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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Phallus worship


Phallus worship


We all know Baba places great importance on the study of history as it enables both individuals and communities to learn from past mistakes and thereby progress. Failing that, without the study of history, people commit the same old errors over and over again. In which case, they remain shackled by the pitfalls of the past and are unable to advance. So the review of history holds a unique place for the development of any society.

As Ananda Margiis, we must know the history of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha (AMPS). That is how we are able to keep our AMPS on the right track. For instance, the following letter, first posted on 17 March 2016, details how a devious Hindu dogma was falsely supported in the name of Sadguru Baba. By firmly addressing this issue and exposing the wrongdoing, this dogma can be eliminated. 

In Him,
Dr. Gopal
Ananda Marga News Bulletin Moderators

Note: This below letter was first posted on this network nearly six years ago, in March 2016.  


Certain group leaders - along with some half-baked margii - have a keen interest to make Ananda Marga into a purely dogmatic Hindu religion. By this way they will get the respect and membership of so many dogmatic people. Attempts to Hinduize the organisation is the work of misguided, confused human beings. Here following is the proof.

There is a Hindu dogmatic festival known as mahashivaratri (see the photo) and here is a dx of the photo. Those not aware about Hindu mythology may not understand what is going on in the photo.
1. In the below photo, the person on the left is doing phallus worship and in her hand she is holding a container of milk that she is pouring milk on the phallus idol.
2. On the right there is another figure that looks like a female, but actually that is Lord Shiva. 
3. Take note of the crescent moon hanging on the left side of Lord Shiva’s head. 
4. This below photo gives the message that Lord Shiva approves this type of phallus worship of His own phallus.

This above photo gives the message that Lord Shiva approves this type of phallus worship of His own phallus.

See this concocted, devious depiction - deadly trend

5. Now set your sights on the below photo which has been photoshopped. They began the transformation process by using the above photo and cropping Lord Shiva’s image entirely - so now Lord Shiva is no longer in the photo. And instead Baba’s image has been superimposed on this Hindu dogmatic ritual. Baba is shown with a special hand gesture whereby He is approving what is going on in front of Him - i.e. He approves this dogmatic phallus worship.

6. So the below photo gives the false message that Baba Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji is supporting the dogmatic ritual that this lady is doing. In the lower right corner the head of the phallus is visible. Every Hindu will easily understand that one female worshipper is pouring milk on the phallus idol - and that Marga Guru Baba accepts this as a virtuous deed by giving a special mudra. So everyone will think that Ananda Marga supports this Hindu dogma of phallus worship of Lord Shiva. And this below photo was circulated all over on the internet. 

Kindly set your sights on this below photo. This concocted image gives the idea that Baba approves how this margii lady approves of her phallus worship in Lord Shiva temple. This below photo gives the idea that every margii should do this type of rotten Hindu idol worship with reverence. You know that Baba condemns idol worship, but the opposite message is given here. This below image was circulated on an on-line Proutist / margii forum.

Feel free to again see this above photo. If you did not read this earlier, this concocted image gives the idea that Baba approves how this margii lady approves of her phallus worship in Lord Shiva temple. This above photo gives the idea that every margii should do this type of rotten Hindu idol worship with reverence. You know that Baba condemns idol worship but the opposite message is given here. This above image was circulating on an on-line Proutist / margii forum.

 7. This whole affair is suffocating and abhorrent as it conveys two central messages:
(a) It calls Ananda Margiis to come and participate in the Hindu ritual of Shivratri, and
(b) it gives common people the idea that Ananda Marga is just riddled with Hindu garbage and that Ananda Marga is not anything new or revolutionary. 

Unfortunately, the above image is promoting this bogus Hindu dogma in the name of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. If this had been done in one’s own name that would have been less devious. But he chose the worst way - he implicated Sadguru Baba in this scandalous affair - and by this way he is trying to destroy Ananda Marga teachings in the mind of the general public.

Hinduism: bag of rotten outdated dogmas

Those educated people who think that Hinduism is just a bag of rotten outdated dogmas will think that Ananda Marga is the same. 

Baba took great efforts to give dictation on tens of thousands of pages of Ananda Marga philosophy and now, one after another, certain dirty people are destroying His divine teachings. 

In Him, 
Sunil Singh

Warning: below is not for all

Warning: This next section contains graphic terms and descriptions. This is only for those dharmikas with a keen interest to eradicate the dogma of phallus worship. 

In the first photo the person is doing phallus worship. In this photo, the idol is in the lower right corner. It is a stone phallus which is fixed on top of the female genitalia. The male symbol is vertical and the female symbol is horizontal. In the Hindu religion it is called the Lord Shiva phallus. Together it is the idol of phallus. Dogmatic people call it Shivalingua. So it is obvious that the whole thing is preposterous. Because this photo shows that Sadguru Baba is approving the notion that Ananda Margiis should do phallus worship, and every female Ananda Margii should pour fresh milk on Lord Shiva’s phallus in the Shiva temple. And this is approved by Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. That is the concocted message from this above photo. That is why the title of this entire letter is “Phallus Worship”, and how it has seeped into AM.

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You are my Father, my Mother

"Pitá mátá bandhu sakhá, ándháre áloka vartiká'..." (Prabhat Samgiita #0218)


Parama Purusa, You are my Father,  my Mother, my bandhu, as well as my eternal Companion. My Dearmost, You are my everything - my One and only - and that divine lamp of refulgence, always guiding me along the supreme path in life. In all the lands - whatever exists - You are that. You are everywhere, all-pervading. No one is ever alone or helpless. You are ever-present carefully watching over everyone and always residing in my heart. You are my most intimate and loving One and so close.

Refrain / Repetition: In the cimmerian darkness of my life You are the bright luminescence who guides me always. When I am immersed in darkness, confused, and lose the path, You are there to save me. You are that bright light always leading me along the proper path.

Baba, my Supreme Entity, with Your infinite compassion, no matter how difficult the circumstances are, You are always present to provide a gentle touch. In the thorns of sorrow, You are the lotus. In the burning suffering, You are that refreshing, calm, cool balm of sandalwood. Divine One, You are the ultimate Savior and touchstone for those who lost everything. When one has incurred terrible loss, then in that bleak hour You are the only shelter and that Great Entity which transforms everything into a shining jewel. By Your touch, unit beings become divine. That is Your causeless grace. Ever-Present Entity, You are the best of everything. In the beautiful rose garden where all the flowers are aromatic and fragrant, You are the most gorgeous, beautiful garland -  the most illumined Entity in this vast universe.

Refrain / Repetition: In the cimmerian darkness of my life You are the bright luminescence who guides me always. When I am immersed in darkness, confused, and lose the path, You are there to save me. You are that bright light always leading me along the proper path.

Baba, the Supreme Entity, You are the final cause of everything. You are the source as well as the origin. Because You are, I am. You are the breath of my very life. Without You, my whole existence is meaningless. You are my Dearmost and my everything. You alone are the eternal lamp of my heart. Please keep me in Your loving shelter...

Refrain / Repetition: In the cimmerian darkness of my life You are the bright luminescence who guides me always. When I am immersed in darkness, confused, and lose the path, You are there to save me. You are that bright light always leading me along the proper path.

Note For Prabhat Samgiita #0218:

[1] In the thorns of sorrow, You are the lotus: Here it is described how even when people are surrounded by struggle and strife then Parama Purusa is there to comfort them, just like how on a thorny stem, the lotus flower blooms. (Note: The stem of the lotus plant is very thorny, yet always the flower blooms on top.)

== Section 3: Links ==

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