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Thursday, May 12, 2022

Dada terrified by gay + 3 more


Dada terrified by gay


The below Baba story clearly depicts how homosexual relations are sinful and against the ethic and code of conduct in Ananda Marga. Following is a dramatic account how during dharma samiiksa all-knowing Baba unearthed the fact how years ago one young male had indulged in homosexual activity.

Already many had come out from dharma samiiksa and told how Baba is aware about every secret, good or bad, as well as virtue and sin. They said that it is impossible to conceal anything from Him. So the brother was aware that Baba is omniscient and nothing can be hidden. Hearing this from others, the young male was terrified to stand before Baba and feeling very repentant for his past dealing.

When he entered for dharma samiiksa, Baba graciously pointed him out, reviewed the case, and consoled him. Baba furthermore warned not to ever do such things again. Baba lovingly reassured him that it was done due to keeping bad company. Here is that story as published by one Dada who witnessed the whole scene.

Dharma samiiksa: Baba purifies him of his sin

(The following is an excerpt from one Dada's book)

Brother G from the USA stood in front of Baba. After some personal talk, Baba said, “Your mind is unnecessarily disturbed about the past. You made some mistakes of a sexual nature.”

G’s face suddenly became very red. “Yeah...yes, Baba,” he mumbled.

“When you were younger you had some misunderstanding about the relationship between men and women.”

He stared at the floor, saying, “Yes, Baba.”

“But it was not your fault. As a little boy you were simply influenced by your environment.”

G looked up at Baba. He sighed deeply, smiled slightly and said, “Thank you, Baba.”

“No need of thanks,” Baba said. “I merely convey to you the unadulterated facts. You were unaware. Unaware.”

G approached me after the session, wanting to get something off his chest.

“I never told anyone, Dada,” he said, “but since you were present today, I want to tell you that...that before joining Ananda Marga, I had...homosexual relations.”

He watched for my reaction. Seeing none, he continued, “Even though I’ve been doing meditation for a number of years, it’s always bothered me; I’ve always felt guilty. But now Baba’s freed my mind. When He said it wasn’t my fault, something let go inside of me. I feel so light now; I wouldn’t be surprised if I started to fly!”

(Who's Afraid of the Tantric Guru by Dada Dharmavedananda)

Note: In the above story, a male had sex with another male. That is the sinful dealing that Baba is pointing out, and this same sin applies to females who have sex with another female. So this is a universal teaching that applies to all gays, lesbians, homosexuals etc.

Spineless writer: removes homosexual from text

Unfortunately, the publication of the above story has taken a very tragic turn. In the above account published in 1995, Dada Dharmavedananda wrote, "homosexual relations." And then in the next edition of the book - just a few, short years later in 1998 - Dadaji changed that line to "improper sexual relations."

This was a most unfortunate change. It seems that Dadaji is unwilling to stand upon the fundamentals of Ananda Marga. As is well known, homosexuality is not supported by our Ananda Marga philosophy. And during dharma samiiksa, Baba pointed out the wrongdoing of this sadhaka in order to help that sadhaka, and clear his mind and give him a fresh start. Because homosexual relations are contrary to human dharma and hence against the teaching of Ananda Marga.

But Dharmavedananda is unwilling to stand up front and center on this point for Guru; rather he is skirting the issue entirely and hiding around the corner like a drenched cat. In this degraded era, homosexuality is gaining more and more public acceptance in western, materialistic, pseudo-culture society. Now gay relations are looked upon as something normal - even noble. In the west, homosexuals are praised for announcing themselves to the world. And verily this is going on in many areas where materialism and open sexuality have gained the upper hand.

In the face of this change in the general society, Dharmavedananda decided to cover up our stance; he shirked his dharmic duty and responsibility. Instead of waving the flag of Ananda Marga high in the sky - which is what his book is supposed to do - he cowered down. Dadaji changed the actual text and the direct quotation in his book. He utterly failed to stand firm according to our Ananda Marga ideals. Instead of directly stating that homosexuality is not accepted in Ananda Marga, he changed the term homosexuality to "improper sexual relations." That could mean anything: illicit affairs, adultery, rape, etc.

Dada's cowardly approach

That is the cowardice approach that Dharmavedananda took. When he is so bereft of courage, then he will never be able to propagate the grand ideals of Ananda Marga. Indeed, anyone who will cave in to public opinion can never uphold the tenets of bhagavata dharma. That is Baba's clear directive and warning.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "One cannot promote human welfare if one bothers too much about public criticism, about the reaction in the papers or among the voters." (1)

So really, the approach Dada has adopted is inexcusable. He is an avadhuta - that is what he is glorifying himself as throughout that entire book. In each and every instance, he is supposed to stand up for Guru's ideals. But here when his own reputation is on the line as an author and public figure, he caves in to public opinion. Dharmavedanana is unwilling to tell the truth because he is too concerned and afraid of the backlash he might face from those in the general society. It is a sad day when one of our own avadhutas is unwilling to stand tall for dharma.

Just like longing for meat & tobacco to boost prestige

The whole situation is a reminder of the days during and after the British raj when smoking, drinking, and eating meat were seen as part of high society life. The vast majority of the Indian population could not touch those vices. So for those who could it was quite prestigious. In that way, certain Indians readily embraced the degrading ways of pseudo-culture to enhance their own social status. That seems no different from what Dada is doing now: letting go of dharma and latching onto popular, yet degrading values to give his own image a boost. He wants to be seen as "open-minded" and "progressive" by those materialistic people who make-up the general society. In so doing, he drops Guru's teaching. No sadhaka should ever do like this.


