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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Vimalananda & jagrti thief + 2 more


Vimalananda & jagrti thief


As we all know, our jagrtis are where we gather for our various collective spiritual practices like kiirtana, sadhana, svadhyaya etc, and naturally we wish to maintain the all round purity (shaoca) and spiritual vibration. Verily, this is our duty as per Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The jágrti will be utilized for your assemblies and as a place for collective spiritual functions. The jágrti is the common property of Ananda Margis, hence its sanctity must be meticulously maintained by all." (1)

Filthy scene in jagrti - part 1

Unfortunately, look at what is going on in the below photo. One person arranged a devious type of meeting at one of our AM jagrtis, and to bolster support for his camp he dragged non-margiis into the meeting. And as you can see the non-margii sitting in the front row is wearing her dirty street shoes in our dharmacakra hall, thereby spoiling the sanctity. Look at the yellow circles that show her dirty shoes. The streets of Mexico (like many populous countries) are filled with dog urine, tamasik food scraps, and all kinds of grotesque substances, and it is absolutely shameful that this non-margii was brought into our dharmacakra hall with her filthy shoes. Please read more below....

~ Cuernavaca (Mex) Jagrti In DC Hall ~

Filthy scene in jagrti - part 2

The above dirty scene took place in our Cuernavaca jagrti DC hall. Even worse, the organiser of this devious meeting - note they did not come for sadhana and kiirtana - was Yogendra, aka, Juan Francisco Osegueda Osario. (Note: Yogendra is standing in the back row, outlined by the red box.) 

Yogendra organised this meeting in order to gain the requisite support to fully capture all AM properties in Mexico. Actually, Yogendra was in a bind. He was trying to sell some AM properties for his own profiteering, but the local margiis would not approve the sale. So Yogendra grabbed all kinds of non-margiis (i.e. street people, distant relatives, and stooges) in order to tilt the vote in his favour. And that is why this meeting is taking place. So see the irony: The very person who wants to hijack all AM buildings in Mexico is also that same person who is polluting our AM jagrtis by dragging in non-margiis into our meditation hall wearing filthy street shoes. It is such a disgrace and a veritable insult to our Beloved Guru and His teachings.

When Vimalananda was SSNY then he was in cahoots with Yogendra. Rather, Vimalananda empowered Yogendra to go on this crazy capturing and selling spree of AM properties across Mexico. In exchange for a small percentage / fee, Vimalananda gave full legal power and ownership to Yogndra. So we can say that Vimalananda was Yogendra’s maker; Dada V created the Yogendra that we all see today. Without Vimalananda, Yogendra would just be your typical low-grade, ten-cent cheat on the street. And with Vimalananda, Yogendra has essentially hijacked millions of dollars worth of AM properties across Mexico. 


Proper steps and intervention should be taken to maintain the overall sanctity of our jagrtis at all times - all over the globe. Side by side, proper vigilance should be maintained whereby no greedy thief like Yogendra gets any scope to steal and hijack our AM properties for his own selfish agenda. May we all take in earnest Sadguru Baba's below guideline.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, "The jágrti will be utilized for your assemblies and as a place for collective spiritual functions. The jágrti is the common property of Ananda Margis, hence its sanctity must be meticulously maintained by all." (2)

in Him, 

About non-margiis & jagrti

Non-margiis who are interested in our Ananda Marga way of life may visit the jagrti with the permission of the unit secretary, but those non-margiis must adhere to the rules and regulations of the jagrti.

Ananda Marga Caryacarya states, “Non-Margis having an ardent spiritual longing may attend dharmacakra as a spectator or audience. In that case they will have to make known their intentions and obtain prior permission of the jágrti manager. Only Ananda Margis are entitled to ask or answer questions at dharmacakra. It is the exclusive prerogative of the jágrti manager to allow or disallow a non-Margi to be present at dharmacakra. Tattvasabhá [spiritual conference] should be arranged for the convenience of spiritually inquisitive non-Margiis.” (3)

1. Caryacarya - 1, Jágrti
2. Caryacarya - 1, Jágrti
3. Caryacarya - 1, Dharmacakra

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You brought the flow of divine refulgence

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the higher lessons of sahaja yoga meditation can understand this song in the depths of their heart. 

"Esecho tumi esecho, bhuvan bhariyá esecho, yugántarer gláni sariye diye, 
áloker dhárá enecho..." (Prabhat Samgiita #3289)


My Parama Purusa, Baba, You have come and have filled the entire world with bhakti. After removing ages and ages worth of agonies, You brought the flow of divine refulgence.

Baba, no one will remain in the dark any longer. You are the embodiment of these avenues: karma, knowledge, dhyana, and bhakti. You are the ocean of love, immeasurable, and infinite - ever ensconced in the fountain of love and affection.

Baba, Parama Purusa, the creation, preservation, and withdrawal is held within You. Guńátiita, the three gunas - sattva, rajah, tamah - are within You; Kálátiita, You go on performing Your cosmic liila with the time-factor. You dance according to the rhythm of Your divine liila’...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3289:

[#1] Gun'a'tiita: One of the infinite characteristics of Parama Purusa is that He is beyond the gun'as, beyond all the binding principles like sa'ttvagun'a, rajogun'a, and tamogun'a.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "Why is He beyond the scope of all attributions [binding principles]? There are two reasons. One is that He is the creator of everything, so He is the creator of qualifications also, attributions also. So how can He be within the binding scope of those principles, of those qualifications? And certainly He is beyond the reach of these qualifications. In Sam'skrta, qualification or attribution is called “gun'a”, and He is called “Gun'a'tiita”, that is, beyond the bondage of any gun'a." (1)   

[#2] Kalatiita: Time is the psychic measurement of motivity of action. The entity who is beyond time is Kalatiita; time is not eternal - time is limited. Only Parama Purusa is infinite. Parama Purusa precedes time factor - He was present before there was time. Or we can say that before creation there was no time but there was Parama Purusa. That is why He is beyond time, i.e. Kalatiita

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "Time is the mental measurement of the motivity of action. Where there is no action or where there is no mind to measure, there cannot be any time either. If there were no earth, or if the earth had not revolved around the sun, or if there were no developed living beings to measure the movement of the earth around the sun, then there would have been no days, months or years. We could not have measured them, and thus there would have been no time either. Hence the existence of time depends on two factors: the motivity of action and the instrument to measure this motivity of action...what we call Eternity is a collection of numerous fragments of time." (2)

[#3] What is time

Ananda Marga ideology states, "Time is not an eternal factor. Because what is time? It is mental reckoning of the motivity of action. This mental reckoning of the motivity of action [means that] where there is no action, there cannot be any time. The earth moves around the sun; that is how we get the solar year, the solar month, the solar day. The moon moves round the earth; that is how we get the lunar month, the lunar year, the lunar [day]. And the solar year or lunar year, the solar day or lunar day, are mental reckonings of their movements. Wherever there is no action, the possibility of measurement does not arise. And where there is action but no personal entity, no personal factor to measure the motivity, there cannot be any time. So the time factor is a relative factor; there cannot be eternal time. Time cannot be the absolute factor." (3)

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 12
2. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of Life - 11, Relativity and the Supreme Entity
3. Subhasita Samgraha - 24, The Causal Matrix

== Section 3: Links ==

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