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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Real story + 2 more


Real story


There is a crystal-clear difference between simple morality and spiritual morality.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Ultimately it is spiritual morality that wins over simple morality, but common people always commit mistakes on this point. It is never proper to extend support to immoralists. As Bhisma, the grandfather, had accepted the food and drink of the Kaoravas, he continued to support them." (1)

Here above Baba points out that Bhisma was an adherent of simple morality and for that reason he remained loyal to Duryodhana and followed him into battle - which ultimately led to his downfall and death. If, on the other hand, Bhisma was a man of spiritual morality, he would have warned the sinful Duryodhana of his depraving ways and Bhisma would have either rectified Duryodhana or left his company. But that Bhisma did not do.

Simple morality vs spiritual morality

In essence, simple morality means, “I blindly support my friends, my group, or my cousin etc, whether they are doing right or wrong because that person helped me in my dark days.” People often feel obliged to those who have helped them and will support that person - whether they do good or bad deeds. This is simple morality.

Spiritual morality is completely different. With spiritual morality, one adheres to the path of righteousness and universal welfare. There is no concession with depravity; and, there is no scope for remaining loyal to those indulged in selfishness and sin. Rather, one will always do for the greater good, i.e. the cause of dharma. In following spiritual morality, one will always be victorious.

Unfortunately, throughout his life Karna - and Bhisma too - was the personification of simple morality. As Ananda Margiis, we should never be disposed to this type of poor conduct.

A case study: how simple morality invites sin

At this very moment, a few margiis and wts are following in Karna's footsteps - i.e. doing very similar things as Karna did. The story of the Mahábhárata is well known, but for the sake of review it should be said that Karna was the chief ally and loyal friend of the evil-minded Duryodhana. What Duryodhana wanted, Karna did. Because Karna thought that since Duryodhana had befriended him then he (Karna) should do anything and everything to please his Duryodhana - no matter the cost. That was the custom those days. If someone did you a favour then you would support that person in all their dealings - including sinful behaviour. Sadly, a few margiis and Wts are following this same approach of simple morality and by that way they are falling into groupism. Later on more will be said about this. Here the point is about Karna and how simple morality led to his ruination, despite his many good qualities.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "He [Karna] was the most trusted friend of the Kaoravas. He has some striking points of similarity with Bhisma; for example, if someone did some service to him, he [Karna] always remained faithful to him. He followed a code of simple morality." (2)

Tragically, due to his defective way of simple morality, Karna placed his “sacred friendship” with the lustful Duryodhana above everything else in life. Karna had every opportunity to know that Duryodhana was wrong and wicked, but even then Karna embraced and fully supported Duryodhana. Karna could not bring himself to oppose this deliberate sinner. 

Why was Karna doing like this? Because he was bound and blinded by simple morality. Earlier Duryodhana restored Karna’s prestige, so Karna thought, “I should feel gratitude towards Duryodhana and be faithful to him-- that is my true dharma.” That was Karna’s defective mentality.

Present day situation in our AMPS

Nowadays in our AMPS, similar things are happening. Some simple and naive margiis and Wts think they are supporting the right person or party etc, but in their confusion they end up supporting dogma or wrong things. So just as Karna had no idea that he was doing anything wrong, same is the case here.

Karna was strongly feeling that what he believed in was dharmic. And he had the requisite force and strength of mind to follow natural (i.e. simple) morality. When Karna gave his word he followed through cent-per-cent. Whatever vow Karna took, he completed to the dire end. So Karna was very strong. And with that strength and innocence, he remained ever loyal to the sinful Duryodhana.

And similar is the case with various Dadas, Didis, and margiis. They have so many good qualities and they want to do what is right, but in their simplicity they fall into the wrong thing. Just as Karna did.

Think of it this way. Suppose a bank robber paid for your college education and you felt indebted to that robber. So to show your loyalty and friendship, you support that robber in all kinds of immoral dealings. All because he helped you. But this is not the right response. To show your gratitude to the bank robber, you should bring that thief onto the path of dharma. Whereas, supporting that robber in their thievery is completely negative.

