Poor condition
Please see how the publisher Dada Acyutananda wrongly printed the below section in Ananda Vacanamrtam part 11. Pay particular attention to the yellow highlighted line about the fictitious, mythological, imaginary, character Ganesh - i.e. the elephant god. They wrote that Ganesh has occult powers and if one meditates on Ganesh then they too may get occult powers. This distortion in Ananda Vacanamrtam spreads the dogma that the fictitious, Hindu deity - i.e. the elephant god Ganesh - is a real, eternal Entity who has occult powers:
In the book Ananda Vacanamrtam part 11, they wrongly printed: “I do not know whether Gańesha has any spiritual knowledge or scientific understanding, wisdom, spiritual quality or not. I know that he [Gańesha] has some occult power, so if one meditates on him, one may or may not get some of his powers; but the problem is that if one meditates on Gańesha, one will have to meditate on his mount also – his mount being a mouse. Think what the consequences could be!” (1)
Distortion in AV-11 B & E
So the above distortion in Ananda Vacanamrtam proclaims that the fictitious character- i.e. the elephant god Ganesh - has occult powers and if one meditates on this fictitious, mythological, imaginary, character Ganesh then they too may get occult powers. This distortion in Ananda Vacanamrtam presents the dogmatic, fictitious, Hindu deity - the elephant god Ganesh - as being a real, eternal Entity.
Yet as Ananda Margiis, we know that the fictitious, mythological, imaginary, character i.e. the elephant god - Ganesh is mythological.
All know that Ganesh is a fictitious figure from the ksatriyan era. Those warriors were worshiping the fictitious, mythological, imaginary, character Ganesh as a social deity. Then in due course that fictitious, mythological, imaginary character Ganesh became a religious Hindu deity. But now here brother Dada Acyutananda wrote in Baba’s book that: “I know that he [Gańesha] has some occult power.”
Indeed it is so painful and hurtful how Guru’s teachings are getting ruined by these publishers. This very book was published after big propaganda where they are boasting how these books were published and checked in such a proper manner. They were bellowing about the greatness of the team and gloating to all how their system was perfect etc.
Yet look at the outcome - Dada Acyutananda wrote: “I know that he [Gańesha] has some occult power.”
Baba’s humorous example about mythological deity elephant god
All should be clear that Sadguru Baba delivered His discourse in a flawless manner.
Here below Baba is making a joke that the fictitious deity Ganesh has a trunk, so if anyone wants a trunk then they should worship Ganesh. But if you worship Ganesh then you have to worship His mount also - a mouse. And that will be problematic as you will turn into a mouse. Hearing this, everyone laughed.
But unfortunately, our Tiljala publishers missed this in both the Bangla and English books - both editions are wrong.
“মানুষ যেমন ধ্যান করে, তেমনি হয়তো | তো, গণেশ ঠাকুরের ধ্যান করলে, ওই রকম হয়ে যাৰে, ঠিকই | আর গণেশ ঠাকুরের জ্ঞান, বিজ্ঞান, বৈদুষ্য বা আধ্যাত্মিক গুণ, আছে কি না আছে আমাদের কারুরই জানা নেই | কেবল জানি সুঁড়টি আছে | তো, যারা সুঁড় চায় সেই পূজো করৰে গণেশটাও ধ্যান করৰে | তা করু, কিন্তু মুশকিল হচ্ছে গণেশ ঠাকুরের ধ্যান করতে গেল, ইন্দুরটিরও ধ্যান করতে হৰে |”
In Him,
Lydia Maratone
How did all this happen: Some may wonder how this
Some may wonder how this whole problem occurred. Well here’s how. It is well known that Dada Sarvatmananda is sitting on the treasure of Sadguru Baba’s audio files and he (Dada Sarvatmananda) does not like to share them - not even for book publishing. Actually, Publications personnel asked Dada Sarvatmananda for the relevant audio files so he could confirm the discourses. But Dada Sarvatmananda convinced them that the original audio files were not needed. And they are completely obedient to Dada Sarvatmananda and cannot see his evilness - which is so obvious to most everyone else. So they accepted to do the work of publishing the book without checking those discourses with the original audio recording. And see here the horrible outcome.
