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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Cheats misuse “No logic” rule + 3 more


Cheats misuse “No logic” rule


In one village there was a half-witted person who could not even pass primary school but had a deep desire to become a doctor. He also had an uncle who was suffering from tuberculosis (TB). So when his uncle suddenly died this half-witted person gathered up all of his uncle’s leftover TB medicines and began distributing them to anyone who had any type of medical problem.

Police arrested him & put in jail

If someone had the measles, then that half-witted person gave those TB meds to the person suffering from the measles. And if someone was a patient of heart disease, then that half-witted person gave those TB meds to the individual with heart problems. And if someone was a diabetic, then that half-witted person gave those TB meds to the person suffering from diabetes. And in each and every instance, those patients who took the TB meds became half-dead.

The situation became even more grave when that half-witted person ventured off to the big cities and metropolitan areas. Once he began distributing those TB meds to all types of sick people in these populated regions then the police quickly arrested him and put that half-witted person in jail.

Wt ordered -> “Don’t use your brain”

A similar episode occurred some time ago at one gathering. One “great” dada was distributing something after the 48-hour akhanda kiirtan which Baba has prescribed exclusively for VSS camp. All rational margiis know that Sadguru Baba has given this particular rule only for VSS camp, yet this “great” Dada prescribed that to all margiis as a medicine. Here is that medicine which this “great” dada was rampantly distributing:

  • "No logic, no reason, but the compliance of the order."

Due to his own shortcoming, this “great” Dada could not conceive that this rule was only for VSS camp. It is just like how in the military there are all kinds of codes and mandates only for military personnel in special situations. Those rules do not apply to the common people. But due to his ignorance, this Wt started preaching VSS camp rules at the wrong place, on the wrong occasion, to the wrong people. Astonishingly, he was trying to impose this VSS camp parade / marching training rule on civil society.

Baba’s order

In this situation our duty is to remove the fog and alert simple margiis not to be misguided by this “geat” dada. We have to adhere Baba’s following guidelines: 

Yuktiyuktamupádeyaḿ vacanaḿ bálakádapi;
Anyaḿ trńamiva tyájyamapyuktaḿ Padmajanmanáh.

Kevalaḿ shástramáshrityaḿ na karttavyo vinirńayah;
Yuktihiina vicáre tu dharmahánih prajáyate.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, “If a child says something rational, it should be accepted, and if the Supreme Creator says something irrational, it should be totally rejected.” (1)

Conclusion: human-shaped animals don’t use brain

In AM, everything is logical and rational. Baba has given the philosophy of neo-humanism which is also known as the “Liberation of Intellect”. Baba’s teaching is that we must use our brain, i.e. logic, reasoning, and sense of rationality. Not only that, if anyone does not use their brain then Baba calls them an “animal”. So those who preach to others that they should not use their brain want those followers to be like animals.

Our Guru guides us that we should always use our brain and that we should follow. Everything we do, or do not do, should be carefully evaluated with our logic and reasoning. Remember, Baba made this rule - i.e. "No logic, no reason, but the compliance of the order” - for camps, in particular VSS camp and PT parade, not civil affairs.

In Him, 

To read more about "No logic, no reason..." see links section. 

Sad story of my military uncle Ramu

Reading this one other story comes in my mind about my Uncle Ramu. For some reason, he lost his mental balance and was discharged from the military at quite a young age. So most of the time he was living in his village, but from time to time when his psychic disease was more pronounced and could not sleep then he would hallucinate as if he was back in the military camp. So immediately he would pick up his whistle at around 2am and start walking around the entire village, blowing his whistle and shouting for everyone to come and start the parade. Regardless of how much they tried, those locals could not convince him that this was a village and not the military. But he could not understand due to his psychic disease and mentally imbalanced state. In due course, his health became more aggravated and he started doing this every day. He would loudly blow his whistle and call all night long. It was too much. The entire village became completely fed up and somehow managed to deposit him in the lunatic asylum - unfortunately. The main problem was that he could not differentiate between being in a military camp and living in a village. Similar is the case with the Wt imposing VSS camp rule on common margiis, sadly.

