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Sunday, January 30, 2022

Dada is confused + 2 more


Dada is confused


The concept of bhakti is central to understanding Ananda Marga ideology. And every sadhaka knows that bhakti means longing for the Supreme or love for God. And the polar opposite of bhakti is asakti which means mundane attachment for worldly objects.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "When the attraction is for the non-integral entity, for money, for family, for land, it is called ka'ma; when it is for integral entity it is called prema and the mental tendency during ka'ma i.e., the mental tendency during attraction for a non-integral entity is called a'sakti in Sam'skrta and the mental tendency during attraction for that Integral Entity is called bhakti.” (1)

The basic equation is: the degree to which we are attracted by or infatuated with money, name, fame, respect, position, is the degree to which we are off the path of bhakti. So a'sakti (mundane longing) and bhakti (love for God) are mutually exclusive; they cannot coexist. The degree to which we harbour one is the degree to which we are remiss in the other.

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "[Divine] Love and [worldly] passion are mutually antagonistic tendencies. The attachment for a finite thing is an expression of extroverted [crude] energy, whereas the attraction for the Infinite is an expression of the introverted [spiritual] energy. That is why these two can never co-exist." (2)

So it is very clear that as sadhakas we are to cultivate maximum bhakti and never be guided by the degrading approach of asakti, i..e worldly allurements.

Bhakti & asakti

Now look at what Dada V is telling in his podcast:

Dada V wrongly says, “In Samskrta there is one word which is called asakti. And that means attraction to finite objects. So this is a very necessary or important part of our life that we are attracted towards various objects of the world. Or else if we didn’t have that we would be disinterested and we couldn’t exist.” (1 min 55 sec -> 2 min 18 sec)

Sadly Dada V is preaching something against Ananda Marga ideology. Dada is telling that asakti is an essential aspect of human life and that we could not live without it. Whereas, Sadguru Baba guides us that we are to wholly eliminate any degrading tendencies of asakti and fully immerse the mind in bhakti, the path of supreme benevolence.

So it is quite unfortunate that in his so-called dharmacast podcast, this avadhuta is preaching the wrong idea. Those who are simple and naive will be completely misguided by Dada’s words and those who are ardent practitioners or true seekers will think that Ananda Marga ideology is bogus. Because Dada V repeatedly states throughout the podcast things like, “These are not my ideas but rather the teachings of Ananda Marga philosophy given by my Guru Shrii Shriii Anandamurti ji.”

Thus a double wrong has happened. Firstly, Dada V has a gross misunderstanding about the relationship between of bhakti and asakti, and secondly he is indulging in sin by wrongly attributing this bogus interpretation to Sadguru Baba.

World ready for dharmic teachings, not Dada’s dogma

Now is the time that dharma pracara is most needed. The world is at a crossroads and looking for answers. Sadguru Baba has given all the requisite solutions. We should study His teachings so we can properly present His guidelines to the public in a clear and accurate manner. It is most unfortunate that this Dada was not up to the mark on this vital point. He should either edit his podcast or take it down completely.

Ananda Vanii states, “From place to place, from age to age, the elixir of immortality has been flowing forever. Through the medium of human structures this message of immortality is transmitted onwards….[human beings] should make rigorous efforts to become worthy mediums (media).” (3)

Ananda Marga ideology guides us, "[Divine] Love and [worldly] passion are mutually antagonistic tendencies. The attachment for a finite thing is an expression of extroverted [crude] energy, whereas the attraction for the Infinite is an expression of the introverted [spiritual] energy. That is why these two can never co-exist...Where you exist He does not and where He exists you are no more.” (4)

Cannot do justice if involved in asakti

Baba guides us that only bhaktas can do justice in this world and properly serve others. Because those whose minds are immersed in bhakti view one and all as the expression of the Supreme. And by that universal outlook, devoid of self-interest, they can truly help others in all the realms of life. Whereas those non-sadhakas guided by mundane allurement, i.e. asakti, are in it for their own selfishness and ego satisfaction. Everything they do is done for their own petty gain - they are essentially enslaved to worldly allurements etc. In that case, they are always caught up in bondage on the path of degradation and can never truly serve human society and the creation. That is why asakti is so lethal and should never be encouraged.