Karna was a bhakta

Here we should remember that Karna was not just some ordinary person. He was great in many respects; plus, Karna was a bhakta of Lord Krsna. And he understood well that Lord Krsna was Taraka Brahma. Proof being that he was repeating Krsna's name at his fateful end. So Karna was a great bhakta - but even then for the sake of his friendship with the lustful Duryodhana, due to his simple morality, Karna fought against Lord Krsna and the Pandavas. This is the indisputable history.

Such is the vileness of simple morality - it takes a man, even a great man, away from dharma, away from his Ista - away from Parama Purusa. This is Lord Krsna's graphic demonstration and divine teaching: Not at any cost should one follow simple morality. Unfortunately, some in our AMPS are doing the same thing, and later on we will discuss this point in greater detail - with examples.

Conclusion: Time to re-evaluate things in AMPS

Keeping Karna's entire situation in mind, everyone should take the time to evaluate their own stance. For example, if one is still supporting the Sarvatmanandas, or Rudranandas, or Ananda Giitas, or any groupist ananda, because that Dada or Didi did a favour for them in the past, then one should think twice. Best is if they express their gratitude and indebtedness by bringing that Dada or Didi onto the proper path. Failing that, at least one should save themselves and come onto the proper path.

At any cost, one should avoid the hole of groupism etc due to their adherence to simple morality. Do not remain faithful to factional leaders in order to express your "gratitude" towards them. What to speak of not bearing any fruit, it will bring about your fall, just like Karna. Now is the time everyone should think and review - lest they meet a similarly tragic and unnecessary end.

in Him,

~ In-depth study ~

Discourses on the Mahábhárata

When Taraka Brahma manifests on this earth then He comes with a purpose. In particular, Shrii Krsna designed the Mahábhárata to teach the society: By this well-planned, historic event, Lord Krsna provided a practical demonstration. So indeed the Mahabharat was not an ordinary war, but rather a pre-planned event by Lord Krsna Himself in which the characters were assigned particular roles - and they acted accordingly.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "All the characters in the Mahábhárata, from beginning to end, were simply puppets on the stage. They were made to dance by the tricks of Lord Krs'n'a alone." (3)

Lord Krsna made each character perform in a given manner. By this design, through each of the central figures of the Mahábhárata, Lord Krsna instilled a special lesson for the society. Such is the speciality of the Mahabharat. For example:

(A) To teach the society that one must not ask anything from Parama Purusa, Lord Krsna made the character - Jayadrath.
(B) To show humanity that teachers must not be unjust and partial towards their students, Lord Krsna created the character - Dronacarya.
(C) To teach society that one must not be a goody-goody who fails to oppose sinners, Shrii Krsna created the character - Bhisma.
(D) And to demonstrate to the society that in the fight between good and evil the good side may also suffer some setbacks yet must persevere, Lord Krsna made the character - Abhimanyu.

Through each of these aforementioned roles, Lord Krsna teaches the dos and don'ts of life, in the most practical way possible - through a demonstration that everyone could feel. This is also the case with the character - Karna. What we can learn from Karna's role is directly related with the present state of affairs in our AMPS.

Some innocent margiis and wts are following in Karna's fateful footsteps, in so far that they think they are doing something dharmic and great. But in reality they are being naive and simple by pledging their allegiance to certain group leaders because those group leaders helped them. But, the dharmic approach is one should express their gratitude towards someone by bringing them onto the right path, not supporting them in their sin.

Karna's role: Show how simple morality is horrific

Through Karna, Lord Krsna wanted to show the people that even if one is a bhakta and of superlative character, still if one follows the defective approach of simple morality, they will bring destruction and disaster into their life. This is what Lord Krsna wanted to teach to the inhabitants of this earth, long, long ago. Unfortunately, here we are 3500 years later, and still Lord Krsna's guideline and warning about simple morality has yet to be learned. Still Karna's defective approach of adhering to the code of simple morality is haunting the general society - as well as our own AMPS. Lord Krsna designed the role of Karna in the Mahabharat so that His special teaching about simple morality can be understood and assimilated by all.

