Jamalpur: insult to Guru
Here are two of the egregious errors from their below (appended below). The dogmas are labeled in red as #1 and #2. An explanation of each of these dogmas begins here.
#1: Dogma: “Jamalpur, the Mecca of Ananda Marga”
Ananda Marga is bhagavad dharma and is not confined to any physical space or place. There is no holy land or tiirtha dogma. God is not tied to a given land. Parama Purusa is everywhere and all-pervasive. So in Ananda Marga there is no holy land and to reinforce this point when Baba left Jamalpur in 1966 and He did not return there for 12 years. This itself shows that Baba placed no special emphasis on any particular place, including Jamalpur.
Yet in their selfish and deceitful manner, H group imposed this dogma of Jamalpur tiirtha in order to compete with B group’s dogmatic Kolkata tiirtha program. So the Jamalpur tiirtha dogma is the brainchild of Rudrananda in order to dupe, exploit, and cheat margiis etc. Rudrananda’s sole aim is to allure you to Jamalpur so he can empty your pockets and hoard all the money. This is the age-old cheating tactics of priests.
Rudrananda declared Jamalpur as a tiirtha for his own selfish gain and suck the vitality from margiis by duping and cheating them. This heinous attempt is a distinct breach of trust and betrayal of the basic fundamentals of Ananda Marga philosophy. There is no place for any tiirtha or “holy land” in Ananda Marga. Rather this Jamalpur tiirtha ploy is anti-AM.
#2: H group insults Sadguru: prádurbháva
Here the organisers have used the wrong term to introduce and refer to Parama Purusa Baba. Every spiritual group around the world introduces their preceptor using artful, reverential, and magnanimous language. And since our Preceptor is the Taraka Brahma, we should follow this approach to an even greater degree. But here in this below instance, the organisers swung the pendulum in the opposite direction and used an unbecoming, disrespectful word to introduce Baba. Kindly read below.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Bear in mind always that the coming of an entity with akalyáńa (that which is spiritually bad) is prádurbháva. Prádurbháva is the premonition of akalyáńa [disaster].” (1)
The term “prádurbháva” means something very negative or sinister. For example the, prádurbháva of cholera, or the prádurbháva of famine. It refers to a horrice era marred by death, dying, and disease. That is why one would say the prádurbháva of Hitler. So the term prádurbháva signifies a disastrous and apocalyptic event.
Ananda Marga ideology states, "Bear in mind always that the coming of an entity with akalyáńa (that which is spiritually bad) is prádurbháva. Prádurbháva is the premonition of akalyáńa [disaster]." (2)
Yet in the article they have used the term “prádurbháva” to describe the advent of Sadguru Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji. The proper term would have been “avurbháva.” Those who wrote this article are unqualified to teach primary schools. They have no business using the avadhuta dress. They are a shameful representation of our Wt cadre. Indeed, they are so dirty and gross, that even donkeys won’t go close enough to spit on these people.
Those at the helm of H group who are the main culprits in publishing this article are completely worthless people. They are lost souls and creatures of hell. One of the chief ringleaders is DPS Dada Satyashrayananda. He is a notorious scoundrel with a black history, who was placed in this position by Rudrananda because of his (Satyashrayananda’s) degrading dealings. This dogmatic article is one more feather in his cap that really demonstrates how Satyashrayananda is just a worm from the sewage water. He is the main culprit and Sectorial PRS is also to blame.
In Him,
Note: The two photos in the above article aim to glorify the lowly head of H group and project PP Vishvadevananda as some divine being, when in truth he is just a cowardly tool and pawn of Rudrananda.
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, Tears of Supreme Happiness
2. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 1, Tears of Supreme Happiness
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