In the first edition of his book, Dada D presented a dharmic account of how Guru pointed out the wrongdoing of homosexuality and blessed that sadhaka with a chance to forget the past and move ahead in the proper way, with a clear mind. Unfortunately, Dharmavedananda then gave up his dharmic position; he removed the homosexual term from his publication to appease the public and save his prestige. In so doing, he completely gave up Guru's teachings and the dharma of Ananda Marga. That is why in the end, we can only say that Dada is a coward - living like a drenched cat or spineless earthworm - who is wholly unwilling to stand up for dharma. Rather Dada surrendered at the altar of western, pseudo-culture dogma. Dada D is wearing the dress of an avadhuta, but, sadly, he does not behave like one.

in His Service,
Jim Calhoun, M.S.W.

About Dada’s book

The aforementioned story appears on page 279 in the first edition of Dadaji's book, "Who's Afraid of the Tantric Guru" (Feb 1995), and on page 265 of the second edition, "Travels With The Mystic Master" (Dec 1998).

~ In-depth study ~

Stand for dharma - not swayed by public opinion

Ananda Marga philosophy says, "Let those well-versed in ethics criticize me or praise me, as they so desire; let Lakśmii, the goddess of wealth, either be gracious enough (because of my activities) to reside in my house, or, if she prefers, go elsewhere; let death visit me today or decades later. It makes little difference to me. Wise people will never withdraw from the path of ideology, the path which they accept as their ideal." (2)

Ananda Marga ideology says, “If I am too concerned with those who praise or censure me, I will not find time to do my real work. As I have come to this world only for a short period, my only concern should be to keep on doing the duty the Lord has assigned to me. And while doing this allotted duty, I should remember that I belong to Parama Puruśa. I have come from Him, and I will have to return to Him – and to do that, I must complete my allotted duty.” (3)

Stick to ideals of Ananda Marga

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The shástras say that a person must stick to his ideals irrespective of whether he receives praise or abuse, whether wealth comes or wealth goes, whether he lives a thousand years or suffers death the next moment. Such a person is called “dhiira”. My direction to you is to be Dhiira. You must stick to your ideals in spite of everything. In this lies your spiritual growth." (4)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What am I going to do regarding the mission of life? If logicians and philosophers condemn me, saying, “That is a very bad man,” let them say this. Or if, due to my movement towards my goal, a certain portion of society appreciates my action, let them appreciate it – it won’t affect me. I won’t be assailed by such appreciations. And if, due to my action, Lakśmii (Lakśmii is the mythological goddess of riches) comes and resides in my house, it is good. If Lakśmii says, “No, I will quit you forever, I won’t remain with you.” that is, you will have to suffer from poverty, let Lakśmii quit my house: And if, due to my course of action, du to my ideology, Pluto, that is, the god of death, comes and says, “I’ll take you,” let Pluto do it! I don’t care! Or if, due to my course of action, due to my ideology, I am forced to live here for an indefinite period, I am ready to live here. You know life becomes boring if one lives for a long period, but I am ready to undergo that boredom, that monotony, for the sake of my ideology." (5)

Ananda Marga ideology says, "The ideologist is a man who always acts according to his ideology. If by following the ideology, the older people become unhappy or condemn me, I will not care. If by following an ideology I die and die again, let it be. I will not care. I will stick to my ideology." (6)


By all of the above teachings we can understand that adhering to His ideological tenets is the best thing in life, and falling into dogma is the worst. Every Ananda Margii should constantly strive to manifest Ananda Marga ideals in every plane, never caring or fearful of any opposition or outside opinion. By this way only can dharma be established, by His grace.

Scans of dadajis's books

Here below is page 279 from the first edition of Dadaji's book, "Who's Afraid of the Tantric Guru" (Feb 1995)

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Disc: 14
2. Namami Krsnasundaram, Disc: 2
3. Subháśita Saḿgraha Part 12, How an Ideal Person Should Live
4. Ananda Vacanamrtam Part 1, What Do You Want?
5. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 12, Shiva's Seven Secrets
6. Subhasita Samgraha, Part 20, Ideology, Goal and Devotion

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section ==

The section below demarcated by asterisks is an entirely different topic,
completely unrelated to the above material. It stands on its own as a point of interest.

Doing proper sadhana is very important
bad thoughts in sadhana have negative consequences
not doing sadhana is the worst of all

"Unless there is genuine love for Parama Puruśa, the repetition of holy chants is useless and leads to wastage of both time and energy. Moreover, if during the repetition of holy names, Parama Puruśa is not the goal of one’s mind, then the power attained from that japa or repetition may also be misused. Suppose someone is sitting in meditation for one or two hours and thinking all sorts of undesirable thoughts – this is worse than not doing sádhaná at all because in this way the Sádhaka’s mind becomes even more degraded. There is a local proverb, “Gela bhaesá pánii me khuńt́ásamet” – when the buffalo runs into the pond, it drags its binding rope." (1)

Note: This does not mean that one should give up sadhana entirely. That will be terrible, as without sadhana one will have to undergo the tortures of animal life for millions of years.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 11, The Path of Salvation

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