Jamalpur DMS News
Note: A certain threshold of bhakti is needed to read this email otherwise one will not understand the topic. The mind without bhakti may get irritated also.
There are a few issues with the scene unfolding at the Jamalpur 2019 DMS.
#1: In the below image from Jamalpur DMS, Baba’s photo blends in with the background. So it does not hold a prominent place and is thus not given due reverence, rather it is camouflaged. In true sense, Baba is the key Entity, but at this DMS the top honour is given to PP, unfortunately.
#2: In a temple, the priest will accept the garland from worshipers and then place the garland on the deity. Because the deity is most revered. But in our AMPS that is not happening. PP is keeping the garland for himself and wearing it on stage. The proper method is for PP to place all those garlands around Baba’s photo as Sadguru Baba is the most honoured one.
#3: In addition, PP should sit on a lower level stage and Baba’s pratikriti should be on higher level stage.
#4: There should be a difference of levels to highlight that Baba is Parama Purusa and PP is a human being.
#5: In any civilized society, or any religious place like a temple, synagogue, mosque, or church, the most respect and honour is bestowed upon the key entity. But at this DMS the top honour is unfortunately given to PP, who is the cause of all problems.
#6. Our DMS programs are meant to be the presentation of dharma but here the presentation of PP is going on who himself is the cause of all misery in the H group faction.
In Him,
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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stands on their own as points of interest.
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== Section 2: News ==
Lowly Madhuvratananda
Now look how this so-called Madhuvratananda is condoning and glorifying groupism.
In his above statement so-called Madhuvratananda is justifying and extolling the virtues of groupism, yet as we know groupism is a repugnant social illness that is the absolute antithesis of neo-humanism.
Horrors of groupism: against AM ideology
Here below Sadguru Baba categorically condemns that nefarious and wicked ways of groupism.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “In the present environment many fissiparous tendencies are working to divide humanity into mutually-belligerent groups.” (1)
Next, Baba warns of the ills of groupist tendencies like party politics and they rot the entire society.
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “Party politics [groupism] is one of the factors which stands, or tries to stand, in the way of human unity. In fact party politics [groupism] is even more dangerous than disease-causing germs. In party politics [groupism] all the refined attributes of the human mind, such as simplicity and the spirit of service, slowly but surely get totally destroyed.” (2)
Sadguru Baba guides us that we should whole adopt the path of spirituality to overcome all kinds of narrow sentiments like groupism
Ananda Marga philosophy states, “The Cosmic ideal alone can be the unifying force which shall strengthen humanity to smash the bondages and abolish all narrow domestic walls of fissiparous tendencies.” (3)
In Him,
1. Idea and Ideology, The Cosmic Brotherhood
2. Problems of the Day, Point #26
3. Idea and Ideology, The Cosmic Brotherhood
== Section 3: Links ==
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This email contains three sections:
1. News: Jamalpur DMS News
2. News: Lowly Madhuvratananda
3. Links