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Friday, May 27, 2022

Watch out + 5 more


Watch out


Any organisation that plans to grow and stand strong in the future will hold onto all their land, properties, and buildings. Their thinking will be that people will come and join and run those projects in the near and distant future. Only those organisations on their deathbed sell their land and properties. This is a basic tenet in society that everyone understands.

Similar to drunken Yadava dynasty destruction

For instance, if a monarchy is in disrepair or if a wealthy business family is losing its consumer base, they will sell off their assets because they have no other means - and they feel their future is dark. And, ultimately, they will sell off everything. Here the idea is that selling off land has serious repercussions. It is a layered complex scenario that bleeds in so many ways with unexpected consequences for a long time to come.

What is going on now in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha - this shrinking and destruction - was going on in Prabash Tiirtha, back in the days of the Vrishni house during the time of the Mahabharata. The drunken Yadava dynasty destroyed themselves. Sadly, that is the current state of affairs in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha. We should not sit back and watch helplessly.

That is why it is the duty of each and every margii, Wt, acarya, and all those who love Baba to not allow AMPS land, properties, and jagrtis to be sold. Because selling those jagrtis and sectorial offices sets a negative precedent. In the future, greedy and selfish Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha leaders will also sell AMPS properties and justify their dealing by saying they are merely following an established tradition of selling Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha properties. That is the harmful recurring effect of land selling that will transpire.

Donors tried to retrieve the property

In Bettiah, one non-margii donated land near a railway station, and the land was vacant and unused for a long time. Years passed and the grandchildren of that donor filed a court case to get the donated land back because it was not being used for its stated purpose. So they demanded that the property be returned. Attorneys told local margiis and Wts to start some type of project, ”Otherwise you will lose the land." Immediately the Bettiah unit started a children's home there, and, ultimately, that became our Didis' jagrti.

Selling land: betrayal and leads to mistrust

From the above story we can easily understand that those who donate land keep sharp eyes to ensure that their land is properly used. They write this in their memoirs, wills, and family documents etc. Countless non-margiis have donated land and buildings thinking that their own personal family will get ongoing virtue for the philanthropic work happening on that land.

Selling that donated land is an outright betrayal of trust and leads to a rampant lack of confidence. Those who gave the land will follow-up and find out what is going on. In turn, local margiis will be shamed; it will be difficult to face the public. Plus, when the non-margii public finds one fault with us then they, i.e. those non-margiis, will blame Baba as well.

For all these reasons and more, this is a slippery slope and going in a negative direction. For any reason we should never do such heinous work of selling our Ananda Marga Pracarak properties.

Which organisation sells off their assets & properties

History bears witness that if anyone starts selling off their estate they become a beggar. So many times this happens. If any organisation sells off their assets and properties, they get liquidated and reduced to zero. That is why any publicly supported organisation will never sell their property. Even if those properties or buildings go unused for a long time they will always keep them in their name. Selling off the properties is a signal that that organisation is in a state of extreme disarray and is about to become dismantled entirely. 

In India there are hundreds of thousands of churches and mosques that are unused but those religious organisations do not sell those properties as they think times will change and they will recruit someone to manage those buildings.

Unfortunately, now in Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, some Dadas like Rudrananda and his stooge PP etc are selling our active jagrtis and schools. They are selling these properties out of their own greed. This is the sinful injustice that is going on.

Negative effect of land properties selling

Such Dadas try to cover up, hide, and justify their misdeeds etc, but they themselves cannot see the truth. They cannot see their sins because their mind is in rasatala.

Ananda Marga ideology warns us, "The seventh hell is rasa'tala, the very crudest of all stages of existence. Obviously in that state human beings are no longer human beings: their minds, their intellects are reduced to extreme crudity, a stage of no return. Similarly when people start becoming degraded, a stage comes when they can no longer elevate themselves; rasa'tala is such a state." (1)

The selling of properties is betrayal and leads to rampant mistrust. Those who gave the land will follow-up and find out what is going on. In turn, local margiis will be shamed; it will be difficult to face the public.


With deep ideation and surrender, dedicated margiis donate land to Baba; AMPS is merely the worldly custodian of land, but not the owner. Margiis feel that everything belongs to Parama Purusa Baba. Ba'ba' is the real owner because bhaktas gave their holdings to Baba. So we have to protect all those properties and buildings etc. There is no other way.

