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Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Fake BP manual + 3 more


Fake BP manual


Those at the helm are up to their old tricks by imposing their fake bhukti pradhan (BP) rules. They have again circulated their bogus stipulations for "Electoral Roll" and "Eligibility for BP Candidates" - which is a one-page "cheat sheet" to exploit margiis and wholly based on the Fake 1997 BP Manual.

Look at their Fake rules - part 1

Here are some of their arbitrary rules that ensure those Wts in power can get their chosen stooge in the BP post. These following points have been inserted intentionally so that margis protesting against injustices of AMPS and for ideological issues will not be allowed to contend for the BP position and their names will not be included in the Electoral Roll etc.
  • FAKE: "He/s must not be facing any case during the period of preparation of electoral roll." (Fake Electoral Roll, Point #7)
Explanation: This fake / arbitrary rule means that any top Wt can lodge a bogus charge against a dharmika and have that margii categorically eliminated from the BP election. This is obviously 100% contrary to Sadguru Baba's original BP manual.
  • FAKE: "Dits/DS (in case of no Dits/DS than RS) are authorized to prepare electoral roll..." (Fake Electoral Roll, Point #8)
Explanation: This fake / arbitrary rule asserts that Wts are wholly in-charge of overseeing the margii election for BP. By this way those in Centre can easily get their chosen stooge in power. This is obviously 100% contrary to Sadguru Baba's original BP manual.
  • FAKE: "In case of any omission and commission, application may be placed before DS/RS of the area. He shall prepare an additional electoral roll for those and get it approved from structural heads up to central level."  (Fake Electoral Roll, Point #9)
Explanation: This fake / arbitrary rule asserts that top Wts are wholly in-charge of overseeing the margii election for BP. By this way they can easily get their chosen stooge in power. This is obviously 100% contrary to Sadguru Baba's original BP manual.

Look at their Fake rules - part 2

These following points have been inserted intentionally so that margis protesting against injustices of AMPS and for ideological issues will not be allowed to contend for the BP position and their names will not be included on the Electoral Roll etc.
  • FAKE: "The name of the candidate must figure in Electoral roll." (Fake Eligibility for BP Candidates, Point #1)
Explanation: This fake / arbitrary rule asserts that all potential candidates are subjected to the above farcical rules. This is obviously 100% contrary to Sadguru Baba's original BP manual.
  • FAKE: "The candidate must have a clean and good image..." (Fake Eligibility for BP Candidates, Point #3)
Explanation: This fake / arbitrary rule asserts that image is everything, whereas Baba guides us that one should follow the code of bhagavad dharma and never be concerned with superficial, random labels like "image". So this bogus rule is obviously 100% contrary to Sadguru Baba's original BP manual.
  • FAKE: "The candidate must not be disqualified Ma’rgii." (Fake Eligibility for BP Candidates, Point #5)
Explanation: This fake / arbitrary rule means that if those exploitative organisational heads stamp you with their fabricated category of "disqualified", then one is automatically ineligible. So this bogus rule is obviously 100% contrary to Sadguru Baba's original BP manual.
  • FAKE: "Must not have any case pending against the candidate." (Fake Eligibility for BP Candidates, Point #12)                                                                                           
Explanation: This fake / arbitrary rule means that any top Wt can lodge a bogus charge against a dharmika and have that margii categorically eliminated from the BP election. This is obviously 100% contrary to Sadguru Baba's original BP manual.

Just a farce

The above nightmarish rules are a farce and have nothing to do with a dharmic code of living nor will they lead to the build-up of a sterling AMPS organisation. Such points have been lifted / adapted from the Fake BP Manual of 1997 so those exploitative Wts hogging up positions of leadership can remain in the top posts.

These above points have been inserted intentionally so that margis protesting against injustices of AMPS and for ideological issues will not be allowed to contend for the BP position and their names will not be included on the Electoral Roll.

By this way those in power can nominate their stooge and build their puppet organisation, summarily overlooking all dharmic qualities and marginalizing courageous, brave, and righteous margiis.

This type of circular is completely lopsided in the favour of greedy, power-hungry Wts.


Now is the time to again demand that Sadguru Baba's original, pre-1990 BP guidelines be followed.

The BP election commission must be comprised of both margiis and Wts. By keeping sharp eyes, we can understand the expoloitation that has sadly plagued the BP system in the post-90 era and how AMPS turned into exploitative, outdated religion that cheats family margiis by injecting inferiority complexes and dogma. Any bird kept in the cage for generations will lose its ability to fly. And that is what happened with family margiis of the entire globe. AMPS has jumped onto the bandwagon and legacy of religious dogma.

The moment has come for margiis to unitedly demand that Sadguru Baba's original guidelines be instilled so that integrity of the BP post and the margii side of the organisation may be rightfully restored.