It is well known that the standard of intellect of the people in that ancient era of the Mahabharat was not so high and that in general the people were innocent and pious. In their heart they were simple moralists.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "So many examples of simple morality can be cited in the age of the Maha'bha'rata. It was taken to be so natural by the people. There was no question of anything written at the time of taking loans, etc. Moreover, literate people were few and far between. The sun and the moon were working as witnesses and people were free in their transactions." (4)

So in their regular way, the people of that era were inclined towards the ways of simple morality - not spiritual morality. No one was a better example of this than Karna, for he was stellar in all he did.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Karna attached much importance to simple morality, but lacked in spiritual morality...Karna possessed simple morality, which was static whereas the Pandavas were armed with spiritual morality." (5)

So Karna was deeply engrossed in simple morality and it was this simple morality which led the well-intentioned Karna into so much trouble, and ultimately led to his fall. Due to his strict adherence to simple morality, the pious Karna remained loyal to the wicked Duryodhana, and by this way Karna met his unfortunate end.

More about how and why Krsna created Karna

To begin then, first let us recall that Baba states that except for one flaw, Karna was the top-most person in the entire Mahabharat. That is to say, Karna had more virtue than any of the other heroes, including the Pandavas. He was noble, brave, intelligent, courageous, valiant, plus he was an ardent bhakta of Lord Krsna. So, in the entire Mahabharat, Karna was of the best character - second to none. Following is an English summary of Guru’s Hindi discourse.

If anyone searches the entire Mahabharat, they will not find any other person like Karna; he is unparalleled in all respects - except that he has only one flaw. (English summary)

The above is an English summary about Karna from Baba's special discourse in Hindi. Shrii Krsna wanted to put forth the idea to the society that even though Karna was unparalleled in all respects, yet because of this one defect of following simple morality, Karna lost everything and met his tragic end. This concept Lord Krsna wanted to teach to all, but not everyone has learned this point. That is why some are suffering still today from this same problem of simple morality. What to say about the general society, this is going on in our AMPS.

Here the key point is that none of Karna's superlative characteristics could save him from the fate of simple morality. That is the special teaching Lord Krsna has given through the role of Karna. If one follows simple morality they will face an untimely downfall, just like Karna. Yet in our AMPS we see this unfolding.

All feel they are following dharma

In their earnestness, people do so many things and all along feel that what they are doing is dharmic - even if their action is otherwise. For example, take the case of idol worshippers. They do not feel that what they are doing is utterly sinful. With full emotion and heart-felt feeling they surrender their everything to that piece of stone. They do not realise that what they are doing is mahapapa (great sin).

Similarly, those militant Muslims who bomb open markets and injure and kill non-Muslims, Muslims, and innocent bystanders feel that what they are doing is right. They feel they are carrying out Allah's command. They do not think that what they are doing is adharmic and sinful.

Those Dadas who carried out the deadly attack on Abhipremananda and murdered him thought that they were upholding the flag of dharma. They did not think they created a mortal sin. Thus, various people do things that are cent-per-cent wrong but in their own mind the action is justified.

Pratyavaya Dada & Didi

Here is another critical aspect of this discussion: Some incur the sin of pratyavaya by not doing what they should do. For instance, one should oppose injustices and wrongdoings etc; failing to oppose those wrongdoings is pratyavaya, which is worse than papa. Suppose a strong, vibrant youth of 22 years of age merely watches as an innocent, elderly beggar of 80+ years is senselessly beaten and abused, then that is pratyavaya. The youth should have interceded. That was the right thing to do but he did not do it.

