Devious rant by uninformed people: new book
Here is the image of the front cover of the recently published book. By looking at the image of the book cover, the following is very clear:
(A) The title of the book is “Ánanda Vacanámrtam”.(B) Then comes the description of the book.
About book cover: Ánanda Vacanámrtam
Kindly pay attention to the following related with the below image:
- The first two rows of the book cover are the title in bold Hindi font / Davanagari script: Ánanda Vacanámrtam
- The third row is the title of the book - Ánanda Vacanámrtam - in Roman script.
- The fourth row of the cover provides description of the book and how it was made, part number, and other specialities of the text.
Please continue reading below to see how some inane people are terribly confused about this very simple point.
Poisonous mind hurls brainless claims
Sadly, there are some people whose minds are so poisonous that their only intention is to spit on anything that is good in this world. Indeed, without even properly educating themselves on a given topic and without even using their rational mind, they foolishly let loose a torrent of garbage from their mouths in an attempt to undermine dharmic works. Little do they realise that their brainless rant only betrays and exposes their own petty mentality that is utterly devoid of any rational thought and spiritual outlook.
Their sole aim is to spread the venom of their baseless accusation that someone changed the title of Sadguru Baba’s book to “Pure Ananda Vacanamrtam”, and that next time someone else will change the title to “Super Pure Ananda Vacanamrtam” etc etc. Anyone who launches such a ridiculous and ludicrous claim should rid their mind of hatred and stupidity, and start again as a primary school student because it is evident that up to this point in their life they have not learned anything of value, what to speak of becoming a sincere Ananda Margii.
By seeing the above image, it is quite evident that the title of the book is: Ánanda Vacanámrtam. Verily, the name of the book is: Ánanda Vacanámrtam. And just like nearly every other book, there is a description indicating the edition and particulars of this volume. This is the standard practice.
But if anyone were to ask the name of the book, then any reasonable person would reply: Ánanda Vacanámrtam.
In Him,
Sameer Banerjee
By seeing the above image, it is quite evident that the title of the book is: Ánanda Vacanámrtam. And then just like nearly every other book, there is a description indicating the edition and particulars of this volume. This is the standard practice.
So again, it is quite evident that the title of the book is: Ánanda Vacanámrtam.
See the idotic rant of Banglore so-called margiis
Here in yellow highlight is the poisonous rant of those persons. For privacy reasons, their names have been omitted.
[26/11, 9:08 AM] -...- Banglore: Dada , why book name has changed if Book name is Ánanda bachhanámrtam from Bábá time then who we are to add “pure”word in that book name
[26/11, 9:59 AM] …. Banglore:…. also changing book name means disrespecting Aptya wakya ,,as book name has given by Bábá only ,,one side you are saying Apta wakya other side disobeying,what is that ?
[26/11, 10:04 AM] ….- Banglore: After some year some can bring Ánanda bachhanámrtam “super pure “ on the name of Aptya wakya ,,,,so it will keep going if not I take it seriously.
26/11, 10:45 AM] ...Banglore: So according to you Book name can change ?
08/11, 9:19 PM] .. Da: The name of the original Book is" Ananda Vacanamrtam ".
How come in the new book , it's written as ' Ananda Vacanamrtam Vishuddh' like the Holy Bible ?
According to the same logic of some people, this itself is a manipulation and crime against Baba.
[08/11, 9:20 PM] …. Da: For changing the name of Ananda Vacanamrtam
[08/11, 9:24 PM] ... Da: Changing the original name of the book is the real crime.
[08/11, 9:26 PM] …. Da: Who gave the authority to the new publisher to change the name of Ananda Vacanamrtam into AV Vishuddh ?
051/1, 12:39 pm] ... ... : बिल्कुल ही "शुद्ध अशुद्ध विशुद्ध" जैसे आरोपित भाषा को दरकिनार करते हुए, ।
[05/11, 2:43 pm] .... : ... बस आज के परिपेक्ष्य में एक सवाल है - अशुद्ध और विशुद्ध पे)
[05/11, 4:48 PM] : *सबसे बड़ा क्राइम तो ये हुआ है कि बाबा के समय बाबा के दिये पुस्तक का डुप्लीकेसी किया जा रहा है शुद्ध, विशुद्ध करके, जिसे तत्काल रोकना चाहिए।
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