In Him,

View original and fake guidelines

True BP Guidelines:

True BP Guidelines:

Fake BP Manual ⇒

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You have poured unparalleled love

Note: Those who don't do 6th lesson sadhana will not be able to understand this Prabhat Samgiita. This is a song of for A-grade bhaktas.

“Tumi, je bhálobásá d́háliá diyácho, bhuvane táhár tulaná nái…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3075)


My Parama Purusa Baba, the love You have poured upon me is unparalleled in this universe. You have filled my everything with Your never-ending, incomparable grace. Nobody has loved me as You love me. This fact is indisputable and beyond question. I don’t care who accepts this divine truth and who does not. Your affection is unequaled. By Your mercy, I can see for myself that You are karuna' personified - the essence of compassion.

Supreme Entity, You pour Your sweet intimate kindness and tenderness on me with mamata. You have made me Yours. I belong to You. Your ocean of benevolence is always in high tide. It never wanes. In the waves of that sea, my inertia washes away. Your presence energizes my entire being and fills every cell of my existence with bhakti. In the ocean of forms, I lose myself in my meditation - in the thought of You. It is Your krpa.

Parama Purusa, Baba, You pervade every atom and molecule. You are in every gap and pore of this cosmos. You have not left even a wee-bit of space where You are not. Everywhere You are. So in Your name - in sleep and wakefulness - I kindle the lamp of bhakti in the firewood of my dreams. I repeat my Ista mantra 24 hrs, by Your sweet will.

Supreme Entity, in this universe, Your love is incomparable...

Notes for Prabhat Samgiita #3075:

1. Mamata': Mineness; In Sanskrit “mama” = mine, and the suffix ta’ = -ness; hence “mineness.” To have equal or more love for something / someone than one has for oneself.

Ananda Marga ideology says, "What is the meaning of “mamatá”? Mama + tá = mamatá. Mama means “mine” and thus mamatá is the inner idea of being mine, the feeling that something is my own." (1)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "“Mamatá” means “mine-ness” – “Mama” means “one's own”, and the abstract noun derived from it is “mamatá” – meaning, thereby “mine-ness.”" (2)

For example, suppose you are suffering from a fever then naturally you will be concerned about your own health. You will try to cure yourself by going to the doctor and taking medicine etc. If you have mamata for someone else, then if they are sick with a fever you will have the same degree of care for their condition as your own. When one does sadhana then this sense of mamata grows and one ultimately has the feeling of mamata towards the entire created universe. Without sadhana, one’s sense of mamata will be extremely limited whereby one might only care about their own individual existence. So when the mind is extremely narrow one only has mamata for oneself. Those with a slightly broader mind will have mamata towards their parents and family members. And as the circumference of mind expands one will have mamata for other relatives and community members etc. However, it is only with sadhana that the periphery of mind can grow further and further wherein one’s sense of mamata includes all beings and expressions of this cosmos. Parama Purusa has mamata’ for each and every entity - this entire creation, all living and non-living expressions.

2. Ru’pa sa'yare (ocean of form): The poetic language used in this Prabhat Samgiita indicates that in His stance of Nirguna Brahma, Parama Purusa is formless, yet when He comes in this world of form as Taraka Brahma - in the role of Sadguru - He is the ocean of the form. He graciously comes in form because one cannot have a personal relation with a formless entity. In His formless state of Nirguna Brahma Parama Purusa is a shapeless, impersonal Entity, and when He comes in form as Taraka Brahma He is that Personal Entity whom bhaktas can love and share their inner heart. So ocean of form means Taraka Brahma.

1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 7, The True Nature of Bhakti
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, Pleasing the Lord

== Section: Topic of 2021 ==

Cheating in name of new land / slow death


Here is an ongoing situation that demands our strict attention:

#1: In this current stage of AMPS, no good person would build or buy so-called new master units; rather, the need of the day is to do pracar and create a maximum number of margiis and Wts. The vast majority of our AM society is already on or near their deathbed with regards to age. They cannot survive for much longer and a new generation is not being created. There is a drastic population imbalance. Who will take care of our existing properties, let alone new properties. 

#2: Rudrananda and his stooges are rampantly and surreptitiously selling off existing AMPS properties and allegedly using those acquired funds to purchase buildings in their own name and buying “master units” - like the Jamalpur MU - in their own personal, laokik name, not AMPS. They are doing all this to create a facade as if so many great works are going on, when the fact is that they are keeping the monies and bequeathing those properties for their own laokik family, allegedly. 

#3: Nothing is being done for the propagation and establishment of the ideology or integrity of the organisation, AMPS. 

#4: One key intervention is to make a stern call to see the registry papers of this Jamalpur MU, and all other similar properties being so-called purchased nowadays. 

#5: Due to  a severe lack of Wts, our AMPS properties will be occupied by non-margiis as is happening in so many places. All in all, it is a sad situation. Those who are licking Rudrananda’s knees are ignorant.

Now is the time to alert others, make a hue and cry, and put an end to this type of cheating.

In Him, 

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