Unfortunately, at this very moment there is one Didi or Dada sitting on their isolated master unit in Brazil, or their profitable wellness center in Philippines, and they are thinking, "Let the problems in AMPS fester - I will not oppose any groupist camp. Rather I will establish my position where I am. But I will not oppose those destroying our AMPS by their groupist ways. Rather I will keep quiet and attend to my own endeavor." This is the way some are thinking. And by that way they are doing pratyavaya - committing terrible sin by not doing what is dharmic and right. But in their mind they feel they are correct & justified. A few others mistakenly support them by thinking that theirs is the right path. When in fact that is the sinful path - the way of pratyavaya.

Due to simple morality or other defective outlooks, people justify actions and events in their own mind which ultimately pull them far from the right path. So about this, everyone in AMPS should be careful since our goal is to reach unto the Divine stance and not any other place.

Armed with spiritual morality, not simple morality - all should follow His path and not the ways of any groupist leader and then one will be firmly grounded in victory and sit on His divine lap.

Baba says, "'Where there is dharma there is Is't'a, and where there is Is't'a there is victory'...Intelligent people who move firmly along the path of dharma and sit on the lap of Is't'a are destined to be victorious." (6)

1. Discourses on the Mahábhárata, Some Characters of the Mahábhárata
2. Discourses on the Mahábhárata, Some Characters of the Mahábhárata
3. Discourses on the Mahábhárata, Lord Krśńa's Unique Approach)
4. Discourses on the Mahábhárata, The Moral Standard of the Age
5. Discourses on the Mahábhárata, Karna and Draopadi
6. Subhasita Samgraha - 12, Where There Is Dharma There Is Iśt́a, and Where There Is Iśt́a There Is Victory

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

I searched for You everywhere

"Tiirthe tomáre khunjiá páiini, gáne dharivár prayás kori..." (Prabhat Samgiita #4874)


O’ Parama Purusa, I searched for You in different so-called holy places like - Tiljala, Jamalpur, Varanasi, Puri, Mecca, Rome, Jerusalem; and, I also went to  so-called holy land Ananda Nagar, and the top of the Himalayan mountain ranges etc, but I utterly failed to find You. My whole approach was meaningless, a waste of time, and based on dogma and ignorance. I was just indulged in lies and hypocrisy. That is why I was met with failure and could not succeed in getting You. By Your grace, now I am returning back on the path of satya, eternal truth. I am trying to reach You through spiritual songs, dance, and kiirtana. 

Baba, I heard that You remain in Your heavenly abode, satya loka, while I lie in the deepest, darkest depths at the bottom of the underworld, drowned in all kinds of vices, dogmas, and groupism. I declared You as dead. I thought that with the virtue of attending so-called MPD annual death ceremony annually in October I will get Your blessings. Hari, I will get you. I thought I could have Your close proximity by my ritualistic pújá, dogmatic arcaná, offering of sweets, and dakśińá money to the priest wts, giving black money to ‘big dadas’. I believed by this way I would get punya. But instead it was all for naught.

O’ my Supreme Entity, Baba, I thought You resided very far away. That’s why I was not getting You. I was thinking that You are not within my reach. Now I am trying hard to dye my mind in Your colour. Baba, Your cosmic attractive force is not pulling me. I don’t feel You drawing me near. To get You I have started doing my part - japa, dhyana, sadhana pranayama etc. Now I feel Your grace...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #4874:

[1] Ritualistic puja: Any type of worship that involves praying and making offerings to an idol, going to so-called tiirthas, singing hymns to the idol etc

[2] Arcana: Any worship done with external paraphernalia or worldly offerings such as flowers, sandalwood., colours etc. Some dogmatic Hindu worshipers collect physical articles, lamps, and flowers and do certain rituals to honour and call the Lord. That is arcana. In our Ananda Marga way of life, there is no place for that kind of physical, external, and ritualistic approach. It simply does not belong. 
And Baba tells us, "The type of worship which is performed with selfish motive and external paraphernalia is called arca or arcana." (1)  

[3] Daksina: Offering in cash and kind (sweets, money) made to the dogmatic priest.

1. Namah Shivaya Shantaya, Shiva's Teachings – 2 (continued) (Discourse 14)

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