They published Guru’s teachings in a contradictory manner. If still you do not understand let us know. Sadly, common people will read this and think that Guru’s books are useless and self-contradictory.
Blindly loyal to Dada Sarvatmananda
Some on the Publications team are simple and kind hearted, and they care for Baba’s discourses. But when they have been blindly loyal to Dada Sarvatmananda and B group they ruined their endeavour. That is the sad and unfortunate outcome.
So many errors
There are countless other flaws and gaffs in this book. Only due to lack of resources and personnel are we unable to present all those flaws to you. Those interested may come forward and volunteer for this work of helping to fix these discourses.
Those interested in in-depth knowledge
Here is a larger excerpt from that distorted discourse.
“Suppose a person meditates on turmeric; one will become turmeric. If one meditates on Gańesha, one will become Gańesha. Gańesha is dalapati; dalapati means gańapati [mass leader]. A kind of leader worship is still to be observed in many countries! So if you meditate on Gańesha, it means you want to become like Ganesha, you want to become a “leader” – but in fact you will develop a long trunk and a fat belly. People become like their objects of meditation.”
“I do not know whether Gańesha has any spiritual knowledge or scientific understanding, wisdom, spiritual quality or not. I know that he [Gańesha] has some occult power, so if one meditates on him, one may or may not get some of his powers; but the problem is that if one meditates on Gańesha, one will have to meditate on his mount also – his mount being a mouse. Think what the consequences could be!”
“Each of the gods and goddesses has a particular mount, or vehicle. Had they been modern gods and goddesses, their vehicle would have been a jeep. But the ancient gods and goddesses had birds and animals as vehicles. Now if you meditate on these birds and animals, yádrshii bhávaná yasya siddhirbhavati tádrshii [As you think, so you become]. How dangerous it is! It is more dangerous for women. They generally like to remain well-dressed and well-decorated. But if they worship Lakśmii and if they become like an owl which is the mount of Lakśmii (because in meditating on Lakśmii you are meditating on owl also), then would it be good?” (The Psychology behind the Origin of Tantric Gods and Goddesses)
1. Ananda Vacanamrtam - 11, The Psychology behind the Origin of Tantric Gods and Goddesses
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The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.
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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==
The below sections are entirely different topics, unrelated to the above material.
They stand on their own as points of interest.
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== Section 2: Prabhat Samgiita ==
“Se din sandhyáy smita vasudháy, tumi ese chile mor ghare…” (Prabhat Samgiita #3382)
Baba, that evening You came into my home. My mind was ensconced in the rhythm of dhyana. You blessed me and decorated the spiritual collyrium in my eyes so I could see You everywhere. It is Your grace.
My Parama Purusa, in blessing mudra, You placed Your hand on my head and told me so many personal and intimate things in a very kind and loving manner. You made me realise that You care so much for me. Having You as my own, all my agonies disappeared in a flash. You removed my miseries and told me, “Don't ever be afraid in life, even if you are caught in storms and typhoons, I am with you. You are surrounded and protected by Me always. I think more about your welfare than you think about yourself.” Hearing these affectionate words from Your mouth, I could not hold back my tears. You are my everything.
Baba, You told me, “On the journey of enlightenment, rises and falls come and go. Do not any pay attention to them. Let them do their duty; they are worth nothing. Just remember one thing: Keep focused on the Goal and move forward with undaunting determination. The victory of humanity is a must and you will get success. My blessing is with You…”
== Section : Important Teaching ==
Asanas helpful for the back
When calcium builds up and gets deposited in the back it becomes hard. That is why when people are very young then their backbone is quite flexible but due to an accumulation of calcium over just a few years then by the time they are teen-agers already their spinal column has become stiff and rigid.
Doing noakasana, utkata paschimottanasana, and shalabasana etc eliminates the possibility of developing a hunched back. So those doing hard manual labor that demands bending the back for extended periods of time should do these aforementioned asanas on a regular basis. That will prevent them from suffering from hunch-back in the future.
== Section 3: Links ==