Quiz: how many wts?
See - on the stage it looks like there are three avadhutas; but, no, there are two monks and one quack in wt dress.
He is presenting himself as an avadhuta but off the stage he runs after the opposite sex. Especially at DMS, retreats, dharmacakra, meetings, and kiirtan etc, he is wandering around in search of the opposite sex, especially young women. So watch out and keep your daughters safe from such Wts. Purnadevananda is a hypocrite.
In Him,
Komal Banerjee
~ In-depth study ~
Baba's teachings on hypocrisy
Here Baba explains how the hypocrisy can be controlled from ana'hata cakra.
Ananda Marga philosophy says, "The ana'hata cakra, situated in the centre of the chest, which controls twelve propensities: [including] kapat'ata' [hypocrisy]." (4)
Ananda Marga Caryacarya says, "Do not forgive [a hypocrite] till his / her nature is reformed." (1)
Here are more of Guru’s teachings and warnings about hypocrisy.
Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, "Some people wear a mask of culture [of civility] in public, but in private pursue personal or class interests. This hypocrisy has no place in the human society." (2)
Ananda Marga philosophy states, "Hypocrisy in the human mind is also increased as a result of the influence of negative microvita." (3)
Neo-Humanism teaches us, "Such people attempt to cover their harmful or defective sentiments under a veil of hypocrisy. This concealing mentality is one aspect of hypocrisy." (4)
1. Caryacarya - 2, Society, Pt #6
2. A Few Problems Solved - 6, 'Spirit of Society'
3. Microvita in a Nutshell, Microvita and Their Influence on Micropsychic and Macropsychic Corporal Structures
4. Liberation of Intellect - Neo-Humanism, Awakened Conscience (Discourse 9)
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