#1: Sadguru Baba has given all the instructions in life including about death.
#2. The AM death observance / ceremony is known as shráddha. This is what Baba has given in Caryacarya.
#3: Unfortunately, due to the dogma of mahaprayan, some margiis have been performing shráddhanjali, which is done at MPD. But that is 100% wrong.
#1: Sadguru Baba has given all the instructions in life including about death.
#2. The AM death observance / ceremony is known as shráddha. This is what Baba has given in Caryacarya.
#3: Unfortunately, due to the dogma of mahaprayan, some margiis have been performing shráddhanjali, which is done at MPD. But that is 100% wrong.
#4: Here is one such incident: Please find below a dogmatic appeal by Kolkata supporter brother Chidammbaram, a Hyderabad margii. In place of our AM shráddha ceremony, he has decided to conduct "Shraddhanjali ceremony", which is done at MPD. Sadly, on this point, he is going against Sadguru Baba. To befool others he wrote the term Caryacarya.
(Please read more below)
#5. Everyone should be perfectly clear that our Ananda Marga system as given in Caryacarya is shráddha, not shráddhanjali.
In Him,
Jiivan Deva
#4: Here is one such incident: Please find below a dogmatic appeal by Kolkata supporter brother Chidammbaram, a Hyderabad margii. In place of our AM shráddha ceremony, he has decided to conduct "Shraddhanjali ceremony", which is done at MPD. Sadly, on this point, he is going against Sadguru Baba. To befool others he wrote the term Caryacarya.
(Please read more below)
#5. Everyone should be perfectly clear that our Ananda Marga system as given in Caryacarya is shráddha, not shráddhanjali.
In Him,
Jiivan Deva
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