marked by the red line along the left side of the page. Sadguru Bábá’s original words were not printed by our Tiljala Publishers (TP). This loss of Bábá’s original words due to Bengalization represents distortion and veritable ruination of our AM holy scripture.

NKS17 scan w-red line.png

Again, the above is a scan of the 1996 Hindi Edition of NKS, pages 125 and 126 (2). The section marked by the red line in the sidebar is a complete and utter distortion. The pure yellow highlighted paragraph should have been printed in this spot in the Hindi edition. But instead something else was done. TP did not print what Bábá originally spoke in Hindi. This loss of Bábá’s original words due to BengalIzation represents distortion and veritable ruination of AM holy scripture.

In His Service,
Renu Chakraborty

Note: This discourse is in Bangla and Hindi. So those who understand both Bangla and Hindi and want to dig deeper on this subject of Bábá’s discourse are welcome to contact us.

Scripture must be universal,
not limited by any narrow sentiment

Today our Ánanda Márga scripture is being encroached upon by narrow sentiments, and that will lead to its destruction. The scripture given by Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti ji is dharma. It must be saved from limited sentiments at any cost.

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "When the sole purpose of scripture, i.e. dharmashástra is to establish the human beings in the stable, exalted position of spiritual ideation, it must be practical, rational, infallible and universal. It must be based on deep eternal truths. It must be áptavákya. A scripture is a guided entity." (3)

Again, the purpose of this letter is to make Bábá's printed discourses authentic and dogma-free. This is not a language issue; this is an issue of authenticity. The duty of every disciple of Lord Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti ji is to keep an eye on the purity of Guru's printed books. Indeed, we Ánanda Márgiis must express our voice and save our scripture.

1. The yellow highlighted para is the “As-Is”, pure transcription of “Vraja Krśńa and Dvaetavada”, 14 December 1980, Calcutta.
2. The above scan is from “Vraja Krśńa and Dvaetavada”, Namámi Krśńa Sundaram, Chapter 17, 14 December 1980, Calcutta.
3. “Our Spiritual Treatise “ Tattva Kaomudii - 2, 24 February 1970, Ranchi

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Remembering You, my days...

Note: If you are at the dinner table talking to your close companion you need not address them by saying “O”. Because your companion is seated next to you and looking directly at you. Already you have their full attention. In that case, there is no need to say “O”, rather it would be irritating.

Similarly, prefacing an appellation for God with “O’”, such as in O’ Lord, is not appropriate in our Ananda Marga. Saying “O’ Lord” signifies that that Divine Entity is far away - i.e. in the 7th sky or heaven - and that one must cry out to reach them. But this goes against the spirit of bhakti.

In our Ananda Marga, we know that Parama Purusa is watching us, always. He is never far - always He resides in the heart, witnessing all we think, do, and say. Hence, there is no need to call out to Him using the phrases, “O’ God”, “ O’ Lord etc.” One may simply address Him in a natural manner without the “O” preface, and He certainly listens to you.

"Tomáre smariyá supath dhariyá, kariyá jábo ámi tomári káj...." (Prabhat Samgiita #2181)


My Parama Purusa, ideating and remembering You, chanting Your name I will move on the righteous path, doing Your work: sadhana, service, and sacrifice. In this way, I am fulfilling Your desire. The most Adorable One of my mind, by Your karun’a’ always I will advance towards You - forgetting the past, removing the staticity, and avoiding all sorts of dogma. I will go close to You, Manoraj.

My Divine Entity, Baba, by Your grace, with the stroke of my feet, I will crush all my selfishness. By Your blessing, I will care for everyone's needs and requirements and engage in serving humanity tirelessly. Everyone's joy is my happiness. I will contemplate and implement this ideal in a new way from today onwards. By Your mercy, I will no longer remain self-centered from this very moment.

Baba, the Supreme One, thinking about Your love and Your greatness, and ideating on You, I shall be Yours. By Your krpa’, I will become one with You. All my narrowness will be destroyed and my whole existence will be transformed into vastness. My Nearest, You are so kind. With Your exquisite touch, my inner self will be immersed in spiritual ecstasy. According to Your wish I will be wholly renewed.

Baba, remembering You, I will move on the righteous path - the path of sadhana, service, and sacrifice...

Note For Prabhat Samgiita #2181:

[1] Manoraj: One of the names of Parama Purusa is Manoraj - the Entity who is the most adored One of the mind.

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