In Him,

We cannot run away 

In this atmosphere, it is not clear which jagrti will be sold next - anything can happen. Many are in use or under contract to be sold. It is not just that empty or unused buildings are sold. So beware.

Remember we are dealing with those who lust after the power and control for their faction. They are veritable night creatures; we cannot run away in hopes of avoiding this situation. We must be vigilant.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "For the selfish and hypocrites, politics is the best instrument to achieve their selfish ends; hence when dealing in politics proceed very cautiously and with sharp eyes all round." (2)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology and Way of  Life -11, Taking the Opposite Stance in Battle
2. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Point #26e

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Shower Your compassion
“Ba’hir vishve dhara’ da’o na’ko, marme lukiye tha’ko…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3857)


My Parama Purusa, in the external world You can’t be held.  You are hiding in everyone’s heart and cannot be found outside, nor held in this mundane world. Searching for You externally - in various, so-called holy lands and ostensible tiirthas like Ananda Nagar, Tiljala, Jamalpur, or Varanasi, Jerusalem, Puri, Mecca, Rome, and at the top of the so-called holy Himalayan mountain ranges, Mount Sinai  etc - is just a waste of time. You always reside in the deep core of my heart and remain eternally in that golden vessel in the inner recesses of my being. Regardless of who is crying for You, longing for You, or is oblivious of You, You lovingly shower Your compassion and grant shelter at Your lotus feet to one and all - never making any distinctions. Everyone is part of Your creation; You call and bring all jiivas under Your timeless care. With Your infinite charm and the resonance of Your flute, You draw everyone nigh, and attract all living beings near by the pull of Your karuna. This is Your special call.

Baba, Parama Purusa, the planets, stars, sun, mountains, forests, eye-captivating images, dry desert, and deep green trees, everything one can imagine - all You fill with Your nectar, Your karun’a’.

Parama Purusa, I feel this mutual affection of ours is eternal. You soak the dust of the earth and the chirping and dancing of the birds with Your loving, causeless grace-compassion and divine nectar.

Parama Purusa Baba, You are eternally present - always smiling in my inner self. My Dearmost, You are so gracious...

== Section 3: Important Teaching ==

Birth of great sadhakas

Prout philosophy states, “With the advent of biological babes, Prakrti will snatch away the reproductive power of human beings and hence they will not be able to reproduce. Instead, they will simply create more laboratory babes. Biological babes will not have much attachment, though they will be subject to pleasure and pain. They will not be required to undergo much physical struggle because through scientific inventions a tablet may be sufficient to sustain them for days together. They will be bereft of family ties, as laboratory babes will be produced in laboratories from chemical compounds. They will gradually develop a tendency of aversion to worldly enjoyment. It is not difficult to envisage a day when laboratory babes may think that nature has lost all its charm, that life is not worth living, and that there is even no use in eating. It is better we do not think further on this. However, it should not be lost sight of that laboratory babes will be great sádhakas or spiritual aspirants, as they will be more conscious of their imperfections. Hence, the more leisure time they have the more sádhaná they will do.” (1)

1. Prout in a Nutshell - 15, Talks on Prout

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Pervasive harm by religion

   Ananda Marga ideology states, "Dharma is based on the solid foundation of vigour derived from universal love. The goal of religion is a non-integral entity and as such there remains a narrow outlook. The goal of dharma, however, is infinite Brahma. So the pursuit of dharma increasingly expands one's vision. Sometimes a kind of alliance is noticed between religions but that is entirely an external alliance. The talk of synthesis of religions is totally absurd; it is merely an apparent show of honesty and grandiloquence to hoodwink the common people. Dharma is always singular in number, and never plural. So there is no question of religious synthesis in dharma. Religion is always plural in number – never singular. The synthesis of religions means their annihilation. Where impermanent entities are worshipped as the goal through various ritualistic paraphernalia, there is no scope for synthesis."
   "Religion is practiced for the fulfilment of mundane aspirations. This is the reason why a class of clergymen emerged centring around the religion. Ultimately the adherents of these religions become mere tools in the hands of vested interests. With the awakening of nityánitya viveka in human minds and the opening of the door of scientific knowledge, it will not be possible to deceive the people in the name of religion or by holding out the lure of happiness in the next world. The vested interests are quite aware of this fact and hence strive to keep the masses lost in the darkness of ignorance. Like parasites, they manoeuvre themselves to misappropriate, by injecting fear and inferiority complexes, a lion's share of what the ignorant masses earn with their sweat and blood."
   "Religious exploiters maintain an unholy alliance with the capitalistic exploiters. With hands upraised, a religious preceptor blesses the wealthy merchants for their future prosperity but refuses to see the faces of his poor disciples who fail to provide handsome prańámii (a fee for the priest's blessing). You will notice that in many religions mythological stories and fables are given more importance than science and rational ideas because they contain ample scope for exploitation of human weaknesses." (1)

1. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life, The Five Kinds of Conscience (Viveka)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Why true Muslims kill others
In the following teaching, Baba is indirectly talking about Islam. In Islam, music, dance, drama and all such forms of artistic expression are not allowed. Due to strict prohibition of music etc, strict Islamic followers become severely psychically diseased and due to this, become very brutal and cruel. That is what we see in our day to day life. That, those who are very strict followers, they are ruthless. So, we should take lesson from this and encourage aesthetic science wherever we get the opportunity. In result, we will see that the finer human senses of love and compassion will develop for fellow human beings, and violence in the society will be completely eradicated. This terror torn earth will be become loving, compassionate, and caring.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, ”Humanity, in its all-out quest for this aesthetic science, attained spirituality. One must acknowledge this. Herein lies the excellence of aesthetic science. For this reason, I have given my whole-hearted and explicit support for nandana vijiṋána. You know that there are certain religions [Islam etc] which do not encourage aesthetic pursuits. You will notice that in those religions inertia, inferiority complexes and a sense of violence are predominant.” (1)

 Some think that Islam includes those sufis who sing, dance, and play musical instruments, but that is wrong. In the Quran Sharif, songs are forbidden. And strict Islamists treat Sufis as heretics.

1. Ánanda Vacanámrtam Part 10, Yatamána – the Stage of Perseverance

== Section ==

ৰাৰা অশীর্বাদ  

সৰাই সুখি হও,
সৰাই রোগ মুক্ত হও,
সৰাই সৰ জিনিসের ভাল দিকটা দেখুক
অবস্থার চাপে পড়ে কাউকে যেন ক্লেশ ভোগ করতে না হয়

অপ্রকাশিত, 1 January 1986 কোলকাতা

== Section ==

हे प्रभु, तुम चाहते हो जो मोह निद्रा में हैं वे जागें 

प्रभात संगीत 4380 मनेरि गहने तुमि आछो, आछो प्रभु सदा जेगे आछो...

हे प्रभु, बाबा! तुम मेरे मन की गहराई में हमेशा  रहते हो, तुम मुझे कभी अकेला नहीं छोड़ते। मैं कभी भी अकेला नहीं हॅूं। तुम हमेशा सजग रहते
हो,  दिनरात जो चाहो काम करते हो, समय असमय सदा काम करते हो। तुम कभी  रुकते या थकते नहीं, हे  मेरे प्रभु! तुम जो करना चाहते हो वही करते  जाते हो।

हे परम पुरुष!  यह पूरा चराचर विश्व  तुम्हारे अलौकिक खेल का गेंद है । तुम्हारा न अंत है और न प्रारंभ। तुम अपने आनंद प्रवाह
में हमेशा  मस्त रहते हो । तुम सब के लक्ष्य हो । तुम चाहते हो जो मोह निद्रा में हैं वे जागें । तुम सभी के साथ रहते हो। तुम्हारी लीला अनोखी है ।

बाबा!  हे प्रभु! वे जो तुम्हारे ध्यान, मनन , निदिध्यासन, चिंतन आदि सद्गुणी कार्यकर तुम्हारे पास आना चाहते हैं केवल वे ही तुम्हारी
करुणा और कृपा को पा सकते हैं।

बाबा! तुम तो कृपा के सागर हो, तुम हमेशा मेरे साथ रहते हो.  मैं तुम्हारे पवित्र चरणों में अपना सब कुछ समर्पित करता हॅूं।

== Section 4: Links ==

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