Anadna Marga ideology guides us, “In order to deal with objects properly one should never become subservient to them, but should ascribe Brahmahood to them by cultivating the repeated practice of cosmic ideation or Brahma Bhávana.” (5)

Ours is the path of pure bhakti not asakti. By inviting asakti one is jumping off the path of bhakti. So watch out - do not pay heed to Dada ji’s words - never invite asakti into your life.

Baba teaches us that we should inculcate bhakti and discard any type of asakti, i.e. mundane allurement.

Sadly, Dada V. is telling the exact opposite, i.e. that we should also inculcate asakti, i.e. fall into mundane allurement. While, all-knowing Sadguru Baba guides us to only inculcate bhakti, not asakti - mundane allurement. Please read below.

Ananda Marga ideology states, “The meaning of the word bhakti is “attraction to the Supreme”. When the attraction is to something limited, it is called ásakti, and when the attraction is to the Supreme, it is devotion, bhakti. There is no compromise, no meeting point, between ásakti and bhakti, between attraction to the Supreme and attraction to the objects of the world…The Lord and the desire for the world [ásakti], like the sun and the night, cannot coexist.” (6)


Up till now you read that Baba is telling to go upward and Dada V is preaching to go downward. Baba teaches us that we should inculcate bhakti and discard any type of asakti, i.e. mundane allurement. But Dada V. is telling the exact opposite, i.e. that we should also inculcate asakti, and fall into mundane allurement. Now it is proven that Dada V is in a confused state and misleading others by his flawed podcast.

If anything regarding this issue is unclear please read below in the in-depth study section.

In Him,
Kim Goldblum

~ In-depth study ~

Sadly Dada V is preaching something against Ananda Marga ideology. Dada is telling that asakti is an essential aspect of human life and that we could not live without it.
Whereas, Sadguru Baba guides us that we are to wholly eliminate  asakti and wholly immerse the mind in bhakti, the path of supreme benevolence.

So it is quite unfortunate that in his so-called dharmacast podcast, this avadhuta is preaching the wrong idea. Those who are simple and naive will be completely misguided by Dada’s words.

As disciples of Lord Shrii Shrii Anandamurti ji, our duty is to clearly present His teachings to the world. Naturally, our Wts are to play an important role as they are fully dedicated to the propagation of Ananda Marga ideology and way of life. That is why it is so shocking that one very senior avadhuta has made a gross error on his podcast regarding a most fundamental aspect of Baba’s teachings.

So what Dada V is telling is in direct opposition to Sadguru Baba’s guidelines in Ananda Marga ideology. See here below what Dada V says in his confused state.

Dada V. says, “In Samskrta there is one word which is called asakti. And that means attraction to finite objects. So [then V. wrongly says] this is a very necessary or important part of our life that we are attracted towards various objects of the world."

In the above yellow section, Dada V in a confused state is telling the exact opposite to Baba, i.e. that we should also inculcate asakti, i.e. fall into mundane allurement.

1. Subhasita Samgraha - 18, The Stance of Salvation and How to Attain It
2. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Bhaktitattva
3. Ananda Vanii #66
4. Subhasita Samgraha - 1, Bhaktitattva
5. Ananda Marga Ideology & Way of Life - 9, Psychic Assimilation in Psycho-Spiritual Practice
6. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 23, The Bliss of the Devotee

*        *        *

The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.

*        *        *

== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==

You have shown me

“Álo jhalamala nabhah nirmal, ándhár giyeche sare…” (Prabhat Samgiita #4582)


Baba, my mental sky is clean; all the darkness has vanished. In the past, for numerous reasons, my home was dirty. Now, by Your grace, it is pure. This is the opportune moment: please come to my home, my Dearmost, come in my abode.

Supreme Entity, I wanted to have You. I have forgotten the stain of all those past happenings that took place over ages and ages. After shaking off all lethargy and drowsiness, with samvit I am awake to receive and have You. I have retained and saved all my flood of tears and kept them for when I get You. Then with my full heart’s content of having You, I will cry out of love and affection at Your lotus feet - my Dearmost, who is living in such a far distant abode.

Baba, because I am following the path of sadhana and bhagavad dharma very strictly by Your grace, people pass judgement and say all kinds of negative remarks about me. But I do not pay heed to their words. In my life You are, and I am treading on that very path which You have shown me. I shall never forget the suffering humanity. By Your mercy, I understand that You have sent me on this earth to remove their suffering, and be deeply involved in doing the work which You told me to do. I am for You and want to satisfy You by following Your order and carrying out Your allotted duties….

== Section 3: Links ==

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