1. Human Society - 1, Moralism

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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

Our sharing of the heart

PS Intro: This Prabhat Samgiita is the song of madhura bhava where the bhakta has a most intimate and loving relation with Parama Purusa. 

Note: Only those who sincerely practice the 6th lesson of sahaja yoga meditation can realise this song in the depths of their heart.

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "One of the many bhávas is madhura bháva. Madhura bháva is a very exalted bháva, for this bháva fills the mind with sweetness and bliss and leads the aspirant to the closest proximity of the Lord. To a person who is predominantly a devotee of the Lord, everything tastes sweet, there is nothing bitter in the creation of Parama Puruśa. He is attracting you through the ectoplasmic world, binding you through the bonds of love." (1)

"Tomáy ámáy gopan dekhá, hobe priyo maner końe..." (Prabhat Samgiita #2129)


My Parama Purusa, my Dearmost, our intimate meeting, our sharing of the heart, will happen in the remote corner of my mind. There, I will talk with You and whisper my tender feelings. Nobody will know, see, or understand about this special relation of ours. It is Your ahaetukii krpa’.

Divine One, You will arrive with decorated flowers in my most exhilarated and overflowing madhuvan in my core. You will come adorned by garlands and graciously take Your seat. In the sweet atmosphere of that illuminating, full moon night, we'll be together in the abode of nectar (madhuvan) of my Guru cakra.

Supreme Entity Baba, whatever little I understand and comprehend of You, I know that You are the Infinite Entity, who is beyond words and language. You can't be held by thinking or the mastery of knowledge. You are above limited expressions. Nobody can sing Your glory with their own voice. You are transcendental and beyond everything. Is that why You come secretly?

Baba, I will meet You in my inner abode, in the sweet and divinely vibrated place deep in the recesses of my being. Please shower Your causeless krpa by giving me parabhakti…

1. Namámi Krśńasundaram, Krśńa and Supra-Aesthetic Science (Discourse 27)

== Section: Important Teaching ==

Body too complex for some pathys

Ananda Marga philosophy states, "There was a time when diagnosing illnesses and prescribing medicines were not very difficult because diagnoses were based on three constituents of the body – air, bile and phlegm – with blood as a fourth constituent. But increased physical and glandular complexity has led to a corresponding increase in the number and complexity of diseases. So to what extent can this method of diagnosis be useful to a doctor? Is it not simply guesswork to prescribe medicines for a particular disease when the medicine is prescribed for the disease but the disease is diagnosed according to the bodily constituents?" (1)

Thousands of years ago when ayurveda was founded the human body was not as complex as it is today. So the system to diagnose disease was based merely on four properties: air, bile, phlegm, and blood. Now, however, due to the increasing complexity of the human body things have changed. Ayurveda is no longer as useful as it once was. So one should not depend fully on ayurveda as it cannot cure everything.

Ananda Marga advocates the practice of having all pathys under one roof because no pathy can cure everything. For example, allopathic medicines do not kill diseases, rather those medicines are taken lifelong. Whereas another pathy may offer a medicine that actually cures the disease. In that case, that other pathy should be used. Yet, allopathy may be very useful for diagnosing a patient and performing certain surgical procedures etc.

Allopathic medicines do not kill diseases

Ananda Marga philosophy guides us, “Disease is caused by negative microvita. When people take allopathic medicine to cure a disease, the medicine disturbs the ecological balance of the body because more negative microvita get concentrated at the point of the disease. Allopathic medicines do not kill diseases – diseases die by their own natural death. Although the medicine may check the disease, the increased concentration of negative microvita can overcome the effect of the medicine. In fact, the increased concentration of negative microvita caused by allopathic medicines creates many new types of diseases, and due to this, two or three new diseases are presently being created every decade.” (2)

Ultimately, when a patient is admitted to a hospital then teams of doctors will decide which pathy is best for treating the patient. Each pathy has its own specialty. For more about this read the subsection - “Methods of medical treatment” - in the chapter “Various Occupations”.

1. Human Society - 1, Various Occupations
2. Microvita in a Nutshell, Some Guidelines for Commencing Microvita Research

== Section 4: Links ==

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