Wt conduct rule states, “No relationship will exist with worldly family.” (#2 Rules for Avadhuta, Point #9)
Note: Our avadhutas are to dedicate their everything to Sadguru Baba in service to humanity. This is their oath, and Baba has given numerous conduct rules so they may be successful in their endeavour. That includes not having any relationship with one’s laokik family.
But look what is going on here. Satyashrayananda is publicly announcing the passing (mahaprayan) of Raganugananda’s mother. This is a blatant contravention of the rules, as Raganugananda supposedly adopted the life of a renunciate long ago. In that case there is no longer any relationship with the worldly family. Sadly Dada ji chose to follow his own agenda instead.
Actually, Raganugananda wanted to make this announcement himself but he thought it would look bad, so he asked his pal Satyashrayananda to do it. Such is the deception and deviousness that is going on.
So the above announcement by Satyashrayananda about the passing (mahaprayan) of Raganugananda’s laokik mother is a direct contravention of all Wt / avadhuta rules. Our Wts are to work for the welfare of all and not have any connection with their worldly family.
Wt conduct rule states, “No relationship will exist with worldly family.” (#2 Rules for Avadhuta, Point #9)
A Few Related Points
(a) The above announcement furthermore addresses Raganugananda’s worldly mom as the divine mother and offers to pay salutations again and again. But this goes against our basic tenet in AM that we cannot convey our feelings to the deceased and we should direct our attention to care for the grieving family.
(b) In the upper left corner of the above death announcement there is a small photo of Dada Satyashrayananda. And below is a copy of that same photo. It is shocking and distasteful that Dada would present a photo of himself smiling while announcing someone’s death. Dada has totally fallen prey to materialistic pseudo-culture, whereby life completely lacks any sense, just an utter loss of pramá, or balance.
(c) In addition, Dada lacks the awareness or courage to follow the AM tantric system and spelling of avadhúta. Sadguru Baba has placed great emphasis on the proper use of Roman Saḿskrta, but instead Dada writes it in the dogmatic way -- avadhoot.
In Him,
Vijaya’ Devi
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